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M. Tech.

Materials Science and Technology

Curriculum and Course Content
(Revised syllabus: July 2014)
Eligibility Criteria
M.Sc. or M.S. in Chemistry (all branches)/Physics/Materials
Science/Nanoscienceand Technology (GATE papers: C/P! /"E)
B.Techor B.E. in Polymer Science and Technology/Chemical
Engineering/#$bber Technology/Metall$rgy and Materials Science/ Mechanical
Engineering/ Physical Sciences/ Chemical Technology/ Petrochemical
Technology (GATE papers: C!/ "E/ MT/ ME)
10 students per year ( seats reser!ed "or IS#$ candidates%
Course Structure
SEMESTE# % & Core ' ( Electi)e ' * +ab *, credits
SEMESTE# %% - Core ' * Electi)e ' * +ab '
Seminar ' mini Pro.ect
*, credits
SEMESTE# %%% Pro.ect Phase % '
Comprehensi)e /i)a
(& credits
SEMESTE# %/ Pro.ect Phase %% (0 credits
Total71 credits
Semester I
&'T'( Cre
2$ndamentals o3 Materials Science &4,4, &
Mathematical Modeling and
-4,4, -
Materials Characterisation
&4,4, &
Nanoscience and Technology &4,4, &
Elective 1 -4,4, -
+ab (: Modeling and Sim$lation ,4,4- (
+ab*: Materials Synthesis and
,4,4- (
Total credits in Sem I )0
Semester II
Processing and :esign o3 Materials -4,4, -
Composites Science and
-4,4, -
Aerospace Materials &4,4, &
Elective 2 -4,4, -
Elective 3 -4,4, -
+ab -: Composite and Processing ,4,4- (
+ab &:Aerospace Materials ,4,4- (
Mini pro.ect (
Seminar (
Total credits in Sem II )0
Semester III
Pro.ect %(+iterat$re S$r)ey;
Presentations; Phase % o3 e8perimental
(* (&
Comprehensi)e )i)a *
Semester I*
Pro.ect %%(Phase %% o3 e8perimental
<or=; :ata analysis and :issertation;
(0 (0
Total credits in Sem III +1
Total credits ,1
&ist o" Electi!es
2$ndamentals o3 Polymer Science
So3t Materials
Specialty Polymers
Chemical #oc=et Propellants
Thin 2ilms and S$r3ace Engineering
Mechanical >eha)ior o3 Materials
#$bber Technology
C!M717 Ad)anced Characterisation Techni5$es
C!M706 Smart and %ntelligent Materials
C!M70( Electronic; Photonic and Magnetic Materials
C!M701 Materials 3or Energy Storage and Con)ersion
Revised Syllabus (July 2014)
CHM611 Fundamentals of Materials Science
Structure of solids, Band theory of solids, Significance of structure property relationship; Imperfections in
solids; Diffusion phenomenon, Applications of diffusion; Principles of solidification, Thermodynamics of
solutions; Phase diagrams and phase transformations, Basic definitions and determination and
applications; Heat treatment; Ceramic materials, Classification, Crystal structure, Properties,
Characterisation and applications
! "! A##aschian, "!$! "eed%Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, &
ed!, Cengage 'earning, ())*!
(! D!"! As+eland, P!P! Phule, ,!-! ,right, The Science and Engineering of Materials, .
Cengage 'earning, ())!
/! ,!D! Callister, D!0! "eth1isch, Materials science and Engineering: An Introduction, 2
,iley, ())!
&! B!S! 3itchell, An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials
ed!, ,iley% Interscience, ())/!
4! C! 5ittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 2
ed!, ,iley, ())4!
.! 6! Singh, Physical Metallurgy,
ed!, ())2!
7! S!H! A8ener, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, (
ed!, Tata 3c0ra1%Hill $ducation, ()!
2! 6! "agha8an, Materials Science & Engineering: A first course, 4
ed!, PHI 'earning, ())&!
*! ,!D! 5ingery, Introduction to Ceramics, (
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, ***!
CHM613 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
Computational modeling and simulation for 3aterial Science; 3athematical concepts; Introduction to
comple: analysis, ;rdinary differential e<uations, Partial differential e<uations, 3olecular mechanics%
=orce =ield 3ethods, Postulates of <uantum mechanics, The Born%;ppenheimer appro:imation, Hartree%
=oc+ molecular or#ital theory, Self%consistent%field >SC=? procedure; Basis sets % Slater and 0aussian
functions, Density functional theory; Soft1are for geometry optimi@ation 8i#rational fre<uency
analysis, Symmetry analysis, Harmonics; =undamental fre<uencies, Aero%point 8i#rational energies;
3icrostructure modeling; Introduction and fundamentals of transport process and process modeling%
simulation%Basic la1s of fluid mechanics, "eynoldBs regime, Boundary layer concept, #alance e<uations
for mass, momentum, energy; and estimation, Heat Transfer; 0o8erning e<uations and #oundary
conditions; conduction, con8ection and radiation; 3ass transfer and microstructures, Balance e<uations
for mass transfer, Ideal reactors, 3odeling of ideal reactors
! $! 5reys@ig : Ad8anced $ngineering 3athematics, -ohn ,iley, ()(
(! I!C! 'e8ine, Quantum Chemistry, .
ed!, Prentice Hall, ())*!
/! -!A! Dant@ig, C!'! Tuc+er, Modeling in Materials Processing,
ed!, Cam#ridge Dni8ersity
Press, ())!
&! -! ,elty, C! $! ,ic+s, 0! '! "orrer, "! $! ,ilson, Fundamentals of Momentum !eat and Mass
Transfer, 4
ed!, ,iley, ())7!
! A!"! 'each, Molecular modeling: Principles and Applications, (
ed!, Pearson%Prentice Hall,
(! -! P! 'o1e, 5!A! Peterson Quantum Chemistry, /
ed!, $lse8ier Academic Press, ()).!
/! B! Pross, Theoretical and Physical Principles of "rganic #eacti$ity, -ohn ,iley and Sons, **4!
&! $!0! 'e1ars, Computational Chemistry, Springer, ())/! P!S! 0hosdastidar, Computer Simulation
of Flo% and !eat Transfer, Tata 3c0ra1%Hill, Ce1 Delhi, **2!
4! ;! 'e8enspiel, Chemical #eaction Engineering, /
edition, -ohn ,iley, ***!
.! 5! 3uralidhar, T! SundararaEan, Computational Fluid Flo% and !eat Transfer, (
ed!, Carosa
Pu#lishing House, **4!
7! H!C! =ogler, $lements of Chemical "eaction $ngineering, &
edition, Prentice%Hall, Inc! ()).!
CHM614 Materials Characterisation Techniues
Introduction to materials and characterisation techni<ues; Spectroscopic methods% AAS, A$S and
A=S,D6%6isi#le and 8i#rational spectroscopy% Infrared and "aman, $lectron spectroscopies% F%ray
photoelectron spectroscopy, Dltra%8iolet photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy; F%ray
techni<ues% F%ray diffraction, F%ray fluorescence spectrometry; ;ptical microscopy, $lectron
microscopy% S$3, T$3; Scanning Pro#e microscopies% ST3 and A=3;Thermal analysis% T0A, DTA,
DSC, D3A, T3A and D3TA; $lectrical and magnetic properties% t1o pro#e and four pro#e methods,
6S3 method; Con%destructi8e testing
! S! Ahang, 'in 'i, A! 5umar, Materials Characterisation Techni&ues, C"C press, ())2!
(! G! 'eng, Materials Characterisation: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods, -ohn
,iley 9 Sons >Asia?, ())2!
/! D!A! S+oog, =!-! Holler, S! "! Crouch, Instrumental Analysis, Cengage 'earning, ())7!
&! ,! 5emp, "rganic Spectroscopy, /
ed!, Pagra8e, ())7!
4! ,! ,! ,endlandt, Thermal Methods of Analysis, -ohn ,iley, *7&!
.! B! "aE, T! -aya+umar, 3! Tha8asimuthu, Practical 'on()estructi$e Testing, (
ed!, Carosa
Pu#lishing House, ())(!
! "!3! Sil8erstein, Spectrometric identification of organic compounds, 7
ed!, -ohn ,iley and Sons,
(! C!"! Brundle, C!A! $8ans, S! ,ilson, Encyclopedia of Materials Characterisation, Butter1orth%
Heineman, **(!
CHM61! "anoscience and Technolog#
Introduction% Si@e and shape dependent properties and their uni<ueness; surface characteristics and
sta#ili@ation; Huantum confinement; Aero dimensional, one dimensional and t1o dimensional
nanostructures % Processing of nanomaterials% do1n and #ottom up approaches%metal nanoparticles,
<uantum dots, nanoclusters, car#on #ased nanomaterials, core%shells, organic, inorganic, hy#rid
nanomaterials, #iomimetic nanomaterials! I Techni<ues for characteri@ation and property e8aluation%
rele8ant applications% societal implications and ris+ factors
! 5! -! 5la#unde and "!3! "ichards >$ds!?, 'anoscale Materials in Chemistry, (
$dn!, -ohn
,iley 9 Sons, ())*!
(! T! Pradeep, 'ano: The Essentials, 3c0ra1%Hill >India? P8t 'imited, ())2!
/! Bharat Bhushan, >$d!?, !and*oo+ of 'anotechnology, Springer, ())7!
&! Carl C! 5och >$d!?, 'anostructured Materials: Processing Propertiesand Applications ,illiam
Andre1 Inc!, ())7!
4! An+e 5rueger, Car*on Materials and 'anotechnology, ,iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H 9 Co! 50aA,
.! Cao, 0!, 'anostructures and 'anomaterials Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Imperial
College Press, ())&!
7! ,ang, A! '!, >$d!?, Characteri,ation of nanophase materials, ,iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H, ()))!
2! 0arcia%3artine@, -!, >$d!?, 'anotechnology for the Energy Challenge! ,iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H
9 Co! 50aA, ,einheim, ())*!
*! 0oddard III ,!A!, et! al!,>$d!?, !and*oo+ of 'anoscience Engineering and Technology Taylor
9 =rancis 0roup, ())7!
1$% B%P!S! Chauhan &$d', Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis Characteri,ation and
Applications,,iley%6CH 6erlag 0m#H( )$11%
11% -! 'ei and=!'in, -ioinspired Intelligent 'anostructured Interfacial Materials, ,orld Scientific
Pu#lishing Company, ())!
(! Challa S! S! "! 5umar >$d!? -iomimetic and -ioinspired 'anomaterials, ,iley%6CH 6erlag
0m#H, ())!
CHM6)1 *rocessing and +esign of Materials
Introduction to materials processing; Polymer processing, Compounding of plastics and ru##ers, 3olding
techni<ues, Calendaring, Thermoforming, Casting, Sintering, Dip coating; 3anufacturing processes of
fi#ers; Ceramic processing, Pressing, CIP, HIP, Slurry processing, Slip casting, Pressure casting, Tape
casting, 0el casting, Sol%gel processing, Thermal and plasma spraying, Thic+ and thin film coatings;
3etallic processing, Casting process, Solidification and 8olume shrin+age, Casting design and defects;
=undamentals of deformation processing, Hot and cold 1or+ing, 3etal remo8al process; Introduction to
nontraditional machining; 3etal Eoining process, ,elding, Bra@ing and soldering; Introduction to po1der
3etallurgy; Design aspects, 3aterials selection and design, Cormali@ation of properties, ,eighting
factors, 3aterials performance inde:; Design of engineering structures, The atomic, Cano%scales to
macroscopic le8els; Case studies, 3odern metallic, Ceramic, Polymeric and #iomaterials de8ices and
! P! Boch, -%C! CiJpce, Ceramic Materials: Processes Properties and Applications, ,iley%IST$,
(! -%H! He, Electrospun'anofi*res and Their Applications, Smithers"apra Technology, ())2!
/! A! Tadmor, C!0! 0ogos, Principles of Polymer Processing, (
ed!, ,iley International, ()).!
&! T!A!;ss1ald, Polymer Processing Fundamentals, HanserPu#lcations, **2!
4! 3!C! "ahaman, Ceramic Processing and Sintering, (
ed!,, C"C press
.! =!C! Camp#ell, Elements of Metallurgy and Engineering Alloys, AS3 International, ())2!
7! -! Beddoes, 3!-! Bi##y, Principles of Metal Manufacturing Processes, $lse8ier, ())/!
2! 0!$! Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy,3c0ra1%Hill,/
*! $! Degarmo, -!T! Blac+ and "!A! 5ohser, Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, *
,iley, ())(!
)! S! 5alpa+Eian, S!"! Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, .
ed!, Pearson, ())*!
CHM6)3 Com,osite Science and Technolog#
Introduction to Composite 3aterials, Classification, reinforcement; Polymer matri:
composites,Thermoplastic and thermosetting resins, Common matri: reinforcement system; Concept of A
stage, B stage and C stage resins; Particulate and fi#re filled composites, Short fi#re composites, Theories
of stress transfer; Continuous fi#re composites( =ailure mechanism and strength, Halpin%Tsai e<uations,
Prediction of PoissonBs ratio, 6arious failure modes; Specialty composites, Composites for satellites and
ad8anced launch 8ehicles, Design considerations, P3C% for structural composites, 33C% design, Silicon
car#ide composites; Car#on%Car#on composites, 3atri: precursors, 3anufacturing considerations;
Canocomposites, Cano particle dispersion in polymer matri:, Polymer%nanoclay and car#on nanotu#es
composites; Design and analysis of composite structures macro mechanics, 3icro mechanics, 'aminate
analysis, =$ model and analysis, 3anufacturing techni<ues% hand lay%up, filament 1inding, pultrusion,
resin transfer molding, processing science of reacti8e polymer composites; Testing of composites, "a1
material testing, CDT techni<ues
! "!3! -ones, Mechanics of Composites, (
ed!, Taylor 9 =rancis, ***!
(! T! 0! 0uto1s+i, >$d!? Ad$anced Composites Manufacturing, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, Ce1 Gor+
/! P!3! AEayan, '! Schadler, P!6! Braun 'ano Composite Science and Technology ,iley 6CH,
&! $! =it@er, '!3! 3anocha, Car*on #einforcement and Car*on.Car*on Composites, Springer%
6erlag, Heidel#erg, Ce1 Gor+, **2!
4! 5!5! Cha1la, Ceramic Matri/ Composites 5lu1er Academic Pu#lishers, ())/!
.! C! Cha1la, 5!5! Cha1la, Metal Matri/ Composites Springer%6erlag, ()).!
7! -!C! Seferis, '! Cicolais, >$ds!? The #ole of the Polymeric Matri/ in the Processing and
Structural Properties of Composite Materials, Plenum Press, Ce1 Gor+ *2/!
CHM6)4 -eros,ace Materials
Car#on #ased materials% car#on fi#er, car#on%car#on composites, car#on aero%gels, car#on foams,
o:idation protection of car#on #ased materials; Ceramic materials% polymer deri8ed ceramics, ceramic
fi#ers, ceramic matri: composites, thermal #arrier coatings , thermal protection systems, porous ceramics
and ceramic foams, Dltrahigh temperature ceramics; materials 1ith @ero thermal e:pansion%glass
ceramics(3etallic materials% super alloys, titanium alloys, intermetallics and metal matri: composites;
High temperature polymers% aromatic li<uid crystalline polyesters, polyamide, phenolics, polyimide,
#ismaleimide, poly etherether +etones; 3aterials for cryogenic application, 3aterials for space
en8ironment, =unctionally graded materials, $8aluation of materials for e:treme en8ironment, 3aterials
processing and manufacturing in @ero gra8ity!
! 0! Sa8age, Car*on(Car*on Composites,
ed!, Chapman and Hall, **/!
(! 3! Scheffler, P! Colom#o, Cellular Ceramics Structure Manufacturing properties and
ed!, ,iley%6CH, ()).!
/! ,!D! 5ingery, H!5! Bo1en, D!"! Dhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, (
ed!, ,iley%Interscience,
&! -!S! "eed, Principles of Ceramic Processing, (
ed!, ,iley%Interscience, **4!
4! H!3! =lo1er, !igh Performance Materials in Aerospace,
ed!, Chapman 9 Hall, **4!
.! B!Horst, B! Ilschner, 5!C! "ussel, Ad$anced Aerospace Materials, Springer%6erlag, Berlin, **(!
7! =! 3ohammad, Speciality Polymers: Materials and Applications, I!5! International pu#lishing
House P8t! 'td , ())7!
2! ,! 5ren+el, "! Caslain, H! Schneider, >$ds!? High Temperature Ceramic Matri/ composites,
ed!, ,iley%6CH, ()).!
*! T!,! Clyne, P!-! ,ithers, $!A! Da8is, I!3! ,ard, Introduction to Metal Matri/ Composites
Cam*ridge Solid State Science Series,
ed!, Cam#ridge Dni8ersity Press, **/!
)! "!"! 'uise, Applications of !igh Temperature Polymers, C"C press,
ed!, **.!
.lecti/e courses &total 11 courses'
CHM01) Fundamentals of *ol#mer Science
Basic concepts, 0eneral mechanisms of polymeri@ation reactions% synthesis, +inetics, techni<ues,
Structure% property relationships of polymers!Copolymeri@ation%mechanism%+inetics!Thermodynamics of
polymer solutions( Crystal morphologies2Thermal transitions in polymers22Characteri@ation and Testing%
3olecular 1eight determination% Spectroscopy techni<ues, Thermal properties,
! =! ,! Billmeyer, Te/t*oo+ of polymer science, /
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, Asia, Ce1 Delhi, **&!
(! 0! ;dian, Principles of Polymeri,ation, &
ed!, ,iley%Interscience, ())&
/! "! - Goung and P! A! 'o8ell, Introduction to Polymers, (
ed!, ())&
! 3! "u#instein, "!H! Col#y, Polymer Physics, ;:ford Dni8ersity Press, ())/!
(! P! 0osh, Polymer Science and Technology, 3c%0ra1 Hill, ())(!
CHM06) Soft Materials
=undamentals of chemistry of soft materials; Basic concepts of soft materials, 6arious interactions,
Photoresponsi8e molecules and self%assem#ly, 3icelles, 6esicles, Toroids, Colloids, "ods, $:amples of
molecules forming soft materials, Instrumental techni<ues for morphology studies of soft materials,
'i<uid crystals, Different class of gels% lo1 molecular 1eight organo gels, hydrogels, #asics,
! -! %3! 'ehn, Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts and Perspecti$es, ,iley 6CH 6erlag, **4!
(! -! Steed, -! '! At1ood, Supramolecular Chemistry, (
ed!, -ohn ,iley, ())*!
/! -! Steed, -!'! At1ood, "rganic 'anostructures (
ed!, ,iley 6CH Pu#lishers, ())2!
&! 6! 6! Tsu+ru+, S! Singamaneni, Scanning Pro*e Microscopy of Soft Matter: Fundamentals and
Practices, ,iley 6CH Pu#lishers, ()!
4! C! Ta+ashi, Supramolecular Soft Matter,
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, ()!
.! 6!5! Pillai, 3! Parthasarathy, Functional Materials: A Chemist0s Perspecti$e ;rient Blac+S1an,
Dni8ersities Press% II3 Series, ()/!
7! S! 5! Tripathy, -ayant 5umar, H!S! Cal1a, !and*oo+ of Polyelectrolytes and Their Applications,
American Scientific Pu#lishers, ())/!
2! B! "olando, !ydrogels -iological Properties and Applications (
ed!, Springer, ())*!
*! 3! To+ita, 5! Cishinari, 1els: Structures Properties and Functions: Fundamentals and
Applications in 2ol3 456 of Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Springer, ())*!
CHM013 S,ecialt# *ol#mers
Speciality synthesis%ring opening polymeri@ation, metathesis polymeri@ation, AT"P, "A=T; heteroatomic
polymers; electrically acti8e polymers%conducting polymers, pie@oelectric, pyrroelectric and ferroelectric
polymers, polymers for =$T, electrical and electronic applications; photoacti8e polymers% photoresits,
light emitting polymers, non%linear optical properties; ionic polymers% ionomers, polyelectrolytes;
magnetically acti8e polymers; high performance polymers%polymer concrete, high modulus fi#ers,
polymer e:plosi8es!
! "o#ert ,illiam Dyson, Speciality Polymers, (
ed!, Blac+ie Academic 9Professional, **2
(! 3anasChanda, Salil 5! "oy,Industrial Polymers Specialty Polymers and their Applications
C"C Press, ())2
/! =ai@ 3ohammad, Specialty Polymers: Materials and Applications, I!5! International P8t 'td,
! =ried -oel "!, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice%Hall; (
ed! ())4
(! -ohannes 5arl =in+, !and *oo+ of Engineering and Specialty Polymers, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons,
6ol!(, ()
-? Corio Ise, I1aoTa#ushi,An Introduction to Speciality Polymers, Cam#ridge Dni8ersity Press,
CHM064 Chemical Rocket *ro,ellants
Classification of chemical propellants; 'i<uid propellants% mono propellants and #i propellants, ;:idi@ers
and fuels; 'i<uid engines and solid motors, Selection criteria for o:idi@ers and fuels, Classification of
chemical propellants; 'i<uid propellants% mono propellants and #i propellants, ;:idi@ers and fuels; Solid
Propellants% Ingredients of composite propellants, ;:idi@ers and cross%lin+ed #inders, Ad8anced
o:idi@ers and #inders; Propellant processing, Ballistic properties, Characterisation of solid propellant,
Solid motor su#systems; Space ordnance systems% introduction to e:plosi8es
! 0! P! Sutton, ;! Bi#lar@, #oc+et Propulsion Elements, 7
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, ())!
(! S! =! Sarner, Propellant Chemistry, "einhold Pu#lishing Co!, *..!
/! C! Boyars, 5! 5lager, Propellants Manufacture !a,ards and Testing, in Ad8ances in Chemistry
Series 22, American Chemical Society: ,ashington DC, *.*!
&! H! Singh, H! She+har, Science and Technology of Solid #oc+et Propellants, Print1ell, Dar#hanga,
4! 5! "amamurthi, #oc+et Propulsion, 3acmillan Pu#lishers, ())!
.! 7ir+( "thmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 6ol! ), E/plosi$es and Propellants
References &for selected to,ics':
! G! 6igor, T!B! Brill, "! ,e%Ahen, Solid Propellant Chemistry Com*ustion and Motor Interior
-allistic, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautic, 6ol! 24, AIAA, ()))!
(! '! Cielsen, "!=! 'andel, Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites, (
ed!, 3arcel
De++er Inc!, Ce1 Gor+, **&!
/! T! Dr#ans+i, Chemistry and Technology of E/plosi$es, 6ol! I to I6, Pergamon Press!
CHM06! Thin Films and Surface .ngineering
Surface dependent engineering properties; 3echanism of surface degradation and failures; Surface
theory and adhesion, Thermodynamics of adhesion, Surface modification techni<ues, Surface
modification of ferrous and nonferrous metals, Surface engineering #y energy #eams, =ilm deposition
techni<ues% Physical method of film deposition, chemical method of film deposition, ;ther
techni<ues;Inter diffusion, reactions and transformations in thin films, Properties and characterisationof
thin films, Applications of coatings as finishes for 8arious su#strates, Testing and e8aluation of coatings
! 5! '! Chopra, Thin Film Phenomena, 3c0ra1 Hill, *7*!
(! 3! H! =rancom#e, S! 3! "ossnagel, A! Dlman, Frontiers of Thin Film Technology, 6ol! (2,
Academic press, ())!
/! "!=! Bunshah, )eposition Technologies for Films and Coatings, Coyes Pu#lications, Ce1 -ersey,
&! =! A! 'o1enheim, Electroplating, 3c0ra1 Hill, Ce1 Gor+, *72!
4! B! Bhushan Introduction to Tri*ology, -ohn 9Sons, Ce1 Gor+, ())(!
.! 0!,! Stacho1ia+, A!,! Batchelor, Engineering Tri*ology, /
ed!, $lse8ier%Butter1orth%
Heinemann, ())4!
7! AS3 3etals Hand#oo+, Surface $ngineering, American Society for 3etals, 6ol!4, *
ed!, **&!
2! 3!;hring, Materials Science of Thin Films, (
ed!, Academic Press, San Diego, ())(!
CHM066 Mechanical Beha/iour of Materials
"e8ie1 of structure and #onding in materials; $lastic, plastic and 8isco%elastic #eha8ior; Gield criteria,
failure, ductile to #rittle transition; 'inear elastic fracture mechanics; $lastic%plastic fracture mechanics%
strengthening mechanisms, fatigue, creep; Super plasticity% tests of plastic #eha8ior, em#rittlement of
! 0!$! Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, (
ed!, 3c0ra1%Hill, *7.!
(! "!,! Hert@#erg, )eformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, -ohn ,iley 9
Sons, *2*!
/! -! "oesler, H! Harders, 3! Bae+er, Mechanical -eha$iour of Engineering Materials: Metals
Ceramics Polymers and Composites, Springer%6erlag, ())7!
! T! H! Courtney, Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, 3c0ra1%Hill, **)!
(! "! Hill, $! "o#ert, Physical Metallurgy Principles, (
ed!, $ast ,est Press, *7(!
/! ,!3! Hyden, ,!0!3offatt, Structure and Properties of Materials, 6ol! /, 3c0ra1 Hill
&! 3!A! 3eyers, 5!5! Cha1la, Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, (
ed!, Cam#ridge Dni8ersity
Press, ())*!
4! ,!=! Hosford, Mechanical -eha$ior of Materials, Cam#ridge Dni8ersity Press, ())4!
.! "!,!5! Honeycom#e, Plastic deformation of Metals, (
ed!, $d1ard Arnold Press, *2&!
CHM014 Ru33er Technolog#
Introduction to "u##ers and elastomers; 3anufacture, structure, properties and applications of Catural
"u##er, Synthetic ru##ers li+e SB", Butyl ru##er, $PD3, Hypalon, nitrile ru##er etc; Chemistry and
technology of ru##er 8ulcani@ation; "u##er compounding, additi8es used in ru##er compounding;
0eneral compound design, +inetics of 8ulcani@ation; Assessment of curing; Compression, transfer,
e:trusion, calendering and inEection moulding of ru##ers; 3anufacturing and testing of ru##er products!
(? 3aurice 3orton,#u**er Technology, Academic Pu#lishers, ())
*? C 3 Blo1,#u**er Technology and Manufacture, Butter1orth%Heinmann, (nd $dition, *2(!
-? ,erner Hoffmann,#u**er Technology !and*oo+, HACS$" Pu#lishers, *2*
! Bredan "odgers, #u**er Compounding Chemistry and Application, C"C Press; st ed! ())&
(! 0! S! ,hit#y, Synthetic #u**er, ,iley, Ce1 Gor+, *4&
/! -ohn S! Dic+, "! A! Annicelli,#u**er Technology: Compounding and Testing for Performance,
Hanser Pu#lishers, ())
CHM060 -d/anced Characterisation Techniues
Principles, instrumentation and applications of: Ion #eam techni<ues% Surface mass spectrometry, '$IS,
ISS; 3ass spectrometry% 3A'DI and $SI; SAFS, Introduction synchrotron radiation and its applications
in materials science; 6i#rational spectroscopy of surfaces% "AI", $$'S, ICS, S=0, 'aser "aman and
other ad8ances in "aman; Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy; HC3%Huart@ crystal micro#alance,
! -!C! 6ic+erman, I! 0ilmore, Surface Analysis: The Principal Techni&ues (
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9
Sons, Inc!())*!
(! H! Bu#ert, H! -enett, Surface and Thin Film Analysis: A Compendium of Principles
Instrumentation and Applications ,iley%6CH, ())(!
/! S! Ahang, '! 'i, A! 5umar, Materials Characterisation Techni&ues C"C Press, ())2!
&! A!"! Clar+e, C!C! $#erhardt, Microscopy Techni&ues for Material Science C"C Press, ())(!
4! G!'eng, Materials Characterisation: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods
-ohn ,iley 9 Sons, ())2!
CHM01! Smart and 4ntelligent Materials
Smart materials and structures% pie@oelectric materials, pei@oceramics, pie@opolymers; Shape memory
materials% one 1ay and t1o 1ays S3$, Training of S3As, =unctional properties of S3As; Chromogenic
materials% principles and design strategies; Smart polymers% temperature responsi8e and light responsi8e
polymers, 3olecular imprinting using smart polymers, Smart hydrogels, =ast responsi8e hydrogels,
Applications; Smart systems for space applications% smart corrosion protection coatings, Self%healing
materials, Sensors, Actuators, Deployment de8ices
! D!-! 'eo, Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems ,iley ())7!
(! 3! Addington, D!'! Schode+, Smart Materials and 'e% Technologies in Architecture $lse8ier
/! 5! ;tsu+a, C!3! ,ayman >$ds!?, Shape Memory Materials Cam#ridge Dni8ersity Press, **2!
&! 3!6! 0andhi, B! S! Thompson, Smart Materials and Structures Chapman 9 Hall, **(!
4! 3! Sch1art@, 'e% Materials Processes and Methods Technology, C"C Press, ()).!
.! P! Ball,Made to Measure: Materials for the 84
Century, Princeton Dni8ersity Press, **7!
7! I! 0alae8, B! 3attiasson >$ds!?, Smart Polymers: Applications in -iotechnology and -iomedicine,
ed!, C"C Press, ())2!
2! C! Gui, "! -! 3rsny, 5! Par+ >$ds!?, #efle/i$e Polymers and !ydrogels: 9nderstanding and
)esigning Fast #esponsi$e Polymeric Systems C"C Press, ())&!
CHM011 .lectronic( *hotonic and Magnetic Materials
Basics% electronic, magnetic and optical properties in metals, semiconductors, ceramics and polymers;
$lectronic properties% dielectric properties, Concept of doping% high, 8ery high and ultra%high fre<uency
fields; ;rganic semiconductors, %conEugated polymers; 3agnetic domains% magnetic materials, thin
films, nanoparticles, magnetoresisti8e materials, magnetic recording, magnetic polymers; ;ptical
properties% optics%ray, electromagnetic, guided 1a8e optics; Physics of light%matter interactions,
Photoacti8e and photorefracti8e polymers; "adiation sensiti8e resisters, Second order nonlinear optical
properties; Applications, $lectro acti8e, Conducti8ity, $lectronic applications, Diodes, Transistors,
Photodetector, Solar cells, Displays, 'asers, ;ptical fi#ers, Photonic de8ices, 3agnetic data storage and
! T!A! S+otheim, "!'! $lsen#aumer, -!"! "eynolds, !and -oo+ of Conducting Polymers, (
3arcel De++er, Ce1 Gor+, 6ol!%(, **2!
(! S!;! 5asap, "ptoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, Pearson $ducation, ())*
/! -! '! Bredas, "! Sil#ey, Con:ugated Polymers, 5lu1er, Dordrecht, **!
&! 3! Bi+ales, ;8er#erger, 3enges, Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, (
6ol!4, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, *2.!
4! C!P! ,ong, Polymers for Electronic and Photonic Applications, Academic Press, **/!
.! -! Da8id, Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, (
ed!, Chapman 9 Hall, **2!
7! S!;! 5asap, P! Capper, !and*oo+ of Electronic and Photonic Materials, Springer, ()).!
CHM016 Materials for .nerg# Storage and .nerg# Con/ersion
Basic principles of electrochemistry; $lectrochemical energy systems, "e8ersi#le cells and irre8ersi#le
cell reactions, Primary and Secondary cells, Different types of #atteries and e:amples, $nergy Con8ersion
materials; =uel cells, Basics, 6arious types, 3ass and thermal management, =luid flo1 characteristics,
"eforming, $ffciency; Test methods, "ole of internal resistance, 0eneral causes for failure; Hydrogen
economy, Hydrogen storage, SuperKultracapacitors; Ad8ances in electrochemical systems, 3$3S%
molecular engineering and nanotechnology%semiconductor electrochemistry%solar energy con8ersion;
Photoelectrochemical cells, Photogal8anic cells, Photoelectrolysis, ComputerKmicroprocessor #ased
instruments for electroanalytical methods; Photo8oltaics, Introduction, P6 Cells, 3aterials
! P!H! "ieger, Electrochemistry, Prentice%Hall, *27!
(! C!H! Hamann, A! Hamnett, ,! 6ielstich, Electrochemistry, (
ed!, -ohn ,iley 9 Sons, ())7!
/! B!5! Hodge, Alternate Energy Systems and Applications, -ohn ,iley 9 sons, ())!
&! A!-! Heeger, C!S! Sariciftci, $!B! Camdas, Semiconducting and Metallic Polymers ;:ford
Dni8ersity Press, ())!
! A!-! Bard, '!"! =aul+ner, Electrochemical Methods Fundamentals and Application! ,iley, ())!
(! C! Bra#ec, "rganic Photo$oltaics, ,iley%6CH, ())2!
/! C!S! Allen >$d!?, Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymeric Materials, ())!
&! C!C! Cahoon, 0!,! Heise, Primary -attery >6ol! I 9 II?, -ohn ,iley, Ce1 Gor+, *74!
5a3 courses &total 4 la3s'
CHM63) 5a3 1: Modelling and Simulation
&! A%3atri:
4! 3olecular mechanics
&! To find out the sta#le geometry on the potential energy surface process modelling
4! To de8elop a model for fully de8eloped flo1 and to sol8e #y finite difference method
.! To de8elop a model for steady state heat conduction in large plate
7! To de8elop a model for transient state t1o dimensional heat conduction
2! To de8elop a model for #inary distillation
*! To study the distillation of a #inary mi:ture through pac+ed #ed distillation column
)! To de8elop a model for CST" in series 1ith constant hold up
! To de8elop a model for CST" 1ith feed#ac+ control
(! To study the performance of ideal reactors
CHM633 5a3): Materials S#nthesis and Characteri6ation
! Synthesis and characteri@ation of nanomaterials
a! Sol%gel synthesis: Ti;(
#! Polymer su#strate: AgLP6P
c! 3etallic nanoparticles: AgLcitrate and AuLcitrate
d! CdS <uantum dots
e! 0raphene #y HammerBs method
f! =unctionalisation of CCTBs
(! Synthesis and characteri@ation of soft nanostructures from self%assem#led molecules
/! Template #ased synthesis of nic+el nano1ires and characteri@ation using optical 9 atomic force
&! Canocomposite >nanoclay #ased systems9 functionali@ed CCTs?
4! Surface enhanced "aman scattering >S$"S?% Detection of "hodamine .0 using Ag nanoparticle
as S$"S su#strate
.! $8aluations of structure%property relationship in polymers: Analysis includes: molecular 1eight
determination, 8iscosity, rheology, T0A, D3A and mechanical properties of at least four
7! Determination of +inetics of spherulite gro1th using polari@ed optical microscope
2! Determination of po1der dispersion using @eta potential measurement
*! $lectrical conducti8ity measurement of polymers using electrochemical 1or+station
)! Diffusion and gas permea#ility measurement of polymer films
! Po1der synthesis: F"D characterisation, particle si@e, surface area analysis
(! Dependency of molecular 1eight of a polymer 1ith different initiator concentration:
esta#lishment of s<uare root la1
/! "eacti8ity ratio of co%monomers: =ineman%"oss method
&! 5inetics of acid cataly@ed poly esterification
CHM641 5a3 3: Com,osite and *rocessing
(? Preparation and characterisation of compression moulded random, #idirectional and
unidirectional composites #ased on thermoplastic, thermoset and elastomer
*? Preparation and characteri@ation of short fi#re composites using 8acuum #ag, inEection
moulding, e:trusion methods
/! Preparation of laminates
&? Determination of fi#er%8olume ratio
6? Determination of tensile properties of composite
1? Determination of compressi8e properties and shear properties of unidirectional lamina
0? Determination of interlaminar shear strength, interlaminar tensile strength, interlaminar fracture
2! Bia:ial testing of laminates
CHM644 5a3 4: -eros,ace Materials
! Preparation of a high temperature thermal insulting foam and study its microstructure, thermal
diffusi8ity K thermal conducti8ity
(! Heat treatment studies on super alloys and aluminium alloys to understand the precipitation
/! Studies on shape memory effect on Citinol
&! Compression tests on aerospace alloys and foams for thermal protection to e8aluate the stress%
strain #eha8ior and their plastic constants
4! Single%shear and dou#le shear testing on 1elded Eoints
.! TI0 ,elding of and its <ualification using CDT techni<ue such as Dltrasonic
TestingK"adiographic testing and dye penetration testing
7! $lectrochemical corrosion studies on aerospace alloys using Tafel plot method
2! 3etallographic studies on forged and 1elded metalsKalloys
>a? to analy@e the grain flo1 pattern in forged samples
>#? Analy@ing the 1eld @one, heat affected @one and parent metal of the 1elded sample
*! Aging studies on aluminium alloys using differential scanning calorimeter
)! 3achina#ility studies on aerospace alloys
! 3easurement of flamma#ility, flame penetration time and char yield of an a#lati8e material
(! Preparation and characteri@ation of a ceramic matri: composite
/! $ffect of #all milling time on particle si@e and surface area of a ceramicKmetal po1der
&! =a#rication and e8aluation of dye sensiti@ed solar cell
4! Studies on charge%discharge characteristics of a #attery

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