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The Compendium April 1996 Small Animal


Flow Cytometry:
The Next Step in Diagnostic Testing

available or under investigation ample, are used to stain the nu- short time. Assuming appropri-
Paula C. Perkins, at veterinary institutions using cleic acid in reticulocytes or tu- ate monoclonal antibodies and
MT(ASCP), DVMa flow cytometry. mor cells. In this manner, retic- reagents are available, the
Carol B. Grindem, DVM, PhD ulocytes can be differentiated range of test applications for
Diplomate, ACVP What is Flow from mature erythrocytes, and this technology is limitless.
Philip B. Carter, PhD Cytometry? tumor cell DNA can be quantita-
Flow cytometry is an analyti- tively compared with DNA of Immunophenotyping
Department of Microbiology, cal method that combines the normal cells. Monoclonal anti- Numerous monoclonal anti-
Pathology and Parasitology two elements of its name to de- bodies conjugated to a fluores- bodies directed against hemic
College of Veterinary Medicine termine characteristics of indi- cent marker can also be used to cells have been developed for
North Carolina State University vidual cells. Digested solid tis- label specific cell types. Cells dogs, cats, cows, pigs, labora-
Raleigh, North Carolina sue, blood, or body fluids are bound to monoclonal antibod- tory animals, and chickens.1
first made into a cell suspen- ies give off light of known Monoclonal antibodies are pro-
sion. After exposure to appro- wavelengths when exposed to duced by first inoculating mice

low cytometry is a pow- priate reagents, the cells in the the flow cytometer’s laser. The with tissue containing the cell
erful diagnostic tool that suspension are introduced into fluorescence distinguishes (antigen) of interest. Canine
is used extensively in the a flow cytometer and injected them from cells that have not thymus, for example, is used to
study of many human diseases. into a large moving stream of
The best known and most isotonic carrier fluid. The core ■ Flow cytometry is an analytic method that de-
widely used application of flow of this stream is then accelerat- termines characteristics of individual cells in
ed, pulling the cells toward the blood, tissue, and body fluids.

cytometry is in the manage-

ment of HIV infection. The abili- center of the stream until they ■ Flow cytometry can be used to monitor lymphocyte
ty to differentiate and enumer- are flowing in a single-cell line. subpopulation changes in immunodeficient animals.
ate helper T lymphocytes in This focusing of the stream al- ■ Flow cytometric assays are available for analyz-
HIV-infected persons is critical. lows cells in the suspension to ing the cycling behavior of tumor cells, detect-
Veterinary applications are also travel individually through a ing antiplatelet antibodies, and enumerating
being developed, and private beam of laser light, where de- reticulocytes.
practitioners will soon have at tectors determine the relative
their disposal many diagnostic size of the cells by their ability reacted to the monoclonal anti- stimulate mice to produce anti-
tests that until a few years ago to block the light, and the rela- bodies. Also, by simultaneously body against canine T lympho-
were unavailable or prohibitive- tive complexity of the cells by using several fluorescent com- cytes. The mouse develops an
ly expensive. Blast cell identifi- their ability to refract the light. pounds that give off different immune response to the for-
cation, lymphocyte subset enu- Using this technique, cells of in- wavelengths of light, multiple eign tissue, and the B lympho-
meration, DNA ploidy and cell terest can be identified and sep- reagents can be used to analyze cytes that secrete the antibody
cycle analysis, antiplatelet anti- arated from other cell types in a different populations in a single are harvested and fused with
body detection, and evaluation mixed population. specimen or categorize cells myeloma cells in culture. The
of reticulocyte maturation are The next step in flow cyto- that can react to several anti- resulting hybrid cells produce
just a few of the tests currently metric analysis involves the use bodies. The flow cytometer is large amounts of protein con-
aDr.Perkins is currently affiliated of fluorescent reagents to dis- therefore able to determine the taining monoclonal antibody
with CDC Technologies, One tinguish subpopulations of identity and reactivity of a very that will bind to canine T lym-
Great Hill Road, Oxford, CT. cells. Fluorescent dyes, for ex- large number of cells in a very phocytes. 2 Using this tech-
Small Animal The Compendium April 1996

nique, antibodies can be pro- sion.4–6 In FeLV-positive cats, the quantity of DNA present in platelets, the monoclonal anti-
duced that react with broad on the other hand, there is a de- the cell. In this way, DNA analy- body will bind and cause the
categories of cells, such as T crease in the number of both sis identifies the stage of mito- platelets to fluoresce, indicating
lymphocytes, or with specific CD4 + and CD8 + cells, which sis for the neoplastic cells and an immunologic cause of the
subpopulations, such as helper produces a ratio that is within determines the relative propor- thrombocytopenia. Patient
and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. normal limits.5 Immunopheno- tions of cells in each stage. Tu- serum also can be tested for
Fluorescent monoclonal anti- typing is therefore an increas- mor behavior can then be stud- the presence of circulating an-
bodies and flow cytometry can ingly valuable tool for monitor- ied by comparing the cycling tiplatelet antibody. Normal
therefore be used to determine ing immunodeficient cats, behavior of the neoplastic cells platelets are first exposed to
the lineage of blast cells or enu- evaluating therapeutic re- with that of normal cells. this serum, and if the patient
merate and monitor changes in sponse, and determining prog- Limitations do exist with flow has free antiplatelet antibody,
the subpopulations of lympho- nosis. cytometric analysis of DNA binding occurs. The platelets
cytes. ploidy because the information are then exposed to the mono-
Lymphocyte subpopulation DNA Ploidy and obtained reflects only quantita- clonal antibody directed against
analysis is vital to the study of Cell Cycle Analysis tive changes. A normal amount immunoglobulin, which binds
human AIDS, in which the Flow cytometric analysis of of DNA does not guarantee a to the surface antibody and fluo-
number of CD4+ (helper) T lym- DNA is used to differentiate normal karyotype. Transloca- resces in the flow cytometer.8,9
phocytes declines over time. atypical cells from neoplastic tions and other genetic manipu- Antiplatelet antibodies may
This decline is routinely moni- cells, determine if tumor cells lations that do not alter the be produced in response to
tored using flow cytometric contain a normal (diploid) or quantity of DNA will not be de- drugs, infectious agents, or
analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ (cy- abnormal (aneuploid) number tected by flow cytometric analy- neoplasia; they may also be id-
totoxic) T lymphocytes. The of chromosomes, and study the sis. Aneuploidy, however, does iopathic.10 Increased amounts
cells are identified and enumer- behavior of neoplastic cells as indicate abnormal mitotic activi- of antiplatelet antibody have
ated using fluorescent mono- they reproduce. This informa- ty.7 DNA analysis of neoplasias been found in association with
clonal antibodies, and a ratio of tion determines the therapy and in animals is currently being canine lymphoma, with and
CD4+:CD8+ cells is calculated. prognosis for many types of studied at many major institu- without concurrent thrombocy-
This ratio declines as the popu- human cancer. Ploidy analysis tions, and the relationships be- topenia.11 The determination of
lation of helper T lymphocytes is accomplished by comparing tween abnormal ploidy and tu- the presence and quantity of
decreases. Changes in the ratio the amount of DNA in neoplas- mor prognosis and therapy are antiplatelet antibodies by flow
have therapeutic and prognos- tic cells to that of normal cells. rapidly being derived. cytometry therefore has a sig-
tic implications for HIV-infected A fluorescent dye is used to nificant impact on the diagno-
patients. penetrate the tumor cells and Antiplatelet Antibody sis, prognosis, and therapy of
Feline and bovine immuno- bind to the nucleic acid. The Determination many patients in veterinary
deficiency viruses are currently amount of fluorescence pro- Immune-mediated thrombo- hospitals.
being investigated as models duced when these cells are ex- cytopenia is a common disease
for AIDS because of similarities posed to laser light is directly in veterinary medicine. Testing Flow Cytometry
in pathogenesis and lympho- proportional to the quantity of for the presence of immuno- and Hematology
cyte subset alterations.3 In addi- DNA present in the cells. The globulin on the surface of platelets Flow cytometry and related
tion to their research value, quantity of DNA is then com- is critical for the correct diag- laser-based technologies are
however, these studies have pared with a normal standard. nosis and treatment of this dis- rapidly becoming staples in vet-
identified changes in the Cells exhibiting greater or lesser ease. Current tests for antiplate- erinary hematology laborato-
CD4+:CD8+ ratio that have impli- fluorescence than the normal let antibody have problems with ries. By combining lasers and
cations for practicing veterinari- standard are labeled aneuploid. sensitivity and specificity, how- peroxidase staining, white
ans. The absolute CD4+ count Cells with fluorescence similar ever, and flow cytometry is blood cell differentials can be
has been shown to be lower in to normal cells are termed providing a more accurate obtained. Individual cells are
cats with long-standing FIV in- diploid. means of analysis. Before being differentiated by size and perox-
fections. Also, in the face of an The DNA content of neoplas- introduced into the flow cy- idase activity, with neutrophils
immunologic challenge (e.g., tic cells is also used to study tometer, patient platelets are having the most activity and
vaccination), FIV-positive cats cycling behavior of the tumor. exposed to a fluorescent mono- lymphocytes the least. Cy-
have exhibited a decrease in the Strand condensation, duplica- clonal antibody directed against tograms are then constructed
CD4+:CD8+ ratio, with possible tion, and other mitotic activities immunoglobulin. If im- and the populations are enu-
acceleration of the disease and are interpreted by the flow cy- munoglobulin has previously merated.12
permanent immunosuppres- tometer as subtle differences in adhered to the surface of these Flow cytometric reticulocyte
Small Animal The Compendium April 1996

enumeration is becoming the regarding detection of minute of suspect organisms with Immunol Immunopathol
35:199–214, 1992.
standard method for the evalu- changes in individual cells. Flow known controls, bacteria can be 5. Tompkins MB, Nelson PD, En-
ation of anemia in humans. The cytometry can, for example, quickly identified. Also, the inhi- glish RV, Novotney C: Early
standard manual technique in- provide valuable prognostic and bition of growth by the addition events in the immunopatho-
volves staining erythrocytes therapeutic information to the of antibiotics to the media can genesis of feline retrovirus in-
with new methylene blue, which oncologist by detecting a re- be evaluated to determine sen- fections. JAVMA 199(10):
1311–1315, 1991.
precipitates the residual RNA in lapse when the neoplastic cells sitivity.18 6. Novotney C, English RV,
reticulocytes. This method is are in such low numbers that Housman J, et al: Lymphocyte
imprecise, however, because it they cannot be detected by his- Conclusion population changes in cats
relies on a subjective interpreta- tologic examination. Likewise, Flow cytometry has become naturally infected with feline
tion of a small number of cells. neoplastic cells that remain af- a valuable tool in the diagnosis immunodeficiency virus. AIDS
4:1213–1218, 1990.
Manual counting of canine ter therapy can be detected. and treatment of human dis- 7. Linden MD: Non-hematopoiet-
reticulocytes has been reported Veterinarians are becoming eases and will certainly become ic tumors and DNA analysis,
to have a coefficient of variation increasingly aware of neutrophil equally important in the veteri- in American Society of Clini-
of 8% to 23%.13 Flow cytometry function defects in animals. nary world in the near future. cal Pathologists Regional Ed-
offers precise and reproducible Neutrophil activation tests that As more tests become avail- ucational Course on Clinical
Applications of Flow Cytome-
enumeration because it uses a use flow cytometry show able, clinicians will gain addi- try in Diagnostic Pathology.
fluorescent nucleic acid stain promise for the diagnosis of tional information about neo- Chicago, ASCP, 1993, pp 1–8.
and quickly analyzes tens of these disorders. Activation oc- plastic, immune-mediated, 8. McVey DS, Shuman WS: De-
thousands of erythrocytes for curs when bacteria are phago- parasitic, and hematologic dis- tection of antiplatelet im-
the presence of RNA. cytized and destroyed by com- eases as well as the prognosis munoglobulin in thrombocy-
topenic dogs. Vet Immunol
The precision of the cytomet- pounds generated during the and treatment for these disor- Immunopathol 22:101–111,
ric technique also allows a oxidative burst. A fluorescent ders. The future applications of 1989.
reticulocyte maturation index to dye that passively enters an ac- flow cytometry are limited only 9. Ault K: Flow cytometric mea-
be calculated and followed as a tivated neutrophil is also altered by the availability of monoclon- surement of platelet-associat-
patient progresses. This index by the burst products. Once al- al antibodies and the imagina- ed immunoglobulin. Pathol
Immunopathol Res 7:395–
is the mean fluorescence of all tered, the dye cannot exit the tion of the physicians, laborato- 408, 1988.
erythrocytes analyzed, which cell and the resulting intracellu- rians, and veterinarians working 10. Grindem CB, Breitschwerdt
reflects the maturity of the lar fluorescence identifies the on this cutting edge of technol- EB, Corbett WT, Jans HE: Epi-
reticulocyte population rather neutrophil as being activated.15 ogy. demiological survey of throm-
than simply calculating a per- Hemic parasites can be iden- bocytopenia in dogs: A report
on 987 cases. Vet Clin Pathol
centage. An increase in mean tified by flow cytometry even References 20(2):38–42, 1991.
fluorescence indicates the pres- when they are morphologically 1. Davis WC, Hamilton MJ: Iden- 11. Kristensen AT, Klausner JS,
ence of more immature reticu- indistinguishable from Howell- tification of leukocyte subpop- Weiss DJ, et al: Prevalence of
locytes (having more residual Jolly bodies, basophilic stip- ulations by flow cytometry, in antiplatelet antibody in dogs
Barta O (ed): Veterinary Clini- with lymphosarcoma—a pilot
RNA) and suggests an early pling, or Pappenheimer bodies. cal Immunology Laboratory— study. Vet Cancer Soc Proc:
and ongoing need for erythro- A fluorescent dye is altered by Monographs in Animal Im- 49, 1991.
cytes. A decrease in mean fluo- the parasites and incorporated munology, vol 2. Blacksburg, 12. Tvedten H: Advanced hema-
rescence over time indicates a into their DNA, making them BAR-LAB Inc, 1993, pp B5(1)– tology analyzers and interpre-
more mature reticulocyte popu- visible under laser light.16 B5(9). tation of results. Vet Clin
2. Carter PB, Beegle KH, Geb- Pathol 22(3):72–80, 1993.
lation and a potentially resolv- When specialized flow cy- hard DH: Monoclonal antibod- 13. Reagan WJ, Vap LM, Weiser
ing or nonregenerative ane- tometers are used, viruses can ies: Clinical uses and potential. MG: Flow cytometric analysis
mia.14 be detected. Single viruses Vet Clin North Am Small Anim of feline reticulocytes. Vet
have been demonstrated by Pract 16(6):1171–1179, 1986. Pathol 29:503–508, 1992.
3. World Health Organization: 14. Davis BH, Bigelow NC: Flow
Other Tests light scatter, and virus-infected
Animal models for HIV infec- cytometric reticulocyte quan-
on the Horizon cells have been detected using tions and AIDS. Bull Pan Am tification using thiazole orange
The sensitivity of the flow cy- monoclonal antibodies.17 Health Organ 23(1–2):215–234, provides clinically useful retic-
tometer is much greater than Bacteria also can be detect- 1989. ulocyte maturation index.
that of the human eye for de- ed, occasionally speciated, and 4. Lehmann R, von Beust B, Arch Pathol Lab Med 113:
tecting abnormalities in cells. evaluated for antibiotic sensitiv- Niederer E, et al: Immuniza- 684–689, 1989.
tion-induced decrease of the 15. Szejda P, Parce JW, Seeds
Applications now in use in hu- ity using flow cytometry. By CD4+:CD8+ ratio in cats experi- MS, Bass DA: Flow cytometric
man medicine have implica- comparing the light scatter pat- mentally infected with feline quantitation of oxidative prod-
tions for the veterinary industry terns and dye binding patterns immunodeficiency virus. Vet uct formation by polymor-
Small Animal The Compendium April 1996

phonuclear leukocytes during erythrocytic hemoparasites. J tometry in Hematology. San susceptibility to amikacin in
phagocytosis. J Immunol Immunol Methods 140(1):23–30, Diego, Academic Press Inc, body fluids and exudates. J
133(6):3303–3307, 1984. 1991. 1992, pp 172–174. Clin Microbiol 27(6):1250–
16. Wyatt CR, Goff W, Davis WC: 17. Bjerknes R: Bacterial and viral 18. Cohen CY, Sahar E: Rapid 1256, 1989.
A flow cytometric method for infections, in Laerum OD, flow cytometric bacterial de-
assessing viability of intra- Bjerknes R (eds): Flow Cy- tection and determination of

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