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Forest Service
Klamath National Forest
1711 South Main Street
Yreka CA 96097
News Release
Me"ia Contact! Fire #n$ormation
%&0'6()'&*7& +)!00 a.m. to )!00,m-
./itter! 01ul2 Com,le3
4e5! ///.$"a.6ov7klamath
Face5ook! htt,!77on.$5.me71sn$8F9
July Complex Morning Update
August 23, 2014
Start :ate: July 31, 2014 Cause: Lightning
Acrea6es7Containment! Whites Fire 33,048 at 33%; Man Fire 930 at 0% Cost to "ate! $29m
y!e 1 "re#s 21, y!e 2 "re#s 18, y!e 3 engines 91, $%&ers ', Water en(ers 3), *eli+%!ters 9
Current in$ormation!
4hites Fire Minimal ,ire a+ti-ity #as e-i(ent thr%ugh%ut the night. *%#e-er, r%ll %ut %,
/urning material +ause( sh%rt ,ire runs, an( ,ire0l%%sene( r%+1s /l%+1e( !%rti%ns %,
2a#yers 3ar 4%a(5!arti+ularly n%rth %, 2a#yers 3ar, "ali,%rnia. "re#s +%ntinue( #ith
ta+ti+al /urning %!erati%ns in the ayl%r "ree1 area t% strengthen +%ntainment lines.
*%tsh%t +re#s #ill +%ntinue +%nstru+ti%n %, ,ire line al%ng the ,ire e(ge ,r%m 2a#yers 3ar
t%#ar( anners 6ea15%n the ri(ge #est %, 4attlesna1e 7ul+h. 2tru+ture !r%te+ti%n #ill
remain in !la+e in 8(le#il(, 4%/ins%n Flat an( 2a#yers 3ar. Fire is h%l(ing stea(y al%ng
2n%%&er 4i(ge. 9,,%rts +%ntinue t% +%m!lete line /a+1 t%#ar( the /urn s+ar %, last year:s
2alm%n 4i-er "%m!le;. *an(line +%nstru+ti%n ,r%m 9tna 2ummit t% 4a&%r 4i(ge is als%
%ng%ing. <n the east si(e %, the ,ire, +%ntainment has /een a+hie-e( ,r%m the area %, #in
La1es t% Little $u+1 La1e. "re#s +%ntinue t% engage, #here sa,e, al%ng the ,ire:s e(ge t%
7%l(en 4ussian La1e. he remain(er %, the s%utheastern an( s%uthern e(ge #ill /e in the
m%! u! an( ,ire su!!ressi%n re!air !hases.
Man Fire =nsta,,e( last night. %(ay, a 200!ers%n han( +re# %, ,ire,ighters #ill /e
trans!%rte( int% the area t% assess the ,ire su!!ressi%n %!!%rtunities. his is a ,ull
su!!ressi%n ,ire in a #il(erness area; there,%re, Minimum 8m!a+t 2u!!ressi%n a+ti+s
>M82? #ill /e use(.
;o6 Fire =nsta,,e( last night. @t )A00 a.m. this m%rning the L%g Fire #ill /e un(er the
+%ntr%l %, "@L F849. B% ,urther in,%rmati%n #ill /e a-aila/le ,r%m the July "%m!le;.
Fire 4eather7<ehavior!
=2$@ is an eCual %!!%rtunity !r%-i(er an( em!l%yer.
4e+%-ery %, humi(ity le-els #as re(u+e( %-ernight. With the +learing %, sm%1e %-er the ,ire,
tem!eratures #ill in+rease an( humi(ity (e+rease, there is als% a s#it+h %, #in( (ire+ti%n
/ringing m%re sm%1e t% the s%uth. his +hange may in+rease ,ire a+ti-ity a+r%ss the area.
em!eratures #ill /e ,r%m )' t% 9D (egrees t%(ay #ith humi(ity at 10020 !er+ent,
(e!en(ing %n l%+ati%n an( ele-ati%n %-er the ,ire area.
he ,%ll%#ing 2is1iy%u "%unty 2heri,,:s <,,i+e e-a+uati%n %r(er an( a(-is%ries remain in e,,e+tA
9-a+uati%n <r(ers 4esi(ents sh%ul( lea-e imme(iately.
9-a+uati%n %r(ers are in !la+e ,%r the +%mmunity %, 2a#yers 3ar an( 9((y 7ul+h, Little
B%rth F%r1, 8(le#il(, Mule 3ri(ge, 4%/ins%n Flat an( Whites 7ul+h areas. <n+e a !ers%n
lea-es, they may n%t /e a/le t% re0enter the e-a+uati%n area until the ,ire (anger has
!asse(. Travelers should exit via Sawyers Bar Road to Forks of the Salmon and then take
Salmon River Road to Highway 96. There is heavy fire traffic on the allahan!ecilville
Road. "lease avoid this road if #ossi$le for your own safety. Scott Bar Road to Ft. %ones is
o#en at this time.
9-a+uati%n @(-is%ries 4esi(ents sh%ul( /e !re!are( t% e-a+uate i, ,ire +%n(iti%ns #%rsen.
@n a(-is%ry is in !la+e ,%r the 2+%tt Ealley +%mmunities %, Fren+h "ree1 an( 2ugar "ree1.
@n a(-is%ry is in !la+e ,%r the resi(ents %, 3la+1 3ear 4an+h, 7%(,rey 4an+h, an( 3lue
4i(ge 4an+h.
=oa" Closures!
@ har( +l%sure is in !la+e %n the 2a#yers 3ar 4%a( ,r%m east %, 2a#yers 3ar t% a !%int /et#een
9tna 2ummit an( 9tna. <nly ,ire,ighting tra,,i+ is all%#e( %n the r%a(.
2ee (etails %, the 2is1iy%u "%unty 2heri,,:s <,,i+e e-a+uati%n %r(ers an( a(-is%ries atA
National Forest Closure >r"ers!
Bati%nal F%rest "l%sure <r(er B%.1400D0)D1 remains in e,,e+t ,%r the area %, the Man an( L%g
Fires until these ,ires are (e+lare( %ut.
Bati%nal F%rest "l%sure <r(er B%.1400D0)48 remains in e,,e+t in the area %, the Whites Fire until it
is (e+lare( %ut.
% -ie# (etails %n this an( %ther +l%sures in the area, g% t%
htt!AFF###., .
@ir GualityA 2m%1e might im!air -isi/ility %n r%a(#ays in 2is1iy%u "%unty areas. 2%me a(-erse
health im!a+ts are !%ssi/le. F%r in,%rmati%n %n sm%1e +%n(iti%ns -isit
=2$@ is an eCual %!!%rtunity !r%-i(er an( em!l%yer.

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