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By Representative Houser
AN ACT concerning cities; reating to anne!ation; a"en#ing $.S.A. %&'(&)c an# $.S.A. &)%*
Supp. %&'(&) an# repeaing t+e e!isting sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section %.,$.S.A. &)%* Supp. %&'(&) is +ere-y a"en#e# to rea# as .oo/s0 %&'(&). 1a2
E!cept as +ereina.ter provi#e#3 t+e governing -o#y o. any city3 -y or#inance3 "ay anne! an# to
suc+ city i. any one or "ore o. t+e .oo/ing con#itions e!ist0
1%2,T+e an# is patte#3 an# so"e part o. t+e an# a#4oins t+e city.
1&2,T+e an# a#4oins t+e city an# is o/ne# -y or +e# in trust .or t+e city or any agency
152,T+e an# a#4oins t+e city an# is o/ne# -y or +e# in trust .or any govern"enta unit
ot+er t+an anot+er city e!cept t+at no city "ay anne! an# o/ne# -y a county /it+out t+e
e!press per"ission o. t+e -oar# o. county co""issioners o. t+e county ot+er t+an as provi#e# in
su-section 1.2.
1*2,T+e an# ies /it+in or "ainy /it+in t+e city an# +as a co""on peri"eter /it+ t+e
city -oun#ary ine o. "ore t+an ()6.
1(2,T+e an# i. anne!e# /i "a7e t+e city -oun#ary ine straig+t or +ar"onious an#
so"e part t+ereo. a#4oins t+e city3 e!cept no an# in e!cess o. &% acres s+a -e anne!e# .or t+is
182,T+e tract is so situate# t+at
o. any -oun#ary ine a#4oins t+e city3 e!cept no tract
in e!cess o. &% acres s+a -e anne!e# un#er t+is con#ition.
1:2,T+e an# a#4oins t+e city an# a /ritten petition .or or consent to anne!ation is .ie#
/it+ t+e city -y t+e o/ner.
' & '
1-2,No portion o. any unpatte# tract o. an# #evote# to agricutura use o. &% acres or
"ore s+a -e anne!e# -y any city un#er t+e aut+ority o. t+is section /it+out t+e /ritten consent
o. t+e o/ner t+ereo..
1c2,No city "ay anne!3 pursuant to t+is section3 any i"prove"ent #istrict incorporate#
an# organi;e# pursuant to $.S.A %<'&:(5 et se=.3 an# a"en#"ents t+ereto3 or any an# /it+in
suc+ i"prove"ent #istrict. T+e provisions o. t+is su-section s+a appy to suc+ i"prove"ent
#istricts .or /+ic+ t+e petition .or incorporation an# organi;ation /as presente# on or -e.ore
>anuary %3 %<?:.
1#2,Su-4ect to t+e provisions o. t+is section an# su-section 1e2 o. $.S.A. %&'(&)a3 an#
a"en#"ents t+ereto3 a city "ay anne!3 pursuant to t+is section3 any .ire #istrict or any an#
/it+in suc+ .ire #istrict.
1e2,@+enever any city anne!es any an# un#er t+e aut+ority o. paragrap+ & o.
su-section 1a2 /+ic+ #oes not a#4oin t+e city3 tracts o. an# a#4oining t+e an# so anne!e# s+a
not -e #ee"e# to -e a#4oining t+e city .or t+e purpose o. anne!ation un#er t+e aut+ority o. t+is
section unti t+e a#4oining an# or t+e an# so anne!e# a#4oins t+e re"ain#er o. t+e city -y reason
o. t+e anne!ation o. t+e intervening territory.
1.2,No city "ay anne! t+e rig+t'o.'/ay o. any +ig+/ay un#er t+e aut+ority o. t+is
section uness at t+e ti"e o. t+e anne!ation t+e a-utting property upon one or -ot+ si#es t+ereo.
is area#y /it+in t+e city or is anne!e# to t+e city in t+e sa"e procee#ing. T+e -oar# o. county
co""issioners "ay noti.y t+e city o. t+e e!istence o. any +ig+/ay /+ic+ +as not -eco"e part o.
t+e city -y anne!ation an# /+ic+ +as a co""on -oun#ary /it+ t+e city. T+e noti.ication s+a
incu#e a ega #escription an# a "ap i#enti.ying t+e ocation o. t+e +ig+/ay. T+e governing
' 5 '
-o#y o. t+e city s+a certi.y -y or#inance t+at t+e certi.ication is correct an# #ecare t+e
+ig+/ay3 or portion o. t+e +ig+/ay e!ten#ing to t+e center ine /+ere anot+er city -oun#ary ine
a-uts t+e opposing si#e o. t+e +ig+/ay3 anne!e# to t+e city as o. t+e #ate o. t+e pu-ication o.
t+e or#inance.
1g2,T+e governing -o#y o. any city -y one or#inance "ay anne! one or "ore separate
tracts or an#s eac+ o. /+ic+ con.or"s to any one or "ore o. t+e .oregoing con#itions. T+e
invai#ity o. t+e anne!ation o. any tract or an# in one or#inance s+a not a..ect t+e vai#ity o.
t+e re"aining tracts or an#s /+ic+ are anne!e# -y t+e or#inance an# /+ic+ con.or" to any one
or "ore o. t+e .oregoing con#itions.
1+2,No city "ay utii;e any provision o. t+is section to anne! a narro/ corri#or o. an#
to gain access to noncontiguous tracts o. an#. T+e corri#or o. an# "ust +ave a tangi-e vaue
an# purpose ot+er t+an .or en+ancing .uture anne!ations o. an# -y t+e city.
Sec. &.,$.S.A. %&'(&)c is +ere-y a"en#e# to rea# as .oo/s0 %&'(&)c. 1a2 T+e
governing -o#y o. any city "ay -y or#inance anne! an# not a#4oining t+e city i. t+e .oo/ing
con#itions e!ist0
1%2,T+e an# is ocate# /it+in t+e sa"e county as suc+ t+e city;
1&2,t+e o/ner or o/ners o. t+e an# petition .or or consent in /riting to t+e anne!ation
o. suc+ t+e an#; an#
152,t+e -oar# o. county co""issioners o. t+e county -y an unani"ous vote .in# an#
#eter"ine t+at t+e anne!ation o. suc+ t+e an# /i not +in#er or prevent t+e proper gro/t+ an#
#eveop"ent o. t+e area or t+at o. any ot+er incorporate# city ocate# /it+in suc+ t+e county an#
t+at t+e anne!ation /i not cause "ani.est in4ury to t+e o/ners o. t+e an# surroun#ing t+e an#
' * '
propose# to -e anne!e#.
1-2,No an# a#4oining any an# anne!e# -y any city un#er t+e provisions o. t+is section
s+a -e #ee"e# to -e a#4oining t+e city .or t+e purpose o. anne!ation un#er any ot+er act or
section o. t+is act unti suc+ t+e a#4oining an# or t+e an# anne!e# un#er t+is section s+a a#4oin
t+e re"ain#er o. t+e city -y reason o. t+e anne!ation o. t+e intervening territory.
1c2,@+enever t+e governing -o#y o. any city #ee"s it a#visa-e to anne! an# un#er
t+e provisions o. t+is section suc+3 t+e governing -o#y s+a -y resoution re=uest t+e -oar# o.
county co""issioners o. t+e county to "a7e a .in#ing as re=uire# un#er su-section 1a2 152 o. t+is
section. T+e city cer7 s+a .ie a copy o. suc+ t+e resoution /it+ t+e -oar# o. county
co""issioners /+o s+a3 /it+in t+irty 15)2 5) #ays .oo/ing t+e receipt t+ereo. o. t+e
resoution3 "a7e .in#ings an# noti.y t+e governing -o#y o. t+e city t+ereo. o. t+e -oar#As
#ecision. Suc+ .in#ings s+a -e sprea# at engt+ upon t+e 4ourna o. procee#ings o. sai# -oar#.
T+e .aiure o. suc+ -oar# to sprea# suc+ .in#ings upon t+e 4ourna s+a not invai#ate t+e sa"e.
Any o/ner or city aggrieve# -y t+e #ecision o. t+e -oar# o. county co""issioners "ay
appea .ro" t+e #ecision o. suc+ -oar# to t+e #istrict court o. t+e sa"e county in t+e "anner an#
"et+o# set .ort+ in $.S.A. %<'&&53 an# a"en#"ents t+ereto. Any city so appeaing s+a not -e
re=uire# to e!ecute t+e -on# prescri-e# t+erein.
Sec. 5.,$.S.A. %&'(&)c an# $.S.A. &)%* Supp. %&'(&) are +ere-y repeae#.
Sec. *.,T+is act s+a ta7e e..ect an# -e in .orce .ro" an# a.ter its pu-ication in t+e
statute -oo7.

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