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360 Degree Analysis of Financial Market as regard with
India info Line limited

Submitted to
In partial fulfillment of the degree of
BATCH (2011-2013)

Submitted To: Submitted By:
Mr.Roshan Kumar Sania Kamra
GNA-IMT PHAGWARA Univ. Roll No.1173881
Class No.11-146


I, hereby, declare that the MBA Project titled, 360 Degree Analysis of Financial Market plans
is original to the best of our knowledge and have not been published elsewhere. This is for the
purpose of partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business
Administration (MBA).

Date: -.. Sign:-

Any purpose and its fulfillment require deep routed efforts for its completion. Many characters
play a vital role. This is more when a project undertaken is directly to a cause.
We would like to thank MR. Varun Sehgal, our Project guide, not only for giving us the
opportunity to work on this project, but also for providing us with sound guidance and the
necessary facilities to carry out the project. He constantly insisted and helped us in learning new
things. He provided us a lot of learning opportunities.
Finally I would like to thank all those who were directly and indirectly concerned in making
my project successful. To put it in a nutshell a difficult and arduous journey was made simple
and quiet enjoyable due to their support.


This is to certify that MS. SANIA KAMRA a student of GNA-IMT Phagwara has completed
project work on 360 Degree Analysis of Financial Market as regard with India info Line
limited under my guidance and supervision.
I certify that this is an original work and has not been copied from any source.

Signature of Guide
Name of Project Guide MR. VARUN SEHGAL

MBA program is one of the most reputed professional courses in the field of Management.
Training is an integral part of MBA. As a complementary to that every trainee has to submit a
report on the research work conducted in that institute.
This report is thus prepared for the project work done at IndiaInfoline Jalandhar branch. The
topic of the project is, 360 Degree Analysis of Financial Market.
This project is based about the different terms of financial market and the investment strategies
of the people in different markets. In this project I covered markets like Capital market, Money
market, Derivatives, Equity market, Commodity market, Currency market, Mutual funds,
Investment means putting your money to work to earn more money. If done wisely it can help to
meet one's financial goals like buying a new house, paying for a college education, education,
enjoying a comfortable retirement or whatever is important to an individual. After studying about
the different markets people can invest their money in most profitable ways.
One needs to make decisions about how much he/she wants to invest and where to invest. To
choose he needs to know current good options available and their relative risk exposures. These
help are given to a client in IndiaInfoline as to in which portfolio they can invest and what risks
are related to it. People invest in different companies which they trust the most. India Info line is
the leading company among different brokerage companies.



1.1.Financial Market
1.2.Types of Financial Market
1.3.Indian Financial Market
1.4Stock Exchanges in India

2.1. Introduction of the Industry
2.2. Financial Markets
2.3. Introduction of India Info line
2.4.History of India Info line
2.5. Products and Services of the Company
2.6.Market Share of the Company
2.7.Challenges Faced by the Company
2.8.Performance Highlights in 2011-12
2.9.Highlights 2011-12 Industry Optimism

5.1.Type of the Study
5.2.Sample Universe
5.3.Sample Size
5.4.Sources of Data
5.5.Duration Period
5.6 Limitations of the Study


7.1. Findings
7.2. suggestions
7.3. Conclusion




A financial market is a market in which people and entities can trade financial securities,
commodities, and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect
supply and demand. Securities include stocks and bonds, and commodities include precious
metals or agricultural goods.
Financial markets facilitate:
The raising of capital
The transfer of risk
International trade
1.2. Types of Financial Market
Capital Market
Money Market
Commodity Market
Foreign Exchange
These markets can further be classified into:
The market where securities are traded known as Securities market. It consists of two different
segments namely primary and secondary market. The primary market deals with new or fresh
issue of securities and is, therefore, also known as new issue market; .whereas the secondary
market provides a place for purchase and sale of existing securities and is often termed as stock
.market or stock exchange.

Types of capital market

Capital Market can also be classified into:
The bond market (also known as the debt, credit, or fixed income market) is a financial market
where participants buy and sell debt securities, usually in the form of bonds. As of 2009, the size
of the worldwide bond market (total debt outstanding) is an estimated $82.2 trillion [1], of which
the size of the outstanding U.S. bond market debt was $31.2 trillion according to BIS (or
alternatively $34.3 trillion according to SIFMA).
However, a small number of bonds, primarily corporate, are listed on exchanges. References to
the "bond market" usually refer to the government bond market, because of its size, liquidity,
lack of credit risk and, therefore, sensitivity to interest rates. Because of the inverse relationship
between bond valuation and interest rates, the bond market is often used to indicate changes in
interest rates or the shape of the yield curve.

A stock market or equity market is a public entity (a loose network of economic transactions, not
a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of company stock (shares) and derivatives at
an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded
The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion at the beginning of
October 2008.[1] The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion
face or nominal value,[2] 11 times the size of the entire world economy.[3] The value of the
derivatives market, because it is stated in terms of notional values, cannot be directly comparedto
a stock or a fixed income security, which traditionally refers to an actual value. Moreover, the
vast majority of derivatives 'cancel' each other out (i.e., a derivative 'bet' on an event occurring is
offset by a comparable derivative 'bet' on the event not occurring). Many such relatively illiquid
securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price.
The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual
organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a
listing of stocks and securities together. The largest stock market in the United States, by market
capitalization, is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In Canada, the largest stock market is
the Toronto Stock Exchange. Major European examples of stock exchanges include the
Amsterdam Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Paris Bourse, and the Deutsche Brse
(Frankfurt Stock Exchange). In Africa, examples include Nigerian Stock Exchange, JSE Limited,
etc. Asian examples include the Singapore Exchange, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Hong
Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Bombay Stock Exchange. In Latin
America, there are such exchanges as the BM&F Bovespa and the BMV.
Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund
traders, who can be based anywhere. Their orders usually end up with a professional at a stock
exchange, who executes the order of buying or selling.
Market participants
.Market participants include individual retail investors, institutional investors such as mutual
funds, banks, insurance companies and hedge funds, and also publicly traded corporations
trading in their own shares. Some studies have suggested that institutional investors and
corporations trading in their own shares generally receive higher risk-adjusted returns than retail
Mutual funds as a part of Capital Market

Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common
financial goal. This pool of money is invested in accordance with a stated objective. The joint
ownership of the fund is thus Mutual, i.e. the fund belongs to all investors. The money thus
collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other
securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciations realized
are shared by its unit holders in proportion the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual
Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in
a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost. A Mutual Fund
is an investment tool that allows small investors access to a well-diversified portfolio of equities,
bonds and other securities. Each shareholder participates in the gain or loss of the fund. Units are
issued and can be redeemed as needed. The funds Net Asset value (NAV) is determined each
day. Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and sectors and
thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks may not move in the
same direction in the same proportion at the same time. Mutual fund issues units to the investors
in accordance with quantum of money invested by them. Investors of mutual funds are known as
unit holders.

Advantages of mutual fund
Portfolio Diversification

Professional management
Reduction / Diversification of Risk
Flexibility & Convenience
Reduction in Transaction cost
Safety of regulated environment
Choice of schemes
Disadvantages of mutual fund
No control over Cost in the Hands of an Investor
No tailor-made Portfolios
Managing a Portfolio Funds
Difficulty in selecting a Suitable Fund Scheme
The money market became a component of the financial markets for assets involved in short-
term borrowing, lending, buying and selling with original maturities of one year or less. Trading
in the money markets is done over the counter, is wholesale. Various instruments like Treasury
bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange,
repurchase agreements, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage- and asset-backed securities do
exist. It provides liquidity funding for the global financial system.
Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. These raw
commodities are traded on regulated commodities exchanges, in which they are bought and sold
in standardized contracts.
This article focuses on the history and current debates regarding global commodity markets. It
covers physical product (food, metals, and electricity) markets but not the ways that services,
including those of governments, nor investment, nor debt, can be seen as a commodity. Articles
on reinsurance markets, stock markets, bond markets and currency markets cover those concerns
separately and in more depth. One focus of this article is the relationship between simple
commodity money and the more complex instruments offered in the commodity markets.

Commodities trading
Spot trading
Spot trading is any transaction where delivery either takes place immediately, or with a
minimum lag between the trade and delivery due to technical constraints. Spot trading normally
involves visual inspection of the commodity or a sample of the commodity, and is carried out in
markets such as wholesale markets. Commodity markets, on the other hand, require the existence
of agreed standards so that trades can be made without visual inspection.
Forward contracts
A forward contract is an agreement between two parties to exchange at some fixed future date a
given quantity of a commodity for a price defined today. The fixed price today is known as the
forward price. Early on these forward contracts were used as a way of getting products from
producer to the consumer. These typically were only for food and agricultural products.
Futures contracts
A futures contract has the same general features as a forward contract but is standardized and
transacted through a futures exchange. Although more complex today, early forward contracts
for example, were used for rice in seventeenth century Japan. Modern forward, or futures
agreements began in Chicago in the 1840s, with the appearance of the railroads. Chicago, being
centrally located, emerged as the hub between Midwestern farmers and producers and the east
coast consumer population centers.
In essence, a futures contract is a standardized forward contract in which the buyer and the seller
accept the terms in regards to product, grade, quantity and location and are only free to negotiate
the price.
Hedging, a common practice of farming cooperatives insures against a poor harvest by
purchasing futures contracts in the same commodity. If the cooperative has significantly less of
its product to sell due to weather or insects, it makes up for that loss with a profit on the markets,
since the overall supply of the crop is short everywhere that suffered the same conditions.
Delivery and condition guarantees
In addition, delivery day, method of settlement and delivery point must all be specified.
Typically, trading must end two (or more) business days prior to the delivery day, so that the
routing of the shipment can be finalized via ship or rail, and payment can be settled when the
contract arrives at any delivery point.

A derivative instrument is a contract between two or three parties that specifies conditions
(especially the dates, resulting values of the underlying variables, and notional amounts) under
which payments are to be made between the parties.
Derivatives can be used for speculation ("bets") or to hedge ("insurance"). For example, a
speculator may sell deep in-the-money naked calls on a stock, expecting the stock price to
plummet, but exposing himself to potentially unlimited losses. Very commonly, companies buy
currency forwards in order to limit losses due to fluctuations in the exchange rate of two
Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives are contracts that are traded (and privately negotiated)
directly between two parties, without going through an exchange or other intermediary. Products
such as swaps, forward rate agreements, exotic options - and other exotic derivatives - are almost
always traded
Exchange-traded derivative contracts (ETD) are those derivatives instruments that are traded via
specialized derivatives exchanges or other exchanges. A derivatives exchange is a market where
individuals Common derivative contract types
Some of the common variants of derivative contracts are as follows:
Forwards: A tailored contract between two parties, where payment takes place at a specific time
in the future at today's pre-determined price.
Futures: are contracts to buy or sell an asset on or before a future date at a price specified today.
A futures contract differs from a forward contract in that the futures contract is a standardized
contract written by a clearing house that operates an exchange where the contract can be bought
and sold; the forward contract is a non-standardized contract written by the parties themselves.
Options: are contracts that give the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy (in the case of
a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) an asset. The price at which the sale takes place
is known as the strike price, and is specified at the time the parties enter into the option. The
option contract also specifies a maturity date. In the case of a European option, the owner has the
right to require the sale to take place on (but not before) the maturity date; in the case of an
American option, the owner can require the sale to take place at any time up to the maturity date.
If the owner of the contract exercises this right, the counter-party has the obligation to carry out
the transaction. Options are of two types: call option and put option. The buyer of a Call option
has a right to buy a certain quantity of the underlying asset, at a specified price on or before a
given date in the future, he however has no obligation whatsoever to carry out this right.
Similarly, the buyer of a Put option has the right to sell a certain quantity of an underlying asset,

at a specified price on or before a given date in the future, he however has no obligation
whatsoever to carry out this right.
Binary options are contracts that provide the owner with an all-or-nothing profit profile.
Warrants: Apart from the commonly used short-dated options which have a maximum maturity
period of 1 year, there exists certain long-dated options as well, known as Warrant (finance).
These are generally traded over-the-counter.
Swaps: are contracts to exchange cash (flows) on or before a specified future date based on the
underlying value of currencies exchange rates, bonds/interest rates, commodities exchange,
stocks or other assets. Another term which is commonly associated to Swap is Swaption which is
basically an option on the forward Swap. Similar to a Call and Put option, a Swaption is of two
kinds: a receiver Swaption and a payer Swaption. While on one hand, in case of a receiver
Swaption there is an option wherein you can receive fixed and pay floating, a payer swaption on
the other hand is an option to pay fixed and receive floating.
Swapscan basically be categorized into two types:
Interest Rate Swap: These basically necessitate swapping only interest associated cash flows in
the same currency, between two parties.
Currency swap: In this kind of swapping, the cash flow between the two parties includes both
principal and interest. Also, the money which is being swapped is in different currency for both
parties. Trade standardized contracts that have been defined by the this way.
The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a form of exchange for the
global decentralized trading of international currencies. Financial centers around the world
function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers
around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the
relative values of different currencies.
The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investment by enabling currency
conversion. For example, it permits a business in the United States to import goods from the
European Union member states especially Eurozone members and pay Euros, even though its
income is in United States dollars. It also supports direct speculation in the value of currencies,
and the carry trade, speculation based on the interest rate differential between two currencies.
The foreign exchange market is the most liquid financial market in the world. Traders include
large banks, central banks, institutional investors, currency speculators, corporations,
governments, other financial institutions, and retail investors. The average daily turnover in the
global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing. According to the 2010

Triennial Central Bank Survey, coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements, average
daily turnover was US$3.98 trillion in April 2010 (vs. $1.7 trillion in 1998).[3] Of this $3.98
trillion, $1.5 trillion was spot transactions and $2.5 trillion was traded in outright forwards,
swaps and other derivative.
Most traded currencies by value
Currency distribution of global foreign exchange market turnover

Rank Currency
ISO 4217code
% daily share
(April 2010)
1 United State Dollar USD ($) 84.9%
2 Euro EUR () 39.1%
3 Japanese Yen JPY () 19.0%
4 Pound Stirling GBP () 12.9%
5 Australian dollar AUD ($) 7.6%
Swiss franc
CHF (Fr) 6.4%
7 Canadian dollar CAD ($) 5.3%
8 Hong Kong dollar HKD ($) 2.4%
9 Swedish krona SEK (kr) 2.2%
10 New Zealand dollar NZD ($) 1.6%
11 South Korean won KRW () 1.5%
12 Singapore dollar SGD ($) 1.4%
13 Norwegian krone NOK (kr) 1.3%


Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent,
uncertain loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity
to another, in exchange for payment. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; the insured,
or policyholder, is the person or entity buying the insurance policy. The amount to be charged for
a certain amount of insurance coverage is called the premium. Risk management, the practice of
appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.
The transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in
the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate
(indemnify) the insured in the case of a financial (personal) loss.
India Financial market is one of the oldest in the world and is considered to be the fastest
growing and best among all the markets of the emerging economies.
The history of Indian capital markets dates back 200 years toward the end of the 18th century
when India was under the rule of the East India Company. The development of the capital
market in India concentrated around Mumbai where no less than 200 to 250 securities brokers
were active during the second half of the 19th century.
The financial market in India today is more developed than many other sectors because it was
organized long before with the securities exchanges of Mumbai, Ahmadabad and Kolkata were
established as early as the 19th century.
14 Mexican peso MXN ($) 1.3%
15 Indian rupee INR ( ) 0.9%
Other 12.2%

By the early 1960s the total number of securities exchanges in India rose to eight, including
Mumbai, Ahmadabad and Kolkata apart from Madras, Kanpur, Delhi, Bangalore and Pune.
Today there are 21 regional securities exchanges in India in addition to the centralized NSE
(National Stock Exchange) and OTCEI (Over the Counter Exchange of India).
However the stock markets in India remained stagnant due to stringent controls on the market
economy that allowed only a handful of monopolies to dominate their respective sectors. The
corporate sector wasn't allowed into many industry segments, which were dominated by the state
controlled public sector resulting in stagnation of the economy right up to the early 1990s.
Thereafter when the Indian economy began liberalizing and the controls began to be dismantled
or eased out; the securities markets witnessed a flurry of IPOs that were launched. This resulted
in many new companies across different industry segments to come up with newer products and
A remarkable feature of the growth of the Indian economy in recent years has been the role
played by its securities markets in assisting and fuelling that growth with money rose within the
economy. This was in marked contrast to the initial phase of growth in many of the fast growing
economies of East Asia that witnessed huge doses of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) spurring
growth in their initial days of market decontrol. During this phase in India much of the organized
sector has been affected by high growth as the financial markets played an all-inclusive role in
sustaining financial resource mobilization. Many PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) that
decided to offload part of their equity were also helped by the well-organized securities market
in India.

The launch of the NSE (National Stock Exchange) and the OTCEI (Over the Counter Exchange
of India) during the mid-1990s by the government of India was meant to usher in an easier and
more transparent form of trading in securities. The NSE was conceived as the market for trading
in the securities of companies from the large-scale sector and the OTCEI for those from the
small-scale sector. While the NSE has not just done well to grow and evolve into the virtual
backbone of capital markets in India the OTCEI struggled and is yet to show any sign of growth
and development. The integration of IT into the capital market infrastructure has been
particularly smooth in India due to the countrys world class IT industry. This has pushed up the
operational efficiency of the Indian stock market to global standards and as a result the country
has been able to capitalize on its high growth and attract foreign capital like never before. The
regulating authority for capital markets in India is the SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of
India). SEBI came into prominence in the 1990s after the capital markets experienced some
turbulence. It had to take drastic measures to plug many loopholes that were exploited by certain
market forces to advance their vested interests. After this initial phase of struggle SEBI has
grown in strength as the regulator of Indias capital markets and as one of the countrys most
important institutions.

Regulations are an absolute necessity in the face of the growing importance of capital markets
throughout the world. The development of a market economy is dependent on the development
of the capital market. The regulation of a capital market involves the regulation of securities;
these rules enable the capital market to function more efficiently and impartially.
A well regulated market has the potential to encourage additional investors to partake, and
contribute in, furthering the development of the economy. The chief capital market regulatory
authority is Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
SEBI is the regulator for the securities market in India. It is the apex body to develop and
regulate the stock market in India It was formed officially by the Government of India in 1992
with SEBI Act 1992 being passed by the Indian Parliament. Chaired by C.B Behave, SEBI is
headquartered in the popular business district of Bandra-Kurla complex in Mumbai, and has
Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western regional offices
in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad. In place of Government Control, a statutory
and autonomous regulatory board with defined responsibilities, to cover both development &
regulation of the market, and independent powers has been set up.
The basic objectives of the Board were identified as:
To protect the interests of investors in securities;
To promote the development of Securities Market;
To regulate the securities market and
For matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Since its inception SEBI has been working targeting the securities and is attending to the
fulfillment of its objectives with commendable zeal and dexterity. The improvements in the
securities markets like capitalization requirements, margining, establishment of clearing
corporations etc. reduced the risk of credit and also reduced the market.
SEBI has introduced the comprehensive regulatory measures, prescribed registration norms, the
eligibility criteria, the code of obligations and the code of conduct for different intermediaries
like, bankers to issue, merchant bankers, brokers and sub brokers, registrars, portfolio managers,
credit rating agencies, underwriters and others. It has framed by-laws, risk identification and risk
management systems for Clearing houses of stock exchanges, surveillance system etc. which has
made dealing in securities both safe and transparent to the end investor.

Another significant event is the approval of trading in stock indices (like S&P CNX Nifty
&Sensex) in 2000. A market index is a convenient and effective product because of the
following reasons:
It acts as a barometer for market behavior;
It is used to benchmark portfolio performance;
It is used in derivative instruments like index futures and index options;
It can be used for passive fund management as in case of Index Funds.
Two broad approaches of SEBI is to integrate the securities market at the national level, and also
to diversify the trading products, so that there is an increase in number of traders including
banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds, primary dealers etc. to transact
through the Exchanges. In this context the introduction of derivatives trading through Indian
Stock Exchanges permitted by SEBI in 2000 AD is a real landmark.
SEBI has enjoyed success as a regulator by pushing systemic reforms aggressively and
successively (e.g. the quick movement towards making the markets electronic and paperless
rolling settlement on T+2 bases). SEBI has been active in setting up the regulations as required
under law.
Stock Exchanges are an organized marketplace, either corporation or mutual organization, where
members of the organization gather to trade company stocks or other securities. The members
may act either as agents for their customers, or as principals for their own accounts.
As per the Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956 a stock exchange is an association,
organization or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, established for the purpose of
assisting, regulating and controlling business in buying, selling and dealing in securities.
Stock exchanges facilitate for the issue and redemption of securities and other financial
instruments including the payment of income and dividends. The record keeping is central but
trade is linked to such physical place because modern markets are computerized. The trade on an
exchange is only by members and stock broker do have a seat on the exchange.
List of Stock Exchanges in India
Bombay Stock Exchange
National Stock Exchange
OTC Exchange of India

Regional Stock Exchanges
1. Ahmedabad
2. Bangalore
3. Bhubaneswar
4. Calcutta
5. Cochin
6. Coimbatore
7. Delhi
8. Guwahati
9. Hyderabad
10. Jaipur
11. Ludhiana
12. Madhya Pradesh
13. Madras
14. Magadh
15. Mangalore
16. Meerut
17. Pune
18. Saurashtra Kutch
19. Uttar Pradesh
20. Vadodara



The Indian broking industry is one of the oldest trading industries that have been around even
before the establishment of the BSE in 1875. Despite passing through number of changes in the
post liberalization period, the industry has found its way onwards sustainable growth. With the
purpose of gaining a deeper understanding about the role of the Indian stock broking industry in
the countrys economy, we present in this section some of the industry insights gleaned from
analysis of data received through primary research.
For the broking industry, we started with an initial database of over 1,800 broking firms that
were contacted, from which 464 responses were received. The list was further short listed based
on the number of terminals and the top 210 were selected for profiling. 394 responses, that
provided more than 85% of the information sought have been included for this analysis presented
here as insights. All the data for the study was collected through responses received directly from
the broking firms. The insights have been arrived at through an analysis on various parameters,
pertinent to the equity broking industry, such as region, terminal, market, branches, sub brokers,
products and growth areas.
Some key characteristics of the sample 394 firms are:
3% firms started broking operations before 1950, 65% between 1950-1995 and 32% post
On the basis of terminals, 40% are located at Mumbai, 12% in Delhi, 8% in Ahmedabad,
7% in Kolkata, 4% in Chennai and 29% are from other cities
From this study, we find that almost 36% firms trade in cash and derivatives and 27%
are into cash markets alone. Around 20% trade in cash, derivatives and commodities
In the cash market, around 34% firms trade at NSE, 14% at BSE and 52% trade at both
exchanges. In the derivative segment, 48% trade at NSE, 7% at BSE and 45% at both, whereas in
the debt market, 31% trade at NSE, 26% at BSE and 43% at both exchanges
Majority of branches are located in the North, i.e. around 40%. West has 31%, 24% are
located in South and 5% in East
In terms of sub-brokers, around 55% are located in the South, 29% in West, 11% in
North and 4% in East
Trading, IPOs and Mutual Funds are the top three products offered with 90% firms
offering trading, 67% IPOs and 53% firms offering mutual fund transactions

In terms of various areas of growth, 84% firms have expressed interest in expanding their
institutional clients, 66% firms intend to increase FII clients and 43% are interested in setting up
JV in India and abroad
In terms of IT penetration, 62% firms have provided their website and around 94% firms
have email facility
The financial markets have been classified as cash market, derivatives market, debt market and
commodities market. Cash market, also known asspot market, is the most sought after amongst
investors. Majority of the sample broking firms are dealing in the cash market, followed by
derivative and commodities. 27% firms are dealing only in the cash market, whereas 35% are
into cash and derivatives. Almost 20% firms trade in cash, derivatives and commodities market.
Firms that are into cash, derivatives and debt are 7%. On the other hand, firms into cash and
commodities are 3%, cash & debt market and commodities alone are 2%. 4% firms trade in all
the markets.

In the cash market, around 34% firms trade at NSE, 14% at BSE and 52% trade at both
exchanges. In the equity derivative market, 48% of the sampled broking houses are members of
NSE and 7% trade at BSE, while 45% of the sample operates in both stock exchanges. Around
43% of the broking houses operating in the debt market, trade at both exchanges with 31% and
26% firms uniquely at NSE and BSE respectively.


IndiaInfoline founded in 1995 by Mr. Nirmal Jain (Chairman and Managing Director) as an
independent business research and information provider. We gradually evolved into a one-stop
financial services solutions provider. Our strong management team comprises competent and
dedicated professionals.
We are a pan-India financial services organization across 1,361 business locations and a presence
in 428 cities. Our global footprint extends across geographies with offices in New York,
Singapore and Dubai. We are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National
Stock Exchange (NSE).
We offer a wide range of services and products comprising broking (retail and institutional
equities and commodities), wealth management, credit and finance, insurance, asset management
and investment banking.
We are registered with the BSE and the NSE for securities trading, MCX, NCDEX and DGCX
for commodities trading, CDSL and NSDL as depository participants. We are registered as a
Category I merchant banker and are a SEBI registered portfolio manager. We also received the
FII license in IIFL Inc. IIFL Securities Pt. Ltd received approval from the Monetary Authority of
Singapore to carry out corporate advisory and dealing in securities operations. Two subsidiaries
India Info line Investment Services and Money line Credit Limited are registered with RBI as
non-deposit taking non-banking financial services companies. India info line Housing Finance
Ltd, the housing finance arm, is registered with the National Housing Bank.


The IndiaInfoline Group was originally incorporated on October 18, 1995 as Probity
Research and Services Private Limited at Mumbai under the Companies Act, 1956 with
Registration No. 11 93797. The IndiaInfoline Group commenced its operations as an
independent provider of information, analysis and research covering Indian businesses, financial
markets and economy, to institutional customers. We became a public limited company on April
28, 2000 and the name of the Company was changed to Probity Research and Services Limited.
The name of the Company was changed to India Limited on May 23, 2000 and later
to India Info line Limited on March 23, 2001.
In 1999, The IndiaInfoline Group identified the potential of the Internet to cater to a mass
retail segment and transformed our business model from providing information services to
institutional customers to retail customers. Hence we launched our Internet portal, in May 1999 and started providing news and market information,
independent research, interviews with business leaders and other specialized features.
In May 2000, the name of our Company was changed to India Limited to
reflect the transformation of our business. Over a period of time, we have emerged as one of the
leading business and financial information services provider in India.
In the year 2000, The India Info line Group leveraged its position as a provider of
financial information and analysis by diversifying into transactional services, primarily for online
trading in shares and securities and online as well as offline distribution of personal financial
products, like mutual funds and RBI Bonds. These activities were carried on by our wholly
owned subsidiaries.
The India Info line Groups broking services was launched under the brand name of through our subsidiary, India Info line Securities Private Limited and, the e-broking portal, was launched for online trading in July 2000. It
combined competitive brokerage rates and research, supported by Internet technology Besides

investment advice from an experienced team of research analysts, we also offer real time stock
quotes, market news and price charts with multiple tools for technical analysis.
Acquisition of Agri Marketing Services Limited ("Agri")
In March 2000, The IndiaInfoline Group acquired 100% of the equity shares of Agri
Marketing Services Limited, from their owners in exchange for the issuance of 508,482 of our
equity shares. Agri was a direct selling agent of personal financial products including mutual
funds, fixed deposits, corporate bonds and post-office instruments. At the time of our acquisition,
Agri operated 32 branches in South and West India serving more than 30,000 customers with a
staff of, approximately 180 employees. After the acquisition, we changed the company name to
India Distribution Company Limited.
The India Infoline group, comprising the holding company, India Infoline Ltd (NSE:
INDIAINFO, BSE: 532636) and its subsidiaries, is one of the leading players in the Indian
financial services space. India Infoline offers the entire gamut of financial services covering
investment products ranging from Equities and derivatives, Commodities, Portfolio Management
Services, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Fixed deposits, Loans, Investment Banking, GOI bonds
and other small savings instruments. It owns and manages the website,,
which is one of Indias leading online destinations for personal finance, stock markets, economy
and business. A forerunner in the field of equity research, IndiaInfolines research is
acknowledged by none other than Forbes as Best of the Web and a must read for investors
in Asia. IndiaInfolinesresearch is available not just over the internet but also on international
wire services like Bloomberg (Code: IILL), Thomson First Call and Internet Securities where it
is amongst the most read Indian brokers.A network of 753 business locations spread over 346
cities across India, facilitates the smooth acquisition and servicing of a large customer base. All
these offices are connected with the corporate office in Mumbai with cutting edge networking
technology. The group caters to a customer base of over 500,000 over a variety of mediums viz.
online, over the phone and at our branches. The Group is strengthening its institutional broking
and investment banking services and has built a team of experienced research analysts, sales and
IndiaInforefers to IndiaInfoline Ltd and its subsidiaries. The consolidated figures will give a
more meaningful picture of the Company to the investors. Reference to the company or

IndiaInfoline is to the business done by the company and its subsidiaries, unless otherwise
S.No Name Designation
1 Mr. Nirmal Jain Chairman and Managing director
2 Mr. A K Purwar Director
3 Mr. R Venkataraman Executive Director
4 Mr. NileshVikamsey Independent Director
5 Mr. KrantiSinha Independent Director
6 Mr. Sat Pal Khattar Non-Executive Director

Our vision is to be the most respected company in the financial services space.
To become a full-fledged financial services company known for its quality of advice,
personalized services and cutting edge technology
The IndiaInfoline Group is committed to placing the Investor First, by continuously striving to
increase the efficiency of the operations as well as the systems and processes for use of corporate
resources in such a way so as to maximize the value to the stakeholders. The Group aims at
achieving not only the highest possible standards of legal and regulatory compliances, but also of
effective management.

IndiaInfoline Limited is listed on both the leading stock exchanges in India, viz. the Stock
Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and is also a member of both
the exchanges. It is engaged in the businesses of Equities broking, Wealth Advisory Services and
Portfolio Management Services. It offers broking services in the Cash and Derivatives segments
of the NSE as well as the Cash segment of the BSE. It is registered with NSDL as well as CDSL
as a depository participant, providing a one-stop solution for clients trading in the equities

A SEBI authorized Portfolio Manager; it offers Portfolio Management Services to clients. These
services are offered to clients as different schemes, which are based on differing investment
strategies made to reflect the varied risk-return preferences of clients.
1995 Incorporated as an equity research and consulting firm with a client base that
included leading FIIs, banks, consulting firms and corporates.
1996Restructured the business model to embrace the internet; launched mobilized capital from reputed private equity investors.

1998Acquired commodities broking license; launched Portfolio Management Service.
1999 Listed on the Indian stock markets.
2009Launched a proprietary trading platform; inducted an institutional equities team;
formed a Singapore subsidiary; raised over USD 300 MN in the group; launched consumer
finance business under the Money line brand.
2010Launched wealth management services under the IIFL Wealth brand; set up India
Info line Private Equity fund; received the Insurance broking license from IRDA; received the
venture capital license; received in principle approval to sponsor a mutual fund; received Best
broker- India award from Finance Asia; Most Improved Brokerage- India award from Asia
2011 received registration for a housing finance company from the National Housing
Bank; received Fastest growing Equity Broking House - Large firms in India by Dun &
2.5.1. EQUITY:
Registered with the NSDL as well as CDSL as a depository participant, providing a one-stop
solution for clients trading in the equities market, Presence across 350 cities and towns with a
network of over 850 business locations Equity client base of over 500,000 clients.
Key Feature
Membership on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and the National Stock Exchange
Registered with the NSDL as well as CDSL as a depository participant, providing a one-stop
solution for clients trading in the equities market
Broking services in cash and derivative segments, online as well as offline.
Presence across 350 cities and towns with a network of over 850 business locations Equity
client base of over 500,000 clients
Provision of free and world-class research to all clients

The Company was among the first to offer the facility of commodities trading in Indias young
commodities market (the MCX commenced operations only in 2003). Average monthly turnover
on the commodity exchanges increased from Rs 0.34 bn to Rs 20.02 bn.
Key Features:
Enjoys memberships with the MCX and NCDEX, two leading Indian commodities
Recently acquired membership of the DGCX
Multi-channel delivery model, making it among the select few to offer online as well as
offline trading facilities
Extended commodity trading to retail investors, among the few Indian financial
intermediaries to do so
Online business at 80% of revenues dominates commodities trading revenues
Provides regular commodity updates pertaining to the Indian and international
2.5.3. LOANS:
They say you mustn't trust a man till you know his house. Everyone likes hearing people say
Wow, what a beautiful house you have! From cave dwelling, we have evolved and now a house
provides far more than just also becomes a source of pride. A Housing Loan is used as
finance to help you buy or modify that perfect home.
The different Housing Loan products can be classified as:
Home Loans & Home Extension Loans
NRI Loans
Land Loans
Home Equity Loans


An entry into this segment helped complete the client's product basket; concurrently, it graduated
the Company into a one stop retail financial solutions provider.
Key features:
India Info line was the first corporate in India to get the agency license in early 2001
The Company is the biggest corporate agency in India for life insurance products
The Company operates multiple channels, namely branch network, preferred client
group, direct marketing, corporate tax advisory, walk-ins and seminars, to reach out to
India Info line has made investing in Mutual funds and primary market so effortless. All you
have to do is register with us and thats all. No paperwork no queues and No registration charges.
If you are 5p customer use your existing login ID and Ledger (fund transfer) password.
Indiainfoline offers you a host of mutual fund and IPO choices under one roof; backed by in-
depth information and research to help you invest effortlessly
Indiainfoline offers you a host of mutual fund choices under one roof, backed by in-depth
research and advice from research house and tools configured as investor friendly. Investing in
Mutual Funds has never been easier
2.5.7. APPLY IN IPOs
You could also invest in Initial Public Offers (IPOs) online without going through the hassles of
filling ANY application form/ paperwork.
Get in-depth analyses of new IPOs issues (Initial Public Offerings) which are about to hit the
market and analysis on these recent IPO listings, prospectus/offer documents, and IPO reports
are few of the features, which help you, keep on top of the IPO markets.

Our Portfolio Management Service is a product wherein an equity investment portfolio is created
to suit the investment objectives of a client. We at India Infoline invest your resources into
stocks from different sectors, depending on your risk-return profile. This service is particularly
advisable for investors who cannot afford to give time or don't have that expertise for day-to-day
management of their equity portfolio
It is all about your money, being managed by the experts, while you continue with your routine
life. Isn't it simple and totally hassle free.
The group recently commenced its offshore asset management business under the IIFL Capital
brand. Also, IIFL Securities Pt. Ltd received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore
to carry out global asset management operations. The Singapore arm can now offer broking,
asset management and investment banking services.


Retail broking:
IndiaInfoline has around 3.5 lakh customers. It has a tie-up with Bank of Baroda
for e-broking.
Institutional broking:
IndiaInfoline has roped in Bharat Parajia, director of sales at CLSA in Singapore,
H Nemkumar, CLSA's country head for India, AniruddhaDange, CLSA's head of
research in India, and VasudevJagannath, CLSA's head of sales in India. While Parajiwill
join as head of institutional sales at India Infoline, Dange will be head of research and
Nemkumar head of investment banking.
Each one of them is bringing in more than 10 years of experience with a top
institutional brokerage in Asia. The CLSA foursome will also pick up stakes in India

Infoline through the preferential allotment route. Their collective stake would add up to
around 15%. Parajia already holds a 2.88% stake in India Info line. He will subscribe to
25 lakh equity warrants at Rs. 440 each.Nemkumar will pick up another 25 lakh, while
Jagannath and AniruddhaDange will subscribe to 20 lakh warrants each. The preferential
allotment includes the four men buying 90 lakh equity warrants at a price of Rs. 440
each, of which 10% will be paid up front as their sign-on bonus. The remaining will be
payable at the end of eighteen months when the warrants will be convertible into shares.
That is, all these guys will have to cough up about Rs.360 crore to convert their warrants
into shares. Currently, the company's institutional equities team has 35 people, including
research analysts and dealers.
Category related - the market is skewed primarily to the metros with Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and
New Delhi accounting for major bulk of the trading.
Competition related - due to high brand proliferation, the market from a consumer standpoint has
become commoditized given product parity in terms of offerings.
Brand related - challenge being to maintain high decibel and impactful communication on a
sustained basis.
Business Division Business Highlights

Market share of equities increase from
3.4% in 2010-11 to 3.76% in 2011-12.
Customer base for retail equities
increased 35.8% from .44 ml in 2010-
11 to .06 ml in 2011-12.
Published in-depth and thematic reports
on INCH, politics, rural India,
infrastructure, self commodities,
utilities and India worming.


Receive Insurance Broking License.
Forged alliances with major insurance
companies for the distribution of life
and nonlife products.
Alter the product mix in favor of
traditional products like Endowment

Credit and Finance
Proactively suspended personal loans
and mortgages business from
September 2011, while the personal
loan business is still suspended, the
mortgages business has been Re-
Revenue at Rs.2654.1 ml in 2011-12
against Rs.1937.5 ml in 2010-11.
Registered the Housing Finance
Subsidiary with NHB.
Wealth and asset Management Introduce the family office platform.
Raised around Rs.1.8 bl in the largest
single day debenture listing of its kind.
Received in principle approval for
sitting up of Mutual Funds.
Establish the infrastructure and
knowledge capital for Office Store
Asset Management Services.


Wealth management

Mobilised Rs 1.8 bn in the largest single-day debenture listing of its kind
Built relationships with many reputed families across India and the globe
Asset management

Received the in-principle approval from SEBI to sponsor a Mutual fund
IIFL Securities Pvt Ltd received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore to carry
out corporate advisory and dealing in securities. The Singapore arm can now offer
Broking, asset management and investment banking services
IIFL Inc received an FII license, thereby facilitating the investment of dedicated funds in India

Setup a team of experienced professionals for the offshore asset management business
Key Takeaways from India Infolineconcall:
India Info line was the Global coordinator and BRLM for the QIP of Emami Limited and
the Co-BRLM to the QIP of Cipla Ltd. Also, they were the Syndica members to Power
IPO in July 2009.
The first premium mobilization from insurance broking business stood at Rs 410 million.
The net NPA on the books continue to remain less than 1%.
Its core business improved significantly.
Its market share remains same at 3.6%.
Average daily equities volumes stood at Rs 33.36 billion as compared to Rs 32.25 billion
in the previous quarter.
The company's customer base improved to 33%.
Its financial income grew by 48.7%.
Its employee cost was of Rs 7.36 million.
Administrator cost grew by 28% at Rs 507 million, QoQ.
Depreciation coat stood at Rs 131.5 million.
Interest coat was of Rs 155 million.
Its advertisement cost was of Rs. 24 million.



Grewal S.S and NavjotGrewall (1984) revealed some basic investment rules and rules for
selling shares. They warned the investors not to buy unlisted shares, as Stock Exchanges do not
permit trading in unlisted shares. Another rule that they specify is not to buy inactive shares, ie,
shares in which transactions take place rarely. The main reason why shares are inactive is
because there are no buyers for them. They are mostly shares of companies, which are not doing
Jack Clark Francis2 (1986) revealed the importance of the rate of return in investments and
reviewed the possibility of default and bankruptcy risk. He opined that in an uncertain world,
investors cannot predict exactly what rate of return an investment will yield. However he
suggested that the investors can formulate a probability distribution of the possible rates of
return. He also opined that an investor who purchases corporate.
Similarly Chen et al. (1986) applied an APT model to test the significance of various factors in
explaining security returns. They used the monthly data for the period 1953-1983; the results
specified that the factors like spread between long and short interest rates, expected and
unexpected inflation, industrial production, and the spread between returns on high- and low-
grade bonds were significant in explaining the variability of a security return
David.L.Scott and William Edward4 (1990) reviewed the important risks of owning common
stocks and the ways to minimize these risks. They commented that the severity of financial risk
depends on how heavily a business relies on debt. Financial risk is relatively easy to minimize
if an investor sticks to the common stocks of companies that employ small amounts of debt.
They suggested that a relatively easy way to ensure some degree of liquidity is to restrict
investment in stocks having a history of adequate trading volume. Investors concerned about
business risk can reduce it by selecting common stocks of firms that are diversified in several
unrelated industries.

Philippe Jhorion and Sarkis Joseph Khouryl6 (1996) reviewed international factors of risks
and their effect on financial markets. He opined that domestic investment is a subset of the
global asset allocation decision and that it is impossible to evaluate the risk of domestic
securities without reference to international factors. Investors must be aware of factors driving
stock prices and the interaction between movements in stock prices and exchange rates.
According to them the financial markets have become very much volatile over the last decade
due to the unpredictable speedy changes like oil price shocks, drive towards economic and
monetary unification in Europe, the wide scale conversion of communist countries to free
market policies etc. They emphasized the need for tightly controlled risk management measures
to guard against the unpredictable behavior of financial markets.




To know about the Knowledge of the people regarding financial market.
To study the preference of the people among different markets.
To analyse the factors which people want from their investment.
Satisfaction of the people toward India Infoline.



5.1. Type of the study
The type of my study is descriptive, analytical and exploratory in nature.
5.2. Sample Universe
Sample has been collected from the Jalandhar region.
5.3. Sample size and Technique
Sample size is 50 and sample technique is judgmental.
5.4. Sources of data
Research is totally based on primary data. Secondary data can be used only for the reference.
Research has been done by primary data collection, and primary data has been collected by
interacting with various people. The secondary data has been collected through various journals
and websites.
5.4.1. Primary data
The various sources of primary data for my project are as follows.
Local residents
Small retailers
Customer of IIFL.
5.4.2. Secondary data
The secondary data was the most important source for my project because it gave us information
about company profile, competitors, market scenario, market share, etc. It also give us
information of the financial industry, its emergence,& its importance in country progress. We
used secondary data for following sources:
Indiainfoline brochure


5.5. Duration of Study:
The study was carried out for a period of 45 days, from 21 may to 30 June 2012.
5.6. Limitation of the study
Due to money and time constraint I take lesser no. of samples for my study, a
Study is restricted to Jalandhar region only.
Possibility of error in data collection because many of investors may have not given
actual answers of my questionnaire.



6.1. No. of the people invest in stock market.
Response No. of respondents %age
Yes 50 100%
No 0 0

From this data we come to know that mostly people investing their money in stock market.

Yes No

6.2.This data interprets that how much knowledge people have about the stock market.
Response No. of persons % age
Very High 10 20%
High 12 24%
Average 15 30%
Low 8 16%
Very Low 5 10%

Mostly People have high knowledge about stock exchanges. But there many people who invested
but have very less knowledge about it.

Very High High Average Low Very Low

6.3.. knowledge of the people about NSE and BSE.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Yes 42 84%
No 8 12%

This represents that 84% people are aware about the stock exchanges NSE and BSE.

Yes No

6.4.To Know about the investment period for which mostly investor invest their money.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Short Period 30 60%
Long period 20 40%

This shows that people wants to invest money in those securities which have shorter
maturity period.

Short Period Long Period

6.5. Preference of the people among different markets.
Response No. of Respondents %age
Equity 14 28%
Commodity 10 20%
Currency 6 12%
Mutual funds 16 32%
Others 4 8%

This shows people invest in their money in different markets.People of the Jalandhar
region would prefer to invest in mutual funds more than other markets.

Equity Commodity Currency Mutual Funds Others

6.6.This represents that what people want from their investment.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Liquidity 10 20%
Low Risk 18 36%
High Return 15 30%
Trust 7 14%

This data interprets that 20% people wants liquidity from their investment, 36% people invest
money in those market where they bear lower risk, 30% people wants high return from
investment and 14% people wants trust that they want to invest where their money is safe. Thus
we interpret that different people wants different things from their investment plan but people
wants to invest in those securities which have low risk.

Liquidity Low Risk High Return Trust

6.7. No. of the persons invested in India Infoline.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%

People investing in the products of the India Info line. There is the less no. of the peoples who
are not investing in the India info line.

6.8. Investment by the people in different products of India Info line.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Equity 12 30%
Commodity 10 25%
Currency 4 10%
Yes No

Mutual fund 12 30%
Others 2 5%

People invested in India Info line Products. Mostly people investing in mutual funds and
Equity of the company. Currency Market of the IIFL is very less popular.

6.9. To know about the satisfaction level of the people among India Infoline.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Yes 28 70%
No 12 30%

Equity Commodity Currency Mutual fund Others


This interprets that 70% people are satisfied with the Products and services that provided
by IIFL.
6.10.This represent the investment of people in other companies also.
Response No. of Respondent %age
Reliance 12 24%
Religare 10 20%
kotak 15 30%
Other 13 26%

Yes No


This data interpret that apart from IIFL in which companies people invest their money.
24% people invest in Reliance, 20% in Religare, 30% in Kotak securities 26% in other
companies. Mostly people would prefer to invest in Kotak Securities.

Reliance Religare Kotak Secuirities Other




7.1. Findings
People are so much aware about the financial market and their terms. They invest their
money after having full knowledge of the market.
Mostly people invest their money for short period instead of long period because they
want quick return from the investment.
In Todays world there are lot of the speculation in the market in spite this almost every
person invest in stock exchange according to my survey.
People invest their money in both money market and capital market.
People invest money in different markets like equity, commodity, mutual funds but
mostly people would prefer to invest in mutual funds and equities.
Different people want different things from their investment. People want low risk in
their investment so that their money will be safe.
Many people invest in the company IIFL. And mostly invest in Mutual funds.
Most of the people are satisfied with the product and services of the company.
People also invest in others companies. They invest in different markets of the company
like commodity, equity, currency, mutual funds, loans, insurance etc.
Brand plays important role for the investment. People invest in those Companies where
they have faith or they are well known with them.
7.2. Suggestions
The companies should provide more advertisements about their product so that people
invest more and they come to know about their investments plans and procedures.
Financial market is so wide so people dont know where to invest and how these
investment plans is profitable to them so procedure should be easy and guidance should
be given to them.
As per findings we know that the people invest less in currency and commodity market
so directors of the regional stock exchanges and FMC should find some ways in order to
make educated the investor about the market.

IIFL should market its products more so that people are awared about the products of the
company. Company should provide better services to its customers.
To increase awareness about Share Market and the name India Infoline itself, the
company should organize campaign. The campaign can be weekly, monthly, yearly, it
will give a good result to the company to capture market in the competitive position
7.3. Conclusion
As my project, mostly people invest in stock exchanges. People invest in different market like
equity, commodity, currency, mutual funds etc. People invest for both short and long Period.
While doing this project I was able to know about reputed broking firm India info line. I had got
a chance for knowing and analyzing the Financial market.. From the survey, I found that India
info line deals in currency market, equity market, commodity market, mutual funds, loans and
insurance. .India Info line provides very good services to its customers. From the survey, I found
that People invest in mutual funds more with India Info line. I found that India info line is in the
top three positions in the share market.



Books Source
Kothari,C.R(2011,Research Methodology,Kalyani
Web reference for Literature Review
Clark jack (1986) Francis, lnzlestrrrents - Analysis and Management, MC Grew Hill,
International Editions.
Scott Davids. And Edward William (1990), Ulzderstrrrldilzg and Managing lnz? estr~rerrtrlsk
and return, MC. Grew Hill Book Co. (U.K.) Ltd., London



Q1. Do you have knowledge about stock exchange?
Very High ( ) High ( )
Average ( ) Low ( )
Very Low ( )
Q2. Do you ever invest money in share market?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Q3.Do you know about NSE and BSE?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Q4. Are you a long term investor or short term investor?
Long term ( ) Short term ( )
Q5. In which segment do you deal?
Equity ( ) Commodity ( )
Mutual funds ( ) Currency ( )
Others ( )
Q6. While investing your money which factor will you prefer?
Liquidity ( ) Low risk ( )
Higher return ( ) Trust ( )
Q7.Have you ever invest in Indiainfoline?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Q8. IN which market you r dealing with Indiainfoline?

Equity ( ) Commodity ( )
Currency ( ) Others ( )
Q9. Are you satisfied with product and services provided by the company?
Yes ( ) NO ( )
Q10.What is the other companies in which you are investing?
Reliance ( ) Religare ( )
KotakSecuirities ( ) Others ( )

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