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Country: Jamaica
Club Name: Interact Club
Name of President: Chavan Lyttle
Email of President:
Name: Paul Campbell
Initials: P.C
Word Count: 1!"9
#$% the thin&' (e thin) 'ay or do: I' it the *+,*-. I' it /0I+ to all concerned.
1ill it build 2$$31ILL and 45**5+ /+I5637-IP7. 1ill it be 4565/ICI0L to all
Con%lict 'eem' to be perva'ive in our (orld today but con%lict i' hardly /0I+ to all
concerned. *he $9%ord 3ictionary de%ine' con%lict to be a 'eriou' di'a&reement
bet(een oppo'ition'. $n the other hand peace i' de%ined a' a 'tate o% tran:uility %ree
%rom di'turbance'. *he t(o are clearly antithetical. Peace ha' remained nothin& but an
unattainable ideal in our con%lict pla&ued (orld. 0' a ne(ly inducted member o% the
Interact Club I (a' :uic) to di'cern that the %our (ay te't i' the corner'tone o% +otary
International and +otarian' &lobally. Con%lict i' not bene%icial; it certainly doe' not build
2$$31ILL or aid 45**5+ /+I5637-IP7. $nly peace can achieve thi'.
Jamaica de'pite it' relatively 'mall &eo&raphical 'i<e i' not e9empt %rom 'tri%e.
*he country i' pla&ued (ith con%lict e'pecially amon& the youth. *hi' partly 'tem' %rom
the prevalence o% poverty (hich ha' bred a culture o% violence amon& 'ome inner-city
youth'. *he con'tant promotion o% violence to overcome con%lict i' over(helmin&. 0
%urther e9ample i' that o% 7outh 7udan (hich (a' %ormally reco&ni<ed a' a ne(ly
%ormed country in =>11. 0%ter %i%ty year' o% armed con%lict they (ere able to &ain their
independence. 6o( 'urely (ith their ambition' o% independence reali'ed peace (ould
be %orthcomin&. *he di'cordant place and no( ne(ly independent country (ould be
harmoniou'. 7adly thi' (a' not the ca'e. 5ven (ith independence hal%-a-century o%
%i&htin& could not achieve lon& la'tin& peace. *o thi' date the ne(ly e'tabli'hed country
i' 'till at odd' (ith many con%lict' that are not approachin& re'olution anytime 'oon.
Jamaica and 7outh 7udan are countrie' that e9perience and (ill continue to e9perience
&reat tra&edie'. *he main point i' that the'e con%lict' (ill a%%ect both the country and it'
entire population and the con'e:uence' are &enerally ne&ative.
In =>1! civilian' in 7yria (ere poi'oned une9pectedly (ith 7arin &a' by rebel
%orce' %i&htin& a&ain't Pre'ident 0l-0''ad. *he poi'on (a' launched u'in& catapult'
and roc)et' in the area o% 2houta near the city o% 3ama'cu'. *he armed con%lict
bet(een the internationally %unded rebel' and the 7yrian &overnment did not happen
arbitrarily. It (a' the re'ult o% a 'erie' o% event' that acted a' cataly't' %or each other
and re'ulted in thi' on&oin& battle bet(een rebel' and the &overnment.
In =>11 civilian' be&an a non-con%rontational prote't a&ain't the 7yrian
&overnment. *he prote'tor' (ere initially peace%ul but the problem e'calated (hen the
&overnment perceivin& the po''ibility o% an upri'in& re'ponded by callin&-in the
'ecurity %orce'. *he non-violent prote't' :uic)ly deteriorated a' the 'ecurity %orce'
employed e9ce''ive %orce to di'pel the cro(d'. In the en'uin& altercation the prote'tor'
and the 'ecurity %orce' en&a&ed in a bloody battle re'ultin& in a (ide'pread revolt. *he
country in it' current 'tate can be li)ened to a ?i&'a( pu<<le. 0lthou&h amal&amation
remain' the ideali<ed tar&et the country i' hi&hly divided into 'ub-%raction' (ith barely
any amicability amon&'t people. Peace i' o%ten 'aid to be ?u't around the corner but
ala' thi' remain' elu'ive. *he many problem' ari'in& %rom the 'tri%e bet(een the t(o
main %raction' have become more than a nui'ance to the &eneral population and on a
lar&er 'cale ha' le%t an indelible mar) on the hi'tory o% the country.
0 per'on@' domicile i' o%ten vie(ed a' an inte&ral part o% that individual@' identity.
In a country li)e 7yria individual' are bein& %orced to leave their home %or rea'on'
beyond their control. *he one' that do remain o%ten become Internally Displaced
Persons. *he ,6 e'timate' that an avera&e o% A>>> 7yrian' leave the (ar-torn country
daily. *hey o%ten ab'cond a%ter 'eein& their %amily member' )illed and their communitie'
bombed. Can you imagine being evicted from your home? Where would you go? nd
how would your daily needs be met?
*hi' i' ?u't a minute 'amplin& o% the :ue'tion' that 7yrian re%u&ee' and
internally di'placed per'on' a') daily. *he victim' o% 'uch 'ituation' leave and &o to
nei&hbourin& countrie' to live in re%u&ee camp' or (ith %amily member'. 7yrian victim'
in particular %lee to countrie' 'uch a' Jordan and Lebanon. In &eneral internally
di'placed per'on' or re%u&ee' a%ter ab'condin& (ill live in 'ub'tandard condition'. It i'
almo't unima&inable %or per'on' (ho have lived in a rea'onably 'i<ed hou'e %or mo't
o% their live' to no( re'ide in 'tructure' (hich have more in common (ith chic)en
coop' or 'tora&e 'hed' than (ith a hou'e. Bet thi' i' the condition in (hich mo't %ind
them'elve'. +e%u&ee' there%ore have ar&uably lo't their 'en'e o% identity due to the'e
*he more protracted the con%lict the &reater the level o% di'placement. 0ccordin&
to the ,nited 6ation' +e%u&ee 0&ency the continued con%lict in 7yria ha' re'ulted in an
e9ponential &ro(th in the number o% re%u&ee'. In =>1= a year a%ter the civil unre't
there (ere appro9imately 1>>>>> re%u&ee'. 4y 0pril =>1! there (ere C>>>>>
re%u&ee'. *hi' number then doubled to 1.A million in the en'uin& %our month'. 0t thi'
rate the ,nited 6ation' predicted that there (ould be !.5 million 7yrian re%u&ee' by the
end o% =>1! and the early month' o% =>1". In addition to the creation o% re%u&ee' and
internally di'placement per'on' the armed con%lict re'ulted in the mercile'' )illin& o%
children. *he 'tati'tic' 'ho( that the revolt a&ain't Pre'ident 4a'har 0l-0''ad led to the
death o% 1">>>> civilian'. /urthermore o% the total number o% civilian' )illed D>>> (ere
children. *hi' leave' one %eelin& over(helmed by the &ravity o% the 'ituation a' the'e
children died not havin& lived a %ull or meanin&%ul li%e E the victim' o% armed con%lict.
*he problem' a''ociated (ith con%lict (hich have been hi&hli&hted above are
actively bein& con%ronted by 'everal humanitarian or&ani<ation' throu&hout the (orld. In
particular +otary International ha' propo'ed method' to ameliorate the impact o% armed
con%lict. *he'e method' vary dependin& on the area' o% %ocu'. In the ca'e o% re%u&ee'
and internally di'placed per'on' %or e9ample help can be provided by (ay o% 'ervice'
involvin& volunteer'. Fictim' can al'o be helped by (ay o% monetary contribution' that
&o to(ard' the development o% better 'helter' or camp' in (hich they can re'ide.
0dditionally monetary contribution' can help di'placed victim' in term' o% 'u'tenance
clothin& and even mattre''e' and other hou'ehold e''ential'.
/or a%%ected children 'ervice' that are &eared to(ard' helpin& them cope (ith
trauma and other p'ycholo&ical or emotional problem' (ould be &reatly bene%icial. 6ot
only 'hould help be provided in term' o% trauma but al'o in term' o% allo(in& them to
continue (ith their educational pur'uit'. Children (ho are victim' o% con%lict 'uch a'
tho'e in 7yria have not been in'ide a cla''room-li)e 'ettin& %or many year'. *hrou&h
the medium o% education they can be tau&ht about peace and con%lict re'olution. *hi'
(ould in return provide them (ith the mean' o% under'tandin& their 'ituation and
provide u'e%ul copin& mechani'm'.
I am heartened to )no( that an or&ani<ation 'uch a' +otary International ha'
devi'ed method' to combat modern day problem'. *he method' elucidated above (ill
&reatly bene%it tho'e a%%ected by con%lict a' they directly addre'' their &reate't need'.
In the ca'e o% re%u&ee' and internally di'placed per'on' &ivin& them relie% in the %orm o%
monetary contribution' or volunteerin& &reatly a''i't' them. In addition to thi' o%%erin&
help to children by reinte&ratin& them bac) into the education 'y'tem (ill e9pand the li%e
choice' available to them.
0la' there i' no place upon thi' earth (hich i' %ree %rom the 'cour&e o% con%lict
thou&h 'ome place' are more heavily a%%ected than other'. It i' perva'ive but (ith the
continued help o% or&ani<ation' 'uch a' +otary International tho'e a%%ected may %ind
'ome relie%. /urthermore I am rea''ured a%ter revie(in& the +otary 7ho(ca'e that
e%%ort' are bein& made to combat thi' problem on the variou' area' o% %ocu'. Countrie'
'uch a' 7yria and 7udan that are con%lict torn can be helped. *he ne&ative impact o%
the con%lict' can be combatted (ith preci'e pro?ect' &eared to(ard' victim'. 0lthou&h a
relatively 'mall 'tep implementin& the'e pro?ect (ill aid in 'olvin& the lar&er problem at

2enocide 1atch E 7outh 7udan
HercyCorp' I=>1! $ctober 1DJ. 1hat you need to )no( about the 7yrian
re%u&ee cri'i' http:GG(((.mercycorp'.or&Garticle'Gira:-?ordan-lebanon-'yriaG:uic)-
+5,*5+7 I=>1" /ebruary 15J. 7yriaK' death toll no( e9ceed' 1">>>>: activi't
&roup http:GG(((.reuter'.comGarticleG=>1"G>=G15Gu'-'yria-cri'i'-toll-
7tormCloud2atherin& I=>1! 7eptember !J. *he 7yrian 1ar 1hat BouKre 6ot
4ein& *old http:GG(((.youtube.comG(atch.vLd)amM&AC?p)
*he *(o 1ay I=>1! 3ecember 1=J.,.6. +eport Con%irm' Chemical 1eapon'
1ere ,'ed In 7yria http:GG(((.npr.or&Gblo&'Gthet(o-
,6-C+ I,n'peci%ied 3ate (rittenJ Internally 3i'placed People. $n the +un in
their $(n Land
,nited 6ation' I,n'peci%ied 3ate (rittenJ 2lobal I''ue': +e%u&ee'
FIC5 I=>1" January 1!J. Con%lict in 7outh 7udan: 3i'patch *(o

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