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Please can you help me? This really will only take a few minutes of your time.

pick one of the various letters below and put your name and real address after the yours
faithfully. Your address and email will NOT be published it is only needed because the
!ouncil will send you a receipt to make sure you are real.
The " # $%%m turbines cannot be stopped but with your help we can ob&ect to the nearest
turbine which would be "'% meters from our homes. (e are already surrounded by )$
approved*erected industrial wind turbines this beautiful tourist area does not deserve to
be bli+hted with the , new ineffectual wind turbine applications.
-f you can chan+e some of the wordin+ in the letters below and make it a little more
personal ... well that would be wonderful ... but - know time is short so copy and paste
will be fine.
The letter of your choice can be copied into an email or attached as a file*P./ and sent to
-n 12345!T6 please put ... Ob&ection $'*%)$7)*/288 9 !arhurly Turbine
You can also leave online comments after you have :e+istered ... which only takes a
minute. The urls are below.
!arhurly !omments6
!arhurly .ocuments6
You can also download the letters on my pa+e in 1cribd6
The letter can also be sent by snail Bail to6
5nterprise and Protective 1ervices
/ife !ouncil
Cin+dom ?ouse

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