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Tel:(+30) 210 2592111 Fax: (+30) 210 2592298 e-mail:,? ?
145 Leof.Irakliou, Gr- 14231 Athens?
Dear Comrades;

Please accept the warm wishes of the Greek communists on the 75
anniversary of the life and activity of the CP of
Burma. The establishment of the Communist Party constituted a milestone in the struggle of your people for their
liberation from colonialism and imperialism; and in the development of the labour movement in your country and its
Anti-fascist struggle, headed by your Party. In the present times, the CP of Burma continues its activities, under adverse
conditions, against the military regimes, to guarantee the basic and fundamental rights and needs of the working class
and the people of your country.

The historical experience itself demonstrates in reality the irreplaceable role of the CP, the founding of which
constitutes a historic step and necessary development for the emancipation of the working class, the development of
its political consciousness regarding the struggle for power, the overthrow of the power of the bourgeois.

After the outbreak of the synchronized international capitalist crisis, the imperialist competition is sharpening
worldwide and in your region; axes, anti-axes and alliances are being realigned through the involvement both of those
that were until today the leading powers and of the emerging imperialist powers. The danger of generalized conflicts
is increasing, and even the outbreak of a general imperialist war.

Your own historical experience proves that the bourgeois class and its state will not hesitate to reveal its most hideous
face against the communists, when they feel that their power is challenged. As current history proves, the capitalists,
their interstate unions and governments will not hesitate to support the most openly fascist forces, as is happening in
Ukraine and elsewhere, in order to safeguard their interests against the interests of other established or emerging
imperialist forces.

Dear comrades;

The outbreak of a generalized and synchronized capitalist crisis made the strategic and general weaknesses of the
movement more visible, as well as the danger of new setbacks. It brings more intensely to the forefront the necessity
of socialism, the timeliness of the struggle for socialism, the need for the regroupment of the international communist
movement and the overcoming of the crisis which it is experiencing, and that the corrosive of impact of the strong
opportunist current be dealt with, as well as the overcoming of the weaknesses of the communist parties that are
struggling on the basis of Marxism-Leninism.
Our party is struggling inside difficult conditions as the results of the crisis are not receeding, but actually deepening,
due to the politics applied by the capitalist administrations in the country. Broad popular strata are being driven to
desperation. At the same time the processes for the reformation of the political system are accelerating. A basic component
of the bourgeois class plans is the well-worked out attack against the KKE, the restriction of its activity, the impeding of
its relations with the working class and popular strata.
We struggle for the regroupment of the labour movement and the promotion of the People Alliance which expresses
the interests of the working class, the semi-proletarians, the urban and rural self-employed in order to win power form
the monopolies and socialise the concentrated means of production. This is the only way present today, to guarantee the
fundamental and growing rights and needs of the working class and of the people, the only pro-people way-out.
Dear comrades;
Our party will continue to devote all its forces to the formation of the communist pole of the communist parties that
are based on Marxism-Leninism, defend socialism and the revolutionary perspective as well as for the continuation of
the International Meetings of Communist and Workers? parties and for the safeguarding of their character, for the
increase of the number of similar regional and thematic meetings as well as the support for the international anti-
imperialist organizations of the WFTU, the WPC, the WFDY and the WIDF. With an unrelenting struggle against the
bourgeois ideology and class collaboration which are promoted by the compromised trade union leaderships
connected with the ITUC, as well as anti-communism and the dangerous role of opportunism.

With these thoughts we salute the 75-year anniversary of your party.

The International Relations Secction

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