Experience Certificate

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Experience certifcate

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that I know Sh Dinesh Kumar S/o Sh. m !arkash "upta
persona##y since #ast a$out %&' years. (e ha) $een comin* to my c#inic+ ,uite
re*u#ar#y+ on $eha#f of M/s m Me)ica# -*encies+ Charkhi Dari .District /hiwani0
to )e#i1er to me the a##opathic )ru*s+ which I use in my c#inic in my )ay to )ay
Me)ica# !ractice. I can authenticate that Sh. Dinesh Kumar (as su2cient
know#e)*e of )ru*s especia##y -nti$iotics+ -na#*esics+ -nti&in3ammatory an)
many other types of me)icines.
Dr. 4i5ay Sharma
Saraswati (ospita#+ Dhani !hatak+ Charkhi

Experience certifcat
To Whom It May Concern
I know Sh. Dinesh Kumar S/o Sh. m !arkash persona##y since #ast a$out %&'
years. (e has $een workin* at M/s. m Me)ica# -*encies+ Charkhi Da)ri
.District /hiwani0 .Sh. Dinesh Kumar (as $een supp#yin* many types of
a##opathic )ru*s on $eha#f of sai) frm to me an) 1arious other chemists. I ha1e
$een 1isitin* the sai) frm ,uite re*u#ar#y to co##ect/purchase a##opathic )ru*s
which I se## in my frm an) I ha1e seen Sh. Dinesh Kumar Workin* an) )ea#in*
in 1arious a##opathic )ru*s at sai) frm. I can say that Sh. (a1e su2cient
experience an) *oo) know#e)*e of )ea#in* with a##opathic )ru*s.
6aresh Kumar S/o Dr. (.D. 7ain
!rop. M/s. /ha*wati Me)ica# Store+ Charkhi
Dru* sa#e 8icense 6os W/(.9:/0 ; W/(
Experience certifcat
To Whom It May Concern
I know S/o Sh. Dinesh Kumar S/o Sh. m !arkash persona##y since #ast a$out %&
' years. (e has $een workin* at M/s m Me)ica# -*encies+ Charkhi Da)ri
Which is situate) a)5acent/opposite/near$y to my shop. This frm is )oin* the
$usiness of who#esa#e of )ru*s. Sh. Dinesh Kumar use) to atten) the sai) frm
re*u#ar#y )urin* the sai) perio). I can say that I ha1e seen Sh. Dinesh Kumar
Workin* an) )ea#in* in )ru*s at sai) frm re*u#ar#y.

!rop. M/s 7ain Enterprises+ 7ain Street+/om$ay
Experience certifcate
To Whom It May Concern
I know Mrs. Prabhjot Kaur w/o Sh. M.S. Chawla persona##y since #ast a$out
two an) a ha#f years. She has $een workin* at M/s Kama# Me)icare+ Situate)
insi)e Dr. !ahwa Skin (ospita#+ /hiwani. My frm is )ea#in* in Who#esa#e of
)ru*s an) I ha1e $een supp#yin* many types of a##opathic )ru*s on $eha#f of
my frm to M/s Kama# Me)icare+ /hiwani an). I ha1e $een 1isitin* the sai) frm
,uite re*u#ar#y to co##ect the or)ers for 1arious a##opathic an) a#so to
supp#y/)e#i1er 1arious a##opathic )ru*s+ which I se## in my frm an) I ha1e seen
Mrs. !ra$h5ot Kaur Workin* an) )ea#in* in 1arious a##opathic )ru*s at sai) frm.
She a#so use) to ta##y the 6ames+ ,uantities+ /atch 6um$ers an) other
particu#ars of the Dru*s I use) to supp#y/)e#i1er to M/s Kama# Me)icare+
/hiwani. I can say that Mrs. !ra$h5ot Kaur (a1e su2cient experience an) *oo)
know#e)*e of )ea#in* with a##opathic )ru*s.
Shi1 Kumar S/o Sh. De1i 8a#
!rop. M/s Di#kush Me)ica# (a##+ /om$ay
Dru* sa#e 8icense 6os <:9=6/.9:0 ; <:9=/.9<0
Experience certifcate
To Whom It May Concern
I know Mrs. !ra$h5ot Kaur w/o Sh. M.S. Chaw#a persona##y since #ast a$out 9&>
years. She has $een workin* at M/s Kama# Me)icare Which is situate) insi)e
my !ri1ate (ospita#. This frm is )oin* the $usiness of ?etai# sa#e of )ru*s. Mrs.
!ra$h5ot Kaur use) to atten) the sai) frm re*u#ar#y )urin* the sai) perio). I
can say that I ha1e seen Mrs. !ra$h5ot Kaur Workin* an) )ea#in* in )ru*s at
sai) frm re*u#ar#y.
!rop. M/s !ahwa Skin (ospita#+ ?ohtak "ate+
To Whom It May Concern
I know Sh Krishan Kumar S/o Sh. Prem Nath persona##y since #ast more
than E#e1en years. (e was so#e proprietor of frm M/s Dinesh Me)ica# (a## +
/hiwani that was ho#)in* ?etai# sa#e )ru* #icenses an) this frm stan)s c#ose)
since Dec. 9::@. 6ow Mr. Krishan Kumar is acti1e partner of M/s Dinesh Me)ica#
Store+ Da)ri "ate Chowk+/hiwani that is ho#)in* retai# sa#e )ru* #icenses since
-u*. 9::@.I ha) $usiness #inks with M/s Dinesh Me)ica# (a## +/hiwani an) M/s
Dinesh Me)ica# Store+/hiwani an) I ha1e $een 1isitin* the sai) frms ,uite
re*u#ar#y to supp#y 1arious types of a##opathic )ru*s which I se## in my frm an) I
ha1e seen Sh. Krishan Kumar Workin* an) )ea#in* in 1arious a##opathic )ru*s at
sai) frm. (e a#so use) to ta##y the 6ames+ ,uantities+ /atch 6um$ers an) other
particu#ars of the Dru*s I use) to supp#y/)e#i1er to M/s Dinesh Me)ica# (a## +
/hiwani.(e ta##ies the 6ames+ ,uantities+ /atch 6os an) other particu#ars of the
)ru*s I supp#y to M/s Dinesh Me)ica# Store+ /hiwani I can say that Sh. Krishan
Kumar (a1e su2cient experience an) *oo) know#e)*e of )ea#in* with
a##opathic )ru*s.
!ar1een Kumar S/o Sh. Shankar Dass
!rop. M/s Me)icine Tra)ers+ /hiwani
Dru* sa#e 8icense 6os <:A@BW/( .9:&/0 ;<:@<BW/( .9<&/0

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