Proposed Criteria For Cadre Review, 1may2014

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As on 1 May 2014

Draft #6
T&' (ro(os') D's*+nat*ons ar' ,as') on t&' fo--o.*n+ /r*t'r*a0
1. All existing Professors/Directors/Deputy Directors with Ph.D. and NET/SLET
etc. where!er applica"le or exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, and 1-
1./, 0ears of Teaching experience or 1- 0ears experience of Teaching 1
2ndustry experience of which - 0ears should "e at the le!el of Associate
Professor during his/her association with the 2ndustry, ha!e "een proposed
the designation of PR#$ESS#RS1 3owe!er( this #ay "e considered on a
case to case "asis
). All existing Professors/Directors/Deputy Directors in disciplines where Ph.D. is
not4#andatory as per $%& 'egulations with 15 16/, 0ears of Teaching
experience or 15 0ears experience of Teaching 1 2ndustry experience of
which - 0ears should "e at the le!el of Associate Professor during his/her
association with the 2ndustry, ha!e "een proposed the designation of
PR#$ESS#RS1 This #ay "e re!iewed on a case to case "asis.
7. All existing Professors not eligi"le as per the criteria #entioned a"o!e for the
designation of Professor ha!e "een proposed the designation of PR#$ESS#R
.. All Assistant Professors/ Senior Lecturers with Ph.D. 1 NET/SLET etc.
where!er applica"le or exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, and ha!ing
#ini#u# teaching experience of 1) 11/, 0ears ha!e "een proposed the
designation of ASS#!IATE PR#$ESS#RS.
-. All Assistant Professors/ Senior Lecturers with Ph.D. and experience as
#entioned a"o!e "ut not possessing NET/SLET etc. where!er applica"le and
are not exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, ha!e "een proposed the
designation of ASS#!IATE PR#$ESS#RS 2341
!1 AP 6RADE 7
6. All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with Ph.D. or NET/SLET etc.
where!er applica"le or exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, and teaching
experience of + 8/, years ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP
6RADE 71
5. All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with 9.Phil. degree "ut not
possessing Ph.D. degree or NET/SELT etc. where!er applica"le or exe#pted
as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, along with teaching experience of 1* +/,
0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP 6RADE 71
8. All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with P% Degree in
Professional &ourses 9.Tech.( 9:.Sc.( 9D( 9DS( 9;;S( 9S( 9.Arch, and
where!er NET/SLET etc. or 9.Phil./Ph.D. is not co#pulsory with teaching
experience of 11 1*/, 0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP
6RADE 71
Page 1 of 7
As on 1 May 2014
Draft #6
+. All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors who neither ha!e
Ph.D./9.Phil. nor ha!e <uali=ed NET/SLET etc./ not eligi"le otherwise where
NET/SELT etc. or 9.Phil./Ph.D. is not co#pulsory, "ut with teaching
experience of 11 1*/, 0ears or #ore ha!e "een proposed the designation of
AP 6RADE 7 2341
1*.All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with Ph.D. or NET/SLET etc.
where!er applica"le or exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, and teaching
experience of . 7/, 0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP
6RADE 21
11.All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with 9.Phil. >here!er
NET/SLET etc. is exe#pted, and teaching experience of - ./, 0ears ha!e
"een proposed the designation of AP 6RADE 21
1).All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors with P% Degree in
Professional &ourses 9.Tech.( 9:.Sc.( 9D( 9DS( 9;;S( 9S( 9.Arch, and
teaching experience of 6 -/, 0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of
17.All Lecturers/Senior Lecturers/Assistant Professors who neither ha!e
Ph.D./9.Phil. nor ha!e <uali=ed NET/SLET etc./ not eligi"le otherwise where
NET/SELT etc. or 9.Phil./Ph.D. is not co#pulsory, "ut with teaching
experience of 6 -/, 0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP
6RADE 2 2341
1..All ?aculty #e#"ers Lecturers/Senior Lecturers, with Ph.D. or NET/SLET etc.
where!er applica"le or exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+, "ut with
teaching experience of less than 7 0ears ha!e "een designated as AP 6RADE
1 as per the nor#s at the Entry Le!el.
1-.All ?aculty #e#"ers Lecturers/Senior Lecturers, who neither ha!e
Ph.D./9.Phil. nor are NET/SLET etc. where!er applica"le, <uali=ed and are
not exe#pted as per $%& 'egulation( )**+ and with teaching experience less
than 7 0ears ha!e "een proposed the designation of AP 6RADE 1 2341
1. The eligi"ility of Professors with Ph.D. and ha!ing 2ndustry or 2ndustry plus
Acade#ic experience was not ascertained due to non4a!aila"ility of
infor#ation as re<uired with respect to $%& Nor#s. Such cases need re!iew
at the $ni!ersity@s le!el "efore =naliAation.
). 2n cases where full infor#ation re<uired for &adre 'e!iew is not a!aila"le( the
new Designation has not "een proposed. 0ou are re<uested to checB the
<uali=cation/experience etc. and propose suita"le designation as per the
nor#s #entioned a"o!e.
7. Any #e#"er of ?aculty not co!ered as per the a"o!e #entioned criteria due
to <uali=cation not ha!ing 9asters degree/re<uired Degree or otherwise,
ha!e "een proposed as AP %'ADE 1C( AP %'ADE )C and AP %'ADE 7C "ased
Page ) of 7
As on 1 May 2014
Draft #6
on the Teaching experience. Such cases will need to "e re!iewed at the
$ni!ersity@s le!el "efore =naliAation.
Page 7 of 7

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