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This agreement of tenancy is made and executed at Chennai on this -----

Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR !Owner" of the O#E $%RT:
Hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE !Tenant" of the OTHER $%RT&
'hereas the first (arty is the a)so*ute owner of the House+ consisting of one ha**+ one
,itchen+ two )edrooms and )athroom - with e*ectricity and water faci*ity situated at
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the owner has
decided to *et out the same to the said tenant under the fo**owing terms and conditions&
:: / ::
0" This renta* agreement is for a (eriod of 00 months with effect from 111111111
/" The LESSEE has (aid a sum of Rs& 1111112- !Ru(ees 111111 on*y" towards
security de(osit to the LESSOR& The security de(osit sha** not carry any interest
and sha** )e refunded )ac, to the LESSEE at the time of 3acating the schedu*ed
(remises after deducting any arrears in rent+ e*ectricity )i**s+ )rea,ages+ c*eaning
and (ainting charges&
4" The LESSEE further agrees to (ay a month*y rent of Rs& 11112- !Ru(ees 111111
on*y"& The rent for each month sha** )e (aid on or )efore 5
of e3ery month
!after com(*etion of the month"
6" 7n case the LESSEE wants to 3acate the (remises )efore the (eriod a3ai*a)*e to
them+ they shou*d gi3e one month notice+ in writing+ or one month rent in *ieu of
the notice (eriod& The LESSOR a*so sha** gi3e one month notice to the LESSEE
for terminating the Lease (eriod&
5" The LESSOR and LESSEE on mutua* agreement can renew this LE%SE for a
further (eriod of 00 month& 7n such e3ent the LESSEE sha** (ay and enhance the
rent )y 089 u(on renewa* of this agreement&
:" The LESSEE sha** not ha3e any right to c*aim deduction of rent from the security
de(osit amount& On the other hand the LESSEE sha** ,ee( (aying the rent as
;" 7f the LESSEE commits any defau*t to (ay the rent regu*ar*y on due dates or
commit any defau*t to o)ser3e or (erform any of the terms here to agreed+ the
LESSOR here)y reser3es the right to terminate the LE%SE hereto granted and
ta,e o3er (ossession of the schedu*e (remises&
<" The LESSEE sha** )ear and (ay the e*ectricity consumed as (er the meter reading&
=" The LESSEE agrees not to su)-*et or under-*et the schedu*e (remises in who*e or
(art to any third (erson2(arty&
08" The LESSEE sha** ,ee( and maintain the schedu*e (remises c*ean and in good
condition if any damage sha** )e )orne )y the LESSEE
00" The LESSOR sha** ha3e the right to terminate the tenancy if the LESSEE fai*s to
(ay the rents regu*ar*y for a consecuti3e (eriod of two months or commits )reach
of any of the terms herein and ta,e (ossession of the schedu*ed (remises&
08& List of >ittings and >ixtures a3ai*a)*e in the (remises
Cei*ing >ans : / #os&
Tu)e Light : 4 #o&
C>L Bu*) : 0 #os&
Lights : / #os&
7n witness where of the LESSOR and the LESSEE ha3e signed the deed of renta*
agreement on the day month and year a)o3e written
?r& @@@@@ Mr. XXXXXXXXXX

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