Xylazine Sedation Antagonized With Tolazoline

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Vol. 21, No.

1 January 1999 V 20TH ANNIVERSARY

CE Refereed Peer Review

Xylazine Sedation
FOCAL POINT Antagonized with
★Because of their actions on
specific receptors, the clinical
actions of α2-adrenoceptor
agonists can be antagonized
by selective antagonists. University of Illinois Lloyds, Inc.
John C. Thurmon, DVM, MS Shenandoah, Iowa

KEY FACTS Ragenia Sarr, BS Joseph W. Denhart, DVM, MS

■ The α2-adrenoceptor agonists ABSTRACT: Physiologic alterations induced by xylazine depend on the dose, rate, and route of
are potent analgesics that induce administration and are influenced by the concomitant administration of other classes of drugs.
dose-related sedation, thereby When these factors are appropriately considered, α2-adrenoceptor agonists are safe drugs for
decreasing the required dose inducing narcosis, analgesia, and muscle relaxation in healthy fasted ruminants. Tolazoline
has proven to be a safe, effective antagonist for xylazine-induced sedation and other actions
of primary anesthetic.
when the proper dose is administered.

■ Failure to achieve optimum

sedation with α2-adrenoceptor he α2-adrenoceptor agonists, which are the most widely used drugs for
agonists may be caused by immobilizing ruminants, have most of the desirable properties of opioids
preexisting stress, fear, but induce few of their undesirable actions. Unlike opioids, α2-adreno-
excitement, or pain. ceptor agonists do not cause excitement and only induce minimal respiratory de-
pression in ruminants. They are not FDA-controlled substances and therefore
■ Tolazoline has been safely used do not require extensive record keeping. In addition, α2-adrenoceptor agonists
to antagonize xylazine-induced are potent analgesics that induce dose-related sedation, thereby decreasing the
sedation and initiate arousal; it required dose of primary anesthetic. When the proper dose is administered,
produces strong peripheral these agonists do not cause excitement or profound respiratory depression. Xy-
vasodilation with sympathetic lazine, the most notable α2-adrenoceptor agonist, induces analgesia, sedation,
blocking and histamine-like and muscle relaxation by activating centrally located α2-adrenoceptors.
actions. The response of ruminants to xylazine is similar to that of other animals to
opioids (e.g., dogs to morphine). Because of their actions on specific receptors,
■ Administration of an α2- the clinical actions of α2-adrenoceptor agonists can be antagonized by selective
adrenoceptor antagonist to antagonists (e.g., tolazoline, yohimbine, or atipamezole).1
reverse sedation is not without
risk; deaths have occurred in XYLAZINE
animals receiving rapid History and Actions
intravenous overdoses of Xylazine, the first α2-adrenoceptor agonist to be widely used in veterinary
tolazoline or yohimbine. medicine, was synthesized in Germany in 1962 as an antihypertensive drug for
humans. It was subsequently found to have potent sedative actions in animals.
Although xylazine was not identified as an α2-adrenoceptor agonist when it was
initially introduced for veterinary use, the drug had profound sedative–anal-
gesic–muscle relaxant action in cattle and other ruminants. In the United States,
Food Animal 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium January 1999

Figure 1A Figure 1B

Figure 1C Figure 1D

Figure 1—A large bull weighing 1100 kg was (A and B) sedat-

ed by injecting xylazine into the tail vein and then (C) ke-
tamine into the jugular vein. (D) A mouth wedge was inserted
and an endotracheal tube placed to protect the airway in case
the bull regurgitated. Finally, oxygen was supplied and surgery
performed on (E) the injured foot.

platelets). Activation of the α2-adrenoceptors in the GI

tract of ruminants results in ruminal hypomotility and
increased GI fecal waste material.2 The cardiovascular
actions of α2-adrenoceptor agonists include increased
blood pressure (BP) and decreased heart rate (HR), the
Figure 1E latter being characterized by sinus bradycardia and/or
atrioventricular blockade.1,3,12
If these actions are a response to an overdose of xy-
xylazine is approved by the FDA for horses, dogs, cats, lazine, they can be antagonized by administering tolaz-
deer, and elk only.1 oline; however, tolazoline also antagonizes the sedation
Xylazine’s activation of α2-adrenoceptors located in and analgesia produced by xylazine.1 Drooling (proba-
the central nervous system (CNS) induces analgesia, se- bly from suppression of the swallowing reflex) and low
dation, muscle relaxation, anxiolysis, sympatholysis, bellowing are often observed in ruminants.1,3 Because
and other responses. In addition to centrally located re- xylazine can depress the cyclic reticuloruminal motor
ceptors, receptors are present in peripheral tissue (e.g., function and thus result in fatal ruminal tympany in
the gastrointestinal [GI] tract, uterus, kidney, and unfasted cattle, adult cattle should not receive food or

α 2- A D R E N O C E P T O R A C T I V A T I O N ■ C A R D I O V A S C U L A R A C T I O N S ■ 2 4 - H O U R F A S T I N G
Compendium January 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Food Animal

water for 24 hours before an The systemic half-life is ap-

immobilizing dose of xyla- proximately 23 minutes in
zine is administered. If fast- sheep and 36 minutes in cat-
ing is not possible, an α2- tle.1,a In the United States,
adrenoceptor antagonist (e.g., meat and milk withdrawal
tolazoline) should always be times for xylazine-treated
available to alleviate ruminal cattle have not been estab-
depression and/or gut hypo- lished. In Canada, the Unit-
motility and to relieve or al- ed Kingdom, France, Ger-
leviate tympany.4,5 many, and Switzerland,
however, withdrawal times
Use in Ruminants have been determined.17,18 In
Xylazine is a mixed α1-/α2- France and the United King-
adrenoceptor agonist used Figure 2— Because the jugular vein is often difficult to dom, the meat withdrawal
in ruminants throughout catheterize in llamas, intravenous xylazine and ketamine are time ranges from 2 to 14
the world. In 1991, esti- often given; recovery can be hastened by administering tolaz- days; whereas the milk with-
mates indicated that 10 mil- drawal time ranges from 0 to
lion doses of α2-adrenocep- 72 hours in most countries.
tor agonists (of which 7 million were apparently When intramuscular xylazine is given in a dangerously
xylazine) were administered annually to animals.6 Xy- high dose (i.e., 1.2 to 2.0 mg/kg), a 120-day withdrawal
lazine is considered to be a reliable sedative with pro- interval is imposed in Germany.17
found muscle relaxation, making it highly desirable for After cattle have been injected with xylazine, a
immobilizing large ruminants. Xylazine can be safely dose-dependent, sleeplike state occurs and often persists
administered by the intramuscular, intravenous (Figure for 1 to 2 hours, although the duration of analgesia is
1), and epidural routes.1 Cattle are apparently one of much shorter (20 to 35 minutes) depending on the
the most sensitive species to the sedative and immobi- dose administered. In most domestic species, xylazine
lizing actions of xylazine and therefore require a rather minimally affects respiratory function at recommended
small dose. Clinical observations suggest that cattle are doses.1 In contrast, caution is advised when administer-
approximately 5 to 10 times more sensitive than horses ing xylazine or any other α2-adrenoceptor agonist to
to a given dose of xylazine. Sheep and goats are appar- young ruminants in high singular or cumulative doses
ently slightly more sensitive than cattle or llamas.1,3 or combined with potent cardiorespiratory-depressant
In cattle, the degree of sensitivity varies among anesthetics (e.g., heavy doses of thiopental or pentobar-
breeds. Brahmans evidently are the most sensitive bital).1 Special precautions should be taken when ma-
breed, followed by Herefords, Jerseys, holsteins, and ture ruminants receive xylazine before improper fasting
Angus.1 The peculiarity of US breeds of cattle can lead because of the potential for developing life-threatening
to dangerous overdosing, especially when a dose of xy- ruminal tympany.
lazine intended for horses is accidentally injected—a
strong argument for keeping a safe, effective antagonist, As a Sedative, Analgesic, and Muscle Relaxant
such as tolazoline, nearby. Xylazine is extensively used for sedation, analgesia,
and muscle relaxation in cattle,18,19 sheep,20–22 goats,1
As an Anesthetic Adjunct and llamas1 (Figure 2). In these animals, xylazine con-
In the early 1970s, reports on the use of xylazine as an tributes to the safety and efficacy of general anesthe-
anesthetic adjunct were published in US and European sia by decreasing the required dose of anesthetic. It is a
veterinary literature.7–15 These reports documented the desirable adjunct when the appropriate dose is admin-
effectiveness of xylazine in eliminating muscular hyper- istered simultaneously with ketamine, telazol, guai-
tonicity in dogs and cats that had been anesthetized fenesin–ketamine, or a thiobarbiturate (Table I) for
with ketamine7,9,10 and the rapid onset of predictable se- inducing a short period of surgical anesthesia or when
dation, analgesia, and muscle relaxation in horses and anesthesia is to be extended with an inhalant. After the
cattle after being injected with xylazine.8,11–16 The onset onset of xylazine-induced sedation in large bulls (Figure
of action for xylazine is approximately 3 to 5 minutes 1), intravenous xylazine (0.11 mg/kg) followed by in-
after intravenous injection and within 8 to 10 minutes travenous ketamine (2.0 mg/kg) can produce 20 to 40
after intramuscular injection. In cattle and sheep, peak aPersonal communication: Mozier J, Animal Health Division,

plasma concentrations occur within 12 to 14 minutes. Chemagro Corporation, Stillwell, Kansas.


Response of Mature Cattle and Llamas to Tolazolinea
Food Animal

Elapsed Elapsed
Time Tolazoline Time Since IV Time Since IV
Weight Xylazine Dose Xylazine Dose Xylazine Supplement Supplement Induction Maintenance Response to
Patient (kg) (mg/kg) Given (mg/kg) Administration (mg/kg) Administration Drugs Drugs Reversal Agent(s)

Cow 1 555 0.17 IV 12:55 PM 1.1 3 hr, 53 min None — Xylazine, Halothane, Extubated 2 min
ketamine 1:00–2:40 PM after receiving

Cow 2 884 0.17 IV 2:28 PM 1.1 1 hr, 41 min None — Xylazine, Halothane, Extubated 1 min
ketamine 1:30–3:52 PM after receiving

Cow 3 591 0.12 IV 1:35 PM 0.99 1 hr, 50 min None — Xylazine, Halothane, Extubated and
ketamine 1:45–2:45 PM sternal 5 min after
receiving tolazoline

Cow 4 682 0.11 IV 11:10 AM 0.15 2 hr, 10 min None — Xylazine, Triple drip (600– Extubated 4 min
ketamine 1200–60 mg),b after receiving
11:15 AM–12:02 PM; tolazoline

12:02–1:10 PM

Cow 5 605 0.14 IV 3:20 PM 3.0 1 hr None — Xylazine, Triple drip (1000– Extubated 5 min
ketamine 2000–100 mg),b after receiving
3:25–4:10 PM tolazoline

Cow 6 682 0.14 IV 1:15 PM 1.8 1 hr None — Triple dripb Halothane, Extubated before
1:20–2:00 PM receiving tolazoline;
sternal 5 min after
receiving tolazoline

Cow 7 500 0.11 IV 1:30 PM 1.2 2 hr, 45 min Doxapram, 2 hr, 50 min Xylazine, Halothane, 2.5%– Extubated 5 min
0.12 ketamine 3%, 1:40–4:00 PM; and sternal 30 min
10 mg IV torbugesic, after receiving
3:15 PM; 10 mg tolazoline
IV torbugesic
3:35 PM
Compendium January 1999
TABLE I (continued)
Elapsed Elapsed
Time Tolazoline Time Since IV Time Since IV
Weight Xylazine Dose Xylazine Dose Xylazine Supplement Supplement Induction Maintenance Response to
Patient (kg) (mg/kg) Given (mg/kg) Administration (mg/kg) Administration Drugs Drugs Reversal Agent(s)

Cow 8 467 0.11 IV 2:35 PM 2.1 2 hr, 50 min Doxapram, 2 hr, 50 min Triple dripb Halothane, Extubated 7 min
Compendium January 1999

0.13 2:50–4:57 PM after receiving


Cow 9 671 0.10 IV 6:45 PM 1.5 3 hr, 34 min Doxapram, 3 hr, 28 min Xylazine, Halothane, Extubated 1 min
1.5 3 hr, 46 min 0.09 ketamine 6:50–10:07 PM after receiving
second tolazoline

Cow 10 1000 0.15 IV 10:20 AM 0.06 33 min None — Xylazine, Triple drip (560– Standing 2 min
ketamine 1120–56 mg),b after receiving
10:25–10:46 AM tolazoline

Cow 11 395 0.11 IV 12:50 PM 1.8 1 hr, 20 min None — Xylazine, Halothane, Extubated 2 min

ketamine 1:00–2:00 PM after receiving


Llama 1 49 0.55 IM 2:00 PM 1.0 1 hr, 30 min None — Xylazine, Halothane Extubated 7 min
ketamine 2:05–3:37 PM after receiving

Llama 2 118 0.05 IV 2:05 PM 2.5 30 min Doxapram, 30 min Triple dripb Triple drip (60– Extubated 2:28 PM,
0.25 120–3 mg),b sternal 1 min and
2:07–2:21 PM standing 1 hr after
receiving tolazoline
aResponse after receiving xylazine in combination with ketamine, a triple-drip preparation, or halothane in oxygen to maintain anesthesia. In three cattle and one llama, doxapram
was combined with tolazoline to enhance the arousal action of tolazoline.
b Triple drip is a drug combination of 5% guaifenesin glycerate, 2 mg/ml ketamine, and 0.1 mg/ml xylazine. When denoting maintenance amounts, the first number shows the

milliliters of guaifenesin glycerate, the second the milligrams of ketamine, and the third the milligrams of xylazine.
IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous.
Food Animal
Food Animal 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium January 1999

minutes of surgical anesthesia that can be extended by supplement local or regional analgesia for surgery in
administering an additional half dose of each drug.1 standing cows, a total dose of 5 to 10 mg of xylazine ad-
Ketamine alone induces minimal muscle relaxation and ministered concomitantly with butorphanol (total dose,
poor visceral analgesia, and recovery is often accompa- 8 to 10 mg) provides satisfactory sedation and analgesia.
nied by emergence excitement.1,19,20 When xylazine is When a butorphanol–xylazine combination is ad-
combined with ketamine, muscle relaxation, narcosis, ministered to intensify analgesia and sedation in steers
and visceral analgesia are improved and emergence undergoing perineal urethrostomy for removal of uri-
from anesthesia is uneventful (unless the patient is nary calculi, it must be remembered that urine output
urged to its feet before completely recovering).1 increases by several times within 2 hours after xylazine
A guaifenesin–ketamine–xylazine combination is an administration. 24 A major increase in urine output
established anesthetic widely used in ruminants.1 Guai- could easily cause the bladder to rupture if the blockage
fenesin acts centrally by inducing skeletal muscle relax- is not quickly relieved.
ation and mild sedation without analgesia. Analgesia
and narcosis are enhanced by combining ketamine and Untoward Reactions
xylazine with guaifenesin. A triple-drip drug combina- Failure to achieve optimum sedation with α2-adreno-
tion can be prepared by adding ketamine (2 mg/ml) ceptor agonists may be caused by preexisting stress,
and xylazine (0.1 mg/ml) to a 5% solution of guaifen- fear, excitement, or pain because all of these signs are
esin (usually prepared in 5% glucose in water).1 To in- associated with increased endogenous concentrations of
duce anesthesia in patients weighing less than 250 kg circulating catecholamines that can interfere with re-
(e.g., calves, llamas, sheep, and goats), the triple-drip ductions in the release of excitatory neurotransmitters,
preparation should be injected using a large syringe a response induced by α2-adrenoceptor agonists. The
rather than by intravenous drip. The induction dose is most satisfactory use of xylazine or other α2-adrenocep-
0.5 to 1.0 ml/kg, depending on the patient’s size and tor agonists is achieved when given to calm, quiet pa-
the rate of injection.1 Anesthesia can be maintained by tients in nonstressful surroundings with minimal envi-
a continuous infusion rate of 1.0 of 2.0 ml/kg/hr. Us- ronmental stimuli.1
ing a standard intravenous administration set (i.e., 15 Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that anal-
drops is 1 ml), the maintenance infusion rate is calcu- gesia does not extend to the end of xylazine-induced se-
lated as follows: dation. Painful procedures should therefore be restrict-
ed to 15 to 30 minutes following xylazine injection, or
30 Drops × Body Weight (kg) ÷ 60 = Drops/min ÷ a local and/or regional analgesic (e.g., lidocaine) should
60 = Drops/sec of Triple Drip be used as a supplement.1 Painful manipulations be-
yond this period can shorten sedation and could result
Using a triple-drip preparation to maintain anesthesia in a hastened, excitatory recovery. Extremely apprehen-
in a 200-kg calf would require: sive patients may prove refractory to xylazine-induced
sedation and are more likely to experience untoward re-
30 Drops × 200 kg ÷ 60 = 100 Drops/min ÷ 60 = actions than are calm patients.
1.6 Drops/sec of Triple Drip Although increased myometrial tone and intrauterine
pressure can occur in cattle that receive xylazine,25 the
Tolazoline can effectively relieve lingering sedation and drug has been administered during all stages of preg-
promote early recovery after the triple-drip preparation nancy but has not been definitively associated with an
has been administered (Table I). increased incidence of obstetric complications.1,3 Never-
theless, it would seem prudent to refrain from indis-
Dosing criminate use of large doses of xylazine in pregnant
The intramuscular dose of xylazine used to induce re- cows.
cumbency in docile beef cows and calves is approxi-
mately 0.22 mg/kg, and the intravenous dose is 0.11 Epidural Administration
mg/kg. In large bulls (e.g., weighing 900 kg or more), In cattle, caudal epidural injection of xylazine pro-
the intramuscular dose should be decreased to 0.18 duces analgesia that lasts 2 to 2.5 times longer than an
mg/kg and the intravenous dose to 0.08 mg/kg.1 When equivalent dose of lidocaine.1,26 Intravenous tolazoline
coadministered with xylazine, butorphanol apparently (0.3 mg/kg) antagonizes the sedative actions of epidural
intensifies analgesia. This drug combination has been xylazine. Analgesia caudal to the injection site of xy-
effectively used to sedate and apparently confer in- lazine persists27 because of the potent local anesthetic
creased analgesia in horses and cattle.1,23 When used to action of xylazine.1


Compendium January 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Food Animal

TOLAZOLINE reverse sedation is not without risk. Some animals have

During the past three decades, the most significant died after receiving rapid intravenous overdoses of yo-
advance in drugs designed to induce sedation, immobi- himbine or tolazoline.28 Conversely, the safety margin
lization, and analgesia in ruminants has been the devel- of tolazoline is apparently broad in calves.
opment of α2-adrenoceptor agonists alone and in com- In a study designed to examine the response of calves
bination with other major anesthetics (e.g., ketamine, (weighing 65 to 88 kg) to intravenous tolazoline ad-
telazol). Development of specific antagonists has ex- ministered at a dose larger than that recommended, the
tended the safe use of α2-adrenoceptor agonists in ru- calves were given intravenous saline (3 ml), yohimbine,
minants. The most notable antagonists are tolazoline, (0.22 mg/kg), or tolazoline (6.6 mg/kg) 15 minutes af-
yohimbine, and atipamezole. ter receiving intravenous xylazine (0.11 mg/kg) to an-
Tolazoline is an imidazoline derivative with α1- and tagonize xylazine-induced sedation. Calves that re-
α2-adrenoceptor antagonistic activity. This drug has ceived tolazoline were aroused in 0.65 ± 0.23 minutes
been safely and extensively used to antagonize xylazine- and walking unassisted in 7 ± 3 minutes—a response
induced sedation and initiate arousal in various species similar to that of calves given 4 mg/kg of tolazoline.
that are in a depressed state from anesthetic combina- Calves that received yohimbine became sternal in 22 ±
tions that contain α2-adrenoceptor agonists.28–32 12 minutes and walked 58 ± 22 minutes later. The
saline control calves responded similarly to those treat-
Cattle ed with yohimbine by becoming sternal in 21 ± 11
The α2-adrenoceptor antagonists are extremely valu- minutes and walking after 58 ± 13 minutes. The high
able for anesthetic management of large domestic and dose of intravenous tolazoline did not induce any evi-
wild animal species in the field and in veterinary hospi- dence of excitement, serious hypotension, tachycardia,
tals. Tolazoline has the least specificity for α2-adreno- or diarrhea in any of the calves studied.31
ceptors of the antagonists ordinarily used by veterinari- When tolazoline is injected slowly and in an appro-
ans.1 In cattle, however, tolazoline is more effective priate dose, unfavorable responses (e.g., hypotension,
than is yohimbine for antagonizing xylazine-induced tachycardia) are rare. The recommended dose of intra-
CNS depression.31 An intriguing question arises as to venous tolazoline required to antagonize xylazine seda-
whether tolazoline, which has less specificity and selec- tion and promote prompt arousal in cattle ranges from
tivity for α2-adrenoceptors, has a more definitive phar- 1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg, depending on the elapsed time since
macodynamic profile for antagonism of mixed α 2- xylazine was administered.27,35–37 The highest recom-
adrenoceptor agonists (e.g., xylazine) than do more mended intravenous dose (2.2 mg/kg) should be re-
selective α2-antagonists (e.g., yohimbine or atipame- served for treating a cow that was accidentally over-
zole). dosed, is suffering from bloat, or requires drug reversal
Tolazoline produces strong peripheral vasodilation shortly after xylazine administration.
with sympathetic blocking and histamine-like actions,
although these responses are relatively transient. Thera- Llamas
peutic doses cause a transient increase in the HR that is Because doxapram acts on the aortic and carotid
apparently more than a reflex response to peripheral va- chemoreceptors and the medullary respiratory center,
sodilation.34 Conversely, massive overdoses can cause se- cattle sedated with xylazine can become aroused1,39; but
vere cardiac stimulation, increased gastric secretions, the drug is apparently less effective when used alone in
hyperperistalsis, and an explosive (although transient) llamas.39 Our clinical experience has shown that the ef-
diarrhea accompanied by abdominal stress. Less dis- fectiveness of tolazoline as an initiator of arousal in xy-
turbing signs are piloerection, chilliness, and apprehen- lazine-sedated cattle can be enhanced by concomitant
sion. These short-lived responses apparently result from administration of intravenous doxapram hydrochloride
the rapid renal excretion of tolazoline and can be (1 to 2 mg/kg) and intravenous tolazoline (1.1 to 2.2
blocked by administering atropine.1,34 When the proper mg/kg).1,19 The intensified arousal action initiated by
dose is given, tolazoline induces only a transient and in- doxapram is undoubtedly caused by its CNS-stimulat-
complete α2-adrenergic blockade with mild hypoten- ing effect and not by the direct antagonistic action of
sion.1 Its direct action on peripheral vascular smooth xylazine at centrally located α2-adrenoceptors, which
muscle is responsible for vasodilation and an associated can occur with administration of tolazoline.
hypotension. The response is characterized by an in- Llamas are apparently very sensitive to tolazoline.39
creased cutaneous blood flow that results in bright red Clinical experience suggests that the lowest effective
mucous membranes. dose should be used in llamas. Deaths have occurred in
Administration of an α2-adrenoceptor antagonist to llamas after administration of the high recommended

α 2- A D R E N O C E P T O R A G O N I S T S ■ T H E R A P E U T I C D O S I N G ■ U N F A V O R A B L E R E S P O N S E S
Food Animal 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium January 1999

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Compendium January 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Food Animal

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