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Guidance Plan Sample Outline

PA Chapter 339.31
There shall be a written plan on fle, approved by the local board of
school directors, for the development and implementation of a
comprehensive, sequential program of guidance services for kindergarten
through 12th grade. The plan must include procedures to provide for
guidance services to AT!"s. #pon request, the plan shall be submitted to
the !ecretary of $ducation. %&A 'hapter (().(1*
Pennsylvania School Counseling Departments can use the following outline to
help develop the Guidance Plan Document required in PA Chapter 339.3. !his
outline is provided as a guide. !he plan is unique to the school district.
Components of the plan should re"ect the Comprehensive Guidance Plan delivered
in the district. !he committee developing the plan may choose to add items or
delete items from this outline.
Outline of Guidance Plan
School District ________________________Date ___________________
I. Guidance Plan Committee/List of School Counselors and assignments
(List the names on the committee and the names of all school
counselors and schools or levels they are assigned)
II. SchoolCounseling De!artment Core "eliefs
(Include here the core #eliefs of the schoolcounseling de!artment.
$hey should reflect the core #eliefs of the school district)
III. Philoso!hy of the SchoolCounseling De!artment
(%hat is the !hiloso!hy of the schoolcounseling de!artment& It
also should reflect the school district !hiloso!hy.)
I'. SchoolCounseling De!artment (ission Statement
(Include here the mission of the schoolcounseling de!artment.
$he mission should reflect the mission of the school district.)
'. )ole of the School Personnel and Community in the *+, School
Counseling Program
(%hat role -ill each of the follo-ing !lay in su!!orting the schoolcounseling
!rogram& Place a statement reflecting their role under each.)
a. School "oard
#. .dministration District and "uilding
c. Princi!als
d. $eachers
e. Students
f. Parents
g. "usiness/Community )e!resentatives
h. PostSecondary Partners
'I. )ole of the School Counselor
(a/e a general statement of ho- school counselors in this district reflect
these roles)
a. .s a Leader
#. .s an .dvocate
c. .s a Colla#orator
d. .s an .gent of Systemic Change
'II . Program Delivery
.. 0lementary Level
(1nder each item #elo-2 list the !rograms/activities/services
+. School Counseling Curriculum
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
,. Individual Planning
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
3. Prevention2 Intervention and )es!onsive Service
a. Counseling
#. Consultation
c. Colla#oration
d. Coordination
e. Case(anagement
f. )eferrals
4. System Su!!ort
a. Professional Develo!ment
#. .dvisory Council
c. .ction Plans
d. Program (anagement/.greements
e. SchoolCounseling Calendar
f. Program 0valuation
g. Consultation -ith Staff
h. Community 5utreach
i. Pu#lic )elations
6. Committee (em#ershi!s
/. $echnology
". (iddleSchool Level
(1nder each item #elo-2 list the !rograms/activities/services
+. SchoolCounseling Curriculum
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
,. Individual Planning
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
3. Prevention2 Intervention and )es!onsive Service
a. Counseling
#. Consultation
c. Colla#oration
d. Coordination
e. Case(anagement
f. )eferrals
4.. System Su!!ort
a. Professional Develo!ment
#. .dvisory Council
c. .ction Plans
d. Program (anagement/.greements
e. SchoolCounseling Calendar
f. Program 0valuation
g. Consultation -ith Staff
h. Community 5utreach
i. Pu#lic )elations
6. Committee (em#ershi!s
/. $echnology
C. 7ighSchool Level
(1nder each item #elo-2 list the !rograms/activities/services
+. SchoolCounseling Curriculum
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
,. Individual Planning
a. .cademic Domain
#. Career Domain
c. Personal/Social Domain
3.. Prevention2 Intervention and )es!onsive Service
a. Counseling
#. Consultation
c. Colla#oration
d. Coordination
e. Case (anagement
f. )eferrals
4. System Su!!ort
a. Professional Develo!ment
#. .dvisory Council
c. .ction Plans
d. Program (anagement/.greements
e. SchoolCounseling Calendar
f. Program 0valuation
g. Consultation -ith Staff
h. Community 5utreach
i. Pu#lic )elations
6. Committee (em#ershi!s
/. $echnology
'III. 8o# Descri!tions

.. *+, Chair
". 7igh School Counselor
C. (iddle School Counselor
D. 0lementary School Counselor
0. 5thers&

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