Constitutional Jurisdiction Over Paracopyright Laws

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Bill C-: A Closer Analysis


Constitutional Jurisdiction Over

Paracopyright Laws
Jeremy F. deBeer
In rcsponsc Lo cvolving social, Lcchnological, cconomic, and culLural cnvi-
ronmcnLs, Lhc CovcrnmcnL o Canada has bccn cngagcd in a dccadcs-long
ovcrhaul o copyrighL law. In Lhc rcorm proccss, Lhc nccd Lo balancc Lhc
righLs and inLcrcsLs o all sLakcholdcrs is obvious. Somc aspccLs o copy-
righL rcorm, howcvcr, arc lcss obvious. As copyrighL cxpands incrcmcn-
Lally wc risk moving away rom corc organizing principlcs LhaL undcrpin
Lhc sysLcm. NoL only is Lhis unwisc rom a policy pcrspccLivc, iL is quiLc
possibly unconsLiLuLional.
Tc purposc o Lhis papcr is Lo dcLcrminc whcLhcr ParliamcnL is consLiLu-
Lionally compcLcnL Lo cnacL ncw laws in rcspccL o Lcchnological proLccLion
mcasurcs (TPMs) and/or righLs managcmcnL inormaLion (RMI) sysLcms or
digiLal maLcrials. In Lhis conLcxL, digiLal maLcrials includc mainly pop cul-
Lurc producLs such as music, movics, books, gamcs, and soLwarc, whcLhcr
in clccLronic orm or cncodcd on CDs, DVDs, or oLhcr Langiblc mcdia. Iaws
proLccLing Lhc Lcchnological and inormaLional Lools LhaL proLccL Lhcsc
digiLal maLcrials arc somcLimcs callcd paracopyrighL

provisions bccausc
* Tc AuLhor wishcs Lo Lhank Lhc UnivcrsiLy o OLLawa and Lhc FaculLy o Iaw
or unding Lhis rcscarch Lhrough an IniLiaLion o Rcscarch-Ncw DirccLion Rc-
scarch CranL, and Daphnc CilbcrL, SLcwarL Flgic, Ian Kcrr, 1anc Bailcy, 1cnnicr
Chandlcr, Michacl CcisL, Cuy Rcgimbald, and an anonymous pccr or Lhcir
Lhcy inLroducc a ncw laycr o lcgal proLccLion, abovc Lhosc alrcady aordcd
by LradiLional copyrighLs and Lcchnological mcasurcs Lhcmsclvcs.
Tc Consttuton Act, :8, givcs ParliamcnL Lhc auLhoriLy Lo lcgislaLc,
among oLhcr Lhings, in rcspccL o CopyrighLs.
UnLil now, iL sccms Lo
havc bccn Lakcn or granLcd LhaL Lhc cdcral CovcrnmcnL can and will
includc paracopyrighL provisions in amcndmcnLs Lo Lhc Copyrght Act

Lhrough Bill C-6o, An Act to Amend the Copyrght Act,

and do so pursu-
anL Lo iLs jurisdicLion undcr Lhc CopyrighLs clausc. BuL Lhc ConsLiLuLion
also cmpowcrs Lhc Provinccs Lo makc laws in rcspccL o PropcrLy and
Civil RighLs.

AlLhough paracopyrighL provisions arc in a way connccLcd

Lo copyrighLs, Lhcy simulLancously implicaLc issucs Lypically rcscrvcd or
provincial lcgislaLors, such as conLracLual obligaLions, consumcr proLcc-
Lion, c-commcrcc, and Lhc rcgulaLion o classic propcrLy.
IL is LcmpLing Lo suggcsL LhaL Lhc casy soluLion Lo Lhc consLiLuLional
dilcmma is Lo prohibiL circumvcnLion and/or Lampcring only or Lhc pur-
posc o inringing copyrighLs. Sincc Lhis is jusL whaL Lhc CovcrnmcnL in-
Lcnds Lo do, onc mighL arguc LhaL Lhcrc is no rcal consLiLuLional issuc hcrc.
TaL, howcvcr, would undcrcsLimaLc Lhc naLurc o Lhc problcm. Tc kcy
issuc is noL whcLhcr Lhc provisions rcccL Lhc scopc o Lhc Copyrght Act
in iLs prcscnL orm, buL whcLhcr Lhcy arc in piLh and subsLancc a maL-
hclpul commcnLs on my idcas, and ScoLL Iucyk and Barry SLcinman or Lhcir
ouLsLanding assisLancc wiLh Lhis papcr.
Scc or cxamplc David Nimmcr, Puzzlcs o Lhc DigiLal Millcnnium CopyrighL
AcL (8-) 6 1. Copyr Socy U.S.A. o aL o, Michacl 1. RcmingLon,
Tc Fvcr-Whirling Cyclc o Changc: CopyrighL and Cybcrspacc (:oo:) :: N. C.
1. I. 8 Tcch. : aL :8:, Dan I. Burk, AnLi-CircumvcnLion Misusc, (:oo)
o UCIA I. Rcv. o, Kimbcrlcc WcaLhcrall, On Tcchnology Iocks and Lhc
Propcr Scopc o DigiLal CopyrighL Iaws Sony in Lhc High CourL (:oo) :6:
Sydncy I. Rcv. 6 aL 6. PcLcr 1aszi has also uscd Lhc Lcrms pscudocopyrighL
and mcLacopyrighL Lo dcscribc similarly ncw righLs: scc PcLcr 1aszi, Is Tis
Lhc Fnd o CopyrighL as Wc Know IL` Addrcss Lo Nordino Concrcncc, o
OcLobcr ,, in SLockholm, Swcdcn, NordiskL Forum or biblioLckschccr
86, (NORDINFO 8).
: Consttuton Act, :8,, hLLp://,_
c.hLmldisLribuLion., s. (:).
Copyrght Act, R.S.C. 8, c. C-:, hLLp://
FirsL Rcading, :o 1unc :oo,
Consttuton Act, :8,, abovc noLc :, s. :().
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws i
Lcr o CopyrighLs undcr Lhc Consttuton Act, :8,.
Tc provisions sLricL
lcgal opcraLion is only onc o scvcral considcraLions, Lhcir Lruc purposc
and pracLical cccLs arc also dcLcrminaLivc o consLiLuLional validiLy. In
piLh and subsLancc, Lhc Lruc characLcr o Lhc proposcd provisions is acLu-
ally vcry dicrcnL rom LradiLional copyrighL lcgislaLion. Morcovcr, iL is
unwisc Lo ocus solcly on ParliamcnLs abiliLy Lo lcgislaLc on Lhis maLLcr.
ALLcnLion musL bc paid Lo Lhc provinccs rolc in Lhc copyrighL rcorm pro-
ccss, which Lhus ar has bccn largcly ovcrlookcd.
Tcrcorc, Lhis papcr rsL characLcrizcs Lhc piLh and subsLancc o Lhc
rclcvanL provisions by cxamining Lhcir purposc and lcgal and pracLical c-
ccLs. IL Lhcn considcrs whcLhcr Lhcy all wiLhin Lhc scopc o ParliamcnLs
auLhoriLy undcr Lhc CopyrighLs clausc, or arc morc accuraLcly rcgardcd as a
maLLcr o PropcrLy and Civil RighLs. IL also qucrics whcLhcr paracopyrighL
provisions all undcr oLhcr hcads o powcr, such as Tradc and Commcrcc,
Criminal Iaw, or Lhc Pcacc, Ordcr, and Cood CovcrnmcnL o Canada.
Tc analysis lcads Lo Lhrcc main conclusions. FirsL, provisions LhaL aL-
LcmpL Lo Lracc Lhc scopc o cxisLing copyrighL rulcs arc noL invulncrablc.
For rcasons discusscd in Lhis papcr, Lhc mcrc inclusion o Lhc phrasc or
inringing purposcs may noL bc sucicnL or consLiLuLional purposcs. As
is, Lhc proposcd lcgislaLion may crccp Loo ar inLo Lhc provincial domain
Lo bc salvagcd as ancillary Lo an ovcrall valid copyrighL schcmc. IL is argu-
ablc LhaL Lhis is a colourablc aLLcmpL Lo cxpand Lhc boundarics o Copy-
righLs urLhcr inLo PropcrLy and Civil RighLs.
Tc sccond Lhcmc in Lhis papcr is LhaL i Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL is con-
sLiLuLionally compcLcnL Lo cnacL lcgislaLion on Lhc subjccL o TPMs and
RMI, iL musL cxcrcisc rcsLrainL in doing so. Tc ConsLiLuLion aL lcasL rc-
quircs Lhc CovcrnmcnL Lo rcsisL prcssurc Lo widcn Lhc proposcd provi-
sions. Similarly, courLs musL bc cauLious whcn inLcrprcLing Bill C-6o i
and whcn iL bccomcs law. Tc broadcr Lhc provisions, Lhc urLhcr Lhcy
sLray rom cdcral jurisdicLion, Lhc morc Lhcy Lrcnch inLo provincial pow-
crs, and Lhc morc suspccL Lhcy bccomc.
In any cvcnL, Lhc CovcrnmcnLs inLcnLion Lo prcss orward wiLh Bill
C-6o docs noL ncccssarily prccludc Lhc provinccs rom cnacLing lcgisla-
6 I am noL suggcsLing hcrc LhaL any or all o Lhc cxisLing Copyrght Act is consLi-
LuLionally invalid, buL iLs sLaLus oughL noL bc Lakcn or granLcd. Tcrc is liLLlc
judicial auLhoriLy on poinL. Scc David Vavcr, Copyrght Law (ToronLo: Irwin Iaw,
:ooo) aL :, and 1crcmy F. dcBccr, CopyrighLs, Fcdcralism and Lhc ConsLi-
LuLionaliLy o Canadas PrivaLc Copying Icvy hLLp://`absLracL_id=,:..
Lion Lo dcal wiLh ccrLain aspccLs o TPMs and RMI. Tc Lhird conclusion,
Lhcrcorc, is LhaL Provincial ALLorncy Ccncrals should aL lcasL conLribuLc
Lo Lhis discussion. Doing so will aciliLaLc dcmocraLic involvcmcnL in Lhc
law rcorm proccss and maximizc opporLuniLics or cccLivc ciLizcn par-
LicipaLion. Tcsc arc among Lhc orcmosL goals noL only o copyrighL law,
buL also o Lhc cnLirc Canadian cdcral sysLcm.
To dcLcrminc whcLhcr lcgislaLion is validly cnacLcd according Lo Lhc con-
sLiLuLional division o powcrs, onc musL characLcrizc iLs lcading caLurc,
iLs Lruc characLcr, iLs piLh and subsLancc.
Following characLcrizaLion
o Lhc maLLcr, Lhc lcgislaLion can bc classicd as rclaLing primarily Lo onc
or anoLhcr hcad o powcr. NoLably, Lhc caLcgorics in sccLion and :
arc no longcr vicwcd as waLcrLighL comparLmcnLs.
DcspiLc Lhc muLual

o Canadas consLiLuLional classcs Lo rcducc conicLs, Lhcrc

arc sLill ovcrlaps in rcspccL o complcx policy issucs.
Tc doublc aspccL docLrinc,
or cxamplc, suggcsLs Lhcrc arc somc maL-
Lcrs involving aspccLs o boLh provincial and cdcral auLhoriLy. Tc ncccs-
sarily incidcnLal docLrinc

suggcsLs LhaL parLicular provisions LcLhcrcd Lo

valid lcgislaLion may sLand, dcspiLc Lrcnching inLo Lhc oLhcr lcgislaLors
domain. BuL a parLicular provision is noL consLiLuLionally valid mcrcly bc-
causc iL is includcd in a valid lcgislaLivc schcmc, Lhc provision musL bc
sucicnLly inLcgraLcd wiLh LhaL schcmc.
AlLhough wc will cncounLcr am-
biguiLics as Lo Lhc propcr consLiLuLional approach aL a laLcr sLagc in Lhc
analysis, iL is ccrLainly corrccL Lo bcgin by looking aL Lhc purposc and lcgal
and pracLical cccLs o Lhc Bill C-6o.
, R. v. Morgenta|er, [] S.C.R. 6 aL 8,
8 Canada (A.C.) v. Ontaro (A.C.), [,] A.C. :6 aL para. .
Scc R.M. Dawson, Te Covernment oj Canada, Lh cd., N. Ward, cd. (ToronLo:
UnivcrsiLy o ToronLo Prcss, ,o) aL 86.
o Scc Rejerence Re. Lquor Lcense Act oj :8,, (Ont.), (Hodge v R.), [88] 1.C.1. No. :,
[88] App. Cas. , (P.C.).
Cenera| Motors oj Canada v. Cty Natona| Leasng, [8] S.C.R. 6, www.
[Cenera| Motors].
: Ktkat|a Pand v. Prtsh Co|umba (Mnster oj Sma|| Pusness, Toursm and Cu|ture),
[:oo:] : S.C.R. 6,
pub/:oo:/vol:/hLml/:oo:scr:_o6.hLm. aL para. .
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws j
1) Purpose
Supcrcially, Lhc purposc o Lhc proposcd lcgislaLion is Lo incorporaLc
Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics inLo Canadian domcsLic law. According Lo Lhc
CovcrnmcnLs rcsponsc Lo rcqucnLly askcd qucsLions, Tc bill will im-
plcmcnL all Lhc righLs and proLccLions providcd or in Lhc WIPO InLcrncL

Tis may rcquirc a bric cxplanaLion.

Provisions addrcssing Lhc circumvcnLion o TPMs and Lampcring wiLh
RMI had Lhcir gcncsis in Lhc World InLcllccLual PropcrLy OrganizaLion
(WIPO) Copyrght Treaty (wCT)

and Lhc WIPO Perjormances and Phono-

grams Treaty (wPPT).

Tcsc arc collccLivcly known as Lhc WIPO InLcrncL

TrcaLics. ArLiclc o Lhc wCT rcquircs LhaL:
ConLracLing ParLics shall providc adcquaLc lcgal proLccLion and ccc-
Livc lcgal rcmcdics againsL Lhc circumvcnLion o cccLivc Lcchnologi-
cal mcasurcs LhaL arc uscd by auLhors in connccLion wiLh Lhc cxcrcisc
o Lhcir righLs undcr Lhis TrcaLy or Lhc Bcrnc ConvcnLion and LhaL
rcsLricL acLs, in rcspccL o Lhcir works, which arc noL auLhorizcd by
Lhc auLhors conccrncd or pcrmiLLcd by law.
Digging slighLly dccpcr, Lhc purposc o Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics, as
sLaLcd in Lhcir prcamblcs, is:
Lo dcvclop and mainLain Lhc proLccLion o Lhc righLs o auLhors [and
pcrormcrs and produccrs o phonograms] in Lhcir liLcrary and arLis-
Lic works [and pcrormanccs and sound rccordings] in a manncr as
cccLivc and uniorm as possiblc.
Tc wCT and Lhc wPPT, howcvcr, givc naLional lcgislaLors whcLhcr cd-
cral or provincial signicanL lccway Lo ull Lhis purposc.
Tcrc is
Frequent|y Asked Questons Amendments to the Copyrght Act, (OLLawa: MinisLry
o IndusLry and HcriLagc Canada, :oo), hLLp://
wor|d !nte||ectua| Property Organzaton Copyrght Treaty, :o Dcccmbcr 6, 6
I.I.M. 6, www.wipo.inL/clca/docs_ncw/cn/wo/woocn.hLml..
wor|d !nte||ectua| Property Organzaton Perjormances and Phonograph Treaty, :o
Dcccmbcr 6, 6 I.I.M. ,6, www.wipo.inL/clca/docs/cn/wo/woocn.hLm..
6 ArL. 8 o Lhc wPPT, bd., uscs similar languagc in rcspccL o Lhc righLs o pcr-
ormcrs and rccord produccrs.
, Abovc noLcs .
8 Mark S. Haycs, Mcmorandum Conccrning Lhc ImplcmcnLaLion in Canada o
ArLiclcs and 8 o Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics Rcgarding Lhc UnauLhorizcd
CircumvcnLion o Tcchnological Mcasurcs Uscd in ConnccLion wiLh Lhc Fxcrcisc
no obligaLion Lo implcmcnL adcquaLc lcgal proLccLion and cccLivc lcgal
rcmcdics nto copyrght |aw. FxpcrLs acknowlcdgc LhaL counLrics could in-
dccd dccidc Lo implcmcnL Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics in clds o law oLhcr
Lhan in copyrighL.

For cxamplc, by implcmcnLing aspccLs o Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics

inLo iLs compcLiLion law, noL only inLo iLs copyrighL law, 1apan has appar-
cnLly rccognizcd Lhcir signicanL purposcs and cccLs ouLsidc o copy-
righL law.
Indccd, adcquaLc lcgal proLccLion can bc providcd Lhrough
divcrsc arcas o law, including LclccommunicaLions rcgulaLion, compcLi-
Lion, criminal law, LorL, and conLracL.
CircumvcnLion could possibly bc
a brcach o conLracL, a cybcr-Lrcspass,
an unair Lradc pracLicc
or somc
o a CopyrighL RighL (OLLawa: Ogilvy RcnaulL, :ooo), onlinc: IndusLry Canada
Scvcrinc Dusollicr, SiLuaLing lcgal proLccLions or copyrighL-rclaLcd Lcchno-
logical mcasurcs in Lhc broadcr lcgal landscapc: AnLi CircumvcnLion ProLccLion
OuLsidc CopyrighL (Ccncral RcporL prcscnLcd Lo AIAI Congrcss, 1unc :oo), aL :. Scc also or
cxamplc Ian R. Kcrr, Alana MaurushaL, 8 ChrisLian S. TaciL, Tcchnical ProLcc-
Lion Mcasurcs: TilLing aL CopyrighLs Windmill (:oo:-:oo) OLLawa I. Rcv.
, aL 6,, and 1acqucs dc Wcrra, Tc Icgal SysLcm o Tcchnological ProLccLion
Mcasurcs undcr Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics, Lhc DigiLal Millcnnium CopyrighL
AcL, Lhc Furopcan Union DirccLivcs and oLhcr NaLional Iaws (1apan, AusLra-
lia) Cenera| Report presented to ALA! Congress (1unc :oo), www.alai-usa.
org/:oo_concrcncc/_program_cn.hLm. aL :.
:o Copyrght Law oj 1apan, ArL, :obs,, and
1apanese Ant-0njar Competton Law, Iaw No. ,, promulgaLcd on May
as amcndcd by Iaw No. , : April and Iaw No. 6o, :: Dcccmbcr .
Scc gcncrally 1apan, CopyrighL UpdaLc 1apan , On the Law to Parta||y
Amend the Copyrght Law (Part :) Techno|ogca| advances and new steps n copyrght
protecton by Takao Koshida, (1apan: Occ o MulLimcdia CopyrighL, CopyrighL
Division, Agcncy or CulLural Aairs),
.hLml. [1apan 0pdate].
: Dusollicr, abovc noLc .
:: Scc or cxamplc Compuserve v. Cyber Promotons, !nc., 6: F.Supp. o (S.D.
Ohio ,), ePay, !nc. v. Pdders Fdge, !nc., oo F. Supp. :d o8 (N.D. Cal., :ooo),
Regster.Com, !nc. v. vero, !nc., :6 F. Supp. :d. :8 (S.D.N.Y., :ooo), !nte| Corpora-
ton v. Kourosh Kenneth Hamd et a|., Cal. App. Lh :, Cal.RpLr.:d :
(:oo). Scc urLhcr Richard A. FpsLcin, CybcrLrcspass (:oo) ,o U. Chi. I. Rcv.
,, 1ohn D. Saba 1r., InLcrncL PropcrLy RighLs: F-Trcspass (:oo:) SL. Marys
I.1. 6,.
: Tcrc is casc law in counLrics such as Ccrmany Lo supporL Lhis vicw: Dusollicr,
abovc noLc , ciLing Ichmann, M. CopyrighL and Lcchnical proLccLions Ccr-
man rcporL in Copyrght n Cyberspace, OLLo Cramwinckcl cd., AIAI SLudy
Days, 1unc 6 (AmsLcrdam, ,) aL ,,:, and A Raubcnhcimcr, Incrcasing
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws j
oLhcr LorL,
or cvcn a compuLcr crimc.
Tc poinL hcrc is LhaL iL oughL noL
bc assumcd LhaL Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics provisions naLurally dovcLail
wiLh copyrighL.
In May :oo, Lhc SLanding CommiLLcc on Canadian HcriLagc rccom-
mcndcd immcdiaLc raLicaLion o Lhc wCT and wPPT.
To accomplish
Lhis, Lhc CovcrnmcnL inLroduccd Bill C-6o. IL will bc discusscd bclow
whcLhcr signing Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics is iLscl cnough Lo cmpowcr
Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL Lo cnacL domcsLic lcgislaLion Lo ull Canadas ob-
ligaLions (Lhc shorL answcr is iL is unclcar). Rcgardlcss, implcmcnLaLion o
Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics is also onc aspccL o Lhc CovcrnmcnL o Cana-
das dcsirc Lo cnablc copyrighL sLakcholdcrs Lo addrcss Lhc challcngcs and
opporLuniLics o Lhc InLcrncL.
UnorLunaLcly, liLLlc has bccn said abouL
whaL, prcciscly, is Lhc rolc o Lhcsc provisions in addrcssing Lhc challcngcs
and opporLuniLics o Lhc InLcrncL.
Whilc normally onc mighL look Lo lcgislaLivc dcbaLcs, spccchcs, or oLh-
cr Hansard cvidcncc or Lhc purposc o impugncd lcgislaLivc provisions,

wc do noL ycL havc Lhc luxury o wcll-rcasoncd ParliamcnLary discussion
on Lhis Lopic. Tc SLanding CommiLLccs InLcrim RcporL did noL ocr a
raLionalc or inLroducing Lhcsc provisions inLo Canadian law, cxccpL Lo
implcmcnL Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics.
Tc CovcrnmcnL o Canada did
commission Lwo Lhorough sLudics by Procssor Kcrr and oLhcrs, which
asLuLcly dcscribc Lhc naLurc and uncLion o TPMs, RMI, and circumvcn-
Lion or Lampcring prohibiLions.
Morcovcr, in Lhc dccadc sincc Lhcsc is-
imporLancc o hardwarc locks (donglcs) in rcccnL Ccrman casc law (8) ,:
InormaLion 8 CommunicaLions Tcch. I. .
: Scc or cxamplc Sega Fnterprses Ltd. v. MAPH!A, 8, F.Supp. 6,, Copy. I.
Rcp. P :,,o, o U.S.P.Q.:d : (NDCal ), Sega Fnterprses Ltd. v. MAPH!A,
8 F.Supp. :, , Copy I. Rcp. P :,,6o, U.S.P.Q.:d ,o (NDCal 6).
: Dusollicr, abovc noLc .
:6 Canada, !nterm Report on Copyrght Rejorm. Report oj the Standng Commttee on
Canadan Hertage (OLLawa: CommunicaLion Canada, :oo),
c.hLm. [!nterm Report].
:, Canada, Te Covernment oj Canada Announces 0pcomng Amendments to the Copyrght
Act. Packgrounder (OLLawa: MinisLrics o IndusLry and Canadian HcriLagc, :oo),
:8 Morgenta|er, abovc noLc , aL 8.
: !nterm Report, abovc noLc :6.
o Scc HcriLagc Canada, Tcchnical ProLccLion Mcasurcs: ParL I Trcnds in
Tcchnical ProLccLion Mcasurcs and CircumvcnLion Tcchnologics by Ian R.
Kcrr, Alana MaurushaL, 8 ChrisLian S. TaciL (OLLawa: DcparLmcnL o Canadian
HcriLagc, :oo:),
sucs suraccd a robusL body o liLcraLurc has dcvclopcd, which may hclp
Lo uncovcr Lhc various rcasons paracopyrighL provisions may bc cnacLcd.

NoLc, howcvcr, LhaL alLhough much o Lhc liLcraLurc addrcsscs Lhc wisdom
o Lhc policy choiccs involvcd, Lhc kcy qucsLion hcrc is noL whcLhcr Lhc
policy choicc is Lhc corrccL onc, buL whcLhcr iL is a choicc ParliamcnL is
cnLiLlcd Lo makc.
Tc CovcrnmcnL has said: Lo bcLLcr addrcss Lhc challcngcs and Lhc op-
porLuniLics prcscnLcd by Lhc InLcrncL and digiLal Lcchnology in gcncral
[L]hcsc amcndmcnLs will: cnhancc proLccLion o works in Lhc onlinc cn-
vironmcnL, boLh Lo addrcss inringcmcnL and Lo cnablc Lhc dcvclopmcnL
o ncw busincss modcls .

From Lhis, onc can incr LhaL paracopyrighL

provisions havc somcLhing Lo do wiLh Lhc phcnomcnon o sharing digiLal
conLcnL via pccr-Lo-pccr (p:p) ncLworks. ConLcnL disLribuLors arc con-
ccrncd LhaL Lhis wildly popular Lrcnd is a LhrcaL Lo Lhcir busincss modcls,
and conscqucnLly Lhcir boLLom linc.

Tc proposcd provisions will hclp Lo

prcscrvc Lhcir cxisLing rcvcnuc sLrcams and gcncraLc ncw oncs.
Onc mighL arguc LhaL Lhcsc provisions will sacguard arLisLs inLcrcsLs
and Lhus cncouragc Lhc producLion and disscminaLion o digiLal maLcri-
als Lo Lhc bcncL o socicLy aL largc. AlLhough Lhc provisions will proLccL
corporaLc disLribuLors, noL ncccssarily human arLisLs,

a nancially lucra-
Livc mass markcL or digiLal conLcnL mighL bcncL grassrooLs arLisLs in
LhaL grcaLcr proLs or disLribuLors could lcad Lo grcaLcr opporLuniLics or, and HcriLagc Canada, Tcchnical ProLccLion Mcasurcs: ParL II
Tc Icgal ProLccLion o TPMs by Ian R. Kcrr, Alana MaurushaL, 8 ChrisLian
S. TaciL (OLLawa: DcparLmcnL o Canadian HcriLagc, :oo),
Scc or cxamplc AIAI :oo Congrcss: AdjuncLs and AlLcrnaLivcs Lo CopyrighL
(AIAI-USA: Ncw York, :oo:),
cn.hLm., and 1crcy P. Cunard, KciLh Hill, 8 Chris Barlas, CurrcnL DcvclopmcnLs
in Lhc Ficld o DigiLal RighLs ManagcmcnL Standng Commttee on Copyrght and
Re|ated Rghts, Tenth Sesson (World InLcllccLual PropcrLy OrganizaLion: Ccncva
:oo), www.wipo.inL/documcnLs/cn/mccLings/:oo/sccr/pd/sccr_o_:.pd..
: Frearms Rejerence aL para. 8.
FAQ P|| C-o, abovc noLc .
Scc, or cxamplc, Tc Canadian Rccording IndusLry AssociaLion, pcrils o p:p,
For an illusLraLion o Lhis phcnomcnon in pracLicc, onc can look Lo Lhc Applc
iTuncs Music SLorc. IL is Lhc company LhaL markcLs and disLribuLcs Lhc digi-
Lal conLcnL, noL Lhc arLisL who produccs iL, LhaL cxploiLs TPMs in iLs busincss
modcl. Scc urLhcr 1crcmy F. dcBccr, ArLisL CompcnsaLion and Lhc Canadian
CopyrighL Rcgimc (ToronLo: Uniorm Iaw Concrcncc o Canada, :oo).
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws
arLisLs. Tc bcncLs, howcvcr, arc indirccL aL bcsL.
Tc dominanL purposc
o Lhcsc provisions is, Lhcrcorc, Lo proLccL disLribuLors cconomic inLcr-
csLs, noL ncccssarily arLisLs wcllbcing.
Onc could say LhaL Lhis is Lruc o
many parLs o Lhc currcnL Copyrght Act, and Lhcrcorc unobjccLionablc.
BuL iL will bc cxplaincd bclow LhaL proLccLion or arLisLs is aL Lhc corc o
Lhc ConsLiLuLions CopyrighLs clausc, whcrcas proLccLion or disLribuLors
may bc considcrcd morc pcriphcral. IcgislaLion wiLh a primary purposc
rclaLcd Lo ncighbouring righLs which Lhcmsclvcs havc noL bccn scLLlcd
Lo bc consLiLuLionally valid CopyrighLs is morc vulncrablc Lhan would
bc lcgislaLion dirccLly addrcssing Lhc righLs o auLhors.
Morcovcr, Lhc proposcd provisions may noL cncouragc Lhc disscmina-
Lion o digiLal conLcnL, onc o Lhc primary goals o copyrighL law gcncr-
ally. RaLhcr, Lhcy will likcly conccnLraLc conLrol ovcr disscminaLion in Lhc
hands o rclaLivcly cw disLribuLors.
According Lo Procssor HugcnholLz,
Lhcrcorc, Lhc ncw rcgimc is diculL Lo rcconcilc wiLh onc o Lhc mosL im-
porLanL raLionalcs o Lhc copyrighL sysLcm: promoLing Lhc disscminaLion
o culLurc and knowlcdgc in socicLy.

Onc could arguc, in acL, LhaL Lhc

purposc o Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposcd provisions is acLually nconsstent
wiLh LradiLional copyrighLs.
AlLcrnaLivcly, Lhc purposc o Lhcsc proposcd provisions mighL bc char-
acLcrizcd as simply Lo dcLcr or rcmcdy copyrighL inringcmcnL. ALcr all,
Bill C-6o prohibiLs circumvcnLion or scrviccs Lo circumvcnL or Lhc pur-
posc o an acL LhaL is an inringcmcnL o Lhc copyrighL.
Tis sLands in
conLrasL Lo oLhcr counLrics implcmcnLaLion o Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics,
6 And may noL bc worLh Lhc cosLs: scc Iawrcncc Icssig, Free Cu|ture How. Pg Me-
da 0ses Techno|ogy and the Law to Lock Lown Cu|ture and Contro| Creatvty, (Ncw
York: Pcnguin Prcss, :oo).
, Scc 1apan 0pdate, abovc noLc :o, whcrcin Koshida dirccLly addrcsscs Lhis poinL
and commcnLs: In Lhcsc amcndmcnLs, mcasurcs uscd noL aL Lhc will o Lhc
owncr o copyrighL arc noL includcd in Lcchnological mcasurcs. Tis is bccausc
iL is LhoughL, or cxamplc, LhaL a Lcchnological mcasurcs LhaL is uscd by a
disLribuLor who is noL a copyrighL owncr, on his or hcr own or his or hcr own
proL wiLhouL rcgard Lo Lhc inLcnL o Lhc copyrighL owncr, could noL bc consid-
crcd a mcasurc Lo cccLivcly sccurc copyrighL.
8 Indccd, a prohibiLion on TPMs, raLhcr Lhan a prohibiLion on circumvcnLion,
mighL bcsL promoLc Lhc objccLivc o widcsprcad disscminaLion o digiLal
conLcnL. Im noL suggcsLing hcrc LhaL ciLhcr prohibiLion is warranLcd, a ncuLral
approach LhaL dccrs Lo markcL orccs mighL also bc appropriaLc.
B. HugcnholLz, CopyrighL, ConLracL and Codc: WhaL Will Rcmain o Lhc Public
Domain (:ooo-:oo) :6 Brook. 1. InLl I. ,, aL 86.
o Bill C-6o, abovc noLc , s. .o:().
mosL noLably Lhc UniLcd SLaLcs Lgta| M||ennum Copyrght Act [LMCA],

which has bccn criLicizcd or bcing vaguc, ovcrbroad, and skcwing Lhc
law in avour o conLcnL disLribuLors.
CcrLainly, cdcral lcgislaLion widcr
Lhan LhaL proposcd in Bill C-6o would havc a morc diculL Limc passing
consLiLuLional musLcr. By prohibiLing circumvcnLion or inringing pur-
poscs only, Lhc CovcrnmcnL has incrcascd Lhc likclihood LhaL iLs proposcd
provisions can wiLhsLand scruLiny. YcL iL would bc mislcading Lo suggcsL
LhaL Lhc consLiLuLional conundrum is complcLcly solvcd.
Tc rccrcncc Lo Lhc purposc o inringcmcnL may hclp Lo align Lhc pro-
visions scopc wiLh Lhc cxisLing Copyrght Act, buL iL says noLhing abouL
Lhcir naLurc. So, Lhc acL LhaL TPMs will bc proLccLcd only insoar as cir-
cumvcnLion is or an inringing purposc may noL bc cnough Lo changc Lhc
Lruc characLcr

o Lhis lcgislaLion or consLiLuLional purposcs. In dcLcr-

mining Lhc piLh and subsLancc, Lhc courL will look bcyond Lhc dirccL lcgal
cccLs .

In oLhcr words, Lhc rcal issuc aL Lhis sLagc has lcss Lo do wiLh
Lhc scopc o Lhc circumvcnLion prohibiLions Lhan Lhcir naLurc. In Lhis rc-
spccL, Lhc proposcd provisions arc dramaLically dicrcnL rom LradiLional
copyrighL laws. Iogic provcs Lhis: ciLhcr (a) Lhc ncw provisions arc cnLircly
supcruous, which bcgs Lhc qucsLion as Lo why Lhcy arc bcing cnacLcd aL
all, or (b) Lhcy arc dicrcnL rom cxisLing copyrighL law in purposc and
cccL, which raiscs qucsLions as Lo Lhcir validiLy.
TradiLional copyrighL law is onc way Lo conLrol Lhc Lcrms upon which
digiLal conLcnL is disLribuLcd. Tc scopc o copyrighL law is dcLcrmincd
by dcmocraLically clccLcd rcprcscnLaLivcs and cnorccd by an indcpcndcnL
judiciary. Tc scopc o TPMs, on Lhc oLhcr hand, is dcLcrmincd noL by pub-
lic ocials, buL by privaLc companics pursing cconomic agcndas.

lcgal prohibiLions againsL circumvcnLion o TPMs will Lracc Lhc scopc o
copyrighL law. BuL Lhc dccision Lo cnacL Lhis addiLional laycr o proLccLion
ncvcrLhclcss rcvcals a purposivc shiL rom onc lcgal rcgimc Lo anoLhcr.
Lgta| M||ennum Copyrght Act, , U.S.C. :o (8).
: Scc or cxamplc Pamcla Samuclson, InLcllccLual PropcrLy and Lhc DigiLal
Fconomy: Why Lhc AnLi-CircumvcnLion RcgulaLions Nccd Lo Bc Rcviscd
Bcrkclcy Tcch. I.1. :o,
Samuclson/hLml/rcadcr.hLml., Dan I. Burk, abovc noLc , Simon FiLzpaLrick,
CopyrighL Imbalanccs: U.S. and AusLralian Rcsponscs Lo Lhc WIPO DigiLal
CopyrighL TrcaLy (:ooo) F.I.P.R. :, Cunard, Hill 8 Barlas, abovc noLc ,
Kcrr, MaurushaL, 8 TaciL, abovc noLc aL 66, dc Wcrra, abovc noLc aL .
Morgenta|er, abovc noLc , aL 8.
!bd. aL 88.
Kcrr, MaurushaL, 8 TaciL, abovc noLc aL :.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws
Tc proposcd amcndmcnLs would conLribuLc Lo Lhc Lranscr o conLrol
ovcr Lhc Lcrms o disLribuLion rom copyrighL Lo conLracL law. According
Lo Procssor HugcnholLz: ConLracL law, in parLicular, appcars Lo havc all
Lhc makings o bccoming a pcrccL alLcrnaLivc Lo Lhc copyrighL sysLcm.

Along Lhc samc lincs, Procssor Samuclson has rcmarkcd: Tcrc may bc
noLhing or copyrighL Lo do, cxccpL pcrhaps Lo scrvc as a kind o deus ex
machna jusLiying Lhc usc o Lcchnological and conLracLual mcans or pro-
LccLing works in digiLal orm.
In parLicular, i and whcn Bill C-6o comcs
inLo orcc, iL will bc unncccssary or digiLal conLcnL disLribuLors Lo invokc
copyrighLs or ncighbouring righLs aL all. Tc mcrc acL o circumvcnLion or
an inringing purposc could cnLiLlc Lhc copyrighL owncr Lo all rcmcdics
providcd by law. Tcsc paracopyrighL provisions arc Lhus a rcplaccmcnL
or, noL a parL o, LradiLional copyrighL laws.
IL is arguablc LhaL paracopyrighL provisions proLccL conLracLs abouL
copyrighLs, and arc Lhcrcorc Lhcmsclvcs in piLh and subsLancc a maLLcr
o copyrighL, noL conLracL. AnoLhcr way o puLLing iL is LhaL Lhcsc pro-
visions rclaLc Lo copyrighL liccnsing issucs, noL signicanLly dicrcnL
rom, or cxamplc, provisions govcrning owncrship o copyrighL gcncr-
Howcvcr, in Lhcory and in pracLicc, paracopyrighL provisions havc a
raLhcr dicrcnL purposc. Mark Haycs rccrs Lo Lhc conLracLs cnorccd by
Lcchnological proLccLion mcasurcs as supcr-copyrighL.

Hc says:
Lhc usc o Lhc Lcrm liccncc Lo rccr Lo Lhcsc Lypcs o supcr-copyrighL
agrccmcnLs is somcwhaL mislcading. Propcrly undcrsLood, Lhcsc
supcr-copyrighL agrccmcnLs arc complcLcly scparaLc rom, and ad-
diLional Lo, copyrighL proLccLion and imposc conLracLual rcsLricLions
which only should bc cnorccablc i Lhc uscr is conLracLually bound Lo
Lhc rcsLricLions and Lhc rcsLricLions arc noL unconscionablc or oLhcr-
wisc againsL public policy.
Tis lasL poinL LhaL such conLracLs should only bc cnorccablc i Lhcy
arc noL unconscionablc or againsL public policy urLhcr cmphasizcs
LhaL many o Lhc qucsLions hcrc arc csscnLially abouL rcgulaLing privaLc
6 HugcnholLz, abovc noLc aL ,8.
, Pamcla Samuclson, CopyrighL, DigiLal DaLc, and Fair Usc in DigiLal NcLworkcd
FnvironmcnLs in Fjan Mackay et a|., cds, Te F|ectronc Superhghway. Te Shape
oj Techno|ogy and Law to Come (Tc Haguc: Kluwcr Iaw InLcrnaLional, ) ,
aL ::6.
8 Scc or cxamplc Copyrght Act, abovc noLc , s. ,
Haycs, abovc noLc 8 aL 6.
o !bd. aL 6.
conLracLual agrccmcnLs. PicLurc a Lrianglc o copyrighL, conLracL, and
Lcchnology. Tc purposcs o Lhc Lcchnology and conLracL arc closcr Lo cach
oLhcr Lhan ciLhcr is Lo copyrighL. Tis bccomcs cvcn morc apparcnL whcn
onc looks aL Bill C-6os provisions againsL Lampcring wiLh RMI. Tis is cs-
scnLially a lcgislaLivc schcmc govcrning conLracLs abouL acccss Lo and usc
o digiLal conLcnL. Tis is noL rcally abouL copyrighL as Procssors Kcrr
and Bailcy havc noLcd: whilc wc rccr Lo righLs managcmcnL sysLcms,
whaL Lhcsc daLabascs rea||y managc is inormaLion.

UlLimaLcly, including rccrcnccs Lo copyrighL may osLcnsibly rclaLc Lhc

maLLcr Lo Lhc scopc o cxisLing copyrighL law, buL iL docs noL changc Lhc
Lruc characLcr o Lhis lcgislaLion. In piLh and subsLancc Lhis is pcrhaps
morc o a Lcchnological, conLracLual, or commcrcial maLLcr Lhan a copy-
righL maLLcr. Tc CovcrnmcnLs proposcd lcgislaLion is bcsL dcscribcd as a
paracopyrght law a law going bcyond cxisLing copyrighL law, alLhough
noL ncccssarily in scopc, ccrLainly in naLurc.
2) Efects
RccommcndaLions Lo limiL Lhc brcadLh o cccLs o paracopyrighL provi-
sions arc common among cxpcrLs who havc sLudicd Lhcsc issucs.
now many o Lhc argumcnLs havc bccn bascd primarily on sound policy-
making. Howcvcr, LighLly ocusscd lcgislaLion is noL jusL wisc policy iL
is consLiLuLionally mandaLcd. Scholars such as Procssors Kcrr and Bailcy
havc noLcd LhaL provisions inconsisLcnL wiLh undamcnLal righLs such as
privacy or rccdom o cxprcssion may violaLc Lhc Charter oj Rghts and Free-

Tc disLincL consLiLuLional poinL o Lhis papcr is oLcn ovcrlookcd.

Ian R. Kcrr 8 1anc Bailcy, Tc ImplicaLions o DigiLal RighLs ManagcmcnL
or Privacy and Frccdom o Fxprcssion (:oo) : 1. InormaLion, Communica-
Lion 8 FLhics in Socy 8,, hLLp://`absLracL_
id=,oo. aL 8.
: Scc or cxamplc Kcrr, MaurushaL, 8 TaciL, abovc noLc , and Lhc sourccs ciLcd
Ian R. Kcrr 8 1anc Bailcy, abovc noLc . Procssor Kcrr has also noLcd LhaL
Lhcsc Lypcs o provisions could conLain broad and vaguc sLaLcmcnLs LhaL may
noL wiLhsLand consLiLuLional scruLiny. Scc Kcrr, MaurushaL, 8 TaciL, abovc
noLc aL 6. Fxpcricnccs in Lhc UniLcd SLaLcs highlighL Lhc chilling cccL LhaL
Lhc LMCAs paracopyrighL provisions havc had on cxprcssion. Scc or cxamplc
0nted States v. F|com Ltd., :o F. Supp. :d (NDCal :oo:), 0nversa| Cty
Studos v. Remerdes, F. Supp. :d. : (SDNY :ooo), ad :, F. d : (:d Cir.
:oo) [Remerdes], Fe|ten v. Recordng !ndustry Assocaton oj Amerca, Casc No.
CV-o-:66 (CFB) (DisLCLN1). For a dcscripLion o Lhc cccLs o Lhc LMCA in
Lhc scicnLic communiLy, scc 1crcy Sullivan 8 Tomas Morrow, PracLicing
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws ioi
From Lhc pcrspccLivc o Lhc division o lcgislaLivc powcrs, Lhc broadcr Lhc
cccL o Lhc ncw provisions, Lhc urLhcr Lhcy arc rom Lhc corc o Parlia-
mcnLs auLhoriLy undcr Lhc CopyrighLs clausc and Lhc morc Lhcy cncroach
on provincial jurisdicLion ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs. TaL is, cvcn j
Lhc purposc o paracopyrighL provisions is rclaLcd Lo copyrighL, broadcr
cccLs o Lhc lcgislaLion could rcndcr iL consLiLuLionally invalid. IL is hcrc
LhaL Lhc prccisc scopc o Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposal musL bc considcrcd,
so Lhc rclcvanL provisions arc rcproduccd bclow in ull.
Tcrc is a gcncral LhrcaL LhaL TPMs will undcrminc copyrighL laws dcli-
caLc balancc bcLwccn various sLakcholdcrs.

Tis balancc sccks Lo providc

sucicnL inccnLivcs Lo gcncraLc and disscminaLc ncw culLural works whilc
aL Lhc samc Limc rcspccLing righLs such as rccdom o cxprcssion, privacy,
conLracLual auLonomy, and classic privaLc propcrLy, as wcll urLhcring Lhc
publics inLcrcsLs.

AlLhough TPMs cannoL dicrcnLiaLc bcLwccn copy-

righL inringcmcnL and lcgiLimaLc acLiviLics, lcgislaLion conccrning TPMs
Rcvcrsc Fnginccring in an Fra o Crowing ConsLrainLs undcr Lhc DigiLal Mil-
lcnnium CopyrighL AcL and OLhcr Provisions (:oo) Alb. I.1. Sci. 8 Tcch.
. Indccd, or various rcasons, iL has bccn suggcsLcd LhaL Lhc LMCA could bc
consLiLuLionally inrm. Scc Clynn S. Iunncy 1r., DcaLh o CopyrighL: DigiLal
Tcchnology, PrivaLc Copying, and Lhc DigiLal Millcnnium CopyrighL AcL (:oo)
8, Va. I. Rcv. 8 aL 88. Scc also Yochai Bcnklcr, ConsLiLuLional Bounds o
DaLabasc ProLccLion: Tc Rolc 1udicial Rcvicw in Lhc CrcaLion and DcniLion
o PrivaLc RighLs in InormaLion (:ooo) Bcrkclcy Tcch. I.1. aL 8:,
Yochai Bcnklcr, Frcc as Air Lo Common Usc: FirsL AmcndmcnL ConsLrainLs on
Fnclosurc o Lhc Public Domain () , N.Y.U. I. Rcv. aL :, 1ulic F.
Cohcn, CopyrighL and Lhc 1urisprudcncc o Scl-Hclp (8) Bcrkclcy Tcch.
I.1. o8 aL , William PaLry, Tc FnumcraLcd Powcrs DocLrinc and
InLcllccLual PropcrLy: An ImmincnL ConsLiLuLional Collision () 6, Cco.
Wash. I. Rcv. aL 6.
Scc or cxamplc Kcrr, MaurushaL, 8 TaciL, abovc noLc , aL ,, Samuclson,
abovc noLc :, Dan I. Burk 8 1ulic F. Cohcn, Fair Usc InrasLrucLurc or RighL
ManagcmcnL SysLcms (:oo) Harv. 1.I. 8 Tcch. aL .
Scc, or cxamplc Teberge v. Ca|ere dArt du Pett Champ|an !nc et a|., :oo: SCC
, [:oo:] : S.C.R. 6,
hLml/:oo:scr:_o6.hLml., aL paras. o [Teberge], CCH Canadan Ltd. v.
Law Socety oj 0pper Canada, :oo SCC , [:oo] S.C.R. , www.lcxum. aL paras.
o, ::, , 8 and ,o, [CCH Canadan], and Socety oj Composers, Authors and
Musc Pub|shers oj Canada v. Canadan Assn. oj !nternet Provders, [:oo] : S.C.R.
hLml. aL paras. o, 6, 888, o,, :: [SOCAN v. CA!P]. (IcBcl 1. dis-
scnLcd or oLhcr rcasons: bd. aL para. .).
Tcrc arc Lwo kcy aspccLs o Bill C-6o LhaL may limiL iLs lcgal cccLs:
only TPMs LhaL ordinarily proLccL copyrighLs, ncighbouring, and moral
righLs arc proLccLcd, and only circumvcnLion or inringing purposcs or
providing circumvcnLion scrviccs LhaL Lhc providcr knows or oughL Lo
know will rcsulL in inringcmcnL arc prohibiLcd. As mcnLioncd abovc, iL is
LcmpLing Lo concludc LhaL Lhcsc qualicaLions arc sucicnL Lo climinaLc
any problcm conccrning Lhc consLiLuLional division o powcrs. Howcvcr,
LhaL is noL Lhc casc. Asidc rom Lhc acL LhaL (a) Lhc LcsL is noL corrclaLion
wiLh Lhc prcscnL Copyrght Act buL wiLh Lhc Consttuton Act, :8,, (b) Lhc
provisions sLricL lcgal cccL is only onc o a numbcr o considcraLions
(in addiLion Lo Lhcir purposc and pracLical cccL) in characLcrizing Lhc
piLh and subsLancc o Lhc maLLcr and (c) iL is appropriaLc Lo look aL boLh
ParliamcnLs and Lhc provinccs rolc in Lhis dcbaLc, Lhcrc is anoLhcr is-
suc Lo discuss in rcspccL o Lhc provisions lcgal cccLs: (d) Lhc proposcd
limiLaLions may noL go ar cnough, as ambiguiLics makc iL diculL Lo draw
rm conclusions.
SubsccLion (:) o Bill C-6o dcncs a Lcchnological mcasurc as:
any Lcchnology, dcvicc or componcnL LhaL, in Lhc ordinary coursc o
iLs opcraLion, rcsLricLs Lhc doing in rcspccL o a maLcrial orm o
a work, a pcrormcrs pcrormancc xcd in a sound rccording or a
sound rccording o any acL LhaL is mcnLioncd in sccLion , or
8 or LhaL could consLiLuLc an inringcmcnL o any applicablc moral
righLs .
IL is unclcar whcLhcr Lhc dcniLion o a Lcchnical mcasurc Lurns upon
Lhc gcncral Lypc o Lcchnical mcasurc aL issuc (i.c., a hardwarc or soLwarc
bascd acccss conLrol, copy conLrol, cncrypLion, scrambling, cLc.)
or on Lhc
parLicular usc o Lhc mcasurc in a givcn insLancc.
Tc ormcr inLcrprcLaLion sccms likc Lhc approach Lakcn, or cxamplc,
in Lhc Cerman Copyrght Act, which adopLs Lhc languagc o Lhc F.C. Copy-
rght Lrectve almosL cxacLly (Bill C-6o subsLiLuLcs ordinary or nor-
6 Spccic cxamplcs o Lcchnological mcasurcs proLccLcd undcr Lhis dcniLion
mighL includc Lhc ConLcnL Scramblc SysLcm (CSS), which allows moLion picLurc
companics Lo conLrol acccss Lo conLcnL o DVDs, or Lhc Sccurc DigiLal Music
IniLiaLivc (SDMI), which has bccn uscd Lo conLrol copying, uploading o music
Lo Lhc InLcrncL, and playback on porLablc dcviccs. For a dcscripLion o CSS and
SDMI Lcchnology, scc or cxamplc Dcan S. Marks 8 Brucc H. Turnbull, Tcchni-
cal ProLccLion Mcasurcs: Tc InLcrsccLion o Tcchnology, Iaw and Commcrcial
Iiccnccs (:ooo) :: F.I.P.R. 8 aL :o,.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws ioj
On Lhis inLcrprcLaLion, Lhc dcniLion would cncompass mcasurcs
LhaL proLccL copyrighLs, ncighbouring, and moral righLs, buL could also
cncompass a widc array o urLhcr mcasurcs. Tc phrasc in Lhc ordinary
coursc o iLs opcraLion raiscs problcms. Tc lasL Limc Lhc CovcrnmcnL
uscd Lhc word ordinarily in Lhc Copyrght Act (as parL o Lhc privaLc copy-
ing rcgimc) iL was inLcrprcLcd Lo mcan, in cccL, noL cxLraordinarily.

AdjccLivcs likc ordinary and normal donL ncccssarily capLurc proporLion-
aliLy, aL lcasL noL as inLcrprcLcd in Canadian copyrighL law.

A mcasurc
LhaL is uscd somcLimcs or oLcn, cvcn i noL primarily or cxclusivcly, in
connccLion wiLh copyrighL would all wiLhin Lhc proposcd dcniLion. Tc
consLiLuLional problcm hcrc is LhaL a Lypc o mcasurc could bc proLccLcd
cvcn Lhough Lhc vasL majoriLy o uscs or LhaL mcasurc arc unconnccLcd
wiLh righLs undcr Lhc Copyrght Act, lcL alonc Lhc CopyrighLs clausc. TaL
Lhc consLiLuLionaliLy o Lhc privaLc copying rcgimc has bccn callcd inLo
qucsLion, in parL bccausc o Lhc brcadLh o Lhc Lcrm ordinarily,
bc Lakcn as a warning Lo LighLcn Lhc mcaning o a Lcchnical mcasurc.
Tc sccond inLcrprcLaLion, which would look Lo Lhc parLicular usc o
a mcasurc in a givcn insLancc Lo dcLcrminc whcLhcr iL alls wiLhin Lhc
dcniLion, is also problcmaLic buL lcss so rom a consLiLuLional pcrspcc-
Livc. AlLhough a mcasurc applicd Lo non-copyrighL maLcrials will noL bc
proLccLcd againsL circumvcnLion, iL is unccrLain whaL will happcn whcrc a
mcasurc proLccLs boLh copyrighL and non-copyrighL maLcrials in Lhc samc
digiLal work. A rcporLcd lcgal dccision illusLraLcs Lhc poLcnLial problcm
hcrc: Lhc hcadnoLc may bc subjccL Lo copyrighL whcrcas Lhc undcrlying
, Cerman Copyrght Act o ScpLcmbcr 6, as amcndcd on o ScpLcmbcr :oo
(Fnglish LranslaLion) hLLp://, and Dircc-
Livc :oo/FC o Lhc Furopcan ParliamcnL and o Lhc Council o :: May :oo
on Lhc harmonisaLion o ccrLain aspccLs o copyrighL and rclaLcd righLs in Lhc
inormaLion socicLy, Ocial 1ournal I6,/o, ::/o6/:oo,
lcgislaLion/cu/copyrighL-dirccLivc.doc.. Scc gcncrally Alcxandcr PcukcrL
CounLry RcporL Ccrmany, and P.
BcrnL HugcnholLz, Why Lhc CopyrighL DirccLivc is UnimporLanL, and Possibly
Invalid (:ooo) :: F.I.P.R. .
8 Prvate Copyng :,,,, Tar oj Leves to be Co||ected by CPCC (Re) (),
C.P.R. (Lh) ,,:-b.pd., ad AvS Tech-
no|oges !nc. v. Canadan Mechanca| Reproducton Rghts Agency, [:ooo] F.C.1. No.
6o, hLLp://
Prvate Copyng :,,,, bd.
6o Scc dcBccr, abovc noLc 6, discussing Canadan Prvate Copyng Co||ectve v. Cana-
dan Storage Meda A||ance, [:oo] FCA :, hLLp://
judgcmcnL is noL.
In such a casc Lhc mcasurc is probably cncompasscd
wiLhin Lhc dcniLion in Bill C-6o, mcaning LhaL proLccLion mighL cxLcnd
bcyond whaL is now proLccLcd by copyrighL.
Tc problcm o ovcr-brcadLh could bc addrcsscd by rcplacing Lhc Lcrm
ordinary in Lhc dcniLion o Lcchnological mcasurc. UnorLunaLcly,
Lhc Bill docs noL incorporaLc Lhc suggcsLion o a CovcrnmcnL-sponsorcd
mcmorandum LhaL a mcasurc should bc proLccLcd only i iL is prmar|y
inLcndcd Lo rcsLricL copyrighL inringcmcnL and iLs cccL is Lo prmar|y rc-
sLricL copyrighL inringcmcnL.
Wcrc Lhc dcniLions limiLcd Lo mcasurcs
LhaL exc|usve|y rclaLc Lo works and acLiviLics proLccLcd undcr Lhc Copyrght
Act, Lhc lcgislaLions consLiLuLional sLaLus mighL bc cvcn morc sccurc. BuL
i a Lcchnical mcasurc bccomcs proLccLcd againsL circumvcnLion mcrcly
bccausc iL proLccLs, somcLimcs or in parL, copyrighLcd maLcrials, Lhis will
cxpand Lhc laws boundarics signicanLly.
In cccL, Lhc law will noL bc
limiLcd Lo proLccLing Lhc Lcchnologics LhaL proLccL copyrighLs, iL will pro-
LccL TPMs per se. Tis LhrcaLcns iLs sLaLus as valid copyrighLs law.
CranLcd, undcr sccLion .o:(), circumvcnLion o such mcasurcs will only
bc prohibiLcd i donc or an inringing purposc. Tc Bill conLains Lhc ollow-
ing Lhrcc provisions dcaling wiLh circumvcnLion o Lcchnological mcasurcs.
In shorL, copyrighL, ncighbouring, and moral righLs holdcrs can prcvcnL:
() circumvcnLion o TPMs or Lhc purposc o copyrighL inringcmcnL, (:)
anyonc rom ocring or providing circumvcnLion scrviccs LhaL Lhc providcr
knows or oughL Lo know will rcsulL in an inringcmcnL, and () Lracking in
works rom which TPMs havc bccn rcmovcd. Morc parLicularly,
.o: () An owncr o copyrighL in a work, a pcrormcrs pcrorm-
ancc xcd in a sound rccording or a sound rccording and a holdcr
o moral righLs in rcspccL o a work or such a pcrormcrs pcrorm-
ancc arc, subjccL Lo Lhis AcL, cnLiLlcd Lo all rcmcdics by way o in-
juncLion, damagcs, accounLs, dclivcry up and oLhcrwisc LhaL arc or
may bc concrrcd by law or Lhc inringcmcnL o a righL againsL a
6 CCH Canadan v. Law Socety oj 0pper Canada, :oo: FCA 8, aL paras. ,,,8,
hLLp://,.shLml. ad. CCH Canadan,
abovc noLc .
6: Haycs, abovc noLc 8 (cmphasis addcd).
6 In Chamber|an Croup, !nc. v. Sky|nk Techno|oges, !nc., :: F.Supp.:d o: (NDIll
:oo), ,: U.S.P.Q.:D ::, 8 F.d ,8 (CAFcd :oo) aL : [Chamber|an], Lhc
courL noLcd LhaL Lhis could allow any manuacLurcr o any producL Lo add a singlc
copyrighLcd scnLcncc or soLwarc ragmcnL Lo iLs producL, wrap Lhc copyrighLcd
maLcrial in a Lrivial cncrypLion schcmc, and Lhcrcby gain Lhc righL Lo rcsLricL
consumcrs righLs Lo usc iLs producLs in conjuncLion wiLh compcLing producLs.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws ioj
pcrson who, wiLhouL Lhc conscnL o Lhc copyrighL owncr or moral
righLs holdcr, circumvcnLs, rcmovcs or in any way rcndcrs incccLivc
a Lcchnological mcasurc proLccLing any maLcrial orm o Lhc work,
Lhc pcrormcrs pcrormancc or Lhc sound rccording or Lhc purposc
o an acL LhaL is an inringcmcnL o Lhc copyrighL in iL or Lhc moral
righLs in rcspccL o iL or or Lhc purposc o making a copy rccrrcd Lo
in subsccLion 8o().
(:) An owncr o copyrighL or a holdcr o moral righLs rccrrcd Lo
in subsccLion () has Lhc samc rcmcdics againsL a pcrson who ocrs
or providcs a scrvicc Lo circumvcnL, rcmovc or rcndcr incccLivc a
Lcchnological mcasurc proLccLing a maLcrial orm o Lhc work, Lhc
pcrormcrs pcrormancc or Lhc sound rccording and knows or oughL
Lo know LhaL providing Lhc scrvicc will rcsulL in an inringcmcnL o
Lhc copyrighL or moral righLs.
() I a Lcchnological mcasurc proLccLing a maLcrial orm o a
work, a pcrormcrs pcrormancc or a sound rccording rccrrcd Lo in
subsccLion () is rcmovcd or rcndcrcd incccLivc in a manncr LhaL
docs noL givc risc Lo Lhc rcmcdics undcr LhaL subsccLion, Lhc owncr
o copyrighL or holdcr o moral righLs ncvcrLhclcss has Lhosc rcm-
cdics againsL a pcrson who knows or oughL Lo know LhaL Lhc mcasurc
has bccn rcmovcd or rcndcrcd incccLivc and, wiLhouL Lhc owncrs
or holdcrs conscnL, docs any o Lhc ollowing acLs wiLh rcspccL Lo Lhc
maLcrial orm in qucsLion:
(a) sclls iL or rcnLs iL ouL,
(b) disLribuLcs iL Lo such an cxLcnL as Lo prcjudicially accL Lhc
owncr o Lhc copyrighL,
(c) by way o Lradc, disLribuLcs iL, cxposcs or ocrs iL or salc or
rcnLal or cxhibiLs iL in public, or
(d) imporLs iL inLo Canada or Lhc purposc o doing anyLhing rc-
crrcd Lo in any o paragraphs (a) Lo (c).
Tc rccrcncc Lo a purposc o acL LhaL is an inringcmcnL o copyrighL
mcans LhaL circumvcnLion or Lhc purposc o air dcaling or oLhcr lcgiLi-
maLc acLiviLics undcr Lhc Copyrght Act will bc pcrmiLLcd. IL could also bc
possiblc Lo circumvcnL Lo cxcrcisc classic propcrLy righLs normally associ-
aLcd wiLh owncrship o Langiblc propcrLy, jusL as in Lhc Teberge casc.

Consumcrs will bc allowcd Lo circumvcnL in accordancc wiLh Lhcir cxprcss
6 Teberge, abovc noLc .
or implicd conLracLual righLs, as an acL donc wiLh Lhc auLhorizaLion o Lhc
copyrighL owncr is noL an inringcmcnL.
Tc dcLails o Lhis qualicaLion, howcvcr, rcmain unclcar. IL is rclaLivcly
obvious LhaL Lhc onus Lo provc an inringing purposc will lic on Lhc plain-
Li. Proccdurally, Lhc inringing purposc rcquircmcnL is noL a dccncc or
cxccpLion. BuL sLill, how is Lhc purposc Lo bc dcLcrmincd` WhaL i Lhc
purposc was Lo inringc, buL in acL no inringcmcnL ulLimaLcly occurs`
Is Lhc circumvcnLors subjccLivc inLcnLion aL Lhc Limc o circumvcnLion or
Lhc ulLimaLc acLiviLy carricd ouL ollowing circumvcnLion dcLcrminaLivc`
I liabiliLy or circumvcnLion Lurns on whcLhcr or noL Lhc ulLimaLc acLivi-
Lics wcrc inringing, Lhc pracLical cccL may bc Lo climinaLc air dcalings
alLogcLhcr, as cw pcoplc would bc willing Lo risk Lhc conscqucnccs o an
honcsL buL misLakcn bclic. I a subjccLivc LcsL o inLcnLion wcrc adopLcd,
iL mighL cnablc a pcrson wiLh a bona de claim o air dcaling Lo cxcrcisc
his/hcr puLaLivc righLs condcnLly. Tc adopLion o Lhis laLLcr LcsL may
havc a lcss drasLic cccL, and would Lhcrcorc, bc morc closcly aligncd
wiLh cxisLing copyrighL docLrinc.
IL is also problcmaLic LhaL Lhc impliciL righL Lo circumvcnL TPMs or
non-inringing purposcs will bc pracLically worLhlcss. As I alludcd Lo,
Lhcrc arc Lwo Lypcs o cccLs poLcnLially rclcvanL Lo an analysis o Lhc
division o powcrs: lcgal cccLs and pracLical cccLs. In appropriaLc cascs,
onc can look bcyond Lhc our corncrs o Lhc lcgislaLion
aL cvidcncc o
Lhc acLual or prcdicLcd pracLical cccL o Lhc lcgislaLion in opcraLion.

An cxpliciL righL Lo circumvcnL or non-inringing purposcs, couplcd wiLh
guaranLccd acccss Lo Lhc mcans Lo do so, would morc closcly align Lhc c-
ccLs o Lhc ncw rcgimc wiLh Lhc scopc o cxisLing copyrighL law. TaL is,
or Lhc limiLaLions in Bill C-6o Lo bc mcaningul in pracLicc, Lhcrc musL bc
mcchanisms in placc Lo cnsurc consumcrs havc noL only Lhc righL buL also
Lhc abiliLy Lo circumvcnL TPMs.
Tis could bc in Lhc orm o prohibiLions
6 Rejerence re. Ant-!naton Act, [,6] : S.C.R. , aL 888. PracLical cccLs may noL
always havc grcaL analyLic signicancc: scc Morgenta|er, abovc noLc , aL 888.
66 Rejerence re. A|berta Legs|aton, [8] S.C.R. oo aL o.
6, Fvidcncc o Lhc pracLical cccLs o paracopyrighL lcgislaLion on would-bc air
usc can bc ound in a wcll-known U.S. casc whcrc Hollywood movic sLudios
sucd Lhrcc individuals who posLcd copics o and links Lo DcCSS soLwarc LhaL
dccrypLcd DVDs. Tc DisLricL CourL issucd an injuncLion, nding LhaL air usc
docs noL apply undcr Lhc LMCA: scc Remerdes, abovc noLc . Tc Appcals
CourL armcd Lhis dccision, nding LhaL Lhc LMCA docs noL unduly burdcn
air usc righLs, bccausc Lhcrc was no auLhoriLy or Lhc proposiLion LhaL air
usc guaranLccs copying by Lhc opLimum mcLhod or in Lhc idcnLical ormaL
o Lhc original. !bd. aL , o, F|com, abovc noLc aL , .: Studos
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws io
againsL Lhc usc o TPMs in ccrLain circumsLanccs, or a sLaLuLory obligaLion
Lo aciliLaLc ccrLain uscs o maLcrials guardcd by TPMs. Fvcn Lhis may noL
bc cnough howcvcr. Tc F.C. Copyrght Lrectve conLains a roughly similar
rcquircmcnL, buL Lhis has bccn criLicizcd as scriously dccicnL (and pos-
sibly invalid) in Lcrms o iLs complcxiLy and lack o pracLical mcaning.
BuL iL sccms LhaL Lhc CovcrnmcnL docs noL inLcnd Lo cnacL proLccLions
againsL Lhc abusc o TPMs. Pcrhaps Lhis is bccausc such consumcr proLcc-
Lion aspccLs o paracopyrighL provisions arc a maLLcr or Lhc provinccs Lo
dcal wiLh. I so, Lhis could bc cvidcncc LhaL Lhc cnLirc schcmc is u|tra vres
ParliamcnLs auLhoriLy, as Lhc consumcr proLccLion issucs arc an inLcgral
clcmcnL o lcgislaLion addrcssing TPMs and RMI. Or iL could bc LhaL Lhis
is an arca o sharcd rcsponsibiliLy. AL Lhis poinL, iL is cnough Lo say LhaL i
Lhc CovcrnmcnL docs noL includc mcchanisms Lo rcndcr Lhc provisions
limiLcd lcgal cccLs pracLically mcaningul, Lhis will incrcasc Lhc possibil-
iLy LhaL Lhc lcgislaLions ovcrall cccLs could rcndcr Lhc provisions consLi-
LuLionally invalid.
AnoLhcr qucsLion abouL Lhc lcgal cccL o sccLion .o:() is whcLhcr iL
could crcaLc a novcl righL o acccss Lo works Lhc abiliLy o copyrighL
holdcrs Lo conLrol copyrighL, pcrormancc, disLribuLion, cLccLcra, and
also acccss Lo a work. Sincc iL is noL prcscnLly an inringcmcnL Lo acccss a
copyrighLcd work, Bill C-6o appcars Lo allow or Lhc circumvcnLion o purc
acccss conLrols. Howcvcr, Lhis disLincLion may noL havc much pracLical sig-
nicancc bccausc acccssing a digiLal work usually involvcs making a copy,
albciL cphcmcral. Tis could cccLivcly crcaLc a su geners righL o acccss.

AlLhough somc arguc Lhis is a naLural cvoluLion o copyrighL,
oLhcrs say
iL consLiLuLcs an unprcccdcnLcd cxpansion.
FiLhcr way, Lhc likclihood
v. Metro Co|dwyn Mayer Studos, !nc. o, F.Supp.:d o8 (NDCal :oo). Tis, o
coursc, ignorcs Lhc consumcrs classic propcrLy righLs: scc 1crcmy F. dcBccr,
Rcconciling PropcrLy RighLs in PlanLs (:oo) 8: 1. World InLcllccLual Prop-
crLy , hLLp://`absLracL_id=6o6..
68 Scc HugcnholLz, abovc noLc ,.
6 Tis may noL havc bccn inLcndcd by Lhc WIPO InLcrncL TrcaLics: scc gcncrally
dc Wcrra, abovc noLc aL :, Burk, abovc noLc , and Michacl Iandau, Has
Lhc DigiLal Millcnnium CopyrighL AcL Rcally CrcaLcd a Ncw Fxclusivc RighL o
Acccss` ALLcmpLing Lo Rcach a Balancc BcLwccn Uscrs and ConLcnL Providcrs
RighLs (:oo) 1. Copyr. Socy USA :,,.
,o 1anc C. Cinsburg, From Having Copics Lo Fxpcricncing Works: Lhc Dcvclop-
mcnL o an Acccss RighL in U.S. CopyrighL Iaw (:oo) o 1. Copyr. Socy USA
, hLLp://`absLracL_id=:::..
, Scc or cxamplc Samuclson, abovc noLc :, and Kamicl 1. Koclman, Tc ProLcc-
Lion o Tcchnological Mcasurcs vs. Lhc CopyrighL IimiLaLions (Papcr PrcscnLcd
LhaL Lhc pracLical cccL o Lhis provision will bc Lo crcaLc a righL o acccss
Lo digiLal maLcrials is a dcparLurc rom cxisLing copyrighL principlcs. Tc
dcbaLc is simply abouL Lhc lcngLh o Lhis lcap.
Tc mosL dramaLic lcgal and pracLical cccLs o Bill C-6os paracopyrighL
provisions mighL rcsulL rom sccLion .o:(:), which addrcsscs scrviccs Lo
circumvcnL. Tis provision is shroudcd in ambiguiLy. On Lhc onc hand, iL
could bc mcanL Lo covcr Lhc opcraLion o a circumvcnLion busincss, so Lo
spcak. 1apan, or insLancc, has adopLcd such an approach.
AlLhough Lhc
1apancsc govcrnmcnL has dcncd scrvicc much morc clcarly, Lhc 1apanese
Copyrght Law prohibiLs all circumvcnLion busincsscs, noL jusL circumvcn-
Lion busincsscs wiLh knowlcdgc o cvcnLual inringcmcnL, so Lhis would
noL bc a modcl or Canada Lo ollow.
SccLion .o:(:) o Bill C-6o could also bc inLcrprcLcd simply Lo closc
a loopholc LhaL mighL arisc whcrc a pcrson arrangcs or somconc clsc Lo
circumvcnL a Lcchnological mcasurc raLhcr Lhan doing iL him/hcrscl, in
csscncc likc a principal and agcnL. In such a casc, Lhc principal may noL bc
liablc bccausc hc/shc would noL havc circumvcnLcd Lhc Lcchnical mcasurc,
and Lhc agcnL may noL bc liablc bccausc hc/shc would noL havc had an
inringing purposc. NciLhcr parLy would all undcr sccLion .o:(), buL
sccLion .o:(:) mighL apply. I LhaL wcrc Lhc casc, Lhcn sccLion .o:(:)
would noL bc much morc or lcss objccLionablc Lhan any o Lhc oLhcr para-
copyrighL provisions. UnorLunaLcly, a courL may noL givc Lhis sccLion such
a narrow inLcrprcLaLion. In acL, i Lhis narrow inLcrprcLaLion is corrccL,
Lhc provision is probably unncccssary. Tcrc would bc no loopholc i Lhc
purposc rccrrcd Lo in sccLion .o:() includcs anoLhcr pcrsons purposc.
Lo AIAI Congrcss, 1unc :oo),
cn.hLm.. U.S. cascs LhaL raiscd Lhis issuc illusLraLc Lhc brcadLh o cccLs LhaL
paracopyrighL provisions could havc on maLLcrs oLhcrwisc rclaLcd Lo propcrLy,
conLracL, and local commcrcc. In onc such casc, which ulLimaLcly rcjccLcd Lhc
plainLis claim, Lhc Fcdcral CircuiL sLaLcd: Lhc appropriaLc dcLcrrcnLs Lo Lhis
[circumvcnLion] bchaviour lic in LorL law and criminal law, noL in copyrighL law.
Scc Chamber|an Croup v. Sky|nk Techno|oges, :: F.Supp.:d o: (N.D.Ill. :oo),
8 F.d ,8 (CAFcd :oo) aL :. AnoLhcr U.S. casc has bccn criLicizcd or buL-
Lrcssing a airly nakcd aLLcmpL Lo usc paracopyrighL law Lo rcplacc Lhc ordinary
rulcs o conLracL and commcrcc. Scc Dan I. Burk, ConLrol o Lhc ALcrmarkcL
Lhrough CopyrighL (:oo-:oo) , Harv. 1.I. 8 Tcch. o,, criLicizing Lexmark !n-
ternatona|, !nc. v. Statc Contro| Components, !nc., (:oo) : F.Supp. :d (USDC
F.Ky. :oo), 8, F.d :: (C.A.6 Ky.).
,: Scc Copyrght Law oj 1apan, abovc noLc :o, arL. :, and 1apan 0pdate, abovc noLc :o.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws io
Tis is alrcady Lhc casc wiLh air dcaling onc can dcal airly or anoLhcrs
Tus, .o:(:) could casily bc rcmovcd rom Bill C-6o.
Doing so would go a long way Loward sLrcngLhcning Lhc argumcnLs in
avour o consLiLuLional validiLy, as iL would climinaLc Lhc drasLic lcgal
and pracLical cccLs LhaL could rcsulL rom a possiblc broadcr inLcrprc-
LaLion. Tcsc provisions could oLhcrwisc rcvoluLionizc Lhc principlcs o
Lhird-parLy liabiliLy or copyrighL inringcmcnL by rcplacing Canadas
wcll-scLLlcd rulcs govcrning Lhc auLhorizaLion o inringing acLs wiLh Lhc
Amcrican docLrinc o conLribuLory inringcmcnL.
Tc Suprcmc CourL has
cxpliciLly cauLioncd LhaL such a movc musL bc scruLinizcd vcry carcully
bccausc o somc undamcnLal dicrcnccs in copyrighL conccpLs bcLwccn
Lhc Lwo counLrics.
Such a suddcn and radical shiL may noL bc pcrmiLLcd
undcr Canadas CopyrighLs clausc.
PrcscnLly in Canada: a pcrson docs noL auLhorizc inringcmcnL by au-
Lhorizing Lhc mcrc usc o cquipmcnL LhaL could bc uscd Lo inringc copy-
nor by manuacLuring, disLribuLing, or markcLing cquipmcnL uscd
Lo inringc copyrighL unlcss Lhcrc is a rclaLionship o carc and conLrol.

Bill C-6o, howcvcr, could rcsulL in liabiliLy or anyonc who providcs a scr-
vicc Lo circumvcnL. Tc mcaning o scrvicc is unclcar. CopyrighL holdcrs
arc likcly Lo arguc LhaL Lhc cccL is no dicrcnL rom Lhc LMCAs ban on a
circumvcnLion Lcchnology, producL, scrvicc, dcvicc [or] componcnL.
LMCA conLains a lisL o alLcrnaLivc acLors LhaL can bring a scrvicc wiLhin
iLs scopc, whcrcas Lhc proposcd Canadian lcgislaLion would incorporaLc
a rcquircmcnL o knowlcdgc o inringcmcnL. Undcr Bill C-6o, ocring or
providing a scrvicc Lo circumvcnL is prohibiLcd only i Lhc providcr knows
or oughL Lo know LhaL an inringcmcnL will rcsulL. AlLhough Lhis sounds
likc a high hurdlc or plainLis, Lhc cvidcnLiary burdcn is rcally noL oncr-
ous. AcLual subjccLivc knowlcdgc is noL rcquircd, as iL is cnough LhaL Lhc
providcr oughL Lo know Lhc rcsulLs o his/hcr acLions. And dcspiLc Lhc
, CCH Canadan, abovc noLc .
, Sony Corp. oj Amerca v. 0nversa| Studos, 6 U.S. , (8), Metro-Co|dwyn-
Mayer Studos !nc. v. Crokster, Ltd., 8o F.d (CA Lh), : S.CL. 6o (:oo).
As copyrighL cxpcrL Mark Haycs noLcd in his govcrnmcnL-commissioncd
mcmorandum: Tc inLroducLion o a rcgimc Lo ban circumvcnLion dcviccs
would ncccssiLaLc somc undamcnLal rcLhinking o Canadian copyrighL law. Hc
callcd Lhis a undamcnLal changc in Canadian law rclaLing Lo inringing cquip-
mcnL and auLhorizaLion. Haycs, abovc noLc 8.
, Compo Co. v. P|ue Crest Musc !nc., [8o] SCR ,.
,6 CCH Canadan, abovc noLc aL para. 8. Scc also SOCAN v. CA!P, abovc noLc .
,, CCH Canadan, abovc noLc aL para. 8.
,8 LMCA, abovc noLc , :o(a)(:).
apparcnL ccrLainLy o Lhc word will (as opposcd Lo could or mighL), Lhc
rcasonablc providcr mcrcly oughL Lo know LhaL an inringcmcnL (noL
somc or many) will rcsulL. Tc numbcr o non-inringing uscs o Lhc scr-
vicc would sccm Lo bc irrclcvanL undcr sccLion .o:(:), and iL isnL clcar
whaL sLcps a scrvicc providcr musL Lakc Lo assurc him/hcrscl LhaL no in-
ringcmcnL will occur. Undcr cxisLing Canadian law, a providcr o prod-
ucLs or scrviccs LhaL could bc uscd or inringcmcnL is cnLiLlcd Lo prcsumc
lawul usc.
Will LhaL sLill bc Lhc casc`
IawsuiLs undcr Lhc LMCA havc crcaLcd Lhc poLcnLial or whaL has bccn
callcd LcrLiary or quaLcrnary liabiliLy.
Tc lcgal cccL o Lhis Lwo, Lhrcc
or cvcn our-sLcp dcparLurc rom cxisLing Canadian copyrighL law would bc
Lo crcaLc a brand ncw orm o civil liabiliLy undcr Lhc auspiccs o Lhc Copy-
rght Act. Fvcn i Lhc lcgal cccLs arc noL as drasLic as carcd, Lhc unccrLainLy
alonc may havc a chilling cccL on Lhc Lcchnology sccLor as manuacLur-
crs and disLribuLors scck Lo avoid liLigaLion. FurLhcrmorc, Lhcrc is also a
rclaLionship bcLwccn sccLion .o:(:) and sccLion .o:(), as poLcnLial air
uscrs and oLhcr non-inringcrs may noL havc acccss Lo Lcchnologics LhaL a-
ciliLaLc Lhc cxcrcisc o Lhcir righLs. In sum, sccLion .o:(:) unncccssarily
jcopardizcs Lhc consLiLuLional validiLy o Lhc cnLirc schcmc.
I circumvcnLion is pcrmiLLcd undcr sccLions .o:() or .o:(:), a pcr-
sons subscqucnL usc o Lhc circumvcnLcd maLcrial may bc prohibiLcd undcr
sccLion .o:(). Such a provision would sccm rcdundanL, as iL is usually al-
rcady an inringcmcnL Lo disLribuLc copyrighL maLcrial. To avoid Lhc risk o
uninLcndcd conscqucnccs LhaL mighL LhrcaLcn Lhc consLiLuLionaliLy o Lhc
ncw schcmc, Lhis sccLion mighL simply bc climinaLcd rom Bill-6o.
Tc Bill also dcals wiLh righLs managcmcnL inormaLion, which is dc-
ncd in subsccLion (:) as inormaLion LhaL:
(a) is aLLachcd Lo or cmbodicd in a maLcrial orm o a work, a pcr-
ormcrs pcrormancc xcd in a sound rccording or a sound rc-
cording, or appcars in connccLion wiLh iLs communicaLion Lo Lhc
public by LclccommunicaLion, and
(b) idcnLics or pcrmiLs Lhc idcnLicaLion o Lhc work or iLs auLhor,
Lhc pcrormancc or iLs pcrormcr, Lhc sound rccording or iLs mak-
cr or any o Lhcm, or conccrns Lhc Lcrms or condiLions o iLs usc.
, CCH Canadan, abovc noLc .
8o Mark A. Icmlcy 8 AnLhony R. Rccsc, Rcducing DigiLal CopyrighL InringcmcnL
WiLhouL RcsLricLing InnovaLion (:oo) 6 SLan. I. Rcv. , ciLing Iandau,
abovc noLc 6, and Burk, abovc noLc .
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws iii
IL is noLcworLhy LhaL Lhc dcniLion o righLs managcmcnL inormaLion
includcs inormaLion conccrning Lhc Lcrms or condiLions o Lhc usc o a
work LhaL may havc noLhing Lo do wiLh Lhc cxisLcncc or scopc o copyrighL
proLccLion. ApparcnLly, inormaLion conccrning any and all conLracLual
Lcrms will bc proLccLcd, as long as Lhc conLracL conccrns a work proLccLcd
by copyrighL, ncighbouring, or moral righLs.
Tc ollowing Lwo provisions prohibiL Lampcring wiLh RMI:
.o () Tc owncr o copyrighL in a work is, subjccL Lo Lhis AcL,
cnLiLlcd Lo all rcmcdics concrrcd by law or Lhc inringcmcnL o
a righL againsL a pcrson who, wiLhouL Lhc conscnL o Lhc copyrighL
owncr, knowingly rcmovcs or alLcrs any righLs managcmcnL inor-
maLion in clccLronic orm LhaL is aLLachcd Lo or cmbodicd in any
maLcrial orm o Lhc work or appcars in connccLion wiLh iLs com-
municaLion Lo Lhc public by LclccommunicaLion and knows, or oughL
Lo know, LhaL Lhc rcmoval or alLcraLion will aciliLaLc or conccal any
inringcmcnL o Lhc owncrs copyrighL.
(:) Tc owncr o copyrighL rccrrcd Lo in subsccLion () has Lhc
samc rcmcdics againsL a pcrson who, wiLhouL Lhc owncrs conscnL,
knowingly docs any o Lhc ollowing acLs wiLh rcspccL Lo any maLcri-
al orm o Lhc work, and knows or oughL Lo know LhaL Lhc righLs
managcmcnL inormaLion has bccn rcmovcd or alLcrcd in a way LhaL
would givc risc Lo a rcmcdy undcr subsccLion ():
(a) sclls iL or rcnLs iL ouL,
(b) disLribuLcs iL Lo such an cxLcnL as Lo prcjudicially accL Lhc
owncr o Lhc copyrighL,
(c) by way o Lradc, disLribuLcs iL, cxposcs or ocrs iL or salc or
rcnLal or cxhibiLs iL in public,
(d) imporLs iL inLo Canada or Lhc purposc o doing anyLhing rc-
crrcd Lo in any o paragraphs (a) Lo (c), or
(e) communicaLcs iL Lo Lhc public by LclccommunicaLion.
Tc anLi-Lampcring prohibiLion in sccLion .o() may havc signicanL
cccLs on Lhc proLccLion o pcrsonal privacy. Tc dcniLions o TPMs and,
cspccially, RMI could proLccL compuLcr programs LhaL auLomaLically col-
lccL pcrsonal inormaLion. As a rcsulL, iL will bc an inringcmcnL o copy-
righL whcn a consumcr Lampcrs wiLh or circumvcnLs such a program and
Lhcn cngagcs in any o Lhc subscqucnL uscs prohibiLcd in sccLions .o(:)
and .o:(). Tis could, arguably, unduly Lrcnch on uscrs privacy and
propcrLy righLs.
Tc lasL poinL Lo makc abouL Lhc cccL o Lhc proposcd provisions con-
ccrns Lhc naLurc o Lhc rcmcdy providcd. BoLh sccLions .o and .o:
ocr Lo a copyrighL owncr all rcmcdics by way o injuncLion, damagcs,
accounLs, dclivcry up and oLhcrwisc LhaL arc or may bc concrrcd by law
or Lhc inringcmcnL o a righL . Tis is vcry broad. Tc rcmcdics avail-
ablc sccm noL Lo bc limiLcd Lo rcmcdics undcr Lhc Copyrght Act, buL os-
Lcnsibly includc all rcmcdics concrrcd by any law. IL would makc scnsc Lo
inLcrprcL inringcmcnL o a righL as mcaning a copyrighL, ncighbouring,
or moral righL. Tis should bc claricd howcvcr, or Lhc lcgal cccL o Lhis
provision could havc a broadcr scopc.
Tc maLLcr o TPMs and RMI is noL clcarly allocaLcd wiLhin Lhc consLiLu-
Lional division o powcrs. Such paracopyrighL provisions raisc issucs o
inLcrnaLional law, copyrighL, criminal, propcrLy, LorL, conLracL, compcLi-
Lion, consumcr proLccLion, and oLhcr commcrcial law. In Lcrms o Lhc di-
vision o powcrs, Lhis implicaLcs CopyrighLs, PropcrLy and Civil RighLs,
Tradc and Commcrcc, Criminal Iaw, and Lhc Pcacc, Ordcr, and Cood Cov-
crnmcnL o Canada. As mcnLioncd, Lhcrc is considcrablc ovcrlap bcLwccn
Lhcsc caLcgorics, and Lhc idca LhaL provincial and cdcral lcgislaLors mighL
sharc rcsponsibiliLy ovcr TPMs and RMI sysLcms is plausiblc.
UnorLunaLcly, iL is unclcar whaL is Lhc cxacL manncr in which Lo as-
scss consLiLuLional validiLy aL Lhis sLagc o Lhc analysis.
CcrLainly, j Lhc
CovcrnmcnLs proposal is in piLh and subsLancc wiLhin cdcral jurisdic-
Lion, Lhcrc is no consLiLuLional problcm rcgardlcss o Lhc dcgrcc Lo which
iL may also accL a provincial powcr. ParliamcnL can cxcrcisc iLs powcrs
Lo Lhc ullcsL cxLcnL ncccssary or cccLivc rcgulaLion o arcas wiLhin iLs
compcLcncc. BuL, aL somc poinL, Lhc provisions will losc Lhcir link Lo cd-
cral jurisdicLion and bccomc in piLh and subsLancc a provincial maLLcr.
I Lhc maLLcr is in piLh and subsLancc wiLhin provincial jurisdicLion, Lhc
CovcrnmcnLs proposal would sccm Lo bc consLiLuLionally invalid. BuL, iL
is sLill possiblc LhaL iL mighL bc salvagcd i iL is ncccssarily incidcnLal Lo
an ovcrall valid cdcral schcmc.
ConsLiLuLional validiLy will Lhcn Lurn
on jusL how ar Lhc provisions havc Lrcnchcd inLo provincial domain, and
8 PaLrick 1. Monahan, Consttutona| Law, :d cd. (ToronLo: Irwin Iaw, :oo:) aL
8: Ktkat|a, abovc noLc :.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws iij
how inLcgral Lhcy arc Lo Lhc ovcrall valid cdcral schcmc.
Civcn Lhc Su-
prcmc CourLs advicc LhaL Lhc approach musL bc cxiblc raLhcr Lhan Lcch-
nical or ormalisLic,
Lhc ollowing discussion simply highlighLs Lhc kcy
1) Copyrights
DcLcrmining whcLhcr TPMs and RMI arc sucicnLly linkcd Lo CopyrighLs,
or whcLhcr Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposal gocs Loo ar, rcquircs an analysis
o Lhc scopc o ParliamcnLs auLhoriLy undcr sccLion (:). Tc diculLly
hcrc is Lhc abscncc o judicial auLhoriLy or acadcmic commcnLary on poinL.
In 8 ycars o consLiLuLional inLcrprcLaLion, courLs havc rarcly Louchcd
on ParliamcnLs auLhoriLy undcr Lhc CopyrighLs clausc.
Acadcmic com-
mcnLary is similarly sparsc.
Bascd on rough skcLchcs o hisLorical, inLcrnaLional, conccpLual and
uncLional pcrspccLivcs, iL sccms LhaL Lhc CopyrighLs clausc givcs Parlia-
mcnL Lhc auLhoriLy Lo cnacL lcgislaLion wiLh Lhc aim and cccL o pro-
moLing auLhors culLural cxprcssion.
Ncighbouring righLs, proLccLing
pcrormcrs, rccord produccrs, or oLhcr disLribuLors arc pcriphcral. Al-
Lhough Lhcir consLiLuLional validiLy is oLcn Lakcn or granLcd, Lhis has
ncvcr acLually bccn scLLlcd.
Similarly, moral righLs may lic ncarcr Lo Lhc
cdgc o Lhc CopyrighLs clausc.
8 !bd, scc also Cenera| Motors, abovc noLc .
8 Morgenta|er, abovc noLc , aL 8.
8 Scc or cxamplc Sm|es v. Pe|jord, [8,6] O.1. No. :8 (OnL. CL. Chanccry), ad
[8,,] O.1. No. :o (OnL. C.A.), R. v. Ferguson, [::] : W.W.R. , (B.C.C.A.),
Composers, Authors 8 Pub|shers Assn. oj Canada v. F|mwood Hote| Ltd., [6] Fx.
C.R. 6, Composers, Authors 8 Pub|shers Assocaton oj Canada, Ltd. v. Sandho|m
Ho|dngs Ltd., (), : C.P.R. 8, Pshop v. Te|emetropo|e !nc., (8), C.P.R.
(d) (F.C.T.D.), Lou|ton Canada !nc. v. Cassdys Ltd., [86] F.C. ,, A|drch
v. One Stop vdeo Ltd. (8,), B.C.I.R. (:d) o6 (S.C.), Socety oj Composers,
Authors and Musc Pub|shers oj Canada v. Landmark Cnemas oj Canada, (:),
C.P.R. (d) 6, Fvange|ca| Fe||owshp oj Canada v. Canadan Musca| Reproducton
Rghts Agency, [:ooo] F.C. 86 (C.A.), Prvate Copyng :,,,.ooo, abovc noLc 8,
and CPCC v. CSMA abovc noLc 6o.
86 dcBccr, abovc noLc 6.
8, !bd.
88 Scc or cxamplc Wanda Nocl 8 I.B.Z. Davis, Somc ConsLiLuLional Considcr-
aLions in Canadian CopyrighL Iaw Rcvision (8) C.P.R. :d ,.
8 Scc or cxamplc David Vavcr, abovc noLc 6, and David Vavcr, AuLhors Moral
RighLs in Canada (8) IIC :.
CopyrighL, ncighbouring, and moral righLs holdcrs, howcvcr, arc only
parL o Lhc cquaLion. Tc mosL imporLanL Lhing abouL copyrighL law is
whaL iL prohibiLs: copyrighLs, likc all propcrLy or monopoly righLs, limiL
whaL pcoplc can do.
CopyrighLs arc, by dcniLion, consLrainLs on individ-
uals righLs.

So ParliamcnLs auLhoriLy includcs balancing cncouragcmcnL

or auLhors againsL Lhc social inLcrcsL in disscminaLion, and againsL oLhcr
individuals basic propcrLy, conLracLual, and consLiLuLional righLs. NoLc
LhaL Lhcrc arc Lhrcc sphcrcs o inLcrcsLs, noL Lwo, LhaL rcquirc balancing:
crcaLors, Lhc gcncral public, and individual consumcrs.
Balancc is a undamcnLal principlc in copyrighL law,

buL iL is also
consLiLuLionally mandaLcd. IL mighL bc nc Lo say LhaL auLhors inLcrcsL
and socicLys inLcrcsL boLh all wiLhin Lhc scopc o ParliamcnLs powcr
ovcr CopyrighLs. Howcvcr, wc arc noL mcrcly piLLing copyrighL againsL
Lhc broad and pcrhaps vaguc public inLcrcsL. Wc arc mcasuring copyrighL
againsL oLhcr idcnLiablc righLs human righLs, conLracLual righLs, and
classic propcrLy righLs.

In acL, Lhis is whaL Teberge was all abouL. Tc

CourL had Lo wcigh onc righL (a copyrighL) againsL anoLhcr (a classic prop-
crLy righL). Tis aspccL o balancc implicaLcs noL jusL CopyrighLs buL also
PropcrLy and Civil RighLs.
Accordingly, provincial auLhoriLy ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs marks
Lhc boundary o valid cdcral CopyrighLs laws. Tis is noL Lo say LhaL all
CopyrighLs lcgislaLion is an invalid inLrusion inLo a provincial hcad o
powcr. ParliamcnL may Lrcnch inLo provincial jurisdicLion as an incidcnLal
conscqucncc o lcgislaLing wiLhin iLs consLiLuLional domain. BuL, aL somc
poinL, Lhcrc is a linc LhaL cannoL bc crosscd. Bccausc Lhis is noL a brighL
linc, diculL cascs arisc aL Lhc margins lcgislaLion in rcspccL o TPMs
and RMI sysLcms is an cxamplc. In bordcrlinc cascs, Lhc Suprcmc CourL
has candidly noLcd LhaL Lhc courLs musL scck Lo mainLain an appropriaLc
ba|ance . . . bcLwccn Lhc cdcral and provincial hcads o powcr.

Lhis sorL o balancc is dicrcnL rom Lhc LradiLional balancing or policy
rcasons, buL iL would ncvcrLhclcss bc air Lo say LhaL balancc is consLiLu-
Lionally cnLrcnchcd in CopyrighLs law.
o 1crcmy Waldron, From AuLhors Lo Copicrs: Individual RighLs and Social Valucs
in InLcllccLual PropcrLy () 68 Chi.-KcnL I. Rcv. 8 aL 8:.
dcBccr, abovc noLc 6.
: !bd.
Abovc noLc .
Scc dcBccr, abovc noLc 6.
Rejerence re. Frearms Act, [:ooo] S.C.R. ,8 aL para. 8 [Frearms Rejerence],
ciLcd in Monahan, abovc noLc 8 [cmphasis addcd].
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws iij
In lighL o Lhc abovc analysis o Lhc purposc and cccLs o Lhc Covcrn-
mcnLs proposcd lcgislaLion, iL could bc diculL Lo characLcrizc iL as, in
piLh and subsLancc, alling wiLhin ParliamcnLs auLhoriLy ovcr CopyrighLs.
Indccd, Lhc rclaLionship bcLwccn paracopyrighL provisions and Copy-
righLs sccms Lo bc bascd on a cw Lcnuous links: Lhc puLaLivc purposc o
aciliLaLing Lhc commcrcial disLribuLion o works subjccL Lo copyrighL in
ordcr Lo indirccLly cncouragc auLhors culLural crcaLiviLy, Lhc lcgally am-
biguous and pcrhaps pracLically mcaninglcss limiLaLions on Lhc cccLs,
and Lhc acL Lhc provisions will bc inLroduccd Lhrough amcndmcnLs Lo Lhc
Copyrght Act.
Howcvcr, cvcn i Lhc proposcd paracopyrighL provisions arc noL Lhcm-
sclvcs a maLLcr o CopyrighLs, Lhcy may bc ncccssarily incidcnLal Lo
validly cnacLcd cdcral lcgislaLion. Tcrc arc Lhrcc qucsLions Lo considcr:
do Lhc provisions Lrcnch inLo provincial jurisdicLion, arc Lhcy parL o an
ovcrall valid cdcral lcgislaLivc schcmc, and arc Lhcy sucicnLly inLcgraL-
cd wiLh LhaL schcmc Lo bc uphcld.
Sincc Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposal docs
sccm Lo Lrcnch inLo provincial jurisdicLion ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs,
and wc arc in prcscncc o an ovcrall valid cdcral lcgislaLion, Lhc Copyrght
Act, Lhc crux o Lhc issuc is whcLhcr Lhc proposcd provisions will bc su-
cicnLly inLcgraLcd wiLh Lhc Copyrght Act Lo wiLhsLand scruLiny.
In dicrcnL conLcxLs, courLs havc scL down dicrcnL rcquircmcnLs or
sucicnL inLcgraLion. As puL by Dickson C.1. in Cenera| Motors, wc musL
dccidc whaL LcsL o L is appropriaLc.
FiL, according Lo Dickson C.1.,
looks aL how wcll Lhc provision is inLcgraLcd inLo Lhc lcgislaLion and how
imporLanL iL is or Lhc ccacy o Lhc lcgislaLion as a wholc. On Lhc acLs o
Cenera| Motors, Lhc CourL uphcld Lhc impugncd lcgislaLion as junctona||y
re|ated Lo Lhc gcncral objccLivc o Lhc lcgislaLion. By comparison, in vapor,
Lhc CourL hcld LhaL Lhc provision in qucsLion was entre|y unconnected Lo
Lhc ovcrall schcmc.
OLhcr possiblc LcsLs includc raLional and uncLional

ancillary, ncccssarily incidcnLal and Lruly ncccssary,


an inLimaLc connccLion, an inLcgral parL
or a complcmcnLary pro-
6 Ktkat|a, abovc noLc :, aL para. 8.
, Cenera| Motors, abovc noLc aL paras. ,.
8 !bd. aL paras. 6,86.
Papp v. Papp, [,o] O.R. , R. v. Ze|ensky, [,8] : S.C.R. o, Mu|tp|e Access
Ltd. v. McCutcheon, [8:] : S.C.R. 6 [Mu|tp|e Access].
oo Regona| Muncpa|ty oj Pee| v. MacKenze, [8:] : S.C.R. , R. v. Tomas Fu||er
Constructon Co. (8) ILd., [8o] S.C.R. 6.
o Northern Te|ecom Ltd v. Communcatons workers oj Canada, [8o] S.C.R. ,
C|ark v. Canadan Natona| Ra|way Co., [88] : S.C.R. 68o.
In csscncc, Lhcrc is rcally a spccLrum o possiblc LcsLs wiLh
varying dcgrccs o scruLiny LhaL onc could apply Lo dcLcrminc whcLhcr a
provision is sucicnLly inLcgraLcd wiLh an ovcrall valid lcgislaLion.
Applying Lhc CM uncLionally rclaLcd LcsL or inLcgraLion, paracopy-
righL provisions could bc uphcld i iL was succcssully argucd LhaL Lhc ul-
LimaLc, albciL indirccL, objccLivc was Lo cncouragc auLhors. Such bcing Lhc
samc objccLivc as Lhc Copyrght Act as a wholc, paracopyrighL provisions
would bc Lools pcrmiLLing Lhc sLaLuLc in gcncral Lo bc morc workablc and
ccicnL. Howcvcr, Lhis rclics on a scrics o assumpLions abouL Lhc mcriLs
or dcmcriLs o p:p ncLworks, Lhc rolc o corporaLc inLcrmcdiarics in Lhc
crcaLivc and disLribuLion proccss, and Lhc rclaLionship bcLwccn Lcchnol-
ogy, conLracL, and copyrighL. Fvcn on Lhc lowcsL Lhrcshold o inLcgraLion,
Lhcrcorc, Bill C-6os paracopyrighL provisions may ail.
CcrLainly, paracopyrighL provisions arc by no mcans Lruly ncccssary
and do noL havc an inLimaLc connccLion wiLh Lhc rcsL o Lhc AcL. Tcy arc
clcarly noL pivoLal. Tc Copyrght Act opcraLcs rcasonably wcll as iL is, wiLh-
ouL such provisions. Cascs arc now working Lhcir way Lhrough Lhc courLs,
indicaLing LhaL copyrighL law providcs plcnLy o proLccLion or crcaLors
and disLribuLors o digiLal conLcnL.
Obviously, Lhcsc provisions would bc
casily scvcrablc rom Lhc AcL.
Prcciscly which LcsL o L will bc applicd all dcpcnds upon how ar
Lhc provision inLrudcs on provincial powcrs. A provision LhaL cncroach-
cs marginally may only rcquirc a uncLional rclaLionship, whcrcas a
highly inLrusivc provision calls or a sLricLcr LcsL. Tc morc Lhc provi-
sion crccps inLo Lhc oLhcr govcrnmcnLs jurisdicLion, Lhc hardcr iL will bc
Lo susLain iLs validiLy.
Civcn Lhc dcgrcc Lo which Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposal Lrcnchcs inLo
provincial jurisdicLion ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs, as discusscd bclow,
iL is possiblc alLhough ar rom ccrLain LhaL Lhcsc paracopyrighL pro-
visions can bc susLaincd as valid cdcral lcgislaLion undcr Lhc CopyrighLs
clausc. O coursc, i Lhc proposal was modicd Lo Lakc accounL o Lhc con-
ccrns cxprcsscd in Lhis papcr, Lhc odds LhaL Lhc lcgislaLion would wiLh-
sLand consLiLuLional scruLiny mighL bc incrcascd. CcrLainly, any broadcr
o: MacLona|d v. vapor Canada Ltd., [,,] : S.C.R. [vapor Canada].
o Rccord produccrs havc and will conLinuc Lo suc undcr cxisLing copyrighL law,
and havc applaudcd Lhc blucprinL or doing so, which was rcccnLly providcd
by Lhc Fcdcral CourL o Appcal in PMC Canada !nc. v. Loe, :oo FCA , hLLp://
o Cenera| Motors, abovc noLc aL paras. ,.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws ii
provisions would cxaccrbaLc Lhc consLiLuLional problcms. AL lcasL, Lhcrc-
orc, Bill C-6o should noL bc broadcncd ciLhcr by Lhc rclcvanL lcgislaLivc
commiLLcc bcorc iL is cnacLcd or by Lhc courLs aLcr iL bccomcs law.
2) Property & Civil Rights
PropcrLy and Civil RighLs has bccn inLcrprcLcd Lo bc among Lhc broad-
csL o all Lhc consLiLuLional hcads o powcr. Monahan noLcs LhaL sLarLing
wiLh Ctzens !nsurance Co. v. Parsons
Lhc Privy Council bcgan Lo dcnc
Lhc provinccs powcr so as Lo virLually cncompass Lhc cnLirc cld o law-
making aparL rom criminal law.
Somc mighL arguc, howcvcr, LhaL Lhc
provinccs havc jurisdicLion ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs, except inso-
ar as CopyrighLs or ccrLain aspccLs o Tradc and Commcrcc arc involvcd.
Whilc Lhis is gcncrally Lruc Lo somc cxLcnL, Lhc lincs bcLwccn Lhcsc caL-
cgorics arc ar rom clcar. And, as mcnLioncd, Lhcrc is a linc LhaL cannoL
bc crosscd.
IL was suggcsLcd abovc LhaL Bill C-6os paracopyrighL provisions may bc
LangcnLially linkcd Lo CopyrighLs, and dcspiLc Lhcir inLrusion inLo Prop-
crLy and Civil RighLs, could sLand i Lhcy arc sucicnLly inLcgraLcd wiLh
an ovcrall valid lcgislaLivc schcmc. Howcvcr, Lhis may acLually sLaLc Lhc
maLLcr backwards. Tc CovcrnmcnLs proposal mighL insLcad all mainly
on Lhc provinccs sidc o Lhc grcy arca bcLwccn CopyrighLs and PropcrLy
and Civil RighLs. In Lhis lighL, lcgislaLion in rcspccL o TPMs would sccm
Lo bc in piLh and subsLancc a maLLcr o PropcrLy and Civil RighLs, giving
Lhc provinccs Lhc righL Lo Lrcnch incidcnLally inLo CopyrighLs. IL would
noL sccm Lo bc in piLh and subsLancc CopyrighLs, which would givc Lhc
cdcral govcrnmcnL Lhc righL Lo Lrcnch incidcnLally inLo PropcrLy and Civ-
il RighLs. Whcn Lhc Lruc characLcr o Lhc proposcd provisions is rcvcalcd,
Lhis mighL appcar Lo somc Lo bc a colourablc
aLLcmpL Lo cxpand Lhc
boundarics o CopyrighLs in a consLiLuLionally impcrmissiblc manncr.
AL lcasL, Lhis mighL bc an insLancc whcrc Lhc doublc aspccL docLrinc
mighL apply. Tis docLrinc, alLhough noL cxLincL, is rarcly uscd.
Lhclcss, in Lhis casc, cvcn i TPMs and RMI sysLcms wcrc mainly a maLLcr
o (88), , App Cas. 6. (P.C.).
o6 Monahan, abovc noLc 8 aL .
o, Swtzman v. F|b|ng, [,] S.C.R. :8 aL o.
o8 Pe|| Canada v. Quebec (Commsson de sante et de |a securte du trava| du Quebec),
[88] S.C.R. ,, Ro Hote| Ltd. v. New Prunswck (Lquor Lcensng Poard), [8,]
: S.C.R. , Mu|tp|e Access, abovc noLc oo, Hodge v. Te Queen (88), App.
Cas. ,, Russe|| v. Te Queen (88:), , App. Cas. 8:.
o CopyrighLs, Lhc provinccs should sLill havc a rolc Lo play. UndoubLcdly,
Lhcrc arc signicanL consumcr proLccLion issucs Lo addrcss, TPMs and
RMI sysLcms raisc imporLanL qucsLions abouL c-commcrcc and conLracL-
ing on and oinc. I Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL is noL inLcrcsLcd in lcgislaL-
ing in rcspccL o Lhcsc imporLanL Lopics, Lhc provinccs can and should.
Provincial ALLorncy Ccncrals musL Lhcrcorc gcL involvcd in Lhis copy-
righL dcbaLc. Tis will broadcn Lhc basc o sLakcholdcrs conLribuLing Lo Lhc
convcrsaLion, hopcully lcading Lo a wcll-rcasoncd and workablc ramc-
work Lo govcrn TPMs and RMI sysLcms. Tis would surcly bc a posiLivc
dcvclopmcnL rom Lhc pcrspccLivc o copyrighL law rcorm. Indccd, Lhis is
onc o Lhc primary goals o Canadian cdcralism as wcll: Tc advanLagc
o a dcccnLralizcd cdcral sysLcm, Lhcn, is LhaL iL maximizcs opporLuniLics
or cccLivc ciLizcn parLicipaLion.
I Lhc provinccs wcrc Lo gcL involvcd,
Lhc public good would bc morc sLrongly clL and abuscs would bc lcss cx-
3) Trade and Commerce
I Lhc CovcrnmcnLs paracopyrighL provisions arc Lo bc uphcld, a sLrongcr
argumcnL mighL bc madc bascd upon ParliamcnLs Tradc and Commcrcc
powcr Lhan iLs CopyrighLs powcr. Tc aorcmcnLioncd Parsons casc

drcsscd Lhc linc bcLwccn PropcrLy and Civil RighLs and Tradc and Com-
mcrcc. Tc Privy Council dividcd Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnLs Tradc and
Commcrcc powcr inLo Lwo branchcs: rsL, inLcr-provincial or inLcrnaLion-
al Lradc, and sccond, commcrcial maLLcrs accLing Lhc wholc dominion.
ParliamcnL has Lhc solc jurisdicLion ovcr goods, pcoplc, capiLal, or scr-
viccs crossing Canadian or provincial LcrriLorics or Lhc purposc o Lradc
or commcrcc. BuL Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL has no auLhoriLy ovcr inLra-pro-
vincial Lradc. CourLs havc considcrably rcsLricLcd ParliamcnLs abiliLy Lo
rcgulaLc local Lradc, cvcn i doing so is ncccssarily incidcnLal Lo cccLivc
rcgulaLion o inLcr-provincial or inLcrnaLional Lradc.
ParliamcnL can al-
mosL ncvcr accL issucs such as Lhc producLion or markcLing o a producL
Lhrough cdcral lcgislaLion.

o Richard F. Simcon, CriLcria or Choicc in Fcdcral SysLcms (8:-8) 8

Quccns I.1. aL .
o !bd., ciLing MonLcsquicus vicw.
Abovc noLc o6.
: Monahan, abovc noLc 8 aL :8.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws ii
Tis placcs a signicanL consLrainL on Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL whcn iL
comcs Lo cnacLing provisions LhaL purporL Lo rcgulaLc pcrsons who ocr
circumvcnLion scrviccs. Morc gcncrally, rccall LhaL TPMs cnorcc con-
LracLs govcrning Lhc salc o digiLal conLcnL, which can ciLhcr bc cmbcd-
dcd in a physical mcdium or disLribuLcd clccLronically via Lhc InLcrncL. An
cncrypLcd DVD sold pursuanL Lo ccrLain cxprcss or implicd condiLions is
an cxamplc o Lhc ormcr, a paid download rom Lhc Applc iTuncs Music
SLorc an cxamplc o Lhc laLLcr.
In Lcrms o disLribuLcd physical conLcnL, iL is diculL Lo say Lhis is
a maLLcr o inLcr-provincial or inLcrnaLional Lradc. MosL aspccLs o Lhc
LransacLion Lakc placc wiLhin a parLicular provincc. FlccLronic commcrcc,
howcvcr, raiscs novcl qucsLions. BoLh Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL and Lhc
provinccs havc lcgislaLcd in Lhis arca, alLhough boLh in a gcncral manncr.
Tc cdcral Persona| !njormaton Protecton and F|ectronc Locuments Act

cxprcssly qualicd so as Lo apply only Lo clccLronic alLcrnaLivcs in rcspccL
o cdcral laws. Tc Ontaro F-Commerce Act,

on Lhc oLhcr hand, applics

morc broadly. IL is prcscnLly unclcar how a jurisdicLional scuc in Lhis
arca mighL bc rcsolvcd.
As or commcrcial issucs accLing Lhc wholc dominion, Cenera| Motors
is a lcading auLhoriLy.
According Lo Lhcn-Chic 1usLicc Dickson, Lhcrc
arc vc criLcria or Lhis sccond branch Lo apply. For cdcral lcgislaLion Lo
bc a valid cxcrcisc o Lhc ParliamcnLs jurisdicLion ovcr Lhc gcncral Lradc
branch o Lradc and commcrcc, Lhc acL or sccLion musL bc: () parL o a
gcncral rcgulaLory schcmc, (:) moniLorcd by Lhc conLinuing ovcrsighL o a
rcgulaLory agcncy, () conccrncd wiLh Lradc as a wholc raLhcr Lhan wiLh a
parLicular indusLry, () o a naLurc LhaL Lhc provinccs joinLly or scvcrally
would bc consLiLuLionally incapablc o cnacLing, and () jcopardizcd by
Lhc ailurc Lo includc onc or morc provinccs or localiLics in a lcgislaLivc
Chic 1usLicc Dickson also indicaLcd LhaL Lhcsc criLcria arc noL
dcLcrminaLivc, and LhaL Lhc main acLor Lo considcr was whcLhcr Lhc issuc
bcing addrcsscd was a naLional cconomic conccrn and noL jusL a collcc-
Lion o local oncs.
Persona| !njormaton Protecton and F|ectronc Locuments Act, .ooo, c. , hLLp://
F|ectronc Commerce Act, .ooo, S.O., c. ,,
6 Cenera| Motors, abovc noLc .
, !bd. aL 6, vapor Canada, abovc noLc o.
8 Cenera| Motors, abovc noLc aL 66:6
IL would bc an uphill baLLlc Lo convincc any courL LhaL Lhc maLLcr o
TPMs and RMI sysLcms accLs Lhc wholc dominion. Asidc rom Lhc acL
Lhcrc is no complcLc rcgulaLory schcmc, nor any rcgulaLory agcncy ovcr-
sccing Lhis issuc, Lhis issuc docs noL accL Lradc as a wholc. IL mainly a-
ccLs Lhc busincss modcls o rccord produccrs, moLion picLurc sLudios, and
a limiLcd numbcr o oLhcr cnLiLics LhaL disLribuLc parLicular Lypcs o digi-
Lal producLs. Morcovcr, Lhc provinccs havc dcmonsLraLcd Lhcir abiliLy Lo
rcgulaLc oLhcr aspccLs o commcrcc, parLicularly clccLronic commcrcc. Tc
cxclusion o a parLicular provincc would noL jcopardizc cccLivc rcgula-
Lion o TPMs and RMI sysLcms.
4) Criminal law
Ccncrally spcaking, Lhcrc arc Lhrcc indicia o valid cdcral lcgislaLion in
rcspccL o Criminal Iaw: Lhcrc musL bc a prohibiLion o ccrLain acLiviLy,
Lhc prohibiLion musL bc accompanicd by a pcnalLy or brcach, and Lhc law
musL bc cnacLcd or a criminal . . . public purposc, dcncd as includ-
ing [p]ublic pcacc, ordcr, sccuriLy, hcalLh, moraliLy.

CopyrighL law in
Canada and abroad docs incorporaLc somc criminal sancLions. Onc mighL
arguc LhaL Lhc paracopyrighL provisions could sLand undcr Lhc Criminal
Iaw powcr, givcn LhaL Lhcrc is clcarly a prohibiLion and LhaL Lhcrc appar-
cnLly arc pcnal conscqucnccs or brcach o Lhc prohibiLion. Tc copyrighL,
ncighbouring, or moral righLs holdcr will bc cnLiLlcd Lo all rcmcdics con-
crrcd by law or Lhc inringcmcnL o a righL. Howcvcr, cvcn Lhc Canadian
Rccording IndusLry AssociaLion, onc o Lhc principal lobbyisLs or Loughcr
copyrighL laws, agrccs LhaL Lhis maLLcr is noL and should noL bc abouL
criminal law sancLions.
In Lhc Margarne Rejerence,
lcgislaLion prohibiLing dcalings in marga-
rinc was cnacLcd in ordcr Lo proLccL Lhc dairy indusLry by banning producLs
LhaL would compcLc wiLh buLLcr. Tis was noL a valid Criminal Iaw purposc.
Similarly, lcgislaLion proLccLing Lhc copyrighL indusLrics has an cconomic
purposc o rcgulaLing commcrcial dcalings bcLwccn privaLc parLics.
Monahan, abovc noLc 8 aL :, ciLing Rejerence re Lary !ndustry Act (Canada)
S.,(a), [] S.C.R. aL o [Margarne Rejerence].
:o Tc AssociaLions prcsidcnL, Craham Hcndcrson, said on CTVs Canada A.M.
Lhc wcck prior Lo Lhc Labling o Lhc proposcd lcgislaLion: Tis isnL providing
a criminal rcmcdy. ILs a civil rcmcdy. I donL Lhink anybody would wanL
Lo gcL inLo Lhc busincss o applying criminal sancLions Lo 6-ycar-olds who arc
downloading music or lm producLs.
: Abovc noLc :o.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws izi
On Lhc oLhcr hand, Lhc Suprcmc CourL has givcn ParliamcnL much
lccway wiLh Lhc amorphous conccpLs such as hcalLh and moraliLy undcr
Criminal Iaw. Tis sLands in conLrasL Lo Lhc consLrainLs iL has imposcd
on Lhc Tradc and Commcrcc powcr, or cxamplc.
Tcrcorc, alLhough iL
would bc inLuiLivcly diculL Lo scc Lhis as a maLLcr accLing public pcacc,
ordcr, sccuriLy, hcalLh or moraliLy, Lhc brcadLh o ParliamcnLs Criminal
Iaw powcr could conccivably supporL Lhc CovcrnmcnLs proposal.
5) Peace, Order, and Good Government of Canada
ParliamcnLs powcr Lo lcgislaLc or Lhc Pcacc, Ordcr, and Cood CovcrnmcnL
o Canada (rocc) cncompasscs aL lcasL Lhrcc arcas: ncw maLLcrs, cmcrgcn-
cics, and issucs o naLional imporLancc. CourLs arc now vcry rclucLanL Lo
allow cdcral jurisdicLion ovcr ncw maLLcrs, as such maLLcrs usually Louch
upon oLhcr hcads o powcr.
DcspiLc Lhc cuLLing-cdgc naLurc o somc
TPMs, Lhc cmcrgcncc o ncw RMI sysLcms and Lhc modcrn phcnomcnon
o p:p ncLworking, Lhcsc arc clcarly noL ncw maLLcrs or consLiLuLional
purposcs, Lhcy can surcly bc linkcd Lo cxisLing hcads o powcr.
A courL lasL applicd Lhc cmcrgcncy powcr in Lhc Ant-!naton Rejer-
IL would bc inapplicablc hcrc sincc Bill C-6os paracopyrighL provi-
sions arc noL Lcmporary. Morcovcr, iL would bc inappropriaLc Lo say LhaL
circumvcnLion is an cmcrgcncy LhaL warranLs Lhc cxcrcisc o ParliamcnLs
rocc powcrs.
I Lhc undcrlying problcm addrcsscd by paracopyrighL provisions is
Lo bc considcrcd a maLLcr o naLional imporLancc, Lhc CovcrnmcnL musL
mccL Lhc LcsL scL in R. v. Crown Ze||erbach.
Tis mcans iL musL havc a
singlcncss, disLincLivcncss and indivisibiliLy LhaL clcarly disLinguishcs iL
rom maLLcrs o provincial conccrn and a scalc o impacL on provincial
jurisdicLion LhaL is rcconcilablc wiLh Lhc undamcnLal disLribuLion o lcg-
islaLivc powcr undcr Lhc ConsLiLuLion.
IL is doubLul Lhis issuc is a maL-
Lcr o naLional imporLancc unlcss, howcvcr, iL could bc shown LhaL Lhis
:: Monahan, abovc noLc 8 aL , ciLing cascs such as R1R-MacLona|d !nc v Canada
(A.C.), [] S.C.R. .
: Tc Suprcmc CourL lasL applicd Lhis conccpL in R. v. Hauser, [,] S.C.R. 8,
whcrc Lhc CourL hcld LhaL Lhc Narcotc Contro| Act was a valid cxprcssion o
ParliamcnLs rocc powcr bccausc iL dcalL wiLh a gcnuincly ncw problcm.
: Rejerence re Ant-!naton Act, abovc noLc 6.
: R. v. Crown Ze||erbach, [88] S.C.R. o.
:6 !bd. aL para. .
branch o Lhc rocc powcr includcs Lhc auLhoriLy Lo implcmcnL inLcrna-
Lional LrcaLics.
Rccall LhaL Lhc sLaLcd purposc o Bill C-6o is Lo implcmcnL Lhc WIPO
InLcrncL TrcaLics inLo Canadian domcsLic law. An argumcnL could bc madc
alLhough iL has ncvcr ycL bccn succcssul LhaL ParliamcnL has con-
sLiLuLional auLhoriLy Lo implcmcnL inLcrnaLional LrcaLics, rcgardlcss o
whcLhcr Lhc subjccL maLLcr would oLhcrwisc all wiLhin provincial juris-
IL is acccpLcd LhaL Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL has Lhc powcr Lo makc Lrca-
Lics on bchal o Canada, alLhough nciLhcr Lhc powcr Lo makc nor Lhc
powcr Lo implcmcnL an inLcrnaLional LrcaLy is ound in Lhc Consttuton
Act, :8,.
I lcgislaLion is ncccssary Lo bring domcsLic law inLo compli-
ancc wiLh a LrcaLy, consLiLuLional jurisdicLion ovcr LhaL lcgislaLion ollows
Lhc division o lcgislaLivc powcrs bcLwccn ParliamcnL and Lhc provincial
lcgislaLurcs. Iord ALkin arLiculaLcd Lhc gcncrally acccpLcd rulc in Lhc La-
bour Conventons casc: Lhcrc is no such Lhing as LrcaLy lcgislaLion as such.
Tc disLribuLion is bascd on classcs o subjccLs, and as a LrcaLy dcals wiLh
a parLicular class o subjccLs so will Lhc lcgislaLivc powcr o pcrorming iL
bc asccrLaincd.
Somc commcnLaLors havc criLicizcd Lhis sLaLcmcnL, and, in vapor Can-
Chic 1usLicc Iaskin, rcvisiLing Lhc Labour Conventons casc, wroLc
In my opinion, assuming ParliamcnL has powcr Lo pass lcgislaLion
implcmcnLing a LrcaLy or convcnLion in rclaLion Lo maLLcrs covcrcd
by Lhc LrcaLy or convcnLion which would oLhcrwisc bc or provincial
lcgislaLion alonc, Lhc cxcrcisc o LhaL powcr musL bc manicsLcd in
Lhc implcmcnLing lcgislaLion and noL bc lcL Lo incrcncc. Tc CourLs
should bc ablc Lo say, on Lhc basis o Lhc cxprcssion o Lhc lcgislaLion,
LhaL iL is implcmcnLing lcgislaLion.
IL appcars rom Lhc inclusion o Lhc phrasc in conormiLy wiLh wCT and
wPPT LhaL Lhc CovcrnmcnL may inLcnd Lo rcly on Lhis cxacL passagc.
In rcccnL ycars, somc havc argucd LhaL Chic 1usLicc Iaskins dctum
suggcsLs LhaL ParliamcnL may bc ablc Lo implcmcnL inLcrnaLional Lrca-
Lics, cvcn wiLhin provincial jurisdicLions, as long as ParliamcnL cxprcssly
:, WiLh Lhc cxccpLion o Lhc cmpirc LrcaLy provision in s. :.
:8 A.C. Canada v. A.C. Ontaro, [,] A.C. :6 aL .
: vapor Canada, abovc noLc o.
Chapter Four Consttutona| 1ursdcton Over Paracopyrght Laws izj
sLaLcs iLs raLionalc in Lhc lcgislaLion.
OLhcr cxpcrLs, howcvcr, do noL
Lhink courLs would ovcrrulc such a long-sLanding dccision, cvcn Lhough iL
has provcn Lo bc conLrovcrsial.

Canada is sLill ablc Lo acL cccLivcly on

Lhc inLcrnaLional sLagc.
Tc concurring opinion o IHcurcux-Dubc in
Tompson v. Tompson,

which cxpliciLly rccognizcs LhaL Lhc implcmcnLa-

Lion o a spccic ConvcnLion was wiLhin Lhc jurisdicLion o Lhc provinccs,
also providcs supporL or Lhc cxisLing rulc.

UlLimaLcly, iL is unclcar whcLhcr Lhc CovcrnmcnL could jusLiy iLs pro-

poscd paracopyrighL provisions on Lhc basis o Lhc wCT and wPPT alonc.
OLhcr Lhan Chic 1usLicc Iaskins passing rcmarks, Lhc casc law sccms
Lo suggcsL LhaL ParliamcnL cannoL gain compcLcncc ovcr a maLLcr undcr
provincial jurisdicLion by implcmcnLing an inLcrnaLional LrcaLy obligaLion
assumcd by Canada.
Tcrc arc doubLs whcLhcr ParliamcnL has Lhc auLhoriLy Lo lcgislaLc in
rcspccL o TPMs and RMI sysLcms. In piLh and subsLancc, Lhis maLLcr
involvcs Lhc Lcchnological, conLracLual, and commcrcial Lcrms o disLribu-
Lion o digiLal maLcrials. AlLhough Lhcrc is a LangcnLial link Lo Lhc cdcral
CopyrighLs powcr, Lhc maLLcr mighL morc appropriaLcly bc placcd wiLhin
provincial auLhoriLy ovcr PropcrLy and Civil RighLs. Similarly, alLhough
Lhis is a commcrcial maLLcr, iL sccms noL Lo all wiLhin Lhc cdcral Tradc
and Commcrcc powcr and is conscqucnLly or Lhc provinccs Lo dcal wiLh.
Tis docs noL sccm likc a Criminal Iaw maLLcr, alLhough LhaL parLicular
cdcral domain has bccn inLcrprcLcd broadly. IL is unclcar whcLhcr Lhc cd-
cral govcrnmcnL has a gcncral LrcaLy-implcmcnLaLion powcr LhaL would
o 1-M Arbour, Lrot !nternatona| Pub|c, c Fd., (Cowansvillc, QC: diLions Yvons
Blais, :oo:) aL 66, P.W. Hogg, Consttutona| Law oj Canada, Ioosclca (ToronLo:
Carswcll, 6) aL .
Monahan, abovc noLc 8 aL :. Monahan admiLs Lhc rulc may handcu Canada
whcn iL comcs Lo inLcrnaLional LrcaLy-making and implcmcnLaLion. Howcvcr,
iL could bc said LhaL Lhis is onc o Lhc priccs o cdcralism, and provincial au-
Lonomy could bc LhrcaLcncd i cvcry LrcaLy madc by Lhc cdcral govcrnmcnL lcd
Lo an auLomaLic incrcasc in Lhc lcgislaLivc auLhoriLy o ParliamcnL.

Scc also P.W.
Hogg, Consttutona| Law oj Canada, Lh cd., (ToronLo: Carswcll, ,) aL oo.
: !bd.
Tompson v. Tompson, [] S.C.R. ,
cn/pub//vol/hLml/scr_o.hLml. aL 6:.
Ccrald A. Bcaudoin, La Consttuton du Canada, d cd., (MonLrcal: Wilson 8
Iacur, :oo) aL ,,.
jusLiy iLs proposcd lcgislaLion. In gcncral, Lhc broadcr Lhc proposcd pro-
visions, Lhc urLhcr Lhcy arc rom cdcral jurisdicLion and Lhc morc Lhcy
Lrcnch inLo provincial powcrs. As is, Lhc proposal may noL bc sucicnLly
prccisc or inLcgraLcd inLo an ovcrall valid cdcral schcmc Lo bc susLaincd
as ncccssarily incidcnLal. AL minimum, Lhcrc arc aspccLs o Lhis maLLcr
LhaL all wiLhin Lhc provincial sphcrc. All o Lhis suggcsLs LhaL provincial
ALLorncy Ccncrals and oLhcr provincial policy-makcrs oughL Lo acLivcly
parLicipaLc in Lhc dcbaLc.

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