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Amy Stringham

Concepts and Practices II

Pretty colors mouse jump toward pills in button above toilets. Kites, thimbles, cats,

pigs thinking green monitor kill controller. Run around dump mailbox pickles baby sun.

Cord socks ball about clicking keys television door. Kiss inappropriate fish-sticks star up

down town pong. Tennis falls Christmas hail van sand because strong buttocks. Sex

hamster’s bath chair jilted hair cup. Yes No upside-down underwear stairs stares care

from rooftop grass apartment air. Next berry focus sad frustration. Unlucky anyway crazy

scared hatred happily shopping mall candle pocket. Where table picture art destroy

blinded mute minute wait finger-nail.

Duck won loosing bucket rain trailer moon. Earth favorite treat shoelace pants

water. Bones death life eyebrows review balloons near exit compared rejection changes.

Translate home school bus ride forgot licking tongue vomit eyeball kick. Heard seen

lumps lack luster library uphill window pepper. Mustard tarts bellybutton nose white red

open upon floorboards. Floods type new waves whales shipping clothes address money.

Ceramic breasts gun chest tire to from downward failure spiral control freak. How time

long loathe minutes hours mimic monkeys mating ringlet fries. Who believe can this

prove where nothing anyone dessert mountain kilt. Separate anxiety fear condition

psychology jingle jolly hiccup hips spell bees mark feces. Body solid through pigments

waste composition matter food emotion it. Bacteria anal anus cheese garlic discharge

bowling alley game-room. Forever what sandal toes shirt conversationally kickball. Poop

final paint green mart kitchen sink bed. Gee God kind ugh right unbelievable crazy state

deep his event concrete by noon. Like you surroundings thought philosophy or process
example noun protect people hurt hard. Stand me wipe mirror sky develop clouds general

strand cry.

Unreal killer unhappy struggle not prom thrown crown brush pull kidney hilltop gas.

Late morning stock mother forgive artists gallery is life her handle knuckle string wire

clown scroll. History for tired cool internet musical verse combat. War love stage movie

message grade. Homeless president hat newspaper forward flash fast frolic. Fiddle suite

hotel pillow man bell tower fashion heels. Consuming all everything there top fit carry

curry downward slide floatable boxer dogs. Swim with ears elephants dive help tails bug

tear. Sleep wishful dirt sheet wings skirt. Random tough mental genital male psycho

climb great. Take very difficult hamburgers fart so firm negotiate question. Trouble follow

zombie walk paper. Market research publish major double mint apple sausage.

Problematical stuff soft awkward Edward bury grave test easy way pavement. Soft nail

skin insects ham ice cream cover boat vogue. Trick top tipsy goes grill grind gradually

chills cause purple apes fix truck box. Make-up inflexible iron elf human word battery

water soap sit sickly sad. Nothing nowhere found fitness fever lips bottle juice soda bag.

Store camera wiggles carelessly south boarder lines draw himself sanity. Detest hatred

hood neighbors boss payment hospital. Father back surgery abhor lilac rosebush heart list

bailout. Quote boy said smack garden jack double ground.

Learn play ply French flower apply expressions careful dance. Hello cereal

breakfast chicken pencil testable loser. Phone husband weekend parents turkey

Wednesday project. New York lit cigarettes sister children niece fight punk pub winner.

Fried swords eat cooked pampered pens. Penis vein pop pimple facial odium teen pushed

skyscraper back pain. Extended office show chip poker dip. Swing dig couch refrigerator

cushion treadmill switch. Sandwich print tool clay sculpt position kettle. Two tulip froze

climb rock page clip chick saw girl flip flop freaks duel warlock. Spell power frowns five
puddings into mud. Repulsive brain lump hump sickle trickle sense gone. Save humanity

from this. Abstraction funky friend tilt yesterday limp wash gate. Murder serial rape

torture extreme behavior keep keeping yuck. This is harder than it looks! To keep not

making sense is very hard. To go against my instincts of writing a sentence with a

subject, adjective, verb, etc is a struggle. If it is not obvious, the point of this paper is

abstraction. I thought about what started me on this project. I wondered if it were

possible to make abstract photographs. I ended up coming up with over ten ways that I

could, even though I did not use all ten methods in this project. So I thought about if this

could be applied to my paper. Would it be possible to abstract my paper and if so what

would that mean? Abstract art is nonrepresentational; you don’t have an obvious picture

of what it is. So I thought to abstract the paper it would have to be random words, not in

real sentences because it cannot make sense by simply looking at it. Effort work won’t

flick violence scary sign forgiven paws.

Labor tussle full storm sled butcher coil slab brick build toil boil witch wiccan drown

river hillbilly miner. Lake drizzle mankind weather sticker anchor sailor ship dip. I decided

to explain the paper because it may be a hard concept to grasp without any explanation. I

wanted to put the explanation deep in the paper, so that it blended in with the

randomness, and perhaps would be overlooked. I feel as though this idea of an abstract

paper fits very well with my project and is very strong, so I wanted to do that along with

hiding in some actual information. Great dumpster hiking rising bread crumbs painfully

sigh glow slowly prayer thanks. Thoughtfulness dreams fulfill fruit desire seeds drop

growl. Hopefully effort concept understood teacher appreciate exertion demanded for

project. Fight thrash frizzle fuzz fickle.

Pop prince notion finds fairy fiddles fondle fairgrounds sorry hungry hippo. Throw

pumpkins face brother kids nursery blood. So to explain why abstraction is so important, I
have to explain to original project. For this project I am a curator for the Yossi Milo gallery.

Because of the bad economic times I am trying to come up with new art or artist or

movements, anything to get the public interested in our gallery again. Yossi Milo is a

photographic arts gallery. In order to come up with how to change the gallery, a common

thread needed to be found. After many hours of research I discovered that the Yossi Milo

gallery was fairly diverse (well as much as it could be, since it focuses on one media). So I

was forced to look harder. The common thread was that all the photographs were clear,

focused, and obvious to subject matter. There was nothing abstract visually about them.

This made me wonder if it were even possible to make an abstract photograph. Patch

cable adjust Velcro loop view dope. Okay belief comment grammar scope scoop yogurt

butter yum. Gum stuck ruffles guilty passion passed poisons version ghost.

Delete programs principle football field coach find cheerleaders theories free dense

stone around bush branches out steer fawn dawn break. Run on model goes ever after far

away once time upon disk. After contemplating for a long time I was able to come up with

eleven ways of abstracting photographs. Some of these can overlap, but they can also be

separated. The easiest way is just to un-focus the picture. Along the same lines of a

blurry picture is to take an extreme close up, not only will this most likely cause a blur, but

it is so close that one cannot make out what the picture is showing. The third way would

be to set up something abstracted already and then take a picture of that. One could also

do a more random, freer way of taking abstracted photo, by simply moving the camera

while snapping the picture. This way is very much like using the camera as the paintbrush

and is very expressionist. Another way would be to cut/tear/ rip apart a printed

photograph and put it back together in whatever way is desired. The process of doing this

is much like the process of creating abstract expressionist paintings. The sixth way would

be to add other media to a print, like paint or some other mixed media. If shooting film,
one could also stack the negatives on top of each other until it abstracted, this can be

done digitally as well with layering. The eighth way would be to mix real with abstract, so

there would be some clear objects, faces, etc and some abstracted parts as well. One

could also digitally manipulate the image in a photo editing software, such as Photoshop.

A more controversial way would to blur the image just enough so that shapes and figures

are recognizable, but details are not. This is controversial because abstract art would not

typically have recognizable objects apparent, but this is a new movement. The last way is

very similar to the digitally manipulated one; however the difference is whose photograph

it is. The last way is to take an artist’s photograph and abstract it either digitally or

altering it physically with mixed media or disassembling it. All of these ways could be

used for a specific purpose. For instance, if the artist wanted their presence in the

photograph they could use a long exposure while taking a photograph. Every breath and

heartbeat shakes us a little, so the picture would blur somewhat. The image will literally

show how the artist gave breathe to this piece and how their heart was in it. Core setting

discontented gloomy dumbfounded absurd boys do forlorn crappy doomed ruler trashing

man cheerless fearless mover cop. Heartbreaking daily rate pool stamp inside fog horn

tug warlord made Gaylord dust dirt flirt. Verb nerd herd fern herb passionately tried new

ping pong prattle cattle.

Touch fire guts dug horny piglet caress further kings. Growing sticks wick wash

dishes towel something else gently sideswipe contact contract courtesy. Babble rattle

yard fence animal barnyard broken hill. The Yossi Milo Gallery has over 23 artists that

they represent, including Pieter Hugo, Kelli Connell, Simen Johan, Tierney Gearon, Josef

Schulz, and Loretta Lux. For this project, as curator, I am turning to those artists and

challenging them to start a new movement in photographic art, an abstract one.

Originally, I had hoped to have each print represent an artist from the gallery and each be
a different way of abstracting photography. However, many problems occurred during this

project, so I altered this somewhat. Fewer artists will be from the gallery and more will be

new/unknown artists. Also, I was unable to get some film processed which made it

impossible to have every piece represent a different way of abstraction. Furthermore,

because of the problems encountered, instead of this project being displayed like it is a

piece of the exhibition; it will be more like a sneak peak. It will be presented as though it

is an announcement or press conference to introduce the new upcoming shows. The

pieces shown will just represent a sample of what they will see if they come to the gallery

during the exhibition. Add each vehicle observational psychopathological dresser turns

directly firm mattress twists during axe drain huddle. Maintain brothel fell seven eyes

lamb book unfair advantage embarrassment.

Superior fat dumps negotiation stable tornado straw tomato turtle sore. Sickness

floating relationship crumbles beneath hoofs theft. Because there were so many obstacles

I feel as though I need to express them. To begin with, this was an extremely hard project

to come up with an idea for. It was the most challenging conceptually for me. It literally

took me many days and many hours to come up with the concept of abstraction, which I

am very happy with. That was just a small obstacle that really only hurt me because it

took up valuable time. I also had another major project that was having issues in another

class, so that only added to the stress levels. The next major problem was one of my

models never showed, putting me behind schedule again. It set me back for shooting and

developing. After I shot everything I tried to get my film developed, but there was my

biggest problem. The first place I tried no longer develops film. Next I went to the mall to

find a specialty photo shop, which I am a member of, so I knew that they developed 35mm

and 120mm (which I had both of because different artists use different cameras). Turns

out the place closed down. I took the 35mm to a local drug store, which took many many
hours to develop, again delaying me. I called a local camera/photo supply store and asked

them if they knew where I could get my 120mm film developed and they referred me to

another photo developing store. When I called to ask about hours they told me that they

wouldn’t have my film ready until Wednesday which would be too late. That had to mean

that they mailed out the film for processing. Either way, this meant that I couldn’t use all

the pictures that I had shot. After all of that my time was definitely tight, which caused

more problems. I almost was unable to get my pictures printed in time. But luck finally

was good to me, and that part worked out… barely (there was some begging involved).

Runway disagree factor other favors laugh loud play suck anatomy punch profit giggle

curve wacky sack rays ripple console raft. Planet dunk tower sues train semester whistle

ultra mega nipple tea-bagging. Barbie collar cheek hippy fleeing boob vagina Virginia


Wrench wink wrinkle old dear keyed perfume holder trigger leaning stinky frog

engorged phallic bridge unit. Taylor tickles tigers thrusting troop member exotic American

counter purse unorthodox. Honestly, during this project I felt defeated and despair. But,

despite having many things go wrong in a short period of time and having to change many

things, I am happy with what I have completely. I did not think that I would like creating

abstract photographs or even like seeing them, but I did. In fact, I will probably explore

this further. I feel like this project was a starting off point and will discover much more

about this as I continue. Bulbous bulge bikini banana brother’s brittle bragging brat bursts

bubbles blanket billows. End Finally finale over done goodbye good day adios fin finish

conclusion competition ending stop quit ending climax culmination the end.

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