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Naming new starting quarterbacks

at Conner and Cooper became a poker
game where coaches did not want to
show their hands too early.
Instead, they waited as long as
possible to officially name starters,
giving their plethora of candidates
ample time to show all facets of their
As crucial decisions were being
pondered by the coaching staffs at
each school, a funny thing happened.
Every quarterback candidate stood
Still an open competition, said
Conner coach David Trosper, whos
had consistent success launching
quarterback careers, the latest land-
ing at the University of Kentucky in
the person of Drew Barker. Its so
close between three guys.
Cooper coach Randy Borchers,
also a quarterback-developing guru,
had a similarly spirited competition
going on in his camp.
The quarterback position is a
three-way battle, said Borchers, who
helped turn last years starter, depart-
ed senior Will Ludwig, into a one-year
wonder. All three guys have grown
throughout the summer and each
brings something positive to the hud-
Three guys cant start at quarter-
back, but three can play there, hinted
Cooper players run through their banner to start their Oct. 3, 2013, game against Conner. Competition went to the wire for Coopers starting quarterback job. FILE
Conner, Cooper have QB options
By Marc Hardin
Enquirer contributor
See OPTIONS, Page I12
seven seniors, said Trosper, who
nevertheless has the bigger team of
the three, numbering 103 on the ros-
ter. Cooper has less than 100.
That is something we will have to
overcome with our junior class.
Cooper has just two starters back
on defense, three on offense, but the
Jaguars have 12 seniors, and are mak-
ing plans to do more two-platooning
because of steadily increasing num-
bers, up to 70 on the varsity.
Scott has 15 seniors but less than
50 on the varsity.
Cooper could be in better shape.
Conner always has the skill guys,
Scotts Woolley said.
But, I like our chances, too. m
Class 5A, District 5 contenders
Conner, Cooper and Scott share the
same continuity issues as they ramp
up to the 2014 season.
Graduation losses took their toll
within each program.
All three are starting from scratch
at several positions, and putting first-
year starters in some of the most
important positions on the team, in-
cluding quarterback.
Which will best be able to over-
come its lack of experience, and
which is going to come up with un-
expected game-changers that could
sway what is expected to be a tight
district race?
Scott coach Dan Woolley, who lost
just about every significant statistical
category leader, said those are the
$64,000 questions heading into the
first week of games.
It could be us. Weve got some
running backs. But Ive got 65 guys,
freshman through seniors, and I know
Conner and Cooper have a lot more,
said Woolley, whos counting on Ro-
berto London and Deondre Pleasant
to re-energize the Eagles offensive
attack following last years record-
breaking season.
Conner and Cooper will come up
with something, especially at quarter-
back, because they al-
ways do.
Conner coach David
Trosper returns just
three full-time starting
players, but he liked the
way his young players
filled the other spots
during the summer,
adding that time will tell
how theyll perform
under the bright lights
on Fridays.
Weve been pretty
spoiled by our senior
class; we seem to get
about 15 every year. But,
this year, we only have
Cougars, Jaguars, Eagles racing to grow up fastest
By Marc Hardin
Enquirer contributor

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