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AGENDA: Fishtown Neighbors Association General Membership

Thursday, July 17, 2014, 7 8:00 PM @ Frankford Hall

Board Members: Kate Micklow Harwan, Jordan Rushie, Pete Harwan, Isaac Slepner,
John Alexander, Shaun Christopher, Audrey Morrison

Time Item
7:00 Welcome / 2014 Dues Reminder/Refreshment thank you Kate
SPEAKERS: Seth Williams Philadelphia District Attorney
From West Philadelphia, born and raised, an alumnus of Central High School,
the Pennsylvania State University, and Georgetown Law, After graduating from
Georgetown, Williams joined the District Attorneys Office. He served 10 years
as an Assistant District Attorney. In that time, he was appointed Assistant Chief
of the Municipal Court, where he supervised the 30 newest prosecutors. He
also created and led the Repeat Offenders Unit with the goal of reducing the
high percentage of crimes committed by repeat offenders. His courtroom
experience includes 37 jury trials, more than 1,500 bench trials and more than
2,500 felony preliminary hearings.

In 2005, he challenged Lynne Abraham, Philadelphia's longtime incumbent
District Attorney, in the Democratic primary, but lost with 46% of the vote.
Following the election, he was appointed Inspector General of the City of
Philadelphia, where he was responsible for investigating allegations of
corruption, fraud, waste, abuse and employee misconduct among municipal
workers and companies doing business with the city. He left in 2008 to take a
position as counsel at Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, a Center City law

Seth Williams was elected District Attorney of Philadelphia on November 3,
2009. Winning more than 75% of the vote, he became the first African
American District Attorney of Philadelphia, and in the entire Commonwealth of
Neighbors Q & A:
One neighbor voiced concerns about crime at Front and Girard during
the first week of the month. Williams response focused on crime
prevention. Neighbors can get involved in the prevention process he
directed neighbors to a community action center near the Piazza that
focuses on crime prevention (note: this space is also available for
trainings for community orgs). Williams also noted that the number one
thing that offenders have in common is that they did not finish high
school. Neighbors can prevent crime through truancy reduction.

Another neighbor asked about marijuana decriminalization. Williams
spoke to past and current efforts to improve the prosecution process.
One reform initiative is called the Small Amounts of Marijuana (SAM)
AGENDA: Fishtown Neighbors Association General Membership
Thursday, July 17, 2014, 7 8:00 PM @ Frankford Hall

Board Members: Kate Micklow Harwan, Jordan Rushie, Pete Harwan, Isaac Slepner,
John Alexander, Shaun Christopher, Audrey Morrison
program, designed to divert cases involving small amounts of
marijuana from traditional prosecution.
The city used to spend an
inordinant amount of money prosecuting marijuana possession. Now,
through SAM, for possession of small amounts of marijuana you pay a
$200 fine, attend a series of classes, and then the record gets

Another neighbor asked about any increase in crime from area casinos
Williams responded that there hasnt been a significant increase in
the crimes commonly expected from casinos (prostitution, robbery, etc.)
thought there have been occasional cases.

Jordan. Rushie asked what neighbors can do to reduce crime in
assisting the DAs office; Williams responded that civic associations are
the eyes/ears of a community. At times, citizens coming to sentencing
can be helpful. There is also a public nuisance task force created to
work for neighborsin the event of a problem property residents can
work with them to gather data about the address so there can be
pursuit in civil court.

Kate Micklow asked about recidivism and what the DA is doing to
respond. Williams responded that 5% of the people who create crimes
commit 60% of crimes we typically only pay attention when there has
been a murder or an individual with upwards of 25 arrests. The old
paradigm was that the DA simply said, more jail time. We need to be
smarter on crime. When someone is arrested, we do all we can to
reduce recidivism. Since Williams has been DA, 40% of all
misdemeanors are being resolved through diversionary programs, i.e.
veterans corp, SAM corp, accelerated misdemeanor program, addiction
treatment programs, court for women in the sex trade to help women
get out of that lifestyle, etc.

Denis D. asked about methadone and whether the DA feels that that
system is working or not. Williams responded that we could have a long
conversation about addiction and methadone clinics, etc. Four out of
five heroin addicts began their addiction with addiction to prescribed
pain killers this means we need to hold pain management facilities
and doctors accountable for their management of those substances. It
is extremely difficult to shut down PAs/doctors handing out scripts.
Also, we dont only need people jumping on dealers, because for every
dealer we have 60 or 70 users best help is to get your loved ones into

DA email address -

1 Accessed
AGENDA: Fishtown Neighbors Association General Membership
Thursday, July 17, 2014, 7 8:00 PM @ Frankford Hall

Board Members: Kate Micklow Harwan, Jordan Rushie, Pete Harwan, Isaac Slepner,
John Alexander, Shaun Christopher, Audrey Morrison
Officer Intro/Crime Q&A
Kate Micklow Harwan opened by asking the police to address problems
at the corner of Front and Girard. The officer responded that the
intersection is a complex problem, involving addiction, robberies,
disability issues, etc. Tonight narcotics officers are working side by side
with SEPTA officers, and cops are often stationed at front and girard,
often also at Berks & Girard and Huntingdon & Kensington stations,
walking the platform.

Shaun C. asked about Konrad Square, mentioned that there is a lot of
drug dealing at the park. The officer responded in general that tougher
measures are in place for various kinds of illegal solicitation officers
now seize vehicle, and purchasers need to go through a forfeiture
hearing to get money and car back.

Another neighbor asked about mentally ill neighbors, particularly one
individual who wanders around the area of Front and Girard, and asked
if there is anything happening to help with that individual. Officer
responded that they deal with him frequently and in the past they have
taken him to the hospital and he is usually committed for up to three

Question about dissatisfaction with 911 officer responded that if call-
taker is responding inappropriately the calls are recorded, and if caller
is unsatisfied we can contact the district.

7:50 Committee Updates:

Treasurers Report (Pete)
There is currently $30,124.57 in the checking account. We received a $15,000
grant for River City Festival, a $5,000 grant for our new website and a $2,000
sponsorship for Meet the Neighborsall were from the Penn Treaty Special
Services District. Since the last meeting we have also given out $1,300 in
donations and received $350 in donations. We brought in $2,723 at Meet the
Neighbors on 6/20/14. This does not factor in a $500 donation that we are going
to give to Antonio (former cook from Johnny Brendas) to help his family
expenses in the wake of his death.

Beautification (Kristy)
Feed the Fish project: we shipped the sculpture to the manufacturer
and finalized the application for business sponsoring.
The monthly meeting of the committee is next Thurs at the Rec,
beginning at 6:30
Windowbox contest winners over 40 entries:
prize: 2210 Taggart Street
prize: 1361 E. Susquehanna

AGENDA: Fishtown Neighbors Association General Membership
Thursday, July 17, 2014, 7 8:00 PM @ Frankford Hall

Board Members: Kate Micklow Harwan, Jordan Rushie, Pete Harwan, Isaac Slepner,
John Alexander, Shaun Christopher, Audrey Morrison
prize: 1428 Palmer Street
Peoples Choice: 1302 Columbia

Zoning (Matt Karp)
5 meetings so far this month:

153 Richmond Street approved
Two meetings for outdoor seating (Fishtown Tavern and Palm Tree
Market) both approved
300 E. Girard (new restaurant and outdoor seating) approved
Eight homes on 2400 block of Gordon Street, approved by one vote
locals were against, total vote was 16-15.

Coming up 5 projects scheduled for August:

1244 E. Colona Street (large lot next to Scoops)
3 projects on 8/19 at 1600 Frankford Ave (restaurant), 1340 Frankford
(Lutheran Settlement making outdoor changes), 2339 E. Norris (house
with a lot next to it that wants outdoor parking)

Remapping has been pushed back,. It will probably happen in September or

Education/Parenting (John A.)
Principle Oddo of Adaire Elementary took another job and interviews are
happening this week. Kate Hughes of Friends of Adaire will be present at the
interviews. Also, City Councilman Darrell Clarke held a meeting at Adaire today
to announce that plans for a new playground at Adaire are moving forward, and
he is confident that we will see action on this within eight months.

8:10 Misc Announcements:
MTN thanks and summary: Audrey thanked all attendees. A new
addition to the event this year was sandboxes and toys for kids;
community service award presented to Kristy Landry.

Website launch timeline

RCF October 11, 2014

8:15 Adjournment

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