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Do You Deserve Success?

Leslie Fieger
Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve
success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be
They long for success. They imagine success. They struggle for success. They
aim for success. But, they are addicted to failure.
Yes, addicted. They refuse to give up their habitual ways of thinking, despite the
overwhelming evidence that their thinking is not producing success. They refuse
to give up their habitual beliefs, despite the obvious evidence that those beliefs
are not conducive to success.
Every successful person have ever met reports that it is their thinking that first
stood in the way of their success and then, when they changed how and what
they thought, paved the way for their success. t is the same e!perience had.
Every successful person have met believes that they deserve success. "ot
because they are smarter. "ot because they are better educated. "ot because
they are in any way special or uni#ue. They believe that they deserve success
simply because they believe that they deserve success. And, they are right.
Those who are spiritually minded have a couple of preconceptions $beliefs and
thoughts% about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them
from achieving their ideal of success.
&ne is that in order to deserve success, you need to be a good person as 'udged
by societal norms( and Two, that material success is not really a spiritual thing
and may detract from spiritual development. )rong on both counts.
Those who are materialistically minded also have a couple of preconceptions
about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from
achieving their ideal of success.
&ne is that spiritual principles have nothing to do with material success and may
detract from success( and Two, that success is a matter of doing certain things,
not about being a certain way. )rong on both counts.
*uccess is a holistic thing. The material is inseparable from the spiritual. The
spiritual is inseparable from the material. *piritual success without material
success is as empty and meaningless as is material success without spiritual
n the end, it is not about doing anything. You can do all the spiritual things or you
can do all the material things and still not be successful. You can do all the doing
you want. You can do whatever you want. But, you will never have success, no
matter what you do +"T, you learn that it all begins with who you are.
)ho you are is spirit, is light, is consciousness. -onsciousness is metaphysical
or spiritual. The primary activities of consciousness are thinking and believing.
Thinking and believing are metaphysical or spiritual attributes. t is the
metaphysical or spiritual that brings forth the physical.
The formula is BE then D& then .A/E. 0irst become worthy. Then, do whatever
you like. Then, you will have success.
Become worthy by thinking correctly. Become worthy by believing correctly.
,ook at the universe. Abundance is a fact. ,ack is an erroneous perception. *top
thinking thoughts of lack and limitation. *top believing in lack and limitation.
Think abundance. Believe in abundance. Then, you will be worthy of being
abundant and having abundance.
believe that you do deserve success. believe that everyone does, potentially. t
is an unfortunate fact, however, that only those who know that they deserve
success actually get it. E!amine your predominant thoughts( e!amine your core
Do you deserve success1 &nly if you think so and only if you believe so.
-opyright 2 ,eslie 0ieger
All 3ights 3eserved

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