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Filename: Hybrid Quality Form Components.

doc Creation Date: 07/30/09

Created by: MMarcos
Updated by: CReyes 1/11/10
- Verizon Confidential and Proprietary -
Operator Accuracy Operator Accuracy
Q: Accuracy. Got the right number (or
similar number and offering all suitable

checks the operators ability to give the correct
information or report to the customer based on
the request.

checks the accuracy of the Not Found report
given by the operator, and the completeness of
the required Artful Not Found dialogue.
Care/Listening Success Care/Listening Success
L. Listened and understood request the first
time and re-asked upfront when needed

measures the operators ability to (a)
immediately launch the search because of
his/her mastery of the market, and (b) ask
specific, relevant and varied questions to
request repetition of details or additional
information. Mastery of the market includes an
operators familiarity with common cities and
listings, and his/her ability to comprehend varied
speech patterns.
L. Conducted efficient search with
appropriate advising and search progress
looks at the operators mastery of the
procedures for confirming, advising and offering
appropriate listings using prescribed dialogues.
L. Displayed good screen awareness and
effectively scanned to provide the correct
report (unnecessary flipping through screens)

focuses on call efficiency. A no for this line item
is given if an identified operator issue
unnecessarily lengthens the call. (e.g.
oversearching, poor SCM, etc.)
Care/Good Voice Quality Care/Good Voice Quality
VQ. Good pace and diction, enunciates
clearly, and is easily understood by the

focuses on the technical aspects of the spoken
language, covers pace, volume, grammar and
enunciation issues.
VQ. Confident and enthusiastic tone,
avoiding monotone and/ or flat voice and
measures the energy/enthusiasm in the
operators voice at the end of the call and how
consistent it is with the overall tone during the
measures (a) the consistency of the
energy/enthusiasm in the operators voice from
opening to closing and (b) the operators ability
to establish rapport with the customer. The line
item includes tone and inflection.
VQ. Continually stay engaged with the
customer through proper acknowledgement

evaluates the following: (a) the operators
promptness in opening the call, acknowledging
every customer request, comment or question,
and providing a progress report, (b) his/her use
of the required answering phrase, and (c) his/her
ability to effectively communicate with the
customer as shown in the
aptness/appropriateness of his/her response.

checks the delivery of the appropriate closing
dialogue before the audio announcement or
transfer. The closing tells the customer the
operators part of the call is complete, and the
number will follow.
Filename: Hybrid Quality Form Components.doc Creation Date: 07/30/09
Created by: MMarcos
Updated by: CReyes 1/11/10
- Verizon Confidential and Proprietary -

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