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Paper Title (use style: paper title)

Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)

Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization
line 2: name of organization, acronms acceptable
line !: "it, "ountr
line #: e$mail address if desired
Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization
line 2: name of organization, acronms acceptable
line !: "it, "ountr
line #: e$mail address if desired
AbstractThis electronic document is a live template. The various components of your paper [title, text,
heads, etc. are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated !y the portions "iven in this document.
$ey%ords&component' formattin"' style' stylin"' insert ((ey %ords)
%. %N&'()*"&%(N (+,A)%N- 1)
&his template, modified in .S /ord 200! and sa1ed as 2/ord 34$200! 5 6.0/37 8 '&9: for the ;", pro1ides
authors <ith most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic 1ersions of their papers. All
standard paper components ha1e been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use <hen formatting indi1idual
papers, (2) automatic compliance to electronic re=uirements that facilitate the concurrent or later production of
electronic products, and (!) conformit of stle throughout a conference proceedings. .argins, column <idths,
line spacing, and tpe stles are built$in> e?amples of the tpe stles are pro1ided throughout this document and
are identified in italic tpe, <ithin parentheses, follo<ing the e?ample. Some components, such as multi$le1eled
e=uations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the 1arious table te?t stles are pro1ided. &he
formatter <ill need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follo<.
%%. ,AS, (9 *S,
A. Selecting a Template (Heading 2)
9irst, confirm that ou ha1e the correct template for our paper size. &his template has been tailored for
output on the A# paper size. %f ou are using *S letter$sized paper, please close this file and do<nload the file for
B. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications
&he template is used to format our paper and stle the te?t. All margins, column <idths, line spaces, and te?t
fonts are prescribed> please do not alter them. Aou ma note peculiarities. 9or e?ample, the head margin in this
template measures proportionatel more than is customar. &his measurement and others are deliberate, using
specifications that anticipate our paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent
document. ;lease do not re1ise an of the current designations.
%%%. ;',;A', A(*' ;A;,' B,9(', S&AC%N-
Before ou begin to format our paper, first <rite and sa1e the content as a separate te?t file. Deep our te?t
and graphic files separate until after the te?t has been formatted and stled. )o not use hard tabs, and limit use of
hard returns to onl one return at the end of a paragraph. )o not add an Eind of pagination an<here in the
paper. )o not number te?t heads$the template <ill do that for ou.
9inall, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. ;lease taEe note of the follo<ing items
<hen proofreading spelling and grammar:
A. Abbreiations and Acronyms
)efine abbre1iations and acronms the first time the are used in the te?t, e1en after the ha1e been defined
in the abstract. Abbre1iations such as %,,,, S%, .DS, "-S, sc, dc, and rms do not ha1e to be defined. )o not use
abbre1iations in the title or heads unless the are una1oidable.
B. !nits
*se either S% (.DS) or "-S as primar units. (S% units are encouraged.) ,nglish units ma be used as
secondar units (in parentheses). An e?ception <ould be the use of ,nglish units as identifiers in trade,
such as 2!.7$inch disE dri1e:.
A1oid combining S% and "-S units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. &his often
leads to confusion because e=uations do not balance dimensionall. %f ou must use mi?ed units, clearl
state the units for each =uantit that ou use in an e=uation.
)o not mi? complete spellings and abbre1iations of units: 2/b/m2: or 2<ebers per s=uare meter:, not
2<ebers/m2:. Spell out units <hen the appear in te?t: 2. . . a fe< henries:, not 2. . . a fe< +:.
*se a zero before decimal points: 20.27:, not 2.27:. *se 2cm!:, not 2cc:. (bullet list)
". #$uations
&he e=uations are an e?ception to the prescribed specifications of this template. Aou <ill need to determine
<hether or not our e=uation should be tped using either the &imes Ne< 'oman or the Smbol font (please no
other font). &o create multile1eled e=uations, it ma be necessar to treat the e=uation as a graphic and insert it
into the te?t after our paper is stled.
Number e=uations consecuti1el. ,=uation numbers, <ithin parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1),
using a right tab stop. &o maEe our e=uations more compact, ou ma use the solidus ( / ), the e?p function, or
appropriate e?ponents. %talicize 'oman smbols for =uantities and 1ariables, but not -reeE smbols. *se a long
dash rather than a hphen for a minus sign. ;unctuate e=uations <ith commas or periods <hen the are part of a
sentence, as in
+ = . (1) + = . (1) (1)
Note that the e=uation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the smbols in our e=uation ha1e been
defined before or immediatel follo<ing the e=uation. *se 2(1):, not 2,=. (1): or 2e=uation (1):, e?cept at the
beginning of a sentence: 2,=uation (1) is . . .:
%. Some "ommon Mista&es
&he <ord 2data: is plural, not singular.
&he subscript for the permeabilit of 1acuum 0, and other common scientific constants, is zero <ith
subscript formatting, not a lo<ercase letter 2o:.
%n American ,nglish, commas, semi$/colons, periods, =uestion and e?clamation marEs are located <ithin
=uotation marEs onl <hen a complete thought or name is cited, such as a title or full =uotation. /hen
=uotation marEs are used, instead of a bold or italic tpeface, to highlight a <ord or phrase, punctuation
should appear outside of the =uotation marEs. A parenthetical phrase or statement at the end of a sentence
is punctuated outside of the closing parenthesis (liEe this). (A parenthetical sentence is punctuated <ithin
the parentheses.)
A graph <ithin a graph is an 2inset:, not an 2insert:. &he <ord alternati1el is preferred to the <ord
2alternatel: (unless ou reall mean something that alternates).
)o not use the <ord 2essentiall: to mean 2appro?imatel: or 2effecti1el:.
%n our paper title, if the <ords 2that uses: can accuratel replace the <ord 2using:, capitalize the 2u:> if
not, Eeep using lo<er$cased.
Be a<are of the different meanings of the homophones 2affect: and 2effect:, 2complement: and
2compliment:, 2discreet: and 2discrete:, 2principal: and 2principle:.
)o not confuse 2impl: and 2infer:.
&he prefi? 2non: is not a <ord> it should be Foined to the <ord it modifies, usuall <ithout a hphen.
&here is no period after the 2et: in the Catin abbre1iation 2et al.:.
&he abbre1iation 2i.e.: means 2that is:, and the abbre1iation 2e.g.: means 2for e?ample:.
An e?cellent stle manual for science <riters is G4H.
%I. *S%N- &+, &,.;CA&,
After the te?t edit has been completed, the paper is read for the template. )uplicate the template file b using
the Sa1e As command, and use the naming con1ention prescribed b our conference for the name of our paper.
%n this ne<l created file, highlight all of the contents and import our prepared te?t file. Aou are no< read to
stle our paper> use the scroll do<n <indo< on the left of the .S /ord 9ormatting toolbar.
A. Authors and Affiliations
&he template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same
affiliation. ;lease Eeep our affiliations as succinct as possible (for e?ample, do not differentiate among
departments of the same organization). &his template <as designed for t<o affiliations.
') (or author)s of only one affiliation (Heading *)+ To change the default, ad-ust the template as follo.s.
a) Selection (Heading /)+ Highlight all author and affiliation lines.
b) "hange number of columns+ Select the "olumns icon from the .S /ord Standard toolbar and then
select 21 "olumn: from the selection palette.
c) %eletion+ )elete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation.
d) (or author)s of more than t.o affiliations+ To change the default, ad-ust the template as follo.s.
e) Selection+ +ighlight all author and affiliation lines.
f) "hange number of columns+ Select the 2"olumns: icon from the .S /ord Standard toolbar and then
select 21 "olumn: from the selection palette.
g) Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation ' and copy this selection.
h) (ormatting+ %nsert one hard return immediatel after the last character of the last affiliation line. &hen
paste do<n the cop of affiliation 1. 'epeat as necessar for each additional affiliation.
i) 0eassign number of columns+ ;lace our cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation
line of an e1en numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are fi1e affiliations, place our cursor at end of fourth
affiliation). )rag the cursor up to highlight all of the abo1e author and affiliation lines. -o to "olumn icon and
select 22 "olumns:. %f ou ha1e an odd number of affiliations, the final affiliation <ill be centered on the page>
all pre1ious <ill be in t<o columns.
B. Identify the Headings
+eadings, or heads, are organizational de1ices that guide the reader through our paper. &here are t<o tpes:
component heads and te?t heads.
"omponent heads identif the different components of our paper and are not topicall subordinate to each
other. ,?amples include AcEno<ledgments and 'eferences and, for these, the correct stle to use is 2+eading 7:.
*se 2figure caption: for our 9igure captions, and 2table head: for our table title. 'un$in heads, such as
2Abstract:, <ill re=uire ou to appl a stle (in this case, italic) in addition to the stle pro1ided b the drop do<n
menu to differentiate the head from the te?t.
&e?t heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchical basis. 9or e?ample, the paper title is the primar
te?t head because all subse=uent material relates and elaborates on this one topic. %f there are t<o or more sub$
topics, the ne?t le1el head (uppercase 'oman numerals) should be used and, con1ersel, if there are not at least
t<o sub$topics, then no subheads should be introduced. Stles named 2+eading 1:, 2+eading 2:, 2+eading !:,
and 2+eading #: are prescribed.
". (igures and Tables
') 1ositioning (igures and Tables+ ;lace figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns. A1oid placing
them in the middle of columns. Carge figures and tables ma span across both columns. 9igure captions should be
belo< the figures> table heads should appear abo1e the tables. %nsert figures and tables after the are cited in the
te?t. *se the abbre1iation 29ig. 1:, e1en at the beginning of a sentence.
&ABC, %. &ABC, &A;, S&AC,S
/e suggest that ou use a te?t bo? to insert a graphic
(<hich is ideall a !00 dpi &%99 or ,;S file, <ith all fonts
embedded) because, in an .S/ document, this method is
some<hat more stable than directl inserting a picture.
&o ha1e non$1isible rules on our frame, use the
.S/ord 29ormat: pull$do<n menu, select &e?t Bo? J
"olors and Cines to choose No 9ill and No Cine.
Ta!le *olumn )ead
Table column subhead Subhead Subhead
cop .ore table cop
a. Sample of a &able footnote. (&able footnote)
9igure 1. ,?ample of a figure caption. (figure caption)
9igure Cabels: *se K point &imes Ne< 'oman for 9igure labels. *se <ords rather than smbols or
abbre1iations <hen <riting 9igure a?is labels to a1oid confusing the reader. As an e?ample, <rite the =uantit
2.agnetization:, or 2.agnetization, .:, not Fust 2.:. %f including units in the label, present them <ithin
parentheses. )o not label a?es onl <ith units. %n the e?ample, <rite 2.agnetization (A/m): or 2.agnetization
LAGm(1)HM:, not Fust 2A/m:. )o not label a?es <ith a ratio of =uantities and units. 9or e?ample, <rite
2&emperature (D):, not 2&emperature/D:.
A"DN(/C,)-.,N& (+,A)%N- 7)
&he preferred spelling of the <ord 2acEno<ledgment: in America is <ithout an 2e: after the 2g:. A1oid the
stilted e?pression, 2(ne of us ('. B. -.) thanEs . . .: %nstead, tr 2'. B. -. thanEs:. ;ut sponsor
acEno<ledgments in the unnum$bered footnote on the first page.
&he template <ill number citations consecuti1el <ithin bracEets G1H. &he sentence punctuation follo<s the
bracEet G2H. 'efer simpl to the reference number, as in G!HNdo not use 2'ef. G!H: or 2reference G!H: e?cept at the
beginning of a sentence: 2'eference G!H <as the first . . .:
Number footnotes separatel in superscripts. ;lace the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in <hich it
<as cited. )o not put footnotes in the reference list. *se letters for table footnotes.
*nless there are si? authors or more gi1e all authorsO names> do not use 2et al.:. ;apers that ha1e not been
published, e1en if the ha1e been submitted for publication, should be cited as 2unpublished: G#H. ;apers that
ha1e been accepted for publication should be cited as 2in press: G7H. "apitalize onl the first <ord in a paper title,
e?cept for proper nouns and element smbols.
9or papers published in translation Fournals, please gi1e the ,nglish citation first, follo<ed b the original
foreign$language citation G6H.
G1H -. ,ason, B. Noble, and %. N. Sneddon, 2(n certain integrals of Cipschitz$+anEel tpe in1ol1ing products of Bessel functions,: ;hil.
&rans. 'o. Soc. Condon, 1ol. A2#4, pp. 7238771, April 1377. (references)
G2H P. "lerE .a?<ell, A &reatise on ,lectricit and .agnetism, !rd ed., 1ol. 2. (?ford: "larendon, 1K32, pp.6K84!.
G!H %. S. Pacobs and ". ;. Bean, 29ine particles, thin films and e?change anisotrop,: in .agnetism, 1ol. %%%, -. &. 'ado and +. Suhl, ,ds.
Ne< AorE: Academic, 136!, pp. 2418!70.
G#H D. ,lissa, 2&itle of paper if Eno<n,: unpublished.
G7H '. Nicole, 2&itle of paper <ith onl first <ord capitalized,: P. Name Stand. Abbre1., in press.
G6H A. Aorozu, .. +irano, D. (Ea, and A. &aga<a, 2,lectron spectroscop studies on magneto$optical media and plastic substrate
interface,: %,,, &ransl. P. .agn. Papan, 1ol. 2, pp. 4#084#1, August 13K4 G)igests 3th Annual "onf. .agnetics Papan, p. !01, 13K2H.
G4H .. Aoung, &he &echnical /riterOs +andbooE. .ill Ialle, "A: *ni1ersit Science, 13K3.

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