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1. As a student of social sciences, why must we learn methodology of social research?

2. Learning the logic of research methods means …
3. Studying about the way to do a research deals with …
4. The origin of the word “method” is come from …
5. The term “method” can be understood as …
6. “Method” is synonym with …
7. The origin of the word “social” is come from …
8. The term “social” can be understood as …
9. “Social” is synonym with …
10. The origin of the word “research” is come from …
11. The term “research” can be understood as …
12. “Research” is synonym with …
13. Instinct named “sense of curiosity” is belong to …
14. Human’s curiosity to anything can develop outstripping survival to the level of …
15. Ability of just reproduction and developing are particular characteristics of …
16. Worms are disgusting but chickens are delicious food. What kind of reality is this?
17. The human logic deals with …
18. Great philosopher Aristoteles defined the levels of creatures: …
19. Non-scientific way to understand about realities is as mention below: …
20. Among other ways of inquiry, science has specific characteristic, that is: …
21. The right attitude of a good scientist must be: …
22. Imlek year 2557 is the year of “Ground Mouse.” Therefore, all people in the world would
perform their behavior like a mouse. This conclusion has error of inquiry, that is: …
23. Which example does perform deduce information below?
24. According to the general purpose of research, there are some method of research, those
are: …
25. One reason making a social phenomenon becomes interesting to be a research subject is:
26. Which one of the choices below expressing “something strange”: …
27. What is the different platform between press and scientific research?
28. There are four foundations of social science, those are: …
29. The DEDUCTIVE METHOD of inquiry is characterized by: …
30. The INDUCTIVE METHOD of research is characterized by: …
31. Why the end of inductive method is called “tentative conclusion?” Because: …
32. The right order of the thinking processes in the wheel of science is: …
33. Which is the FALSE statement about what concept is?
34. Which one is the TRUE statement about CONCEPTUALIZATION?
35. The FALSE statement about the function of CONCEPT is: …
36. To be able to define the value of a concept, we must derive it to be: …
37. One variable of “Democracy” among others is: …
38. The benefits of using theory in research is: …
39. Conceptual entrapment is a thinking process in making: …
40. There are two kinds of variable: …
41. An example of discrete variable is: …
42. An example of continuous variable is: …
43. Variable “sex” has 2 attributes that usually use this term: …
44. Which is the true attribute of marital status?
45. The level of measurement which is ordered from the TOP to the BOTTOM is:
46. Level of measurement which concerns to rank over data but nothing to do with distance
between/among data is: …
47. This is an example of INTERVAL level of measurement: …
48. “Weight of body” is a variable that has …… level of measurement:
49. Which one is the true relations among level of measurement (N=nominal; O=ordinal,
I=interval, R=ratio).
50. According to Gary King, Robert Keohane and Sidney Verba, characteristics of scientific
research are: …

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