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Creating Reality Affirmation

From the Library of Halexandriah

In Creating Reality, affirmations are a means of clearly stating what you have become.
It is always in the now (i.e. the present). If it is future oriented, your expectation becomes
the affirmation and thus the universe endeavors thereafter to provide more expectation
(but little realization).
In creating an affirmation, it is desirable to remove any and all limits, and to allow the
universe maximum freedom in responding. For example, affirming something that is
intended to make one happy is less a good idea than simply affirming happiness itself.
he ideal is the end result. In that regard, unbridled !oy is always a good choice.
"ut always leave the door open for better and more incredible manifestations. #erhaps
even !oy is too little to expect. $o for super%!oy, or something better.
he following is one example, which attempts to cover a lot of bases. &t the same time,
it is intended to be open%ended %% allow the universe to surprise the individual with
delights as yet unimagined (but nevertheless imaginable %% otherwise you might miss it').
(ust be sure to insert your name (as opposed to saying, )your selected name*). +uh.

I am clothed in ,obes of -ight,

.omposed of the -ove, #ower, and /isdom of $od, $oddess, &ll that is0
1nveloping me and Interpenetrating me, ,esiding /ithin
2o that I might be #rotected, that I might be 1nlightened,
&nd so that &ll who see it,
&nd &ll who come into .ontact with it,
3ay be +rawn to $od, $oddess, &ll that is and 4ealed.

4enceforth, I am 5nown as 66666666666666,
& "eing of Infinite (oy and 1nthusiasm,
"lessed with #erfect 4ealth and -ongevity.
I am 1ndowed with the #ower to &scend at /ill,
o 3anifest ,eality to 3y 4eart7s .ontent,
&nd to /eave the 3ultiple +imensions of 3y -ife
Into a 2ymphony of -ove, 4armony, and 1cstasy.

3y 8nderstanding of the 8niverse $rows .ontinually,
&s I ranscend, ransform, and 1volve
Into a "eing of -ight, (oy, and .ompassion.
I am &ble to #enetrate the +eepest 3ysteries,
o .omprehend the 3ost #rofound of 4ermetic /isdom,
o ransit &mong +iverse ,ealities and +imensions0
In 2hort, to "e 1ven 3ore than 3y houghts Imagine.

I am 9ne &mong the 3any of a .ontinuum,
(ointly .elebrating 9ur Increasing /isdom and &bilities,
.reating a 8niverse 1ver $reater, 1ver 3ore (oyful,
9ne Filled with the +elights of 9ur .ompanionship.
&nd as /e .reate this 2acred $eometry of -ove,
he 8niverse 2tands a "it in &we, and then -aughs.

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