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Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited

Vision Statement: To be the leader in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

The vision statement of Torrent is very direct and straight forward that portrays the future plans of the
organization. It is composed of all the characteristics required by a strategic vision statement. According
to the Vision statement, the company wants to convey its message to the stakeholders that the company
wants to grow forward towards development and being the leader among the competitors. The various
characteristics to ustify the vision statement can be described as under!
The vision statement of Torrent is "raphical as it speaks about leading in the industry and this is what
management is trying to create the market position for the organization. It#s a strong statement to
represent a company#s position in front of its customers and to chalk out the picture of the organization
before the stakeholders.
A vision statement should necessary be directional which means that it should provide a direction to the
company to move forward towards achieving a goal and this is how Torrent#s vision statement is ustified
as it says that in future they want to be the leader in the $harmaceutical Industry. The company with this
vision looks forward into the direction to implement everything necessary to lead the industry.
The company is focused towards its goal and towards achieving its market position so as to be the leader
in the fraternity. The focus of the organization is concentrated upon achievement of the leading position in
the $harmaceutical industry. The statement thus helps its managers to be focused towards their work in
achieving the vision of the company. Also by mentioning $harmaceutical Industry in the vision statement,
Torrent emphasizes that it is focused to lead only in the $harmaceutical industry and no where else.
A %le&ible vision statement helps an organization to adust the vision as and when required according to
the circumstances and demographics. A vision never is once'and'for'all and a company necessarily needs
to change its view to be relevant to the target market. In this concern also, Torrent has a widened vision
statement which is adustable to a very far e&tend and is changeable with the strategy that the company
wants to apply for some particular target market.
%easibility is a criteria that should be considered while strategically designing a vision statement as it
should be something that is achievable and within the limits of the company. (ere Torrent has been very
strategic while structuring its vision statement which says that they want to be the leader and so they are
working towards their vision but they have not mentioned any time limit for achieving the same which
means that the vision can also be everlasting till the company achieves this vision and so it is feasible for
the company to work for attaining its vision.
)esirability of a vision statement is at utmost importance as it should create an interest for the
stakeholders of the company and for the customers who are interested in long term investments in the
company. If a company#s vision statement is desirable and shows a long term goal, it keeps up the interest
of its customers and Torrent has been very strategic in carving the vision in such a way to grab the interest
of all. It also helps the stakeholders to stand with the trust within the company.
*ommunication of the vision is as essential as e&ecuting a strategy. It may be considered as phrasing a
vision statement is a strategy and its communication be the e&ecution of the strategy. A good vision
statement is successful only when it is well communicated and it reaches to the people in its correct sense.
Also it should be structured in a way that it should not be interpreted other way round. The same is the
case here as Torrent gives a unidirectional vision statement which reaches the people in its very correct
sense so as to communicate the importance of the vision that company has.
Torrent thus has got a very strategically molded vision statement where it speaks about its future direction
and at the same time it keeps up the trust of the stakeholders by showing its long lasting goal of
progressing in the industry and to reach to the top most position in the market. Along with the vision
statement, Torrent has got a well framed mission statement that supports its vision statement to the fullest.
Mission Statement: We commit ourselves to total customer care by delivering world-class
products and services.
+ission statement generally speaks about what the company is and what does it do. Torrent has a
nicely structured mission where it talks everything about its present condition and the short term
goals they have.
,ith the mission statement, the company tells that its focus is customer based and Torrent is
committed towards providing customer care to the best of its capabilities. Torrent by its mission
statement has well portrayed the focus and its business purpose. Its current services and its
offerings are being given value by addition of the term world'class as an adective for the same.
,ith the mission statement, Torrent clarifies its stand in the minds of all the stakeholders as it
has got its maor attention over the customer and the company is working for customer
satisfaction by providing the customers with the best of the products and the services, also newer
technologies will be implemented to satisfy the customer needs. Torrents caters to deliver the
world'class products and services and this statement supports its vision where it says about being
leader in the industry.
The current goal of the company being customer care and customer satisfaction by providing the
best quality offerings shows the well steered movement of the company towards achieving its
vision. To be a leader, a company has to satisfy its stakeholders and in healthcare industry
customer is the focused stakeholder who essentially has to be satisfied and this is how Torrent
grabs the interest of all the internal as well as e&ternal customers and provides them with the best
of the products and follows the path towards its vision.
+ission shows the business capabilities of the organization, so here Torrent has well e&plained
its capability of bringing newer technologies and offerings that is required for customer care.
Also the mission e&plains the ability of Torrent to provide its customer with good quality and
also speaks about that there is no compromise with the quality. The quality provided would be
utmost and would be world'class which would serve its customer the best.
Thus by fulfilling its mission, Torrent aims at achieving its vision. The company, by catering best
quality to the customers is moving forward to develop its market position in India and beyond so
as to develop an image of best quality provider in the industry and the one who serves the
customer to the best. This is how Torrent with all its potential is heading towards being a leader
in the $harmaceutical Industry.
Submitted by:
Tanu Godhwani (B012
M! Pharm" M!B!#! ($$ year

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