Writing Final

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Vocabulary Question:
If you know the word:
1) Choose the answer or answers that match the meaning best.
2) Read the sentence with the highlighted vocabulary to double check the
If you dont know the word:
1) Read the sentence with the word and guess what its meaning could be.
2) Choose an asnwer that fits this meaning. ( If more than one works, guess
Detail Question:
Sign: according to paragraph or WH
1) Read the question to understand what information you are being asked to
2) Identify the key words in the question to search for in the reading.
3) Start reading quickly from the beginning of the paragraph in search of the
key words or synonyms of them.
4) When you find the key word, remind yoursefl of the question and read
carefully to find the answer for yourself.
5) Once you have identified the answer, check the answer choices and choose
the one that matches your anticipated answer best.
Negative Detail Question:
1) Read the question to understand what information you are being asked to
2) Identify the key words in the question to search for in the reading.
3) Start reading quickly from the beginning of the paragraph in search of the
key words or synonyms of them.
4) When you find the key word, read the sentence and check the answer
choices to determine which you can eliminate. Continue to do this for each
answer choice until you can determine that one is wrong or not mentioned
and choose that answer.
Inference Question:
1) Read the question to understant what information you are asked to find.
2) Identify the key words in the question to search for in the reading.
3) Start reading quickly from the beginning of the paragraph in search of the
key words or synonyms of them.
4) When you find the key word, remind yourself of the question and read
carefully to find the answer for youself. Ask yourself, what does this imply
that must be true?
5) Once you have identified the answer, check the answer choices and choose
the one that matches your anticipated answer best.
6) If you dont find the answer right away, keep asking yourself: what must be
true from this sentence that isnt stated directly.
Pronoun Strategy:
1) Determine whether the pronoun is singular or plural.
2) Identify all of the nouns in the sentence before the propnoun that match in
3) Choose the one that fits the meaning of the sentence best.
4) Find that noun among your answer choices and choose it
Plug-in Strategy:
1) Read the sentence quickly to identify what its saying and the key words
within it.
2) Read the paragraph and find the sentence that contains key words from
3) Use pronouns in your plug-in sentence to determine where your sentence
4) If thats not enough. Identify words such as however, consequently,
therefore, etc. to determine whether your sentence continues the idea or
begins the idea.
5) Finally, read through the paragraph with your answer in place and double
check that it makes sense.
Paraphrase Strategy:
1) Read the main independent clause and nothing else. Understand the
subject, verb, and object.
2) Read through the answer choices and eliminate any answer that does not
state this information exactly.
3) Read the next clause in the highlighted sentence carefully.
4) Read through the answer choices and eliminate any answer that does not
state this information exactly.
5) Continue this process until only one answer is left.
Purpose Strategy:
1) Read the question to understand what you are being asked.
2) Identify the key words
3) Read the appropriate paragraph and find those key words or synonyms of
4) Read the sentence
5) Look for any adverbs that will help you to identify the relationship between
your key words and the content before it.
6) Now, choose an answer choice that reflects the information in the sentence
Summary Strategy:
Type 1:
1) Review the structure of the reading on your own. Explain to yourself how it
is organized to remind you of the important information.
2) Read the question carefully and see of the sentence in bold gives you a clue
as to what answer choices might be.
3) Read your first answer choice to understand what it states and find its key
4) Scan through the reading until you find the key words or synonyms of them
and read the sentences they are found in.
5) Determine whether that answer choice is a summary, detail, or wrong
6) After your analysis, you should be left with 3 summary answer choices.
7) If you are life with 4 summary answer choices, read the sentence in bold to
eliminate the answer choice that doesnt directly deal with the topic
8) If you are left with 2 summary anser choices and 2 detail answer choices,
read the sentence in bold in the question and eliminate one of the detail
answer choices that deals with the topic sentence least.
Type 2:
1) Read an answer choice and identify the key words.
2) Find the key words or synonyms of them in the reading
3) Read the sentence with your key word and determine what topic it
belongs to .
4) Match that anwer choice to the appropriate topic.

Content is more important than mechanics
PART 1: Integrated writing
1) Outline:

1st: you will be given 3 minutes to read an article.
2nd: you will hear a lecture that lasts about 2 minutes.
3rd: you will be asked a question about the lecture and the article.
4th: you will be given 20 minutes to write an essay; you can see the
article again during this time.
5th: the computer will save your essay and move to the next question.

2) Paragraph structure:
1st paragraph: The authors opinion about the topic is stated
2nd paragraph: One reason of support for the authors opinion is
3rd paragraph: A second reason of support is stated
4th paragraph: A third reason of support is stated
( the title is the topic)

3) What to read:

4) How to take notes:
Eight - box notes
5) Template:

What to explain How to explain it Timing 20
1st paragraph: state
the authors claim;
explain that the
professor opposes it
1st paragraph: Both the reading
and the listening focus on .
However, while the article states
that and provides three reasons
of support, the professor explains
that . . . and refutes each of the
author's reasons.
Finish by 17
2nd paragraph: state
the first reason of
2nd paragraph: At the first
point, the reading states that . . .
Finish by 11
support; explain how
the professor refutes it
The professor refutes this point by
stating that . . .
3rd paragraph: state
the second reason of
support; explain how
the professor refutes it
3rd paragraph: Second, the
article claims that . . . However,
the professor contends that . . .
Finish by 6 min.
4th paragraph: state
the third reason of
support; explain how
the professor refutes it
4th paragraph: Lastly, the
reading avers that . . . The lecture
opposes this point by showing that
. . .
Finish by 0 min.
6) Tips:
No comment
No your adj/adv
7) Less common type : para
While the reading vs, the listening vs
In the reading, it is stated that .
In the listening, an example is presented

8) Notes:
If there is something same in both the reading and the listening, follow this:
At the first point, both the listening and the reading agree that .
At the second point, not only the reading but also the listening assume that
PART 2: Independent writing
What to do Timing (30 minutes total)
1st: outline your essay Finish by 27 min
2nd: write your introduction Finish by 23 min
3rd: write your 1st body
Finish by 14 min
4th: write your 2nd body
Finish by 5 min
5th: write your conclusion Finish by 2 min
6th: make any final adjustments Finish by 0 min

1) Circles method to outline:
2) Introduction:
Step 1: State that the topic is important (use nouns to find out the
topic) and explain why its important
Step 2: Restate the question
Step 3: Present your answer
is a very important part of our lives because . , some ;
others . In my view, for two essential reasons.
3) Body:
Step 1: state your reason with one simple sentence
Step 2: explain how your reason and answer are logically connected
(2 sentences)
Step 3: offer specific support that talks about a real experience
Step 4: Write a very short concluding sentence
First and foremost, what I put in my priority is NP1 . It
cannot be denied that (key words) . 2 more sentences. As
a result, . More fascinatingly, . For example, . According
to this compelling illustration, . Indeed, NP1 is certainly a
marvelous benefit of .
In the second place, NP2 holds no less a crucial role.
Needless to say, (key word) . 2 more sentences.
Therefore, . More delightfully, (key word) . 2 more
sentences. Hence, . For instance, . This experience
taught me that . By and large, amazes everyone with
4) Concluding para:
Restate your answer
State your reasons
Provide a final suggestion

All in all, though some may , I hold my strong belief in
the two convincing reasons of support. Not only but also
. I strongly recommend that should take my writing into
great consideration to make an appropriate decision on .
5) Review
Dont review your essay. Add or delete something instead.
Cheat sheet
money, education, experience, emotion, environment, science,
medicine, knowledge . . .
6) Tips
Word Count
7) Some templates for less common types
Type 1: What, why, how: same
Type 2: Preference: same (add some comparisons)
Type 3: Agree or disagree: same
Type 4: Advice:
Different people poccess different attitudes towards this
First and foremost, drawback 1/ advantage 1. Current
situation. LW2, changes.
In the second place, . Current situation. LW2, changes.
With the appearance of
Only by, can
Thanks to
Creates chances for to .
Concluding para:
All in all, due to the current situation of , it is great for
to . Not only could but also .
I strongly
Type 5: Advantage or disadvantage:
is a very important part of our lives because . There
have been contradictory attitudes towards this matter. My
writing will critically demonstrate this from both sides.
On the positive side, NP1 and NP2 are the two advantages of
. It cannot be denied that (key words) . + 2 or 3 sentences.
More interestingly, (key words) . + 2 or 3 sentences. An
example to illustrate those two advantages is . Indeed, NP1
and NP2 are certainly two marvelous benefits of .
On the negative side, NP3 and NP4 are two great challenges
facing . Needless to say (key words) .+ 4 sentences. More
seriously, (key words) . + 4 sentences. For instance, I myself
used to experience those two drawbacks during .By and
large, disappoints everyone with NP3 and NP4 .
Concluding paragraph:
All in all, although offers NP1 and NP2, NP3 and NP4 need
consideration. I strongly recommend that should take my
writing into great consideration to make an appropriate
decision on .
Type 6: Compare and and tell:
My writing will critically not only compare these two ways
but also state my preference.
Body Para:
At the first analysis, 2 advantages of the former.
At the second analysis, 2 advantages of the later.
Personally, I am in favor of .
Concluding para:
Each way has show its own strength and my choice for is
inevitable. Template.
8) Ways to develop sentences in body paragraphs
Explain: step by step or two small details It cannot be denied that .
Needless to say, .
Big Comparison + Small comparisons: Even though , . On the other
hand. However, ..Futhermore, More excitingly, More preferably, more
excellently, .
Effect: As a result, Therefore, Thus, .


What to
General Example Timing
1st: Answer
2nd: Support 1
3rd: Details
4th: Support 2
5th: Details
6th: Conclusion
1st: In my view . . . for two
2nd: First, . . .
3rd: For example, . . .
4th: Second, . . .
5th: For instance, . . .
6th: Thats why . . .
Finish 1st by

Finish 3rd by

Finish 5th by
Finish 6th by

- Amount of content
- Quality of content
- Timing

Its apparent that
The fact is that
Needless to say
creates chances for to
it brings me a comfortable feeling
stop me from
skill set a good foundation for
It is a motivation for me to
It is a source of inspiration for me to

What to
How to explain it Timing
1st: Answer
2nd: 1st Reason
3rd: Support
1st: In my view . . . for two
2nd: First, . . .
3rd: For example, . . .
Finish 1st by

Finish 3rd by
4th: 2nd Reason
5th: Support
4th: Second, . . .
5th: For instance, . . .
6th: Thats why . . .

Finish 5th by
Finish 6th by

What to
How to explain it Timing
1st: The change

2nd: The

3rd: 1st reason
4th: 2nd
1st: The university has
announced that its planning on
for two reasons.
A student has proposed that the
university should for 2
2nd: Two students are
discussing this and the woman
feels that its a great/bad idea.
3rd: First, he/she mentions that
. . .
4th: Second, he/she says that . . .
5th: Thats why the man/women
feels that. . .
Finish 1st by

Finish 2nd by
Finish 3rd by
Finish 4th by
Finish 5th by

What to
How to explain it Timing
1st: title

3rd: lecture
4th: conclusion
1st: Basically,
3rd: The professor provides an
example of . . . to illustrate this.
4th: He/She explains that. . .
5th: And so, this example clearly
illustrates. .

Finish 3rd by

Finish 4th by
Finish 5th by

1st: the
2nd: the
3rd: first
4th: second
5th: your
1st: The womans/mans upset because
2nd: The students discuss two solutions.
3rd: First, . . .
4th: Second, . . .
5th: If I were the woman/man, I would
choose the solution.
6th: The first solution isnt very good
because even though. . . as the student
says . . .

4th by
25 - 30s

6th: first

7th: second

7th: The second solution is better because
it definitely solves the problem. The is
no longer worried about .
More exciting, she is likely to because
8th: That's why I would choose the

7th by 3s.

8th by

Firstly, it is clear that this solution definitely handles the problem. The woman is
no longer worried about
More essentially, this solution allows the to develop because . It sets a
good foundation for .
1st: general

2nd: transition
3rd: first
4th: example
5th: second
1st: The professor discusses. . ,
which basically is . . .
2nd: He/She describes two
3rd: First, . . .
4th: The professor provides an
example of . . . to illustrate this.
5th: Second, . . .
6th: The professor provides an

Finish 2nd by
Finish 4th by

6th: example
7th: conclusion
example of. . . to illustrate this.
7th: And that's how the
professor describes . . .
Finish 6th
by 3s
Finish 7th
by 0s

10 min. - 7 min.: answer 1 - 5 of the conversation (3 min)
7 min. - 3:30 min.: answer 6 - 11 of the lecture (3 min 30 sec)
3:30 min. - 0 min.: answer 12 - 17 of the discussion lecture (3 min 30 sec)
Question strategies:
1) Main idea question:
3 types
2) Detail question:
3) Inference question:
4) Attitude and Opinion question
Beware of the adj, adv and the overall direction of the lecture
Neutral, criticism and support.
5) Purpose question:
Illustrate, support, oppose or explain

Ways to better listening skill:
- Hear the words from the Listening that represent one simple idea
(one sentence)
- Understand the content
- Take notes on the content making sure to focus on writing the
subject, verb, and object
- Make sure that each line of notes is equal to one simple idea
- Each line of notes should have 1 to 5 words maximum
- Place a small mark at the beginning of every line to keep things neat

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