LAMA-Protein-Energy Malnutrition in Alpacas

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Vol. 22, No.

12 December 2000

CE Refereed Peer Review

FOCAL POINT Malnutrition in
★ Weight loss, a common
presenting sign in adult alpacas
with protein–energy malnutrition,
can be caused by many diseases;
definitive diagnosis is difficult University of Saskatchewan
but can often be achieved by Saskatoon, Canada
thorough clinical examination, James L. Carmalt, MA, VetMB
laboratory tests, and feed
ABSTRACT: Alpacas commonly present with clinical signs of weight loss and illthrift but often
have no other abnormalities on physical examination, making diagnosis difficult and frustrat-
KEY FACTS ing for veterinarians. Protein–energy malnutrition is a diagnosis of exclusion supported by ba-
sic protein–energy calculations, body condition scoring, and feed analysis. Although protein–
■ Regular weighing and body energy malnutrition has been described in domestic ruminants, this syndrome has not been
condition scoring by owners are studied in camelids.
integral components of a history
of weight loss or failure to gain

weight in alpacas. rotein–energy malnutrition (PEM) has been defined as insufficient provi-
sion of feed (quality and/or quantity) to ruminant livestock.1–3 This syn-
■ Failure to exhibit normal grazing drome has not been described in camelids, in which clinical signs differ
and browsing behavior are from those seen in domestic ruminants. In camelidae weight loss, illthrift and
common presenting signs of failure to exhibit normal grazing and/or browsing behavior are common present-
alpacas with weight loss and ing signs.
illthrift. The number of camelids seen by veterinary practitioners has been steadily in-
creasing. Most commercial camelid owners weigh and determine the body con-
■ Feed analysis and accurate dition score (BCS) of their animals on a regular basis and are thus aware of
knowledge of each ration changes in their animals’ weight, BCS, and demeanor; however, this is often un-
component enable veterinarians true for noncommercial camelid owners.
to calculate protein and energy The exact nutritional requirements of lamoids are unknown.4 The values pre-
intake in alpacas. sented in current literature are based on extrapolations from studies in sheep,4
goats,5,6 and cattle.7 The digestive system of lamoids—especially those on low-
■ Maximum third-compartment quality diets—is considered to be superior to that of other ruminants8; therefore,
capacity of 2% body weight dry the extrapolation of nutrient values may not be wholly accurate. Because both
matter is a significant limiting llamas and alpacas are lamoids, values presented for one are often assumed to be
factor in meeting protein–energy applicable to the other.
requirements during times of In the alpaca’s natural habitat (i.e., the South American Andes), the tempera-
nutritional stress. ture rarely falls below –10˚C.4 The average daily temperature in North America
and Canada during winter often falls below –15˚C and can be as low as –35˚C,
excluding wind chill. Published nutritional guidelines4,9 for camelids do not ac-
count for these extremes. Nutrition has a significant effect on fiber growth in al-
Compendium December 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

pacas.10,11 Because fiber insulates these animals against

heat loss, poor nutrition compounds the thermoregula- Essential Factors in the
tory stress experienced in these extreme climates and Digestible Energy Equation
thus predisposes alpacas to PEM.
a. Pregnancy—During the last 4 months of gestation,
The need for high-quality, nutritious, palatable feed
along with regular body condition scoring and weigh- 0.093 Mcal DE × BW0.75 should be added.4,6
ing in these climates cannot be overemphasized. In ani- b. Growth—An additional 0.00892 Mcal DE/gram
mals with suspected malnutrition, feed analysis is a increase in BW should be added for juvenile
simple and cost-effective way for practitioners to calcu- animals that are still gaining in height and weight.
late the nutritional needs of each animal and compare
The figure is often 1.78 Mcal DE/day.4
those needs with what is being provided by the current
diet. c. Lactation—1.533 Mcal DE should be added for
each kilogram of milk produced (crias should be
Initially, daily maintenance metabolizable energy (ME) d. Pack Animals—An increase in energy as much
should be calculated using the following equation9:
as 75% above normal adult maintenance
ME (Mcal) = (84.5 × Body weight0.75 [BW; kg]) ÷ 1000 requirements may be needed.4
[Equation 1] e. Temperature—0.04 Mcal DE should be added for
every degree below +15˚C. Although not specific to
Digestible energy (DE), a relatively constant propor- camelids, this has been evaluated in Canadian
tion of ME,12 is calculated as follows:
DE (Mcal) = ME × 1.22 [Equation 1a] Note: Because literature on camelid nutrition is scarce, these
values have been extrapolated from studies in sheep, goats,4–6
Additional factors4–7 important to the DE equation are and cattle.7
often overlooked during calculation (see Essential Fac- BW = body weight; DE = digestible energy.
tors in the Digestible Energy Equation). Omission of
these factors can lead to inadequate feeding of energy
and protein and the development of PEM. however, and thus consistency of scoring is important.
Maintenance crude protein (CP) or total protein lev- Alpacas are assigned a numeric value ranging from 1
els are directly related to the DE value calculated in (emaciated) to 9 (very obese) based on their body con-
Equation 1a; CP is calculated as13: dition. Although 5 represents optimal condition, scores
from 4 to 6 are acceptable (Table I).
CP (g) = 31 g × DE (Mcal) [Equation 2] The chest, front legs, lumbar area, ribs, and dorsal
hindlimbs should be assessed. Contrary to the condi-
Maximum dry matter (DM) intake or third-compart- tion scoring of sheep and cattle, assessment of the pel-
ment limitation is calculated as: vis is not performed in alpacas because the musculature
and adipose tissue distribution is such that even an
DM (kg) = BW (kg) × 0.02 [Equation 3] overconditioned animal will appear thin.
In thin alpacas, the lumbar musculature between the
During free-choice feeding, llamas will not eat more dorsal and transverse spinous processes of the lumbar
than 2% BW (DM) over 24 hours, even during periods vertebrae appears concave because of a lack of covering
of growth.14 Sheep, however, can increase DM intake to adipose tissue. In obese animals, however, the tissue is
3.0% BW DM.13 The camelid diet has to be sufficient- convex between the spinous processes and may pro-
ly energy- and protein-dense to satisfy their nutritional trude above the vertical processes of the spine in the
requirements within the limitations of DM intake. lumbar area. In alpacas with optimal BCSs, the vertical
processes of the spine can be felt using gentle pressure
BODY CONDITION SCORING and the cross-sectional shape of the epaxial muscles
Determining the BCS of alpacas is essential and re- over the vertebra is flat.
quires handling of the animal for accurate measure- Ribs should be palpated in the fiberless area directly
ment. It is simple, cost-effective, and can easily be per- behind the elbow of the forelimb and over the middle
formed on a regular basis. This assessment is subjective, and widest part of the ribcage. The fiber must not in-


Small Animal/Exotics Compendium December 2000

TABLE I should come close together without

Body Condition Score and Interpretation in Alpacas
touching. The caudal abdomen is eas-
ily seen between the hindlimbs.
Body Score Description Nonlactating females and those in
1 Severely emaciated Ribs easily viewed and palpated
early to mid-pregnancy should be
V-shaped thorax as viewed from the front maintained at a BCS of 5+ because
Hindlimb musculature does not oppose dorsally maximum fetal growth and udder de-
Epaxial muscles appear concave between the dorsal velopment occur in the last trimester
and transverse spinous processes of gestation. To compound this nutri-
tional stress, voluntary intake will also
2 Emaciated Ribs are easily felt be reduced at this time because the
V-shaped thorax uterus commands more space in the
Hindlimb musculature does not oppose dorsally abdomen, thus reducing the effective
Overall loss of muscle forestomach size. Birthing should oc-
cur at a BCS of 6 because the stress of
3 Very thin Ribs can be easily felt
Slight V shape to thorax
lactation and early rebreeding will
Decreased space between hindlimb musculature cause a reduction in BCS. If BCS de-
creases excessively (i.e., below 4), ear-
4 Thin Ribs can be felt ly weaning of the cria may be pru-
U shape to thorax dent. Growing animals should be
Little loss of muscle maintained at a BCS of 4 to 6.15
Defined adductor musculature on hindlimbs
5 Optimal Ribs can be felt with gentle pressure Four female alpacas were presented
Slight space between hindlimbs as representatives of a herd of 150
Well-defined adductor musculature on hindlimbs mature alpacas in which 4 had died.
Epaxial muscles appear flat between the dorsal and
transverse spinous processes
Two of the animals were in mid- to
late-gestation, and two were in early
6 Slightly overweight Ribs can be felt with some pressure lactation. BCSs ranged from 2 to 2.5
Dorsal adductor musculature touches between (on a scale of 1 to 9), and the animals
hindlimbs weighed from 54 to 67 kg (119 to
Less-defined adductor muscle groups 147 lb). The males in the herd were
also thin but, according to the owner,
7 Somewhat overweight Ribs can be felt with moderate pressure had an average BCS of 3.0 to 4.0.
Less-defined adductor muscle groups The average daily temperature inside
the animals’ enclosure was –15˚C.
8 Obese Ribs can be felt with firm pressure Other than low BCSs, no abnor-
Thorax appears “barrel shaped”
Adductor musculature has little definition
malities were found on physical ex-
amination. Differential diagnosis in-
9 Very obese Ribs cannot be felt, even with firm pressure cluded gastrointestinal parasitism,
Significant contact between hindlimbs mineral deficiencies, PEM, and ep-
No definition of hindlimb musculature erythrozoonosis. Other causes of weight
Normal ambulation impeded loss (Table II) were excluded because
Epaxial muscles appear convex between the dorsal this was a herd problem.
and transverse spinous processes No significant abnormalities were
found on hematologic and biochemi-
terfere with the measurement in this area. When lightly cal examination or fecal flotation and culture. Based on
palpated, the brisket area should feel firm. the results of diagnostic testing and feed analysis, a di-
The chest of thin alpacas is V shaped; in obese ani- agnosis of PEM was made.
mals, the forelimbs appear to be closer together because The alpacas were being fed 0.14 kg (0.3 lb) per head
of the excess adipose tissue on the thorax. When an al- of oats/grain per day and allowed hay ad libitum. Anal-
paca is in optimal condition, the muscles of the inner ysis of the grain revealed 91.8% DM, 10.7% CP DM,
thigh in the hindlimbs have visible definition and and a DE of 3.3 Mcal/kg DM. The grass hay contained


Compendium December 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

Diagnostic Differentials, Clinical Signs, and Additional Tests for Weight Loss in Adult Alpacasa
Condition Possible Clinical Signs Additional Tests
Gastrointestinal Decreased milk production, poor growth Fecal flotation, fecal microscopy
parasitism16,17 and/or feed conversion, diarrhea, dehydration,

Dental problems18,19 Abnormal chewing/pain, quidding, partially Thorough buccal examination (sedation
chewed fibers in fecal pellets, mandibular may be needed), oblique radiographs of the
swellings or swellings over maxillary teeth roots, jaw,20 computed tomography and/or
odor or exudation from a nostril, apparent magnetic resonance imaging
sensitivity to cold water, visibly worn or
deformed teeth

Hypothyroidism21 Depression, poor growth/haircoat, nonspecific CBC, resting triiodothyronine or thyroxine

(affected animals are dermatitis, anemia and/or leukocytosis levels22,23 or thyroid-stimulating hormone
typically <1 yr test24
of age)

Hypophosphatemia25 Poor growth, shifting lameness, angular limb Serum phosphate levels26,27
deformities/bony joint enlargement

Iron deficiency Poor growth, lethargy/diarrhea CBC, serum iron concentration,26–28 total
iron-binding capacity,28 bone marrow

Copper deficiency29 Ataxia, anemia/immunosuppression, chronic Liver biopsy, hepatic copper concentration,
(primary or secondary) diarrhea (secondary), lameness, reduced growth serum copper26,27 concentration (the
rate, infertility and reduced milk production, accuracy of this method is questionable)
excessive shedding/stringy hair fibers,
depigmentation of haircoat

Selenium deficiency Chronic diarrhea, immunosuppression, repeated Dietary analysis, whole blood selenium
infection, poor libido/fertility/abortion, concentration26,30
weak/stillborn/lethargic crias, white muscle
disease, hyperthermia

Zinc deficiency Zinc-responsive dermatitis, zinc-responsive CBC, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum
parakeratosis, weight loss/anorexia, reduced zinc concentration,26,27 dietary analysis

Third-compartment Depression/anorexia; colic/reduced gut sounds; Diagnosis based on eliminating other

ulcerations31 bruxism, reduced fecal production and/or pyrexia nonspecific gastrointestinal disease

Third-compartment Weight loss/anorexia, reduced fecal production, First-compartment fluid analysis (including
emptying defects32 abdominal distention chloride concentration), abdominal
radiography, exploratory laparotomy

Eosinophilic enteritis32 Weight loss, diarrhea Diagnosis based on eliminating infectious

causes of clinical signs, intestinal biopsy or

Johne’s disease33,34 Poor growth/weight loss and/or diarrhea in Acid-fast stained fecal smear, fecal culture,
young animals >2 yr of age agar gel immunodiffusion test, necropsy
examination, impression smears of fresh
intestine, polymerase chain reaction testing
of mesenteric lymph nodes
Small Animal/Exotics Compendium December 2000

TABLE II (continued)
Condition Possible Clinical Signs Additional Tests
Juvenile Low-grade chronic problems, failure to respond CBC, blood smear, serum iron
immunodeficiency to treatments, repeated infections, depression, concentration, total iron-binding capacity,
syndrome35–37 (usually failure to gain weight, respiratory tract infection, transferrin saturation, bone marrow
detected in animals ocular infection, dermatitis/gingivitis, lameness, aspiration, serum biochemical analysis, fecal
6–18 mos of age) ataxia examination and urinalysis, bacterial culture
of infected focus, serum IgG concentration,
lymph node biopsy, paired sera (pre and 2
wk post), Clostridium perfringens C and D

Wasting syndrome38 Anorexia/weight loss, death with no attendant Diagnosis of exclusion

identification of an infectious or parasitic disease

Protein–energy Weight loss; absence of anorexia, diarrhea, or Feed analysis and comparison of
malnutrition other significant clinical findings requirements with availability

Eperythrozoonosis39 Poor weight gain, chronic diarrhea and/or Complete physical examination, ELISA,
anemia stained blood smears, fecal examination
a Except for references 18, 25, and 33, these conditions have only been described in llamas but should be considered in all cases of
weight loss and illthrift in alpacas until further studies indicate otherwise.
CBC = complete blood count.

91.3% DM, 12.5% CP DM, and a DE of 2.74 Energy provided by grain = (0.13 kg DM ×
Mcal/kg DM. All calculations are performed on a DM 3.33 Mcal/kg DM) = 0.43 Mcal
basis. Therefore, 0.14 kg of oats is converted into 0.13 Protein provided by grain = (0.13 kg DM ×
kg DM (0.14 × 91.8% = 0.14 × 0.918). 10.7%) = 13.91 g

Requirements Assuming the animal consumes the entire oat ration:

An average 60-kg (BW) alpaca in this scenario, in the Energy requirements remaining after grain =
last 4 months of gestation and in the middle of winter, (5.42 Mcal DE − 0.43 Mcal) = 4.99 Mcal DE
had the following energy (Equations 1 + 1a + Essential Protein requirements remaining after grain =
factors a + e) and protein (Equation 2) requirements, (168.02 g – 13.91 g) = 154.11 g
within the maximum third-compartment limitation Having consumed the oat ration (0.13 kg DM),
(Equation 3). the remaining maximum DM intake = (1.2 kg –
0.13 kg) = 1.07 kg DM.
Energy (Mcal DE) = Equations 1 + 1a + Essential
factor a + Essential factor e; that is: Energy gained from maximum hay intake =
(1.07 kg DM × 2.74 Mcal/kg DM) = 2.93 Mcal
Energy (Mcal DE) = {[(84.5 × 600.75) ÷ 1000] ×
1.22} + (0.093 × 600.75) + (0.04 × 30) = 2.22 + Protein gained from maximum hay intake =
2.00 + 1.2 = 5.42 Mcal DE (1.07 kg DM × 12.5%) = 133.75 g
Total protein (g) = 31 g × Mcal DE = 31 g × 5.42 = The hypothetical amount of hay that the alpacas would
168.02 g need to eat to meet their energy needs is 1.81 kg DM
Maximum intake = 60 × 0.02 = 1.2 kg DM (4.99 Mcal DE ÷ 2.74 Mcal/kg DM). This total ex-
ceeds the calculated remaining maximum DM intake.
Feed Analysis
The grain being fed to the alpacas in the case sce- Totals
nario was analyzed to determine the protein and energy Total energy in ration = 2.93 Mcal (hay) + 0.43
the animals were receiving. Mcal (grain) = 3.36 Mcal


Compendium December 2000 Small Animal/Exotics

Total protein in ration = 133.75 g (hay) + 13.91 g and feed analysis in the absence of other disease, some
(grain) = 147.66 g owners are unwilling to accept a diagnosis of PEM, as-
Energy deficit = 5.42 Mcal – 3.36 Mcal = 2.06 Mcal suming that it indicates a degree of mistreatment on
Protein deficit = 168.02 g – 147.66 g = 20.36 g their behalf. In my experience, however, the benefits of
Maximum per-animal achievable DM intake of dietary management can generally be appreciated with-
hay – Intake needed to meet energy needs = in 5 to 7 days and supports the diagnosis.
1.07 kg DM – 1.81 kg DM = – 0.74 kg DM.
This calculation indicates that the animals did not have
The author thanks Miss K. P. Rosel, Department of Tox-
adequate forestomach capacity to allow sufficient inges-
icology, and Dr. M. Smart, Large Animal Clinical Sci-
tion of hay to meet energy or protein requirements un-
ences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Universi-
der the stresses of advanced gestation and winter weath-
ty of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, and Dr. J.
er. Weight loss and illthrift are obvious sequelae.
Vaughn, Division of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences,
The grain portion accounts for 10.8% of the diet,
Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia, for
leaving 89.2% as forage. Dietary crude fiber (CF) must
their help in the preparation of this manuscript.
not be reduced below 25%14 because CF has a signifi-
cant effect on saliva production and, combined with
first-compartment bicarbonate-secreting glands, first- REFERENCES
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