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A Network of Interactive Nuclear

Cryoprobes to Explore Ice
Sheets on Mars and Europa
George Maise, PI
Plus Ultra Technologies, Inc.
NIAC Phase 1 Fellows Meeting, Atlanta, GA
March 7-8, 2005
James Powell: Nuclear Reactor Design
Hans Ludewig, Consultant, BNL: Neutronics
Jesse Powell, Consultant, Scripps Inst. of
Oceanography: Instrumentation, Search for
Traces of Past Life
John Paniagua: Mission analysis
George Maise: PI and Thermal/Hydraulics
Multi-MICE Concept Big Picture
1. Multiple, networked, un-tethered, semi-autonomous, high-powered,
high-mobility, long-duration nuclear-powered probes
2. Uses existing technology
The Multi-MICE Concept
Compact, ultra lightweight nuclear reactors power a network of
mobile probes that explore the interior of Mars North Polar Cap
Probes move along melt channels in the ice sheet; can travel up
and down vertically, and at angles to vertical
Probes travel at 100s of meters per day inside the ice sheet.
Can reach bed-rock at multi-kilometer depths
Probes obtain detailed data on the internal geologic/geophysical
structure of the ice sheet, the paleo-climatology of Mars, cosmic
ray, solar and meteoroid history, and search for evidence of past
Probes in the network communicate with each other in real time
and with surface lander that is in 2-way communication with
Scientists on earth obtain data in real time (subject to light speed
limitations) and direct the activities of the probes
Probes return samples to lander spacecraft for eventual transport
back to Earth
Objectives of Program
Design Multi-MICE (Mars Ice Cap Explorer) system with
the following capabilities:
Powered by a small nuclear fission engine.
MICE probes can travel rapidly in both descent and ascent
modes; also at angles to vertical.
MICE probes are fully instrumented to unravel physical and
biological histories from information trapped in Martian polar
ice caps and Europas ice sheets.
Multiple MICE probes communicate with each other and with
lander and Earth.
MICE can return collected samples to surface.
Develop plan for experimental validation of concept
under NIAC Phase 2.
Layout of development plan (including schedule and
cost) for implementation of Multi-MICE system.
Summary of MICE Reactor Parameters
318 hollow tube Zr/UO
cermet fuel elements
Fuel element OD/ID/length = 2.0/1.9/47 centimeters
Fuel element pitch/diameter ratio = 1.1/1
Reactor core diameter/length = 47 centimeters
Water reflector thickness/OD = 5 cm/57 cm
Aluminum pressure vessel OD = 60 cm
Water coolant/moderator (Tcore = 550 K), 500 KW(th)
13 control rods; Zr/B
Beginning of life (t = 0); Keff = 1.082 (all rods out); Keff = 0.811 (all
rods in)
End of life (t = 4 years); Keff = 1.095 (all rods out); Keff = 08.24 (all
rods in)
6 kg U-235 loading; 12% burnup after 4 years
120 kg total dry mass
90 kg reactor
30 kg heat exchangers, T-G, controls
Neutronic Analyses of MICE Reactor
3D Monte Carlo codes were used to model MICE reactor
MCNP code for reactor criticality
Monte Burns code for burnup behavior
Full 3D geometric representation of all components in reactor
including all fuel elements, control rods, reflector, grid plates,
and pressure vessel
Required to accurately model neutron leakage and
absorption in highly heterogeneous, 3D reactor systems
3D Monte Carlo codes predicted Keff for criticality in
similar actual particle bed reactor assemblies to within
MICE reactor easily controlled and can operate at full power of
500 KW(th) for many years
Large safety margin reactor strongly subcritical when all
control rods are in [Keff = 1.082 (all rods out); Keff = 08.11
(all rods in)]
Criticality (Keff) essentially constant during 2000 KW(th)
year operating period when Boron-10 is used as burnable
poison [12% of U-235 loading burns out]
Reactor has strong negative temperature and void
Mars North Polar Cap Why go?
Life Detection
Growth chamber experiments
Glaciology and Paleo-climate
Ice chemistry / Mass Spec of ancient gases
Optical imagery / Dust layers
Solar / cosmic ray / micrometeoroid history
Geology and Geophysics
Examination of trapped particulates
Possible Ocean basin sediment profiling
Scout for Permanent Human Bases
Pole has abundant water
Pole provides shelter - large melt chambers
In situ resources - cyrogenically
concentrated gases
MICE Instrumentation and Sampling System
Goals and Requirements
Measure Age of Ice as a Function of Depth and Location (years since
deposition as ice)
Determine Composition and Temperature of Ancient Martian Atmosphere
as a Function of Time over Millions of Years
Also determine dust loading in atmosphere over the same time frame
Sample Both Melt Water and Solid Ice around Melt Channel
Determine temperature, atmospheric composition, dust, etc. in ice that
is unaffected by melt channel
Sample Both Surface and Interior of Sedimentary Layers at Base of Ice
Determine Types and Amounts of Different Organic Chemicals in Melt
Water, and Whether They Are Life Specific
Continuously Image Solid Particulates From Ice Sheet to Determine
Whether Microfossils Are Present, and What Geology and Material They
MICE Instrumentation and Sampling System
Biological Science Capability
flow microscope continuously samples meltwater and images
particles at high resolution (~1 micron per pixel).
Life Detection Earthlike Life
Lab-on-Chip design for micro-Capillary Electrophoresis of
general classes of known biomolecules (amino acids, nucleic
acids, lipids, sugars). Detection of homochirality. Antibody
assays and DNA microarrays.
Life Detection Minimal Assumptions
Growth chamber experiments track minute changes in ion
balances between meltwater inoculated growth chamber versus
sterilized meltwater control chamber.
MICE Instrumentation and Sampling System
Desired Instruments
Conductivity, Temperature,
Depth (CTD)
O2, CO2 sensors
Ion-Sensitive Electrodes
Flow Fluorometers /
Flow microscope / particle
Lab-on-Chip Life Detector
Growth Chamber
Aqueous Sampling
Obstacle Sonar
Ice / Sub-bottom Profiler
Acoustic Instrumentation
High Res Macro Imager
Laser Nephelometer
Imagery & Free-space optics
Ice-Penetrating Radar
Source/receive studies
Comm& Navigation
Mass Spec
Seismic source /
Communications - Mesh Network
Each probe acts as node in a
mesh network
Mesh networking allows MICE
probes to travel further from
lander by relaying commands
Redundant: if one node fails,
probes that lose contact with
lander migrate back towards
lander to re-establish network
Trilateration and depth
(pressure) information allows
highly accurate positioning of the
probes for scientific inquiry
Communications - Control System
MICE probes are in continuous 2-way real time communication
with other probes and with surface spacecraft lander
Lander is in continuous communication with scientists on
Earth, subject to speed of light delays
Scientists receive data from probes in <1 hour and can control
where probes go and what data they take
Communications inside ice sheet are dual mode
RF for medium range and high data rates (1 Mbs) can
transmit multi kilometers but may be affected by ice
inclusions and dust layers
Acoustic for long range and moderate data rates (10-20
kbs) can transmit for many kilometers. Not sensitive to
inclusions and dust layers
Range can be extended by node hopping
Semi-autonomous control functions on probes
Probes keep track of 3D movements and location
Probes maintain power level, movement rate, direction and
sampling operation activities at value directed from Earth,
and change to different values when so directed
Mission Parameters - Time Line
Delta 4 launch vehicle departs Earth in May 2018
260 day flight time to Mars polar cap
Upper stage RL10 H
engine; Iso = 400 seconds
MICE spacecraft lands on North Polar Cap in February 2019 using
thrusted burn after aerocapture maneuver
On-board reactor power system melts ice to generate water
coolant, moderator for MICE probes
6 MICE probes deploy and begin exploration of North Polar
MICE probes explore Polar Cap for 18 months
On-board reactor replenishes H
propellant for MICE
MICE probes return collected sampled to spacecraft
MICE spacecraft departs from Earth in J uly 2020
MICE spacecraft arrives Earth in March 2021
Aeroshield and aerobraking parachute land sample container
on Earth
Future Work - Development
MICE reactor uses existing, well proven technology
Nuclear fuel and water coolant/steam turbine components can be
directly applied to MICE
MICE reactor & power system can be built and tested within ~3 years
Much of the instrumentation for MICE is already in use on AUVs
(Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) and other applications
MICE is not power and duration limited, unlike AUVs and other
systems not subject to input power limitations, compared to present
Development of additional new instruments, particularly in relation to
search for biologic traces, is highly desirable
Instrumentation can be tested and validated in Earth ice sheets
MICE technology development is required in 3 areas
Channel melt and movement system
Long range communications through ice
Operational control combined autonomous and external control
Integrated MICE probe can be tested and validated in Earth ice sheets
before being sent to Mars can use non-nuclear energy input
MICE A Stepping Stone to Permanent Manned Bases
on Mars and Large Scale Exploration of the Solar System
The MICE reactor system can robotically operate at sites on Mars North
Polar Cap using water and atmospheric CO
and dust minerals to
produce virtually all of the supplies needed for permanent manned base
operating at 5 MW, a compact MICE factory could produce and
stockpile in just 20 months:
160 tons of liquid H
and 1680 tons of liquid O
60 tons of liquid methane and 30 tons of methanol
30 tons of plastic and 10 tons of food
8 sub-surface large habitat insulated caves, completely shielded
from cosmic rays
All supplies and habitats would be stockpiled before astronauts left
When astronauts landed on Mars, they would have very ample supplies
and safe habitats awaiting them
Astronauts would use supplies to construct and operate rovers to
explore large regions on Mars
Robotic MICE factories can produce many tons of propellants, water,
and other supplies to be robotically transported to Earth orbit
Supplies from Mars would enable large lunar bases, space tourism,
and extensive exploration of the solar system
Summary & Conclusions
The Multi-MICE concept can provide a unique and important window into the
geologic, meteorological, and biologic history of Mars, together with data on cosmic
irradiation and solar system processes over many millions of years.
Compact, lightweight mobile MICE probes would travel inside the Icy North Polar
Cap of Mars, each powered by a small (50 cm diameter) nuclear reactor that melts a
channel through ice.
200 meter per day travel capability
Can descend or ascend, vertically or at an angle
Can reach base of multi-kilometer thick ice sheet
Take data on composition and geologic history of ice sheet, Martian atmosphere,
and wind-blown dust; cosmic irradiation and Solar system history, and search for
biologic and fossil evidence of life on Mars.
Can return samples to spacecraft lander.
Multi-MICE probes are in continuous real time communications with each other, with
the spacecraft lander, and with scientists on Earth (subject to speed of light delay)
Mice reactor uses well proven commercial technology much of MICE
instrumentation already exists.
MICE probes can be tested and fully validated in Earth ice sheets prior to a Mars

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