Label (On Diagram) Cell Part Explanation

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Cell Wall The cell wall is the outermost covering of the
plant cell made up of cellulose, and surrounds the
cell membrane. It protects the cell, provides
mechanical support and is responsible for
maintaining pressure inside the cell.
Cell Membrane The cell membrane is also known as the plasma
membrane. It lies beneath the cell wall of the
plant cell. It is selectivel permeable and
regulates the entr and e!it of substances,
namel ions and solutes.
" Ctoplasm
The ctoplasm is composed of a mi!ture of water
and soluble organic # inorganic compounds, and
contains most of the cell organelles. It is the
house of all metabolic functions and activities of
the plant cell.
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum consists of
tubular structures (convulated tubules) ling near
the nucleus and does not have ribosomes
attached to it. It provides support to the plant cell.
* +ictosome
The dictosome of the plant cell consists of flat
vesicular structures placed one on top of the
other. It snthesi,es and secretes certain
substances, namel hormones and en,mes.
- .ucleolus
The nucleolus is contained in the nucleus of the
plant cell, and is round in shape. It snthesi,es
proteins b producing and storing './
('ibonucleic acid).
The nuclear membrane is the covering of the
nucleus of the plant cell, and has numerous
pores. It allows substances to enter and leave.
1 .ucleoplasm
The nucleoplasm of the plant cell is a dense fluid
containing chromatin fibres, which are made up of
+./ (+eo!ribonucleic acid). /fter cell division
takes place, these chromatin fibres undergo
certain structural changes, and are called
chromosomes. These chromosomes carr the
hereditar information of the genes.
2 .ucleus The nucleus is the most important part of the
plant cell, and contains large amounts of +./
(+eo!ribonucleic acid). It controls and
coordinates all the activities and functions of the
The rough endoplasmic reticulum consists of
tubular structures (convulated tubules) ling near
the nucleus and has ribosomes attached to it. It
provides support to the plant cell.
11 'ibosome
The ribosome of the plant cell is chiefl
composed of './ ('ibonucleic /cid). It
snthesi,es proteins.
12 Chloroplast
The chloroplast of the plant cell is a green4
colored plastid. Chlorophll contained in the
chloroplast captures energ from sunlight and
helps in the manufacture of food b the process
of photosnthesis.
1" 5acuole
The vacuole of the plant cell is a ver large and
abundant vesicle. It is filled with fluids, and helps
in the storage of water and other substances.
1$ Mitochondrion
mitochondrion of
the plant cell has
two laers of membrane, of which the inner one is
folded to form cristae. It is the site of /T6
(/denosine triphosphate) snthesis.
Cell Membrane The cell membrane is also known as the plasma
membrane. It is the outermost covering of the
animal cell. It protects the cell and regulates the
entr and e!it of substances, namel ions and
The secretor granule is a vesicular structure. It is
formed when the substances produced in the
endoplasmic reticulum are further processed in
the golgi apparatus of the animal cell.
" 7olgi /pparatus
The golgi
apparatus of the
animal cell
consists of flat
vesicular structures placed one on top of the
other. It snthesi,es and secretes certain
substances, namel hormones and en,mes.
$ 'ibosome
The ribosome of the animal cell is chiefl
composed of './ ('ibonucleic /cid). It
snthesi,es proteins.
The rough
endoplasmic reticulum consists of tubular
structures (convulated tubules) ling near the
nucleus and has ribosomes attached to it. It
provides support to the animal cell.
- .ucleolus
The nucleolus is contained in the nucleus of the
animal cell, and is round in shape. It snthesi,es
proteins b producing and storing './
('ibonucleic acid).
0 .ucleoplasm
The nucleoplasm of the animal cell is a dense fluid
containing chromatin fibres, which are made up of
+./ (+eo!ribonucleic acid). /fter cell division
takes place, these chromatin fibres undergo
certain structural changes, and are called
chromosomes. These chromosomes carr the
hereditar information of the genes.
The nuclear membrane is the covering of the
nucleus of the animal cell, and has numerous
pores. It allows substances to enter and leave.
2 .ucleus
The nucleus is the most important part of the
animal cell, and contains large amounts of +./
(+eo!ribonucleic acid). It controls and
coordinates all the activities and functions of the
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum consists of
tubular structures (convulated tubules) ling near
the nucleus and does not have ribosomes
attached to it. It provides support to the animal
11 Centrosome
The centrosome of the animal cell contains one or
two centrioles, and is surrounded b microtubules
or the centrosphere. It initiates and regulates cell
12 Ctoplasm The ctoplasm is composed of a mi!ture of water
and soluble organic # inorganic compounds, and
contains most of the cell organelles. It is the
house of all metabolic functions and activities of
the animal cell.
1" Mitochondrion
mitochondrion of
the animal cell
has two laers of membrane, of which the inner
one is folded to form cristae. It is the site of /T6
(/denosine triphosphate) snthesis.
1$ 8sosome
The lsosome of the animal cell is a membranous
sac budded off from the golgi apparatus, and
contains several tpes of en,mes. It performs
intracellular digestion and destros foreign
1. The lowest level of or!"#$!t#o" #s the %%%%%%%.
& t#ss'e
& or!"
& or!"#s(
& )ellA"swer* )ell
The levels of organization in ascending order are cell, tissue, organ,
organ system and organism.
+. The ree" )olor of le!ves #s ,'e to the -rese")e of the %%%%%%% -#(e"t.
& .!"tho-h/ll
& )!rote"e
& )hloro-h/ll
& !"tho)/!"#" A"swer* )hloro-h/ll
Chlorophyll contained in the chloroplast (a green-colored plastid found
only in the plant cell) captures energy from sunlight and helps in the
manufacture of food by the process of photosynthesis.
0. 1h#)h of the follow#" )ell or!"elles #s fo'", #" the -l!"t )ell 2't "ot #" the !"#(!l
& M#to)ho",r#o"
& E",o-l!s(#) Ret#)'l'(
& R#2oso(e
& Chloro-l!stA"swer* Chloro-l!st
The chloroplast is a green-colored plastid found only in the plant cell.
Chlorophyll contained in the chloroplast captures energy from sunlight
and helps in the manufacture of food by the process of photosynthesis.
4. The "etwor5 of )o"vol'te, t'2'les #s )!lle, the %%%%%%%.
& ol# !--!r!t's
& (#to)ho",r#o"
& (#)rot'2'le
& e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(A"swer* e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
The endoplasmic
reticulum consists of
tubular structures
(convoluted tubules)
lying near the
nucleus. It provides support to the plant cell and the animal cell. It
is of two types, namely the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (does not have
ribosomes attached to it) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (has
ribosomes attached to it).
6. 7e)retor/ r!"'les !re for(e, 2/ the %%%%%%% of the !"#(!l )ell.
& ol# !--!r!t's
& e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
& (#to)ho",r#!
& r#2oso(es A"swer* ol# !--!r!t's
The secretory granule of the animal cell is a vesicular structure. It is
formed when the substances produced in the endoplasmic reticulum are
further processed in the golgi apparatus of the cell.
8. %%%%%%% !re 5"ow" !s the 9s#tes of #"tr!)ell'l!r ,#est#o"9.
& 7e)retor/ r!"'les
& L/soso(es
& M#to)ho",r#!
& R#2oso(es A"swer* L/soso(es
The lysosome of the animal cell is a membranous sac budded off from the
golgi apparatus, and contains several types of enzymes. It performs
intracellular digestion and destroys foreign substances.
:. %%%%%%% )o"s#st of e"$/(es; wh#)h hel- #" ,#est#o".
& R#2oso(es
& L/soso(es
& Ce"troso(es
& Pl!st#,s A"swer* L/soso(es
The lysosome of the animal cell is a membranous sac budded off from the
golgi apparatus, and contains several types of enzymes. It performs
intracellular digestion and destroys foreign substances.
<. %%%%%%% !re 5"ow" !s the 9-ower=ho'ses of the )ell9.
& 7e)retor/ r!"'les
& R#2oso(es
& M#to)ho",r#!
& >!t ,ro-lets A"swer* M#to)ho",r#!
The mitochondrion of the
plant cell and the animal
cell has two layers of membrane, of which the inner one is folded to
form cristae. It is the site of T! (denosine triphosphate) synthesis.
?. The re-ro,')t#o" of the )ell #s )o"trolle, 2/ the %%%%%%%.
& (#to)ho",r#o"
& "')le's
& e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
& )e"troso(e A"swer* "')le's
The nucleus is the most important part of the plant cell and the animal
cell, and contains large amounts of "# ("eo$yribonucleic acid). It
controls and coordinates all the activities and functions of the cell.
1@. The )ell (e(2r!"e #s !lso 5"ow" !s the %%%%%%% (e(2r!"e.
& -le'r!l
& -!r#et!l
& -l!)e"t!l
& -l!s(!A"swer* -l!s(!
The cell membrane is also %nown as the plasma membrane. It protects the
plant cell and the animal cell & regulates the entry and e$it of
substances, namely ions and solutes.
11. %%%%%%% !re 5"ow" !s the 9s#tes of -rote#" s/"thes#s #" the )ell9.
& 7e)retor/ r!"'les
& M#to)ho",r#!
& >!t ,ro-lets
& R#2oso(esA"swer* R#2oso(es
The ribosome of the plant cell and the animal cell is chiefly composed
of '# ('ibonucleic cid). It synthesizes proteins.
1+. R#2oso(es !re fo'", !tt!)he, o" the %%%%%%%.
& s(ooth e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
& (#to)ho",r#o"
& ro'h e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
& ol# !--!r!t's A"swer* ro'h e",o-l!s(#) ret#)'l'(
The ribosome of the plant cell and the animal cell is chiefly composed
of '# ('ibonucleic cid). It synthesizes proteins.
10. The %%%%%%% )olor of flowers !", fr'#ts #s ,'e to the -rese")e of the .!"tho-h/ll
& /ellow
& ree"
& v#olet
& 2l'e A"swer* /ellow
(anthophyll contained in the chromoplast (a plastid that imparts color
to flowers and fruits, found only in the plant cell) imparts a yellow
color to the flowers and fruits of the plant.
14. A ro'- of )ells -erfor(#" ! s-e)#f#) f'")t#o" )o"st#t'te ! t#ss'e.
& Tr'e
& >!lse A"swer* Tr'e
Tissue is a group of similar cells performing a specific function.
group of similar tissues performing a specific function constitute an
16. The o'ter(ost )over#" of the -l!"t )ell #s 5"ow" !s the )ell (e(2r!"e.
& Tr'e
& >!lseA"swer* >!lse
The cell wall is the outermost covering of the plant cell made up of
cellulose, and surrounds the cell membrane. It protects the cell,
provides mechanical support and is responsible for maintaining pressure
inside the cell.

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