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12 December 1999

CE Refereed Peer Review

FOCAL POINT The Hypothalamic–

★ Understanding the
Pituitary–Adrenal Axis
axis and the pathophysiology
of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC)
is crucial to understanding
and Pathophysiology of
the hormonal tests used for
diagnosis and differentiation
of this disorder. Hyperadrenocorticism
KEY FACTS University of Pennsylvania
Carole A. Zerbe, DVM, PhD
■ Hypothalamic nuclei synthesize
corticotropin-releasing hormone, ABSTRACT: The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis consists of the hypothalamus and corti-
whereas corticotropin is secreted cotropin-releasing hormone, the pituitary and corticotropin, and the adrenal cortex and gluco-
by the pituitary gland. corticoid production. The clinical syndrome of hyperadrenocorticism results from glucocorti-
coid excess. This steroid excess, in turn, may result from an adrenal tumor or more
■ Tumors of either the anterior or commonly from a pituitary tumor causing excessive corticotropin and consequently glucocor-
intermediate pituitary lobes are a ticoid excess. In dogs, such a pituitary tumor may arise from either the anterior or intermedi-
much more common cause of ate lobes, suggesting that there are multiple causes for hyperadrenocorticism in this species.
HAC than are adrenal tumors.

yperadrenocorticism (HAC; most often referring to Cushing’s syn-
■ Pituitary-dependent HAC may drome) is a very common, spontaneous endocrinopathy in middle-aged
result from a pituitary tumor or a to geriatric dogs. It occurs less commonly in cats, ferrets, horses, and
primary central nervous system humans, and there has been one report of HAC in a dolphin.1–7 It is most often
defect, such as depletion of the a clinical syndrome of glucocorticoid excess, which may result from an adrenal
neurotransmitter dopamine. or pituitary tumor that is causing excessive corticotropin (ACTH) secretion and
consequently hypersecretion of glucocorticoid.
■ There are three likely causes of This article, the first in a series focusing on HAC and hormonal tests to evalu-
pituitary-dependent HAC in dogs. ate the disorder in cats and dogs, addresses the anatomy and physiology of the
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the pathophysiology of HAC.
Future articles will discuss tests used to confirm HAC (i.e., screening tests) and
those used to distinguish pituitary-dependent HAC (PDH) from adrenal tumor
(AT; i.e., differentiating tests). The clinical syndrome of HAC itself and nonhor-
monal evaluations (e.g., complete blood count, biochemistry, radiography) of
HAC are not discussed; readers are referred elsewhere for information on these
important topics.1,2,7

Understanding the HPA axis is crucial to understanding the testing and evalu-
Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

ation of HAC. Anatomical- been proven to be a more

ly, the HPA axis consists of NEUROAMINES potent or equipotent secre-
the hypothalamus, pituitary, togogue for ACTH release
and adrenal cortex; physio- Hypothalamus in some species (sheep and
logically, it consists of hor- cattle), but it does not di-
mones of stimulation and rectly stimulate ACTH re-
negative feedback. The hor- lease from canine anterior pi-
mones that stimulate syn- Negative tuitary cells in culture,8–11 as
thesis and secretion of other pituitary it does in feline PD cells in
hormones include cortico- ACTH culture.11a
tropin-releasing hormone The hypothalamus also
(CRH) and ACTH; the glu- Adrenal has axons that terminate in
cocorticoid cortisol in turn the intermediate pituitary
negatively regulates these lobe (pars intermedia [PI]),
hormones. This cycle of stim- CORTISOL directly on the cells them-
ulation and negative feedback Figure 1—The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Note
selves. Most of these nerves
represents the classically de- that anterior pituitary corticotropin (ACTH) secretion is originate in the hypotha-
fined anterior pituitary lobe stimulated by hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone lamic arcuate nucleus and
HPA axis (Figure 1). In dogs, (CRH) and negatively regulated by glucocorticoids. release dopamine (a neuro-
however, the intermediate pi- transmitter that inhibits the
tuitary lobe HPA axis, in synthesis and release of in-
which the intermediate (ra- termediate lobe pituitary
ther than the anterior) pitu-
NEUROAMINES hormones). There are also
itary lobe is the source of pi- CRH-containing fibers in
tuitary ACTH, should also ? the intermediate lobe, and
be considered (Figure 2). Al- (NEUROAMINES) CRH may have a role in ca-
though this source of ACTH nine PI lobe ACTH secre-
does not appear to be im- Intermediate tion.12
portant under normal physi- No
negative pituitary
ologic conditions, its role in The Pituitary and
certain pathologic condi- feedback ACTH Corticotropin
tions is significant. The pituitary receives in-
Adrenal put from the hypothalamus
The Hypothalamus and via releasing or inhibiting
Corticotropin-Releasing hormones and the hypothal-
Hormone CORTISOL amohypophyseal portal sys-
The hypothalamus is part Figure 2—Proposed pars intermedia (PI) hypothalamic–pitu- tem. In dogs, ACTH is con-
of the brain and consists of itary–adrenal axis. Note that the PI lobe is under tonic nega- tained in both the anterior
collections of nerve cell bod- tive regulation by neuroamines (dopamine). Corticotropin- pituitary corticotroph and a
ies called nuclei. The par- releasing hormone may stimulate PI corticotropin (ACTH) subset of the intermediate
aventricular nuclei synthe- secretion, but glucocorticoids are not likely involved with pituitary lobe cells known as
size CRH, which is then negative feedback of PI ACTH secretion or of dopamine. B cells. 13 The canine pitu-
transported down the nerve itary has a well-developed
axons to the median eminence, where the nerve cells intermediate lobe that is unique: It has two types of
terminate in the portal capillary bed. Once released, cells, A and B, both of which process the ACTH pre-
CRH travels via the hypothalamohypophyseal portal cursor protein proopiomelanocortin (POMC). POMC
blood to the anterior pituitary (pars distalis [PD]), is processed into α-melanocyte–stimulating hormone
where it stimulates release of ACTH from the corti- (α-MSH) by A cells and ACTH by B cells. This mech-
cotroph. anism is especially notable in dogs because pituitary tu-
Another hypothalamic peptide, arginine vasopressin mors leading to Cushing’s syndrome can arise in both
(also known as antidiuretic hormone), may also be re- the anterior and intermediate lobes.14 Additionally, PI
leased into the median eminence and influence ACTH tumors are thought to arise from both A and B cells
release. Compared with CRH, arginine vasopressin has and may be differently regulated.


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium December 1999

Comparison of the Causes of Cushing’s Syndrome among Dogs, Cats, Horses, and Humans
Species Usual Pituitary Lesion Less Common Pituitary Lesion(s) Other Causes

Dogs PD adenoma PI adenoma, corticotroph hyperplasia AT

Cats PD adenoma Corticotroph hyperplasia AT

Horses PI adenoma PI hyperplasia —

Humans PD adenoma Corticotroph hyperplasia Ectopic ACTH production,

ACTH = corticotropin; AIMBAD = corticotropin-independent massive bilateral adrenal disease; AT = adrenal tumor; PD = pars distal-
is (anterior pituitary lobe); PI = pars intermedia (intermediate pituitary lobe).

The canine PI contains twice as much biologically HAC, which most commonly results from overproduc-
active ACTH as does the anterior lobe. 13 It is not tion of ACTH and its related peptides, is referred to as
known whether this ACTH plays a physiologic role in pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; however, it
normal dogs, but it is probably important in some pitu- may also result from overproduction of cortisol by an
itary tumors. Regulation of ACTH secretion from the AT, a condition referred to as adrenal-dependent disease.
PI lobe is not well understood, but both A and B cells The term hyperadrenocorticism is also used to refer to
of the PI are under tonic negative regulation by the other syndromes of adrenocortical hyperfunctioning. In
neuroamine dopamine (Figure 2).15,16 A and B cells do ferrets, for example, HAC results from unilateral or bi-
not seem to be negatively regulated by glucocorticoids, lateral ATs that secrete androgens and/or estrogens.3
but B-cell stimulation by CRH may occur.16 (This syndrome, which has not been given a name other
than HAC, is appropriately not referred to as Cushing’s
The Adrenal Cortex and Glucocorticoids syndrome because serum glucocorticoids are not in-
Corticotropin stimulates the synthesis and secretion creased.) Another syndrome, Conn’s, occurs when min-
of cortisol from the zona fasciculata and the zona retic- eralocorticoids are secreted in excess.17 Excessive secre-
ularis of the adrenal cortex; it also maintains the in- tion of progesterone by an AT was recently reported in a
tegrity of the adrenal cortex. Excess ACTH causes cat with clinical signs of Cushing’s syndrome.18 Thus
adrenocortical hyperplasia and hypertrophy. These HAC does not always refer to Cushing’s syndrome.
pathologies can sometimes be nodular and asymmetric.
Glucocorticoids play an important role in ACTH Pituitary-Dependent Disease
regulation through their negative feedback effects on In all species (except ferrets) known to develop spon-
both CRH and ACTH. This feedback pathway oper- taneous HAC, the pituitary-dependent form is most
ates normally in dogs with ATs, suppressing ACTH common, usually accounting for more than 85% of
and CRH secretion and thus causing the uninvolved cases.1–3,5,6 There are, however, differences in the pitu-
adrenocortical tissue to atrophy. In contrast, dogs and itary lobe of origin of hypersecretion of ACTH and its
cats with ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors experience related peptides (Table I).19 In humans, Cushing’s syn-
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and hypertrophy. drome is usually associated with a microadenoma or oc-
The adrenal cortex may also secrete other steroid hor- casionally hyperplasia of the PD corticotrophs, whereas
mones (e.g., progestogens, mineralocorticoids) as well tumors in horses arise exclusively from the PI lobe.5,6,20
as estrogens and androgens. These hormones can be se- In contrast, PDH in dogs can result from tumor or hy-
creted normally or as a result of AT formation (see the perplasia of the PD or PI.14 The existence of possible PI
Adrenal Tumor section). lobe origin tumors in humans remains controversial.21
About 30% of dogs with PDH have intermediate lobe
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF tumors.14 Presumably, these tumors may arise from either
HYPERADRENOCORTICISM of two distinct parenchymal cells of the PI.13 It is also sug-
Hyperadrenocorticism may result from steroid excess gested that canine PI tumors involving A cells do not re-
of exogenous (iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome) or en- spond to glucocorticoid feedback (dexamethasone nega-
dogenous (spontaneous HAC) origin. Spontaneous tive feedback), whereas PI tumors involving B cells do


Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics





fac s






Mutation Growth

Hyperplasia Adenoma

Figure 3—Proposed model of pituitary tumorigenesis. This integrated approach incorporates both the hormonal stimulation the-
ory and the intrinsic pituitary defect theory of tumorigenesis. Animal models and patients with hypophysiotrophic hormone ex-
cess, suppressive hormone insufficiency, or growth factor excess develop hyperplasia (green arrows); the increased proliferation
predisposes the cells to mutation (dark nuclei) and subsequent adenoma formation. Most human pituitary adenomas are not asso-
ciated with hyperplasia and likely result from a genetic event that alters a cell (dark nucleus, top right) that is the target for promo-
tion by hormones or growth factors (gold arrows). (Modified from Asa SL, Ezzat S: The cytogenesis and pathogenesis of pituitary
adenomas. Endocr Rev 19:818, 1998; with permission.)

show suppressed plasma cortisol concentrations in re- canine PD cells and has been shown to stimulate
sponse to dexamethasone.22 Whether PI tumors associ- ACTH and α-MSH secretion from canine PI cells in
ated with HAC in dogs arise from different cellular vitro.16 Additionally, CRH-containing fibers have been
subsets within this tissue or whether such tumors main- demonstrated in the canine PI.12 Thus excessive hy-
tain the same regulatory responses as normal PI cells is pothalamic CRH could lead to corticotroph hyperplasia
unknown. and possibly tumor formation.
Neoplastic tissue is not present in all dogs or humans Hypothalamic depletion of such neurotransmitters as
with PDH. The reported incidence of pituitary tumors dopamine or γ-aminobutyric acid could also lead to hy-
in dogs with PDH ranges from 20% to 100%.14,23–26 It is perplastic or adenomatous changes in pituitary cells. For
likely that microadenomas were missed during section- example, dopamine depletion has been documented in
ing of the pituitary for histopathology, accounting for horses that develop Cushing’s syndrome.5 Hypothalamic
the lower percentage of pituitary tumors in some stud- dopamine depletion may also result in Cushing’s syn-
ies. In other cases, however, hyperplasia rather than tu- drome in dogs. As in other species, the canine PI is neg-
mor of PD and/or PI cells may be found.14,26 Addition- atively regulated by dopamine and reduced dopamine
ally, concurrent tumors of both PI and PD lobes or concentrations have been found in the median emi-
tumors of undetermined lobe origin are noted. These nence of dogs with spontaneous HAC.16,30,31 However,
histologic abnormalities suggest that PDH may result dopamine concentrations were also reduced in normal
from either a primary central nervous system abnormal- dogs treated with dexamethasone, suggesting that the
ity (e.g., excessive stimulation of PD or PI corticotrophs reduced dopamine concentrations may have been a re-
by such hypothalamic factors as CRH or such neuro- sult, rather than a cause, of glucocorticoid excess.31 An
transmitters as serotonin, norepinephrine, and epi- earlier study was unable to document dopamine deple-
nephrine) or a primary pituitary tumor. Adrenalectomy, tion from the hypothalamus of dogs with PDH or re-
untreated Addison’s disease, and chronic CRH adminis- ceiving steroid treatment.32 A role for dopamine deple-
tration in rats or humans (all of which lead to increased tion in the cause of canine PDH was supported by a
CRH levels) result in pituitary corticotroph hyperplasia recent study in which chronic administration of a dop-
and microadenomatous formation.27–29 CRH is the ma- amine antagonist resulted in enhanced ACTH release in
jor stimulatory hormone regulating ACTH release from response to CRH challenge.33 Of interest is the fact that


Compendium December 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

this CRH-stimulated ACTH release was not
Comparison of Possible Subtypes of
blocked by administration of glucocorticoids; in Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs
other words, chronic dopamine depletion in nor-
mal dogs was able to unmask a CRH-responsive Pituitary Origin
ACTH release that was not under the negative Type (Frequency) Theoretic Diagnostic Results
feedback effect of steroids.
Development of a pituitary tumor, however, may I PD (70%) Dexamethasone suppression;
↑ACTH levels
not be entirely the result of hypothalamic hyper-
secretion of CRH or dopamine depletion. Rather, II A cell PI (?) No dexamethasone suppression;
it may result from a primary pituitary abnormality. ↑ACTH levels; ↑α-MSH levels
For example, most ACTH-secreting pituitary ade-
nomas in humans are monoclonal (i.e., they arise III B cell PI (?) No dexamethasone suppression;
from a single cell).34 However, although pituitary ↑ACTH levels; ? α-MSH levels
adenomas are monoclonal, somatic mutations that
= corticotropin; α-MSH = α-melanocyte–stimulating hormone;
have been identified in other malignancies are usu- ACTH PD = pars distalis; PI = pars intermedia.
ally absent and the molecular events leading to pi-
tuitary tumorigenesis remain unknown.35
In a recently proposed model of pituitary tumorigen- Approximately half of cortisol-secreting ATs are be-
esis (Figure 3), both a hypothalamic (hormonal stimu- nign; the rest are malignant. Tumors are usually unilat-
lation theory) and a primary pituitary defect theory of eral but may be bilateral.40 Functioning ATs secrete ex-
tumorigenesis are integrated. In this model, hyperpla- cessive cortisol independent of pituitary regulation.
sia develops as a result of excessive hormonal stimula- This cortisol activates the negative feedback pathway
tion, inhibitory hormone depletion, or growth factor suppressing hypothalamic CRH and pituitary ACTH.
excess. This increased proliferation of pituicytes predis- As plasma ACTH concentrations decrease, the unin-
poses the cells to mutation and subsequent adenoma volved and contralateral adrenal cortex atrophies.
formation. However, most pituitary adenomas are not Hyperadrenocorticism caused by noncortisol ste-
associated with hyperplasia and probably result from a roid–secreting ATs is common in ferrets and rare in cats.
single genetic event that alters a cell.35 In ferrets, which may have bilateral or unilateral dis-
In summary, canine PDH may result from hyperplas- ease, the contralateral adrenal cortex does not atrophy
tic or adenomatous changes of three different cell types: and the steroid hormones secreted are androgens and
the classic anterior pituitary corticotroph, A cells of the estrogens, not glucocorticoids. ATs that gave rise to ex-
intermediate lobe, or B cells of the intermediate lobe cessive secretion of the steroid hormone aldosterone
(Table II). Because the cells secreting POMC-related were associated with Conn’s syndrome in one cat,17
peptides from the PD and PI are regulated differently, whereas another cat had clinical signs that were consis-
it is likely that there are multiple causes for develop- tent with Cushing’s syndrome but produced excessive
ment of canine PDH. The clonality of canine pituitary amounts of the steroid hormone progesterone rather
tumors has not been determined. than cortisol.17,18
Pituitary-dependent HAC is rare in cats (there are
only 48 reported cases),2 and its pathophysiology has Rare Forms of Hyperadrenocorticism
not been studied. Although cats, like horses and dogs, Mixed forms of HAC with concurrent pituitary tu-
have a well-developed PI lobe, I am unaware of any PI mors and ATs have been reported.41 Ectopic secretion
lobe tumors in cats that have been associated with of ACTH has been reported in humans6 but not dogs
HAC as they have been in dogs and horses. or cats. Bilateral adrenocortical (ACTH-independent)
Cushing’s syndrome, although very rare, has also been
Adrenal Tumors documented in humans42 but not dogs or cats.
Adrenal tumors giving rise to HAC are adrenocorti-
cal in origin and may be benign adenomas or malig- REFERENCES
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