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Petition No: 13-7280

Petitioners Supplemental Brief
Separate Volume Appendix
Attorney Eugene P. Castagliuolo
Correspondence referencing Neil J . Gillespie and/or
the Social Security Disability Administration
Appendix 1 Letter J une 19, 2013 Eugene Castagliuolo to Susan Bloemendaal, The Florida Bar
I have collected a large pile of the many, many documents filed in various, places by
Gillespie over the past several years, and I am looking forward to furnishing that pile to
the SSDI abuse investigator for Florida....Once the SSA reviews the fruits of Gillespie's
labor, I'm confident that his handicap status will be very much at issue.
The letter shows cc: Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Disability Administration
(by regular U. S. Mail).
Appendix 2 Bar Counsel Leonard Clark provided 23 pages of email from Mr. Castagliuolo,
included here with Mr. Clarks letter to Neil Gillespie. Mr. Castagliuolo threatened Mr. Clark by
email February 12, 2013 at 11:13 AM, and called his veracity into question:
Mr. Clark, I cannot remember when (if ever) in my career that I've been so deceived and
outright lied to by an attorney in a position such as yours. I am seriously considering
filing an ethics violation against YOU myself, but I want to calm down and consider this
situation rationally before I do.
BRIEF NOT FILED: Petitioner's
Supplemental Brief was not filed. I
was unable to file due to illness and
No, Mr. Clark, you most certainly did NOT tell me that, following the chair's
"recommendation," that you would yourself have to make yet another
"recommendation." What you explicitly told me was that both you and the chair were
in complete agreement that not a scintilla of evidence existed in support of this creep's
complaint(s), not only against me, but against the other attorneys as well. You made it
quite clear that this matter was done and over with. There was no indecision on your
part, other than that you planned to wait until Gillespie's ridiculous Florida Supreme
Court pleading deadline had passed (on or about December 10, 2012) before you would
send out the letter advising me of your decision, and advising him that, once again, he
was a loser.
As you well know, Mr. Clark, the REAL problem with this matter is that The Florida Bar
shivers and quakes whenever Gillespie opens his mouth or begins to type. Gillespie
certainly has received far more consideration from your Office than I, a Florida Bar
member, has enjoyed. By seeking to avoid Gillespie's venom, you have thrown me and
several other Florida Bar members under the bus. That you and your colleagues do not
protect Florida Bar members who have been savaged by garbage like Gillespie is sad.
I assure you that this is not the end of this Mr. Clark.
Mr. Castagliuolo wrote Mr. Clark February 12, 2012 at 9:56 AM:
Kindly reply to my previous 2 e-mails and my telephone call to your office last week, all
of which have gone unanswered. If I don't hear from you in due course, my next call will
be to your boss in Tallahassee. Thanks Eugene
Mr. Castagliuolo wrote Mr. Clark February 6, 2013 at 11:57 AM:
Dear Mr. Clark:
First, please adjust your records to reflect my new e-mail address.
Secondly, please provide me with a letter of final disposition of this Gillespie
abomination. I have a whistleblower complaint about this fool to file with the Social
Security Administration, but I want to receive your letter first.
Thank you EPC,
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
Mr. Castagliuolo sent copies of his email to The Florida Bar cc to Mr. Rodems and Mr.
Laurato, each of who rebuffed Castagliuolos contact.
Email response of Ryan Rodems 02/12/2013 12:16 PM
Mr. Clark:
I am not sure why Mr. Castagliuolo has copied me on this e-mail he wrote to you. I am at
a complete loss to understand why he has written this to you. I assure you that I do not
share his sentiments.
Ryan Christopher Rodems
Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A.
Email response of Michael Laurato, 02/12/2013 01:03:37 PM
What does all of this have to do with me? And, why am I receiving emails on this?
Michael V. Laurato
Mr. Castagliuolo wrote Mr. Clark 04/16/2013 10:27:21 AM
Thank you Mr. Clark. And I'm sorry for giving you a hard time a few months ago, but
this guy is like a snake, and for someone claiming to be handicapped, he never gives up.
We as lawyers have little or no defense to attacks like his, but lucky for us, there aren't
too many Gillespies out there.
It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit....and keep moving
forward Rocky Balboa
The foregoing is representative of the 23 pages of email of Mr. Castagliuolo.
Appendix 3 Email Oct-22-2012, Mr. Castagliuolo to Theodore Littlewood, The Florida Bar,
provided by letter of Bar Counsel Leonard Clark October 26, 2012.
But can you possibly tell me exactly how much longer I must endure the slings and
arrows of this piece of garbage Gillespie before you will act upon his "complaint" ?
I plan to sue Gillespie as soon as The Florida Bar complaint is closed.
Appendix 4 Response Aug-30-2012, Castagliuolo to Florida Bar complaint, 2013-10,162(D)
This is my response to the nonsensical complaint filed against me by my former client,
Neil J . Gillespie...Gillespie is on the government dole, perhaps wrongfully...
Indeed he is a "professional complainant" who gives new meaning to the phrase useless human being.
The response shows cc: Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Disability
Administration (by regular U. S. Mail).
Appendix 5 Response Sep-19-2012, Castagliuolo to Mr. Littlewood, The Florida Bar
Once again, it's hard to imagine how Gillespie, while being saddled with such a long
laundry list of handicaps, would be capable of producing this epic 59 page tome! I'm
quite sure that will be the first question asked by the SSDI Benefits Fraud Unit
investigators after they examine the entire public record of this debacle. All in good time,
all in good time...
Letter shows evidence of coordinated racketeering, cc: to Mr. Rodems and Mr. Bauer.
Appendix 6 Email Oct-26-2012, Castagliuolo to Leonard Clark, The Florida Bar
Each of these filings, like all of his previous filings, sound like the rantings of a lunatic.
As such, I will not dignify either with a detailed response, other than to generally deny
each and every statement uttered by Gillespie in these filings.
I must make one clarification, however, of a point that I raised in my previous rebuttals. I
had previously stated that "in my spare time" I would challenge Gillespie's handicapped
status with the Social Security Administration. I no longer feel this way. Instead, I plan to
devote whatever time and energy is necessary to bring Gillespie's prolific defamatory
statements and conduct to the attention of the SSA as crystal clear evidence that he is not
handicapped. My pursuit of this goal will be anything but casual.
Furthermore, I have a lawsuit drafted and ready to be filed in Pinellas County against
Gillespie just as soon as you close this case...
Appendix 7 ADA Accommodation Request, October 26, 2012, Neil Gillespie to Florida Bar
Counsel Leonard Clark, cc: "Karin Huffer" <>; "Paul F Hill"
<>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <>; "Theodore P
Littlewood" <>
Dear Mr. Clark: Attached you will find my letter to Mr. Littlewood dated October 25,
2012 relative to Mr. Castagliuolos ongoing criminal harassment of me in violation of
Section 784.048(2), Florida Statutes. Included is my September 25, 2012 notice to Mr.
Castagliuolo not to send email.
Today I received email from you at 2:02 p.m. that forwarded Castagliuolos email below.
This is not acceptable. In the future please respond to me in writing. This is a disability
accommodation request made under the Americana With Disabilities Act (ADA), 42
USC 12101 et seq., and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and any
other applicable law.
As soon as possible I plan to make more formal and detailed disability accommodation
request to Paul Hill. But the nature of my disability has delayed that request.
Castagliuolos threats and harassment today have delayed my complaint to ACAP about
Robert W. Bauer, so Castagliuolos ongoing criminal harassment is preventing, delaying
or interfering with my use the services of, or participation in programs or activities
provided by the Florida Bar, a public entity.
In addition, Florida Bar Rule 4-8.4(d) states "A lawyer shall not engage in conduct in
connection with the practice of law that is prejudicial to the administration of justice,
including to knowingly, or through callous indifference, disparage, humiliate, or
discriminate against litigantson any basis, including, but not limited to disability."
This is a request to include each such disability-based threat, humiliation, disparagement,
or discrimination by Mr. Castagliuolo against me as a new ethics violation.
I suppose Mr. Castagliuolo is free to file lawsuits against me, or "challenge Gillespie's
handicapped status with the Social Security Administration." But it is not appropriate or
lawful to use the Florida Bar complaint process as a basis for that behavior. Thank you.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481
Appendix 8 October 25, 2012 letter w/enc. of Neil Gillespie to Theodore P. Littlewood J r.,
Bar Counsel, re threatening and harassing communication of Eugene P. Castagliuolo.
Appendix 9 October 22, 2012 letter of Eugene P. Castagliuolo to Neil Gillespie.
TAKE CAREFUL NOTICE that I shall continue to send you copies of all of my filings
and responses to and with The Florida Bar bye-mail and ONLY BY E-MAIL.
I couldn't care less whether this is to your liking, whether you read my e-mails, or
whether you don't read my e-mails. Note further that at least one and possibly as many as
three have already been sent by email. The fact that you have chosen to "delete them
unread" is your problem and not mine.
Be mindful that this message is being mailed to you via U. S. Mail as a one-time courtesy
only. There will not be a second notice.
Appendix 10 September 25, 2012 letter, Neil Gillespie to Eugene P. Castagliuolo, please do not
send me email, it is not welcome.
Note: I am not certain that the above contains every such contact that was received.
801 WestBayDrive Suite301
(727) 7 1 2 3 3 3 3
Largo,FL 33770
4200GeorgeJ. BeanParkway, Suite2580
Tampa, FL 33607-1496
RE: ComplaintbyNeilJ. Gillespie
IaminreceiptofmycopyofyourlettertoGillespiedatedJune13,2013. Evidently,Gillespie"appealed"
mewithanynoticewhatsoeverofhis"appeal." Yourletterwas"myfirstnoticeofthisaction.
beforetheSCOTUS), Iam appalledthathefailedtoserveanynoticeofhis"appeal" upon me.
Ihavecollectedalargepi'le ofthemany, manydocumentsfiled in various,placesbyGillespieoverthe
pastseveralyears, and Iam lookingforward tofurnishingthatpiletotheSSDI abuseinvestigatorfor
Florida. Therefore, Iam herebyrequesting, from eitheryourofficeorfrom the "complainant"
himself, complete and exhaustive copies ofa,ny papers whatsoeverfiled by Gillespie in his
"appeal"ofMr. Clark'sdecision. Iwill beaddingthesenewdocumentstothepile. OncetheSSA
reviewsthefruitsofGillespie'slabor, I'mconfidentthathis"handicap"statuswillbeverymuchatissue.
cc: RobertW. Bauer, Esquire(bye-mail)
Ryan ChristopherRodems, Esquire(bye-mail)
Office' oftheInspectorGeneral,SocialSecurityDisabilityAdministration(byregularU. S. Mail)
Ocala, FL34481
Mr. NeilJ. Gillespie
8092S.W. 115thLoop
Re: ComplaintofNeilJ. GillespieagainstEugeneP. Castagliuolo
TheFloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Gillespie:
I amwritingyouonbehalfofGwynneYoung,PresidentoftheFloridaBar,in
responseto yourletterdatedMay13,2013.OnJanuary4,2013,you submittedan
additionalcomplaintagainstMr. Rodems. Yoursecondarycomplaintwas
incorporatedwithyouroriginalcomplaintagainstMr. Rodems. As you areaware,
thatcasewasclosedbyastaffandchairdismissalonApril 11,2013. OnMay13,
2013,younotifiedtheundersignedthatyoudisagreedwiththedecisionto close
theRodemsmatter. Peryourrequest,theRodemscasehasbeenreferredto the
designatedreviewer, SandraDiamond,to determineiftheclosingwasappropriate.
Castagliuolo. Mr. Castagliuolo'scaseclosedonMay13,2013,as astaffandchair
dismissal. TheFloridaBarsentyoualetterdatedMay13,2013,notifyingyouof
theclosure. Bythetimeyoureadthisletter, youshouldbeinreceiptoftheMay13
wasunableto provideyouwithrecordsbecausethecasewas stillopen.Nowthat
thecaseis closed,Ihaveattachedthepublicrecordsinthecasethathavenotbeen
previouslyprovidedto you. Theattachmentconsistsofe-mailsprimarilybetween
theundersignedandMr. Castagliuolo.Allotherpublicrecordsinvolvedinthis
Appendix 2
case are in your possession. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in
this matter.
Sincerely yours,
~ < e ~
Leonard Evans Clark
Bar Counsel
Copies to: Gwynne Young, President, The Florida Bar; John F. Harkness, Jr.,
Executive Director, The Florida Bar; John T. Berry, Division Director, The Florida
Bar; and Ken Marvin, Staff Counsel, The Florida Bar.
Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
Leonard E Clark to: Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq.
Bee: Carol B Sullivan
11/28/2012 03:50 PM
Okay, that is fine.
Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, 8te. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
"Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq." I'm on another call but will call you i. .. 11/28/2012 03:46:33 PM
"Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq." <>
Leonard E Clark <>
11/28/2012 03:46 PM
Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (60)
I'm on another call but will call you in about 15 minutes.
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
801 West Bay Drive
Suite 301
Largo, Florida 33770
(727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuolo Law, P. A. is for
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Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other dissemination of this e-mail m ~ s g
and/or the information contained therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this
e-mail message, please contact the sender by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333 and destroy
all copies of the original message.
From: Leonard E Clark <>
To: "Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq." <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28,2012 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (60)
Mr. Castagliuolo,
Please call me when you have time to discuss the current status of you case. Thank
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, 5te.2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: "EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esq."<>
To: Leonard E Clark<>
Date: 11/28/2012 03:37PM
Subject: Re: FloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Clark:
You statedthatyou would givemeastatuscheckon this matter, and Iam requesting one. Isthereany
chanceyou mightbe abletotell mewhen yourinvestigationwill be completed and yourfindings revealed?
EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esquire
801 WestBayDrive
Largo, Florida 33770
CONFIDENTIALITY: Thise-mailmessage(and anyassociatedfiles)from CastagliuoloLaw, P. A. is for
thesoleuseofthe intended recipientorrecipientsand maycontain confidentialand privileged information.
Anyunauthorized review, use, disclosure,distribution,orotherdisseminationofthise-mail message
and/ortheinformationcontainedtherein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou arenottheintendedrecipientofthis
e-mailmessage, pleasecontactthesenderbyreplyemail orbytelephoneat(727) 712-3333and destroy
all copiesoftheoriginal message.
From: Leonard EClark<>
To: "EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esq."<>
Cc: Gillespie<neilgillespie@mfLnet>
Sent: Friday, October26, 20122:02PM
Subject: Re: Florida BarFile No. 2013-10,162(60)
DearMr. Castagliuolo,
Iamcurrentlyassignedtoyourcase. IbelieveIhavealltheinformation Ineed
tocompletetheinvestigationofyourcase. IfIrequireadditionalinformationfromyou orMr.Gillespie, Iwill
letyou know. Additionally, Iwill keepyou updatedon thestatusofyourcase.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa Branch Office
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: "EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esq."<>
To: Leonard Clark<>
Cc: Gillespie<neilgillespia:g>mfLnet>
Date: 10/26/201201:45PM
Subject: Florida BarFile No. 2013-10,162(6D)
Dear Mr. Clark,
Itis myunderstanding thatyou are nowhandling the above-referenced complaintfiled
This e-mail constitutes myresponse tothe latestofGillespie'sendlessfilings; these last
two were dated October 18and October22, 2012.
Each ofthese filings, like all ofhis previousfilings, sound likethe rantings ofa lunatic. As
such, I will notdignifyeitherwith a detailed response, otherthan to generallydenyeach
and everystatementuttered byGillespie in these filings.
I mustmake one clarification, however, ofa pointthatI raised in myprevious rebuttals.
had previouslystated that "in myspare time" I would challenge Gillespie's handicapped
status with the Social SecurityAdministration. I no longerfeel this way. Instead, I plan to
devote whatevertime and energy is necessaryto bring Gillespie's prolificdefamatory
statements and conducttothe attention ofthe SSA as crystal clearevidence thathe is not
handicapped. My pursuitofthis goal will be anything butcasual.
Furthermore, I have a lawsuitdrafted and ready to be filed in Pinellas County against
Gillespiejustas soon as you close this case. This case is notbased upon thiscomplaint, but
rather, itwill be based upon Gillespie's defaming me, as well as his independentpUblication
ofpersonal and private mattersabout me on the internet. I
Thank you
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
801 West Bay Drive
Suite 301
Largo, Florida 33770
(727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuolo Law,
P. A. is for the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and may contain confidential
and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information contained therein is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please contact the
sender by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333 and destroy all copies of the
original message.
Leonard EClark to: Carol BSullivan 02/12/2013 12:38PM
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
----- Forwarded by Leonard EClark/TheFlorida Baron 02/12/2013 12:37PM -----
From: <eugene@tampaconsumerlawyer .com>
To: "Leonard EClark"<>
Cc:,"Ryan Rodems"<>
Date: 02/12/2013 12:25PM
Nowayno howMr. Clark.
You called me PRECISELYBECAUSEyou hadjustspokentothe local chair.
Thiscasewasand isVERYimportantto me, itistheone case Ihavetothinkabout, not
the hundredsorperhapsthousandsthatyou havetothinkabout. Somymemoryof
theseeventsisflawlessand perfectand IKNOWwhatyou said to me. And sodoes
Mr. Rodems, becausewe spoke byphoneafteryournews, we were both happythat
justicehad finallybeen served.
No, trythison somebodyelse, Mr. Clark, it'snotgoingtoworkwith me.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida &New Jersey
.~ ~ ~
NA.<r: A.NaUonalAssociationof
. '." .'.' :: . ". C()n'slJrtle'r /\dv()Ca:les
, lI..!..I.." ........:.r..
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727)712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY: Thise-mail message (and anyassociatedfiles)from Castagliuolo
Law, P. A. is forthesole useofthe intended recipientorrecipientsand maycontain
confidential and privileged information.Anyunauthorized review, use, disclosure,
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-------- Original Message --------
From: Leonard EClark <LClark@flabar.orq>
Date: Tue, February 12, 2013 12:13 pm
To: <>
Mr. Castagluiolo,
Ineverliedtoyou. IexplainedtheprocessthatIwaslookingintotoattemptto
resolve thiscaseasquicklyaspossible.When Ispoketoyou in earlyDecember, Ihad notyetreceived
therecommendationfromthechair. Accordingly, itis impossiblethatIsaidthechairand Iwerein
completeagreement. Mystatementwasifthechairand Iwerein completeagreementIwould drafta
staffandchairdismissalletter,whichissigned bythechair.AsIpreviouslystated, Inowhavethat
recommendationand IwantedtoconsiderafewthingsbeforeImademyfinaldecision.Ianticipatethat
decisionwill bemadein thenextfewdays. Ifyou haveanyfurtherquestionsaboutthiscase,feelfreeto
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: <>
To: "Leonard EClark"<LClark@f1abar.orq>
Cc: sbloemen@flabar.orq,"Ryan Rodems"<>,"MichaelLaurato" <>,
Date: 02/12/201311:13AM
Mr. Clark, Icannotrememberwhen (ifever)in mycareerthatI'vebeen so deceived
and outrightlied tobyan attorneyin aposition such asyours. Iam seriously
consideringfiling an ethicsviolation againstYOU myself, but Iwantto calm downand
considerthissituation rationallybefore Ido.
No, Mr.Clark,youmostcertainlydidNOTtellmethat,followingthechair's
"recommendation." Whatyou explicitlytold mewasthatboth you and the chair
were in completeagreementthatnotascintilla ofevidenceexisted in supportofthis
creep'scomplaint(s), notonlyagainstme, butagainsttheotherattorneysas well. You
madeitquiteclearthatthismatterwasdoneandoverwith. Therewas no
indecisionon yourpart, otherthan thatyou plannedtowaituntil Gillespie'sridiculous
Florida SupremeCourtpleadingdeadlinehad passed (on oraboutDecember10,
2012)beforeyou would send outthe letteradvising meofyourdecision, and advising
him that, onceagain, hewasaloser.
As you well know, Mr. Clark, the REALproblemwiththis matteristhatThe Florida Bar
shiversand quakeswheneverGillespieopenshis mouthorbeginstotype. Gillespie
certainlyhasreceived farmoreconsiderationfrom yourOfficethan I, aFlorida Bar
member, hasenjoyed. Byseekingto avoid Gillespie'svenom, you havethrown me
and several otherFlorida Barmembersunderthe bus. Thatyou and yourcolleagues
donotprotectFlorida Barmemberswho have been savaged bygarbage like Gillespie
Iassure you thatthis is nottheend ofthis Mr. Clark.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida & New Jersey

Graduate, Pete Barry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"
' .
.... , .
N.A<I:.A NationalAssociationof
.: .. '. .... .. .. .... ... .... ConsumerAdvocates
r...: ..1'
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727) 712-3333
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Castagliuolo Law, P. A. is forthe sole use ofthe intended recipientorrecipientsand
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: GILLESPIE
From: Leonard EClark <>
Date: Tue, February 12, 2013 10:33 am
To: <eugene@tampaconsumerlawyer .com>
Mr. Castagliuolo,
arecommendationand Iam intheprocessofdeterminingwhatmyrecommendationwill be.Oncethatis
completedaletterwill besentouttoalloftheparties.Asyou know, thecomplainanthasalleged many
ruleviolationswhich needtobeevaluated.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean PkwYt Ste.2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813)872-6953
From: <>
To: "LeonardClark"<>
Date: 02/12/201309:56AM
Kindlyreplyto myprevious2e-mailsand mytelephonecall toyourofficelastweek, all
ofwhich havegone unanswered.
IfIdon'thearfrom you in duecourse, mynextcall will betoyourbossin Tallahassee.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida & New Jersey
Graduate, Pete Barry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"
N A <r: A. of
.: . :o:n:SllmerAdvocates
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from
Castagliuolo Law, P. A. is for the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and
may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,
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information contained therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail message, please contact the sender by reply email or by telephone at
(727) 712-3333 and destroy all copies of the original message.
Leonard E Clark to: Michael Laurato
Bee: Carol B Sullivan
02/13/2013 08: 19 AM
I have no idea why Mr. Castagliuolo copied you on the emails.
Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
Michael Laurato What does all of this have to do with me? And, ... 02/12/2013 01 :03:37 PM
Michael Laurato <>
Leonard E Clark <>
02/12/2013 01:03 PM
What does all of this have to do with me? And, why am I receiving emails on this?
Michael V. Laurato
From: Leonard E Clark [mailto:LClark@']
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:37 PM
To: Ryan Rodems
I am not sure either but thanks for the support.
Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: Ryan Rodems <>
To: Leonard E Clark <>
Date: 02/12/2013 12:16 PM
Mr. Clark:
Iam notsurewhyMr. Castagliuolohascopied meon thise-mail hewroteto you. Iam atacompleteloss
to understandwhyhe haswrittenthistoyou. Iassureyou thatIdo notsharehissentiments.
Ryan ChristopherRodems
Barker, Rodems& Cook, P.A.
501 EastKennedyBoulevard, Suite790
Tampa, Florida 33602
813/489-1001 (Office)
E-mail: rodems@barkerrodemsandcook.conl
NOTICE: Thismessage(including attachments)is covered bythe ElectronicCommunication PrivacyAct,
18U.S.C. 2510-2521, is intendedtobe confidential, and isalsoprotected bythe attorney-client
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you are notthe intendedrecipient, you arerequested todeletethedata and destroyanyphysicalcopies.
Anyretention, dissemination,distribution,orcopying ofthiscommunication is strictlyprohibited.
From: []
Sent:Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:14AM
To: Leonard EClark
Cc:; Ryan Rodems; Michael Laurato;
Mr. Clark, Icannotrememberwhen (ifever)in mycareerthat I've beensodeceived
and outrightlied to byan attorneyin aposition such as yours. Iam seriously
consideringfiling an ethicsviolationagainstYOU myself, butIwantto calm downand
considerthissituation rationallybefore Ido.
No, Mr. Clark,youmostcertainlydidNOTtellmethat,followingthechair's
"recommendation." Whatyou explicitlytold mewasthatboth you and the chair
were in completeagreementthatnotascintillaofevidenceexisted in supportofthis
creep'scomplaint(s), notonlyagainstme, butagainsttheotherattorneysaswell. You
madeitquiteclearthatthismatterwasdoneandoverwith. Therewas no
indecisionon yourpart, otherthanthatyou planned towaituntil Gillespie'sridiculous
Florida SupremeCourtpleadingdeadlinehad passed (on oraboutDecember10, 2012)
beforeyou would send outthe letteradvising meofyourdecision, and advising him
that, onceagain, hewasaloser.
As you well know, Mr. Clark, the REAL problem with this matteris thatThe Florida Bar
shiversand quakeswheneverGillespieopenshismouthorbeginstotype. Gillespie
certainlyhasreceived farmoreconsideration from yourOfficethan I, aFlorida Bar
member, hasenjoyed. Byseeking to avoid Gillespie'svenom,you havethrown me
and severalotherFlorida Barmembersunderthe bus. Thatyou and yourcolleagues
donotprotectFlorida Barmemberswho have been savaged bygarbagelike Gillespie
is sad.
Iassureyou thatthis is notthe end ofthis Mr. Clark.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida &New Jersey

Graduate, PeteBarry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"

801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY:Thise-mail message (and anyassociated files)from Castagliuolo
Law, P. A. is forthesoleuseofthe intended recipientorrecipientsand maycontain
confidential and privileged information.Anyunauthorized review, use, disclosure,
distribution,orotherdisseminationofthise-mail messageand/orthe information
containedtherein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou are notthe intended recipientofthise-mail
message, pleasecontactthesenderbyreplyemailorbytelephoneat(727)712-3333
and destroyall copiesofthe original message.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: GILLESPIE
From: Leonard EClark <>
Date: Tue, February 12, 2013 10:33am
To: <>
Mr. Castagliuolo,
As Ipreviouslymentionedto you, yourcasewas senttothe chairofthegrievance
committeetoconsiderastaffandchairdismissal.Thechairofthe aforementionedcommitteehas madea
recommendation and Iam in the processofdeterminingwhatmyrecommendationwill be. Oncethatis
completedaletterwill be sentouttoall ofthe parties.As you know, thecomplainanthasalleged many
ruleviolationswhich need tobeevaluated.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813)872-6953
From: <>
To: "Leonard Clark" <>
Date: 02/12/201309:56AM
Kindlyreplyto myprevious2e-mailsand mytelephonecall to youroffice lastweek, all
ofwhich havegone unanswered.
IfIdon'thearfrom you in duecourse, mynextcall will beto yourboss in Tallahassee.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida &New Jersey
Graduate, Pete Barry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"
NA..... A N ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r

801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY:Thise-mail message(and anyassociatedfiles)from Castagliuolo
Law, P. A. is forthesole useofthe intended recipientorrecipientsand maycontain
confidential and privileged information.Anyunauthorized review, use, disclosure,
distribution, orotherdisseminationofthise-mail messageand/orthe information
containedtherein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou are notthe intended recipientofthis e-mail
message, please contact the sender by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333
and destroy all copies of the original message.
Fw: FLBarFileNo.2013-10,162(6D)
Leonard EClark to: Carol BSullivan 02/06/2013 01:25 PM
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813)872-6953
----- Forwardedby Leonard EClark/TheFlorida Baron 02/06/2013 01:25 PM -----
From: <eugene@tampaconsumerlawyer .com>
To: "Leonard Clark"<>
Cc: "MichaelLaurato"<>,neilgillespie@mfLnet
Date: 02/06/2013 11:57AM
Subject: FLBarFileNo.2013-10, 162(6D)
DearMr. Clark:
First, pleaseadjustyourrecordsto reflectmynewe-mail address.
Secondly, pleaseprovidemewith aletteroffinal dispositionofthisGillespie
abomination. Ihaveawhistleblowercomplaintaboutthisfool tofilewiththeSocial
SecurityAdministration, butIwantto receive yourletterfirst.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727)712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY:Thise-mail message(and anyassociatedfiles)from Castagliuolo
Law, P. A. isforthesoleuseoftheintended recipientorrecipientsand maycontain
confidential and privileged information.Anyunauthorized review, use, disclosure,
distribution, or other dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information
contained therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail
message, please contact the sender by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333
and destroy all copies of the original message.
Leonard EClark to: eugene 04/16/2013 11:37AM
Bee: Carol BSullivan
Noapologyis necessary. Iunderstandthatthegrievanceprocesscan befrustratingfromtimetotimeand
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. BeanPkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
Thankyou Mr. Clark. And I'msorryforgivingyo... 04/16/201310:27:21 AM
From: <eugene@tampaconsumerl>
To: "Leonard EClark"<>
Date: 04/16/2013 10:27AM
Thankyou Mr. Clark. And I'm sorryforgivingyou ahard timeafewmonthsago, but
thisguyis likeasnake, and forsomeoneclaimingto be handicapped, he nevergives
up. Weas lawyershavelittleornodefenseto attackslike his, butluckyforus, there
aren'ttoo manyGillespiesoutthere.
"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit. ... and keep moving forward"
Rocky Balboa
EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida &New Jersey
~ : I ~
,Nati()l1cll Assl1cja,tionof
N A ~ A
Co:nS"lJtller J\dvocates
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo, FL 33770 (727)7123333
CONFIDENTIALITY: Thise-mailmessage(andanyassociatedfiles)from CastagliuoloLaw, P. A. isfor
thesoleuseoftheintended recipientorrecipients and maycontain confidentialand privilegedinformation.
Anyunauthorizedreview, use, disclosure, distribution,orotherdisseminationofthise-mailmessage
and/ortheinformationcontainedtherein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou arenottheintendedrecipientofthis
e-mailmessage, pleasecontactthesenderbyreplyemailorbytelephoneat(727)712-3333anddestroy
all copiesoftheoriginal message.
-------- Original Message --------
From: Leonard EClark <>
Date: Tue, April 16,20139:55am
To: <>
Correct.Thecasewill beclosed asastaffandchairdismissaljustlikeMr.Rodemscase.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa Branch Office
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, 5te.2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: <>
To: Leonard EClark<LClark@flabar.orq>
Date: 04/16/201309:52AM
By closingIpresumeyou meanafindingofnoprobablecause?
EugeneP. Castagliuolo, Esquire
(727) 712-3333
From:Leonard EClark
Sent:4/16/2013 9:43 AM
Mr. Castagliuolo,
Ianticipatethatyourclosing letterwillbe senttothechairforhissignaturebytheendoftheweekand
should be mailedouttoyouwithinthe nexttwoweeks.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa Branch Office
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, 5te.2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: <>
To: "Leonard E Clark" <>
Date: 04/15/2013 02:52 PM
Mr. Clark,
It's been 2 months since you sent me this e-mail telling me that you "anticipate that [a]
decision will be made in the next few days" with regard to Gillespie's complaint about
It is my understanding that Mr. Rodems has had his complaint dismissed, and it looks
like Gillespie is on his way to, once again, be denied relief by SCOTUS. When will I
get my relief?
Your prompt response will be appreciated.
Thank you
"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit. ... and keep moving
forward" Rocky Balboa
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida & New Jersey
801 West Bay Drive Suite 301
Largo, FL 33770 (727) 7123333
CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuolo Law, P. A. is for
the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and may contain confidential and privileged
information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other dissemination of this e-mail
message and/or the information contained 'therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
recipient of this e-mail message, please contact the sender by reply email or by telephone at (727)
712-3333 and destroy all copies of the original message.
-------- Original Message --------
From: Leonard EClark <>
Date: Tue, February 12, 2013 12:13 pm
To: <>
Mr. Castagluiolo,
Ineverliedtoyou. IexplainedtheprocessthatIwaslooking intotoattemptto resolve
thiscaseas quicklyas possible.When Ispoketoyou inearlyDecember, Ihad notyetreceivedthe
recommendationfromthechair. Accordingly, itisimpossiblethatIsaidthechairand Iwerein complete
agreement. Mystatementwasifthechairand Iwerein completeagreementIwoulddraftastaffand
chairdismissalletter ,whichissigned bythechair.AsIpreviouslystated, Inowhavethat
recommendationand IwantedtoconsiderafewthingsbeforeImademyfinaldecision. Ianticipatethat
decisionwill be madein thenextfewdays.Ifyou haveanyfurtherquestionsaboutthiscase,feelfreeto
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa BranchOffice
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
From: <>
To: "Leonard EClark"<>
Cc: sbloemen@flabar,org,"Ryan Rodems"<>,"Michael Laurato"<>I
Date: 02/12/2013 11:13AM
Mr. Clark, Icannotrememberwhen (ifever)in mycareerthatI'vebeen so deceived
and outrightlied tobyan attorneyin apositionsuchasyours. Iam seriously
consideringfiling an ethicsviolation againstYOU myself, butIwanttocalm downand
considerthissituation rationallybefore Ido.
No, Mr.Clark,youmostcertainlydidNOTtellmethat,followingthechair's
"recommendation.II Whatyou explicitlytold mewasthatboth you andthechair
were in completeagreementthatnotascintillaofevidenceexisted in supportofthis
creep'scomplaint(s), notonlyagainstme, butagainsttheotherattorneysaswell. You
madeitquiteclearthatthismatterwasdoneandoverwith. Therewas no
indecisionon yourpart, otherthanthatyou plannedtowaituntil Gillespie's ridiculous
FloridaSupremeCourtpleadingdeadlinehad passed (on oraboutDecember10,
2012)beforeyouwould sendoutthe letteradvising meofyourdecision, and advising
him that, onceagain, hewasaloser.
Asyou well know, Mr. Clark, the REALproblemwiththis matteristhatThe Florida Bar
shiversand quakeswheneverGillespieopenshismouthorbeginstotype. Gillespie
certainlyhasreceived farmoreconsiderationfrom yourOfficethan I, a Florida Bar
member, hasenjoyed. Byseekingto avoid Gillespie'svenom, you havethrown me
and several otherFlorida Barmembersunderthe bus. Thatyou and yourcolleagues
donotprotectFlorida Barmemberswhohavebeen savaged bygarbagelikeGillespie
is sad.
Iassureyou thatthis is nottheend ofthis Mr. Clark.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida & New Jersey

Graduate, Pete Barry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727)712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY:Thise-mail message (and anyassociatedfiles)from
CastagliuoloLaw, P. A. is forthesoleuseoftheintended recipientorrecipientsand
maycontain confidential and privileged information.Anyunauthorized review, use,
disclosure, distribution, orotherdisseminationofthise-mail messageand/orthe
informationcontained therein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou are notthe intended recipient
ofthise-mail message, please contactthe senderbyreplyemail orbytelephoneat
(727)712-3333anddestroyall copiesoftheoriginal message.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: GILLESPIE
From: Leonard EClark <>
Date: Tue, February 12, 2013 10:33am
To: <>
Mr. Castagliuolo,
As Ipreviouslymentionedtoyou, yourcasewassenttothechairofthegrievance
committeeto considerastaffandchairdismissal.Thechairoftheaforementionedcommitteehasmade
arecommendation and Iam in theprocessofdeterminingwhatmyrecommendationwill be.Oncethatis
completedaletterwill besentoutto alloftheparties.Asyou know, thecomplainanthasalleged many
ruleviolationswhichneedto beevaluated.
Leonard E. Clark
Tampa Branch Office
TheFlorida Bar
4200GeorgeJ. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813)875-9821
Fax: (813)872-6953
From: <>
To: "LeonardClark"<>
Date: 02/12/201309:56AM
Kindlyreplyto myprevious2e-mailsand mytelephonecall toyouroffice lastweek, all
ofwhich havegoneunanswered.
IfIdon'thearfrom you in duecourse, mynextcall will betoyourbossin Tallahassee.
EugeneP. Castagliuolo,Esquire
Licensed To Practice Law In Florida &New Jersey

Graduate, Pete Barry'sFDCPA"BootCamp"
801 WestBayDriveSuite301
Largo,FL 33770 (727)712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY:Thise-mail message (and anyassociated files)from
Castagliuolo Law, P. A. isforthesole useoftheintended recipientorrecipientsand
maycontain confidential and privileged information. Anyunauthorized review, use,
disclosure, distribution, orotherdisseminationofthise-mail messageand/orthe
information containedtherein is strictlyprohibited. Ifyou are notthe intended recipient
ofthise-mail message, please contactthe senderbyreplyemailorbytelephoneat
(727)712-3333and destroyall copiesoftheoriginal message.
TFB v. Castagliuolo
Leonard E Clark to: eugene 05/13/2013 10:59 AM
Bee: Carol B Sullivan
Mr. Castagliuolo,
Please find attached the staff and chair closing letter in the above referenced case. The original will be
placed in the mail to you today. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Staff and Chair NPC Letter.pdf
Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, FI 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953
Mr. NeilJ. Gillespie
8092S.W. 115ThLoop
Re: Con1plaintbyNeilJ. GillespieagainstEugenePCastagliuolo
TheFloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Gillespie:
Pursuant to your public records request dated September 15, 2012, I have enclosed additional
correspondencereceived from Mr. Castagliuolo. Pleasefind attachedto this letteran email from
Mr. Castagliuoloto theFloridaBardatedOctober22,2012.
In reviewing the tile, it appears that all other correspondence from Mr. Castagliuolo has been
provided to you. Specifically, Mr. Castagliuolo' s response to the fifteen (15) day letter dated
August 30, 2012, and his follow up response to the fifteen (15) day letter dated September 19,
2012. Ifyourequireadditionalinformation,pleasecontactmeattheabovereferencednumber.
Appendix 3
Eugene P, Castagliuolo, Esq. IU. 10/22/201203:40 PM
Please respond to "Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq."
Mr. LittJewood,
I have long ago disavowed the notion that The Florida Bar exists for the
professional welfare and benefit of its members, of which I am one. It
clearly (and sadly) does not. But can you possibly tell me exactly how much
longer I must endure the slings and arrows of this piece of garbage Gillespie
before you will act upon his "complaint" ?
I plan to sue Gillespie as soon as The Florida Bar complaint is closed. FYI,
my complaints will be based upon his publishing the details of my personal
life on the internet and his recording of our telephone conversations without
my consent.
Thank you in advance for what I hope will be a prompt, meaningful
Eugene P. CastagHuolo, Esquire
801 West Bay Drive
Suite 301
Largo, Florida 33770
(727) 712-3333
CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuoto Law,
P. A. is for the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and may contain confidential
and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
disseminatjon of this e-mail message and/or the information contained therein is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please contact the
sender by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333 and destroy all copies of the
original message.

,.;. -..
o (Ii
a: a. '"

". ..,'
DJ)+c: PROfE.'':J\!
SUITE 2580
TAMPA, FL 33607
Visit our website:
. "'Hasler

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie
8092 S.w. 15Th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481
i-48i 3S:E:792 I. t I' t .11.1111111111,1 t .111 J 11,11. tIt II f .It J.I ttl tl JIJtil f f
ZIP 33607
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
cc: Dr. Karin Huffer
Paul Hill
Kenneth Marvin
Theodore Littlewood
----- Original Message -----
From: Leonard E Clark
To: Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq.
Cc: Gillespie
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)

Dear Mr. Castagliuolo,
I am currently assigned to your case. I believe I have all the information I
need to complete the investigation of your case. If I require additional information from you or Mr.
Gillespie, I will let you know. Additionally, I will keep you updated on the status of your case.

Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, Fl 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953

From: "Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq." <>
To: Leonard Clark <>
Cc: Gillespie <>
Date: 10/26/2012 01:45 PM
Subject: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)

Dear Mr. Clark,

It is my understanding that you are now handling the above-referenced complaint filed against

This e-mail constitutes my response to the latest of Gillespie's endless filings; these last two
were dated October 18 and October 22, 2012.

Each of these filings, like all of his previous filings, sound like the rantings of a lunatic. As such, I
will not dignify either with a detailed response, other than to generally deny each and every
statement uttered by Gillespie in these filings.

I must make one clarification, however, of a point that I raised in my previous rebuttals. I had
Page 2of 3
Appendix 6
previously stated that "in my spare time" I would challenge Gillespie's handicapped status with
the Social Security Administration. I no longer feel this way. Instead, I plan to devote whatever
time and energy is necessary to bring Gillespie's prolific defamatory statements and conduct to
the attention of the SSA as crystal clear evidence that he is not handicapped. My pursuit of this
goal will be anything but casual.

Furthermore, I have a lawsuit drafted and ready to be filed in Pinellas County against Gillespie
just as soon as you close this case. This case is not based upon this complaint, but rather, it will
be based upon Gillespie's defaming me, as well as his independent publication of personal and
private matters about me on the internet.

Thank you

Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
801 West Bay Drive
Suite 301
Largo, Florida 33770

(727) 712-3333

CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuolo Law, P. A.
is for the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and may contain confidential and
privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information contained therein is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please contact the sender
by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333 and destroy all copies of the original message.
Page 3of 3

Neil Gillespie
From: "Neil Gillespie" <>
To: "Leonard E Clark" <>
Cc: "Karin Huffer" <>; "Paul F Hill" <>; "Kenneth Lawrence
Marvin" <>; "Theodore P Littlewood" <>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 4:51 PM
Attach: Letter of Mr. Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D).pdf
Subject: Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D); ADA Disability Accommodation Request
Page 1of 3
Leonard E. Clark, Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office, The Florida Bar
RE: Eugene P Castagliuolo; The Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
ADA Disability Accommodation Request
Dear Mr. Clark:
Attached you will find my letter to Mr. Littlewood dated October 25, 2012 relative to Mr.
Castagliuolos ongoing criminal harassment of me in violation of Section 784.048(2), Florida
Statutes. Included is my September 25, 2012 notice to Mr. Castagliuolo not to send email.
Today I received email from you at 2:02 p.m. that forwarded Castagliuolos email below. This is
not acceptable. In the future please respond to me in writing. This is a disability accommodation
request made under the Americana With Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 USC 12101 et seq., and
Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and any other applicable law.
As soon as possible I plan to make more formal and detailed disability accommodation request to
Paul Hill. But the nature of my disability has delayed that request. Castagliuolos threats and
harassment today have delayed my complaint to ACAP about Robert W. Bauer, so
Castagliuolos ongoing criminal harassment is preventing, delaying or interfering with my use
the services of, or participation in programs or activities provided by the Florida Bar, a public
In addition, Florida Bar Rule 4-8.4(d) states "A lawyer shall not engage in conduct in connection
with the practice of law that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, including to
knowingly, or through callous indifference, disparage, humiliate, or discriminate against
litigantson any basis, including, but not limited to disability."
This is a request to include each such disability-based threat, humiliarion, disparagement, or
discrimination by Mr. Castagliuolo against me as a new ethics violation.
I suppose Mr. Castagliuolo is free to file lawsuits against me, or "challenge Gillespie's
handicapped status with the Social Security Administration." But it is not appropriate or lawful
to use the Florida Bar complaint process as a basis for that behavior. Thank you.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481

Appendix 7
cc: Dr. Karin Huffer
Paul Hill
Kenneth Marvin
Theodore Littlewood
----- Original Message -----
From: Leonard E Clark
To: Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq.
Cc: Gillespie
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)

Dear Mr. Castagliuolo,
I am currently assigned to your case. I believe I have all the information I
need to complete the investigation of your case. If I require additional information from you or Mr.
Gillespie, I will let you know. Additionally, I will keep you updated on the status of your case.

Leonard E. Clark
Bar Counsel
Tampa Branch Office
The Florida Bar
4200 George J. Bean Pkwy, Ste. 2580
Tampa, Fl 33607
Phone: (813) 875-9821
Fax: (813) 872-6953

From: "Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esq." <>
To: Leonard Clark <>
Cc: Gillespie <>
Date: 10/26/2012 01:45 PM
Subject: Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)

Dear Mr. Clark,

It is my understanding that you are now handling the above-referenced complaint filed against

This e-mail constitutes my response to the latest of Gillespie's endless filings; these last two
were dated October 18 and October 22, 2012.

Each of these filings, like all of his previous filings, sound like the rantings of a lunatic. As such, I
will not dignify either with a detailed response, other than to generally deny each and every
statement uttered by Gillespie in these filings.

I must make one clarification, however, of a point that I raised in my previous rebuttals. I had
Page 2of 3
previously stated that "in my spare time" I would challenge Gillespie's handicapped status with
the Social Security Administration. I no longer feel this way. Instead, I plan to devote whatever
time and energy is necessary to bring Gillespie's prolific defamatory statements and conduct to
the attention of the SSA as crystal clear evidence that he is not handicapped. My pursuit of this
goal will be anything but casual.

Furthermore, I have a lawsuit drafted and ready to be filed in Pinellas County against Gillespie
just as soon as you close this case. This case is not based upon this complaint, but rather, it will
be based upon Gillespie's defaming me, as well as his independent publication of personal and
private matters about me on the internet.

Thank you

Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire
801 West Bay Drive
Suite 301
Largo, Florida 33770

(727) 712-3333

CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail message (and any associated files) from Castagliuolo Law, P. A.
is for the sole use of the intended recipient or recipients and may contain confidential and
privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information contained therein is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please contact the sender
by reply email or by telephone at (727) 712-3333 and destroy all copies of the original message.
Page 3of 3
Via Email:, and October 25, 2012
U.P.S. No. lZ64589FP292045149
Theodore P. Littlewood Jr., Bar Counsel
The Florida Bar, ACAP
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
Dear Mr. Littlewood:
Enclosed you will find Mr. Castagliuolo's letter to me dated October 22, 2012 that states:
TAKE CAREFUL NOTICE that I shall continue to send you copies of all of my filings
and responses to and with The Florida Bar bye-mail and ONLY BY E-MAIL.
I couldn't care less whether this is to your liking, whether you read my e-mails, or
whether you don't read my e-mails. Note further that at least one and possibly as many as
three have already been sent by email. The fact that you have chosen to "delete them
unread" is your problem and not mine.
Be mindful that this message is being mailed to you via U. S. Mail as a one-time courtesy
only. There will not be a second notice.
Also enclosed is my September 25, 2012 notice to Mr. Castagliuolo not to send email.
As indicated in the enclosed email to Ms. Jolinski, Records Manager, I have requested copies of
the files in the Castagliuolo complaint, and the Rodems complaint, and will do so weekly.
As for Mr. Castagliuolo's ongoing harassing and inappropriate behavior, I will address that issue
separately with Paul Hill and provide you a copy of the correspondence. Thank you.

cc: First Class Mail, Eugene P Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
cc: First Class Mail, Ryan Christopher Rodems, File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
cc: Email, Paul Hill, General Counsel
cc: Email, Kenneth L. Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation
cc: Email, Ms. Jolinski, Records Manager
801 WestBayDrive Suite301 (727) 7 1 2 3 3 3 3
Largo, FL 33770
October22, 2012
8092S. W. 115thLoop
Ocala, FL 34481
TAKECAREFULNOTICEthatIshallcontinuetosendyou copiesofall ofmyfilingsand responsesto
andwithTheFlorida Barbye-mailandONLYBYE-MAIL.
mye-mails. Notefurtherthatatleastoneand possiblyasmanyasthreehavealreadybeensentbye-
mail. Thefactthatyou havechosento"deletethem unread"isyourproblem and notmine.
Bemindfulthatthismessageis being mailedtoyouvia U. S. Mail asaone-timecourtesyonly. There
will notbeasecondnotice.
VIAUPS,No. lZ64589FP293065812 September25,2012
EugeneP. Castagliuolo
801 WestBayDrive,Suite301
Re: EugenePCastagliuolo,TheFloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Castagliuolo:
PLEASETAKENOTICE:Donotsendmeemail.itisnotwelcome. Stopsendingmeemail.
YouhavebeenonmyblockedemaillistsinceJuly,2011 inanattempttoblockyourharassing
andabusiveemail,includingemailfalselyaccusingme ofcrimes.Youareengagedinacourse
makingemailfrom youunreliablecommunicationintheBarcomplaintprocess.Thisrecently
sendbyemailuntil September4,2012,andwhichIdidnotreceiveuntil September7, 2012.
OnAugust1,2012youwrotebyemail:"Youre-mailisblockedfromthispointforward. Any
subsequentemailtome ismarked"OUTGOINGE-MAILONLY"makingthisanunequal
methodof communication.
Youare instructednottosendme email.Anyfuture emailfrom youwillbedeletedunread.You
arealsonotpermittedtotelephoneme. PleasecommunicateonlybyU.S.Mailorthird-party
cc: TheodoreP. LittlewoodJr.,BarCounsel
651 EastJeffersonStreet

Neil Gillespie
From: "Neil Gillespie" <>
To: "J enny J olinski" <J J>
Cc: "Theodore P Littlewood" <>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <>;
"Paul F Hill" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:40 AM
Attach: Sep-15-12 Records request to Mr. Littlewood, re 2013-10,162 (6D) Castagliuolo.pdf
Subject: New records request; Castagliuolo File No. 2013-10,162 (6D); Rodems File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
Page 1of 1
J enny R. J olinski, CRM CDIA+
Records Manager, The Florida Bar
Dear Ms. J olinski,
Attached is a PDF copy of a records request I made September 15, 2010 to Mr. Littlewood in my
open complaint against Eugene Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D). As of today, five
weeks later, I do not have a response from Mr. Littlewood. Subsequently I received a letter from
Mr. Castagliuolo announcing his refusal to provide copies all of his filings and responses to and
with The Florida Bar by mail.
Therefore I am making a new records request to you in the following two open cases for every
record or document in each file, including emails, and documents and records that I may have
Eugene P Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
Ryan Christopher Rodems, File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
I will renew this records request each week, in each of the above complaints, to make sure I am
receiving all the documents. I regret any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.
Neil Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481,and
U.S. PostalServiceFirstClassMail
651 EastJeffersonStreet
Re:RecordsRequest,EugeneP. Castagliuolo
mentionme,Mr. Castagliuolo,ortheBarcomplaint,includingrecordsofthetypeofcontact
unsolicitedoffertoassistCastagliuoloinanyfutureBargrievancefrom me. (p.3,~ :
yourletterandenclosuresdatedAugust17,2012,andMr. Castagliuolo'sresponseofAugust30,
PDFbyemailif thatis moreconvenientforyou.Thankyou.
Via Email:, and October 25, 2012
U.P.S. No. lZ64589FP292045149
Theodore P. Littlewood Jr., Bar Counsel
The Florida Bar, ACAP
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
Dear Mr. Littlewood:
Enclosed you will find Mr. Castagliuolo's letter to me dated October 22, 2012 that states:
TAKE CAREFUL NOTICE that I shall continue to send you copies of all of my filings
and responses to and with The Florida Bar bye-mail and ONLY BY E-MAIL.
I couldn't care less whether this is to your liking, whether you read my e-mails, or
whether you don't read my e-mails. Note further that at least one and possibly as many as
three have already been sent by email. The fact that you have chosen to "delete them
unread" is your problem and not mine.
Be mindful that this message is being mailed to you via U. S. Mail as a one-time courtesy
only. There will not be a second notice.
Also enclosed is my September 25, 2012 notice to Mr. Castagliuolo not to send email.
As indicated in the enclosed email to Ms. Jolinski, Records Manager, I have requested copies of
the files in the Castagliuolo complaint, and the Rodems complaint, and will do so weekly.
As for Mr. Castagliuolo's ongoing harassing and inappropriate behavior, I will address that issue
separately with Paul Hill and provide you a copy of the correspondence. Thank you.

cc: First Class Mail, Eugene P Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
cc: First Class Mail, Ryan Christopher Rodems, File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
cc: Email, Paul Hill, General Counsel
cc: Email, Kenneth L. Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation
cc: Email, Ms. Jolinski, Records Manager
Appendix 8
801 WestBayDrive Suite301 (727) 7 1 2 3 3 3 3
Largo, FL 33770
October22, 2012
8092S. W. 115thLoop
Ocala, FL 34481
TAKECAREFULNOTICEthatIshallcontinuetosendyou copiesofall ofmyfilingsand responsesto
andwithTheFlorida Barbye-mailandONLYBYE-MAIL.
mye-mails. Notefurtherthatatleastoneand possiblyasmanyasthreehavealreadybeensentbye-
mail. Thefactthatyou havechosento"deletethem unread"isyourproblem and notmine.
Bemindfulthatthismessageis being mailedtoyouvia U. S. Mail asaone-timecourtesyonly. There
will notbeasecondnotice.
VIAUPS,No. lZ64589FP293065812 September25,2012
EugeneP. Castagliuolo
801 WestBayDrive,Suite301
Re: EugenePCastagliuolo,TheFloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Castagliuolo:
PLEASETAKENOTICE:Donotsendmeemail.itisnotwelcome. Stopsendingmeemail.
YouhavebeenonmyblockedemaillistsinceJuly,2011 inanattempttoblockyourharassing
andabusiveemail,includingemailfalselyaccusingme ofcrimes.Youareengagedinacourse
makingemailfrom youunreliablecommunicationintheBarcomplaintprocess.Thisrecently
sendbyemailuntil September4,2012,andwhichIdidnotreceiveuntil September7, 2012.
OnAugust1,2012youwrotebyemail:"Youre-mailisblockedfromthispointforward. Any
subsequentemailtome ismarked"OUTGOINGE-MAILONLY"makingthisanunequal
methodof communication.
Youare instructednottosendme email.Anyfuture emailfrom youwillbedeletedunread.You
arealsonotpermittedtotelephoneme. PleasecommunicateonlybyU.S.Mailorthird-party
cc: TheodoreP. LittlewoodJr.,BarCounsel
651 EastJeffersonStreet

Neil Gillespie
From: "Neil Gillespie" <>
To: "J enny J olinski" <J J>
Cc: "Theodore P Littlewood" <>; "Kenneth Lawrence Marvin" <>;
"Paul F Hill" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:40 AM
Attach: Sep-15-12 Records request to Mr. Littlewood, re 2013-10,162 (6D) Castagliuolo.pdf
Subject: New records request; Castagliuolo File No. 2013-10,162 (6D); Rodems File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
Page 1of 1
J enny R. J olinski, CRM CDIA+
Records Manager, The Florida Bar
Dear Ms. J olinski,
Attached is a PDF copy of a records request I made September 15, 2010 to Mr. Littlewood in my
open complaint against Eugene Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D). As of today, five
weeks later, I do not have a response from Mr. Littlewood. Subsequently I received a letter from
Mr. Castagliuolo announcing his refusal to provide copies all of his filings and responses to and
with The Florida Bar by mail.
Therefore I am making a new records request to you in the following two open cases for every
record or document in each file, including emails, and documents and records that I may have
Eugene P Castagliuolo, File No. 2013-10,162 (6D)
Ryan Christopher Rodems, File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
I will renew this records request each week, in each of the above complaints, to make sure I am
receiving all the documents. I regret any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.
Neil Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481,and
U.S. PostalServiceFirstClassMail
651 EastJeffersonStreet
Re:RecordsRequest,EugeneP. Castagliuolo
mentionme,Mr. Castagliuolo,ortheBarcomplaint,includingrecordsofthetypeofcontact
unsolicitedoffertoassistCastagliuoloinanyfutureBargrievancefrom me. (p.3,~ :
yourletterandenclosuresdatedAugust17,2012,andMr. Castagliuolo'sresponseofAugust30,
PDFbyemailif thatis moreconvenientforyou.Thankyou.
801 WestBayDrive Suite301 (727) 7 1 2 3 3 3 3
Largo, FL 33770
October22, 2012
8092S. W. 115thLoop
Ocala, FL 34481
TAKECAREFULNOTICEthatIshallcontinuetosendyou copiesofall ofmyfilingsand responsesto
andwithTheFlorida Barbye-mailandONLYBYE-MAIL.
mye-mails. Notefurtherthatatleastoneand possiblyasmanyasthreehavealreadybeensentbye-
mail. Thefactthatyou havechosento"deletethem unread"isyourproblem and notmine.
Bemindfulthatthismessageis being mailedtoyouvia U. S. Mail asaone-timecourtesyonly. There
will notbeasecondnotice.
Appendix 9
VIAUPS,No. lZ64589FP293065812 September25,2012
EugeneP. Castagliuolo
801 WestBayDrive,Suite301
Re: EugenePCastagliuolo,TheFloridaBarFileNo. 2013-10,162(6D)
DearMr. Castagliuolo:
PLEASETAKENOTICE:Donotsendmeemail.itisnotwelcome. Stopsendingmeemail.
YouhavebeenonmyblockedemaillistsinceJuly,2011 inanattempttoblockyourharassing
andabusiveemail,includingemailfalselyaccusingme ofcrimes.Youareengagedinacourse
makingemailfrom youunreliablecommunicationintheBarcomplaintprocess.Thisrecently
sendbyemailuntil September4,2012,andwhichIdidnotreceiveuntil September7, 2012.
OnAugust1,2012youwrotebyemail:"Youre-mailisblockedfromthispointforward. Any
subsequentemailtome ismarked"OUTGOINGE-MAILONLY"makingthisanunequal
methodof communication.
Youare instructednottosendme email.Anyfuture emailfrom youwillbedeletedunread.You
arealsonotpermittedtotelephoneme. PleasecommunicateonlybyU.S.Mailorthird-party
cc: TheodoreP. LittlewoodJr.,BarCounsel
651 EastJeffersonStreet
Appendix 10

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