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1. 1he complalnanL, Pelen Chang, has made a complalnL pursuanL Lo Lhe karaLe Canada ulsclpllne
and ComplalnLs pollcy (Lhe ollcy") as a resulL of cerLaln evenLs LhaL arose ln Lhe course of Lwo
karaLe compeLlLlons, held March 21 and 22, 2014 ln 8lchmond, 8C, aL whlch Lhe complalnanL
was Lhe 1ournamenL ulrecLor and Lhe respondenL, Zvonko Celebl[a, was Lhe Chlef 8eferee.

2. 1he complalnL conLalns Lhree dlsLlncL allegaLlons LhaL are sald Lo be ln vlolaLlon of karaLe
Canada's Code of ConducL and LLhlcs (Lhe Code"):

a) An emall daLed March 13, 2014 from Lhe respondenL Lo varlous parLles,
b) ConducL of Lhe respondenL durlng conversaLlons on March 21, and
c) ConducL of Lhe respondenL durlng conversaLlons on March 22.

3. ln parLlcular, Lhe complalnanL alleges Lhe respondenL breached Lhe followlng provlslons:
a) ArLlcle 7(a) lLem, l, ll, lll, lv, and v,
b) ArLlcle 7(b) lLem l, lll, lv, and v,
c) ArLlcle 7(h), and
d) ArLlcle 10(a)

4. 1he orlglnal complalnL was flled wlLh karaLe Canada on or abouL Aprll 4, 2014 buL for reasons
whlch are noL clear Lo me karaLe Canada dld noL lmmedlaLely Lake Lhe sLeps LhaL appear Lo be
requlred pursuanL Lo Lhe ollcy. 1hls led Lo Ms. Chang flllng an addendum" Lo her complalnL
daLed May 7, 2014 where she expressed her deslre Lo have Lhls complalnL addressed.

3. SubsequenL Lo Lhe recelpL of Lhe Addendum a Case Manager was asslgned and revlewed Lhe

6. 1he ollcy provldes for Lhe dlvlslon of lnfracLlons lnLo boLh Mlnor lnfracLlons and Ma[or
lnfracLlons. ln parLlcular Lhe ollcy speclfles each as follows:

!"#$% '#(%)*+"$#,
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$( 9"#$% "#(%)*+"$#, "#*172/: ?7+ )%/ #$+ 1"9"+/2 +$: ) ,"#01/ "#*"2/#+ $(@
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$( ;)%)+/ <)#)2).

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/#3)#*"#0 2%70, $% 9/+3$2,.

7. ursuanL Lo Lhe ollcy Lhe Case Manager deslgnaLed Lhe maLLer a Ma[or lnfracLlon".

8. AfLer deslgnaLlng Lhls as a Ma[or lnfracLlon Lhe Case Manager Lhen appolnLed me as Lhe Sole
Ad[udlcaLor and Look Lhe necessary sLeps Lo arrange a hearlng and esLabllsh Llmellnes.

9. 1here were some slgnlflcanL dlfflculLles ln arranglng a hearlng for Lhls maLLer lncludlng, afLer
Lhe orlglnal selecLlon of a hearlng daLe, Lhe respondenL walLed unLll only a few days before LhaL
hearlng Lo lndlcaLe LhaL he was unavallable as he was ln LranslL from Mexlco. l noLe LhaL Lhls
Lravel was always known Lo Lhe respondenL as he had booked hls LlckeLs ln advance of Lhe
selecLlon of Lhe daLe for Lhe hearlng.

10. Accordlngly, afLer a somewhaL LorLuous process Lhls maLLer flnally came Lo a hearlng on !uly 31,

11. 1he hearlng, whlch had orlglnally been scheduled for Lwo hours was allowed for Lhree hours and
wenL for Lhree and one half hours. AL Lhe concluslon of Lhe hearlng l dlrecLed Lhe parLles Lo
provlde any submlsslons Lhey felL approprlaLe, lncludlng on any penalLy LhaL Lhey felL
approprlaLe lf l were Lo flnd any of Lhe complalnLs had been esLabllshed.


12. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe parLles, who boLh provlded evldence, Lhe followlng people parLlclpaLed ln Lhe

a) Cn behalf of Lhe complalnanL, Pelen Chang:
a. Mr. Wllllam Pllder, counsel
b. Mr. Cllvler lneau, LxecuLlve ulrecLor, karaLe Canada
c. Mr. !uan Csuna
d. Ms. nlcole olrler
e. Mr. ken SL. Lloy

b) Cn behalf of Lhe respondenL, Zvonka Celebl[a:
a. Mr. 8uperL !oshl, counsel
b. Mr. uragan kl[enlk, resldenL, karaLe Canada
c. Mr. Shlhan Pernandez, resldenL, Mexlcan karaLe lederaLlon
d. Mr. Angelo Mendoza, as LranslaLor for Mr. Pernandez
e. Mr. 8rlan !ames
f. Mr. ?aro 1arana


13. l have read and consldered all of Lhe submlsslons and supporLlng documenLaLlon submlLLed by
Lhe parLles as well as Lhe helpful wrlLLen submlsslons of boLh parLles' counsel.

14. lor Lhe reasons LhaL follow, l flnd LhaL:

a) 1he respondenL's conducL vlolaLed arLlcle 7 (a)(ll) of Lhe Code, focuslng commenLs or
crlLlclsm approprlaLely and avoldlng publlc crlLlclsm of lndlvlduals" wlLh hls emall of
March 13, 2014,
b) 1he respondenL's conducL Lowards Lhe complalnanL Lhe evenlng of March 21, 2014, dld
noL vlolaLe Lhe Code, and
c) 1he respondenL's conducL Lowards Lhe complalnanL ln Lhe course of hls lnLeracLlons
wlLh Ms. Chang ln a dlscusslon LhaL occurred on March 22, 2014 before Lhe LournamenL
flnals, vlolaLed arLlcle 7(a)(l) and (v) and 7(b)(l) and (v).


13. AL Lhe relevanL Llme, Lhe complalnanL was a relaLlvely new volunLeer wlLh karaLe Canada.
neverLheless, Ms. Chang had been awarded Lhe volunLeer of Lhe ?ear" award by Lhe
organlzaLlon and had been asked Lo [oln Lhe an-Am organlzlng commlLLee.

16. AL naLlonals ln !anuary 2014, she was asked by karaLe Canada Lo be Lhe LournamenL dlrecLor for
Lhe norLh Amerlcan Cup Lo be held ln March. Ms. Chang expressed reservaLlons abouL assumlng
Lhls role because she dld noL have a loL of volunLeer experlence wlLh karaLe Canada, buL she was
Lold karaLe Canada would supporL her and agreed Lo Lake on Lhe role.

17. AlLhough Lhe complalnanL dld have some asslsLance from Lhe execuLlve dlrecLor of karaLe
Canada, lL appears from Lhe evldence overall LhaL karaLe Canada dld noL Lake sLeps Lo esLabllsh
proper llnes of communlcaLlon and dld noL provlde Lhe complalnanL wlLh any guldellnes for
organlzlng Lhese LournamenLs. 1he lnadequaLe supporL by karaLe Canada led Lo confuslon and
provlded parL of Lhe foundaLlon for Lhls complalnL.

18. AfLer agreelng Lo be Lhe LournamenL dlrecLor for Lhe norLh Amerlcan Cup, lL became apparenL
LhaL Mexlco and Lhe uSA needed Lo hold a an-Am quallfylng LournamenL. lL was declded LhaL
Lhe quallfler would be held Lhe day before Lhe norLh Amerlcan Cup, ln Lhe same locaLlon. Ms.
Chang assumed Lhe role of LournamenL dlrecLor for LhaL evenL as well.

19. Cllver lneau, Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor for karaLe Canada, and Lhe complalnanL worked Lo
organlze Lhe LournamenLs.

20. 1he respondenL ls a very experlenced referee and had been selecLed Lo be Lhe chlef referee for
boLh LournamenLs.

21. 1he complalnanL and Lhe respondenL dld noL have a relaLlonshlp prlor Lo Lhe evenLs surroundlng
Lhls complalnL. Accordlng Lo Ms. Chang, Lhey had only brlefly meL for Lhe flrsL Llme aL Lhe karaLe
Canada naLlonals ln !anuary 2014. As ls apparenL from hls emall of March 16, 2014, Lhe
respondenL was aware LhaL Lhe complalnanL was new".

$PH &<?@> ;Q '?NKP 7R

22. lrom Lhe emall documenLaLlon recelved, lL seems apparenL LhaL many emalls were exchanged ln
early March regardlng Lhe formaL for boLh evenLs. Mr. lneau and Lhe complalnanL boLh
provlded evldence LhaL `Cn March 13, 2014, Mr. lneau senL an emall Lo Lhe respondenL and Lhe
oLher chalr of Lhe Cfflclals' CommlLLee proposlng a formaL for boLh LournamenLs and asklng for
Lhelr lnpuL.

23. LaLer LhaL same day, Lhe respondenL senL a brlef reply saylng he had spoken wlLh Lhe presldenLs
of boLh karaLe Canada and karaLe uSA, and sLaLlng LhaL Lhe presldenLs had approved a dlfferenL
formaL Lhan suggesLed by Mr. lneau. Agaln on March 13, 2014, Mr. lneau responded
paraphraslng whaL he undersLood Lhe respondenL's emall Lo say and asklng for conflrmaLlon he
had lL correcL.

24. Larly Lhe nexL mornlng, Lhe complalnanL responded noLlng Lhe volume of emalls Lhey had
recelved from 1eam uSA and 1eam Mexlco regardlng Lhe formaL, and wonderlng lf Lhe
respondenL could have accldenLly mlslnLerpreLed" Lhe plans of Lhe uSA Leam. Mr. lneau
responded by saylng we can leave lL up Lo Lhe uSA and Mexlco, buL ended hls emall by saylng
buL for Lhe dlvlslon wlLh openly [slc] 2 aLhleLes, may l suggesL double ellmlnaLlon agaln."

23. up Lo Lhls Llme, Lhe Lone of all emalls presenLed by Lhe parLles was pollLe and professlonal, and
only a llmlLed number of people had been copled on Lhe emalls.

26. Cn March 13, 2014, Lhe respondenL senL Lhe emall LhaL ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhls complalnL. Mr.
Celebl[a dld noL [usL reply all" Lo Mr. lneau's emall. Pe changed Lhe sub[ecL llne from 8e:
norLh Amerlcan 8eglonal Cuallfler for an Am Cames - updaLe March 14, 2014" Lo
lMC81An1". Mr. Celebl[a also added flve people Lo Lhe cc llne who had noL prevlously been
parL of Lhe conversaLlon, lncludlng Lhe presldenL and vlce-presldenL of karaLe Canada.

27. 1he body of Lhe emall reads ln parL:

Pl Cllver and Pelen,

?our emalls are becomlng rldlculous. llrsL of all you have Lo undersLand sLrucLure of
karaLe Canada. 1ournamenL dlrecLor and execuLlve dlrecLor cannoL declde whaL wlll be
LournamenL sLrucLure. Clearly you are oversLepplng your auLhorlLy and you are noL
followlng rules.

...?our emalls are puLLlng us ln a bad spoLllghL, so please sLop whaL you are dolng and
follow dlrecLlon glven Lo you by Lhe presldenL of karaLe Canada.


1hls mornlng l spoke wlLh Lhe presldenL of karaLe Canada regardlng whaL you are dolng
and he sald he already senL you lnsLrucLlons how Lhe LournamenL should be done.
lease sLop sendlng emalls as you feel llke and Lo whomever you feel llke.

l hope you wlll acL accordlngly and we wlll noL have Lo go Lhrough Lhls agaln.

28. Mr. lneau responded laLer on March 13 wlLh a lengLhy emall LhaL began 1hank you for your
emall." and Lhen aLLempLed Lo clarlfy maLLers. Mr. lneau's Lone remalned pollLe and

29. Cn Sunday March 16, 2014, Mr. Celebl[a responded Lo Mr. lneau's March 13 emall. Pe once
agaln added flve furLher people Lo Lhe cc llsL. 1he addlLlonal people added by Lhe respondenL
lncluded members of Lhe 8oards of karaLe Canada and karaLe CnLarlo. Pls March 13 emall was
lncluded as parL of Lhe emall Lhread, and Lhus all of Lhese people also saw Lhe emall quoLed

30. 1he March 16 emall conLlnued along Lhe same Lheme as hls March 13 emall and lncluded hls
asserLlon LhaL l am golng Lo complaln Lo SporL Canada, and lf necessary Lake legal acLlon
agalnsL all parLles."

31. SecLlon 7 of Lhe Code requlres members of karaLe Canada Lo LreaL all lndlvlduals wlLh respecL .
ln parLlcular, subsecLlon (a), places a duLy on all members Lo malnLaln and enhance Lhe dlgnlLy
and self-esLeem of oLhers by:

l) demonsLraLlng respecL Lo lndlvlduals..,
ll) focuslng commenLs or crlLlclsm approprlaLely and avoldlng publlc crlLlclsm of oLhers,
lv) conslsLenLly LreaLlng lndlvlduals falrly, wlLh respecL and refralnlng from negaLlve
remarks or conducL.

32. SubsecLlon (b) requlres members Lo refraln from any conducL LhaL consLlLuLes harassmenL,
whlch lncludes:
l) wrlLLen or verbal abuse, LhreaLs or ouLbursLs, and
ll) condescendlng or paLronlzlng behavlor whlch ls lnLended Lo undermlne self-esLeem,
dlmlnlsh performance or adversely lmpacL worklng condlLlons.

33. Ms. Chang provlded evldence LhaL she was very embarrassed by Lhe emalls, especlally slnce Lhey
were forwarded Lo 8oard members for boLh karaLe Canada as well as karaLe CnLarlo, whlch had
noLhlng Lo do wlLh elLher LournamenL.

34. l flnd LhaL Lhe respondenL's emall of March 13, 2014 was lnapproprlaLe as alleged by Lhe
complalnanL. lf Lhe respondenL had concerns abouL Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe LournamenLs, Lhere
were several approaches he could have Laken LhaL would have complled wlLh Lhe Code. lor
example, he could have responded dlrecLly Lo Ms. Chang and Mr. lneau wlLh Lhe same
professlonal Lone of hls earller emalls. Cr, lf he felL he needed Lo approach Lhelr supervlsor, he
could have conLacLed Lhe supervlsor and Lhe supervlsor could have provlded more guldance lf

33. lnsLead, Lhe respondenL elecLed Lo send an emall LhaL can, aL besL, be descrlbed as
condescendlng and paLronlzlng ln Lone. lL ls a marked deparLure from Lhe professlonal and
respecLful Lone of Lhe emall communlcaLlons before March 13. Many reclplenLs would have
found lL rude, and lL ls very reasonable for Ms. Chang Lo have found lL upseLLlng and

36. 1hls emall does noL focus commenLs or crlLlclsm approprlaLely as requlred by secLlon 7(a)(ll),
does noL LreaL lndlvlduals wlLh respecL as requlred by secLlon 7(a)(l) , and does noL refraln from
negaLlve remarks as requlred by 7(a)(v).

37. lL has all Lhe hallmarks of a wrlLLen ouLbursL, prohlblLed by secLlon 7(b)(l), and whlle l cannoL be
cerLaln lL was lnLended Lo undermlne self-esLeem or adversely lmpacL worklng condlLlons, Lhere
was a reasonable and foreseeable chance lL would do so.

38. llnally, by addlng addlLlonal reclplenLs Lo Lhe orlglnal emall, and forwardlng LhaL emall Lo furLher
addlLlonal reclplenLs Lhe nexL day, Lhe respondenL engaged ln publlc crlLlclsm ln a manner
conLrary Lo secLlon 7(a)(ll).

39. Ms. Chang's complalnL agalnsL Mr. Celebl[a regardlng hls March 13, 2014 emall has been


40. 1he second componenL of Lhls complalnL relaLes Lo a meeLlng LhaL occurred laLe ln Lhe evenlng
on lrlday, March 21, 2014, [usL afLer Lhe norLh Amerlcan an-Am 8eglonal Cuallfler had

41. Ms. Chang alleges LhaL she and Lhe respondenL were aL a meeLlng, Lhe focus of whlch was Lhe
formaL of SaLurday's LournamenL. 1he presldenLs of Lhe Lhree naLlonal karaLe assoclaLlons were
presenL for Lhe meeLlng, along wlLh !uan Csuna, who was acLlng as LranslaLor for Lhe presldenL
of karaLe Mexlco.

42. 8oLh parLles provlded very helpful dlagrams showlng who was aL Lhe meeLlng and where people
were locaLed. 1here ls no slgnlflcanL dlspuLe beLween Lhese drawlngs. Ms. Chang, Mr. Csuna,
and Lhe assoclaLlon presldenLs were on one slde of Lhe head Lable, and Mr. Celebl[a was on Lhe
opposlLe slde, beLween Lhe Lable and LaLaml 2.

43. Ms. Chang alleges LhaL durlng Lhe course of Lhe meeLlng, whlch lasLed beLween 30 and 60
mlnuLes, Lhe respondenL became very aglLaLed and angry. She alleges hls face was red, hls volce
was ralsed and he was wavlng hls hands. ln her vlew he dld noL speak respecLfully durlng Lhe
meeLlng. Ms. Chang says LhaL he approached Lhe Lable wlLh an aggresslve posLure and she
feared for her safeLy. She felL embarrassed, humlllaLed and alone.

44. She also alleges LhaL when Mr. Csuna Lrled Lo commenL, he was abrupLly sllenced by Lhe
respondenL who yelled SLop 1ranslaLlng!" and polnLed hls flnger Lowards Mr. Csuna.

43. Ms. Chang called Lwo wlLnesses regardlng Lhe March 21 lncldenL. 1he flrsL was !uan Csuna. Mr.
Csuna was aL Lhe meeLlng, volunLeerlng as Lhe lnLerpreLer for Lhe presldenL of Lhe Mexlcan
assoclaLlon. Pe was also Lhe MC for Lhe LournamenLs and ls Ms. Chang's sensel.

46. Mr. Csuna sald LhaL Lhe respondenL spoke Lo hlm ln a rude manner saylng ?ou don'L speak.
?ou are here Lo LranslaLe only." 1he respondenL also waved hls hands ln a dlsmlsslve acLlon. ln
Mr. Csuna's vlew, when someone ls rude Lo one person ln a group, polnLlng a flnger and wavlng
hls hands, lL ls belng rude Lo all members of LhaL group.

47. Mr. Csuna sald LhaL he responded by sLaLlng LhaL Lhls was noL a good envlronmenL for
volunLeers Lo work, Lhe respondenL's behavlor was rude and as a resulL, Mr. Csuna reslgned as a
volunLeer from Lhe LournamenLs.

48. Mr. Csuna dld noL dlrecLly observe Lhe respondenL acLlng rudely Lowards Lhe complalnanL, buL
noLed she was Lhere as parL of Lhe group.

49. 1he second wlLness called by Ms. Chang was ken SL. Lloy. Mr. SL. Lloy was approxlmaLely 2
meLres away from Lhe head Lable when Lhe meeLlng occurred. Mr. SL. Lloy could hear whaL he
characLerlzed as an argumenL", buL he could noL hear whaL was belng sald. 1he respondenL
was speaklng loudly, klnd of yelllng" and was belng pushy and aggresslve. Mr. SL. Lloy
observed whaL was golng on aL Lhe Lable for approxlmaLely 43-90 seconds, and sald Lhe Lhlng
LhaL surprlsed hlm were Lhe faces of Lhe people behlnd Lhe Lable afLer Lhe respondenL ralsed hls
volce. Mr. SL. Lloy senL a LexL message LhaL same evenlng Lo Mr. lneau lnformlng hlm of Lhe

30. Mr. Celebl[a has a very dlfferenL accounL of whaL occurred aL Lhls meeLlng. lL ls hls recollecLlon
LhaL Lhe meeLlng was only 10 mlnuLes ln lengLh and he denles belng angry or ralslng hls volce aL
anyone, especlally Lhe complalnanL because he knew she was new.

31. Mr. Celebl[a denles Lelllng Mr. Csuna Lo sLop LranslaLlng, Lhe respondenL says he knows he has
no auLhorlLy Lo make such a sLaLemenL and never would. Powever, he dld say Lo Mr. Csuna,
Slr, you are here Lo LranslaLe only and noL Lo geL lnvolved ln how Lhe LournamenL works".

32. 1he respondenL also admlLs Lo polnLlng aL Lhe complalnanL, buL says he never meanL Lo
lnLlmldaLe anyone and says he dld noL say anyLhlng rude.

33. 1he respondenL called Mr. uragan kl[enak as a wlLness. Mr. kl[enak ls Lhe presldenL of karaLe
Canada and was aL Lhe March 21 meeLlng. Mr. kl[enak sald LhaL he dld noL observe any unusual
behavlor by Lhe respondenL aL Lhe meeLlng, and Lhere was no yelllng or shouLlng or obscene
gesLures. lL ls Mr. kl[enak's recollecLlon LhaL Lhe respondenL dld noL Lell Mr. Csuna Lo sLop
LranslaLlng, buL dld advlse hlm Lo sLop offerlng oplnlons on schedullng.

34. 1he respondenL also called Mr. Shlhan Pernandez, Lhe presldenL of karaLe Mexlco. Mr.
Pernandez was also aL Lhe meeLlng and does noL recall Lhe respondenL belng angry. Pe also
dldn'L recall any obscene gesLures, yelllng or aggresslve body language.

33. lL ls my concluslon LhaL Lhe respondenL dld ralse hls volce durlng Lhe meeLlng on March 21.
1hree wlLnesses, Lwo LhaL were aL Lhe head Lable, and one approxlmaLely 2 meLres away, all
heard loud volces. l also conclude LhaL, regardless of Lhe wordlng used, Lhe respondenL used a
harsh Lone Lowards Mr. Csuna and Lhe meeLlng envlronmenL became qulLe Lense. 1he
respondenL also admlLLed polnLlng aL Lhe complalnanL, and l accepL Lhe evldence of Lhe
complalnanL and Mr. Csuna LhaL he made a dlsmlsslve hand gesLure Lowards Mr. Csuna.

36. Powever, lL ls Ms. Chang, noL Mr. Csuna, who has flled a complalnL abouL Lhe respondenL's
conducL aL Lhls meeLlng. Whlle l have found LhaL Lhe respondenL ralsed hls volce aL Lhe meeLlng,
and polnLed hls flnger aL Ms. Chang, l do noL flnd hls conducL Lo have been as exLreme as alleged
by Ms. Chang, nor as dlrecLly LargeLed Lowards her as she recalls. ln reachlng Lhls concluslon, l
am noL quesLlonlng Ms. Chang's evldence regardlng Lhls meeLlng, raLher l belleve her LesLlmony
ls her honesL recollecLlon of a sLressful meeLlng where Lhe respondenL was ralslng hls volce and
maklng hand gesLures. lf Ms. Chang was somewhaL senslLlve ln lnLerpreLlng Lhe respondenL's
behavlor as dlrecLed Loward her, LhaL ls noL unreasonable glven Lhe respondenL's emalls of
March 13 and 16.

37. Powever, whlle Lhe respondenL could have perhaps handled Lhe meeLlng wlLh greaLer
senslLlvlLy, especlally slnce he was aware Lhe complalnanL was new", lL ls my concluslon LhaL
hls conducL does noL vlolaLe Lhe Code. As a resulL, Lhls porLlon of Lhe complalnL has noL been
made ouL.


38. 1he Lhlrd componenL of Ms. Chang's complalnL lnvolves a meeLlng LhaL occurred on Lhe
afLernoon of March 22, [usL prlor Lo Lhe flnals of Lhe norLh Amerlcan Cup. Accordlng Lo Lhe
helpful dlagrams submlLLed by Lhe parLles, Ms. Chang was slLLlng aL Lhe head Lable slLLlng nexL
Lo nlcole olrler. 1he respondenL was on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe Lable, beLween Lhe Lable and
LaLaml 2.

39. 1he respondenL approached Lhe head Lable Lo dlscuss Lhe formaL of Lhe flnals, lL ls noL dlspuLed
LhaL under Lhe orlglnal formaL Lhe flnals would Lake place uslng Lhree LaLamls, buL was changed
LhaL afLernoon Lo Lwo LaLamls.

60. 1he complalnanL alleges LhaL she was concerned abouL geLLlng behlnd schedule and meeLlng
Llmellnes and quesLloned why Lhls change was occurrlng. 1he complalnanL alleges LhaL when
she soughL clarlflcaLlon, Lhe respondenL once agaln goL very angry wlLh her: walvlng hls hands,
geLLlng red ln Lhe face, yelllng why do you always have Lo be so dlfflculL?", fllcklng hls hand aL
her ln a Luropean verslon of Lhe norLh Amerlcan flnger" and Lhen sLormlng away.

61. 1he respondenL remembers Lhe conversaLlon very dlfferenLly. 1he respondenL sald he Lold Lhe
complalnanL LhaL Lhe can only do Lhe flnals ln Lwo rlngs. 1he complalnanL held up her hand and
sald no, Lhree rlngs", and he sald agaln 1wo rlngs. l don'L have enough quallfled offlclals".

62. 1he respondenL sald afLer a couple of mlnuLes he dld Lell Lhe complalnanL you are very dlfflculL
Lo work wlLh" and Lhen walked away Lo dlscuss Lhe formaL for Lhe flnals wlLh Lhe assoclaLlon

63. 1he respondenL denles maklng any hand gesLures Lowards Lhe complalnanL aL Lhls meeLlng and
says he was noL verbally abuslve Lowards her.

64. 1he respondenL called several wlLnesses regardlng Lhe March 22 lncldenL and provlded wlll say
sLaLemenLs for several more. Whlle l found Lhe wlLnesses Lo be honesL, l dld noL flnd Lhem or
Lhe wlll say sLaLemenLs parLlcularly helpful as Lhose wlLnesses dld noL hear Lhe acLual
conversaLlon beLween Lhe complalnanL and Lhe respondenL before Lhe flnals. As a resulL, Lhese
wlLnesses and wlll say sLaLemenLs dld noL asslsL ln deLermlnlng whaL acLually happened
beLween Lhe complalnanL and Lhe respondenL.

63. Powever, Lhere was one wlLness who was presenL aL Lhe conversaLlon. Ms. olrler was seaLed
dlrecLly beslde Lhe complalnanL aL Lhe Llme Lhe conversaLlon occurred and was called by Lhe
complalnanL. l found Ms. olrler a parLlcularly forLhrlghL and credlble wlLness and l accepL her
evldence of whaL Lransplred.

66. Ms. olrler has been a member of karaLe Canada slnce 1989 and lndlcaLed LhaL she knows and
respecLs Lhe respondenL. Ms. olrler was aL Lhe LournamenL as Lhe lrench LranslaLor, and also
assumed Lhe duLles of masLer of ceremonles afLer Mr. Csuna reslgned.

67. lL ls Ms. olrler's evldence LhaL Lhe dlscusslon regardlng how many rlngs would be used for Lhe
flnals was a Lense one, everyone was frusLraLed and angry. Ms. olrler LesLlfled LhaL Lhe
respondenL ralsed hls volce and called Lhe complalnanL dlfflculL. She also sald he made a
dlsmlsslve and condescendlng gesLure Lo Lhe complalnanL and Lhen walked away wlLhouL
resolvlng Lhe slLuaLlon. Ms. olrler sald LhaL Lhe respondenL ls sLralghLforward and dlrecL, buL
he had never acLed Lowards Ms. olrler as he dld Lowards Lhe complalnanL. ln response Lo a
quesLlon from Lhe respondenL, Ms. olrler Lold hlm LhaL perhaps he doesn'L reallze Lhe lmpacL
hls communlcaLlon sLyle (ralsed volce, hands ln Lhe alr) wlll have on some people, Lhey wlll Lake
lL very hard".

68. l conclude LhaL durlng Lhelr conversaLlon before Lhe flnals on March 22, Lhe respondenL ralsed
hls volce Lo Lhe complalnanL, called her dlfflculL, made a condescendlng hand gesLure Lowards
her and walked away raLher abrupLly.

69. l flnd Lhe respondenL's conducL vlolaLed Lhe Code - ln parLlcular secLlon 7(a)(l) and (v) and
secLlon 7(b)(l). 1he Lhlrd componenL of Lhe complalnL has been esLabllshed.


70. ln Lhe course of Lhe hearlng lL was broughL Lo my aLLenLlon LhaL Lhe respondenL has commenced
a legal proceedlng agalnsL Lhe complalnanL ln Lhe AlberLa CourL of Cueen's 8ench regardlng Lhe
flllng of Lhe wlLhln complalnL. l noLe LhaL no complalnL regardlng Lhls legal proceedlng ls before
me. Accordlngly, whlle l have serlous reservaLlons abouL Lhe proprleLy of Lhe legal proceedlng
and lLs Llmlng (afLer Lhe complalnL was flled and before Lhls hearlng occurred) glven secLlon
7(b)(lx) of Lhe Code, l have made no flndlngs regardlng Lhe flllng of LhaL legal proceedlng, and
Lhe exlsLence of Lhe legal proceedlng has no relevance Lo Lhls declslon or Lhe concluslons l have


71. 1urnlng now Lo remedy, Lhe ollcy provldes:

RR. L(+/% 3/)%"#0 +3/ 9)++/%: +3/ N)#/1 F"11 2/+/%9"#/ F3/+3/% )# "#(%)*+"$# 3), $**7%%/2 )#2 "(
,$ F3)+ )66%$6%")+/ ,)#*+"$# F"11 ?/ "96$,/2. S3/ N)#/1T, F%"++/# 2/*","$#: F"+3 %/),$#,: F"11 ?/
2",+%"?7+/2 +$ )11 6)%+"/,: +3/ <),/ !)#)0/% )#2 ;)%)+/ <)#)2) F"+3"# ($7%+//# U-VA 2)8, $( +3/
*$#*17,"$# $( +3/ 3/)%"#0. S3/ 2/*","$# F"11 ?/ *$#,"2/%/2 ) 9)++/% $( 67?1"* %/*$%2 7#1/,,
2/*"2/2 $+3/%F",/ ?8 +3/ N)#/1.


RI. S3/ N)#/1 9)8 )6618 +3/ ($11$F"#0 2",*"61"#)%8 ,)#*+"$#, ,"#018 $% "# *$9?"#)+"$#: ($% 9)H$%
)A Y/%?)1 $% F%"++/# F)%#"#0D
?A Y/%?)1 $% F%"++/# )6$1$08D
*A X/%4"*/ $% $+3/% 4$17#+)%8 *$#+%"?7+"$# +$ ;)%)+/ <)#)2)
2A K/9$4)1 $( */%+)"# 6%"4"1/0/, $( 9/9?/%,3"6D
/A X7,6/#,"$# (%$9 */%+)"# ;)%)+/ <)#)2) +/)9,: /4/#+, )#2Q$% )*+"4"+"/,D
(A X7,6/#,"$# (%$9 )11 ;)%)+/ <)#)2) )*+"4"+"/, ($% ) 2/,"0#)+/2 6/%"$2 $( +"9/D
0A X7,6/#,"$# (%$9 ;)%)+/ <)#)2)D
3A >5671,"$# (%$9 ;)%)+/ <)#)2)D
"A Z+3/% ,)#*+"$#, ), 9)8 ?/ *$#,"2/%/2 )66%$6%")+/ ($% +3/ $((/#,/.

72. ln Lhls maLLer, l flnd LhaL Lhe approprlaLe remedy ls a wrlLLen apology from Lhe respondenL Lo
Lhe complalnanL wlLhln 14 days of Lhe daLe of Lhese reasons. AL a mlnlmum, Lhe apology leLLer
wlll conLaln Lhe followlng componenLs:
a) An acknowledgemenL of whaL Lhe respondenL dld wrong and how Lhe respondenL
should have acLed,
b) An acknowledgemenL of Lhe harm done Lo Lhe complalnanL,
c) An expresslon of remorse, and
d) Any lessons learned.

73. ln hls wrlLLen submlsslons, Lhe respondenL soughL a wrlLLen apology from Lhe complalnanL
regardlng Lhese false and exaggeraLed allegaLlons", and for LhaL apology leLLer Lo be publlshed
on Lhe karaLe Canada webslLe. As l have found LhaL Lwo grounds of Lhe complalnL have been
esLabllshed by Lhe evldence, and Lhe Lhlrd dld noL lnvolve false or dellberaLely exaggeraLed
allegaLlons, Lhere ls no basls for an apology leLLer from Lhe complalnanL.

74. As Lhe respondenL belleves LhaL lL ls approprlaLe for such apologles Lo be publlshed on Lhe
karaLe Canada webslLe, l dlrecL LhaL Lhe respondenL's leLLer of apology be so publlshed. 1he
leLLer of apology may be removed slx monLhs afLer Lhe daLe of publlcaLlon.

AugusL 22, 2014

8arbara Carmlchael
vlcLorla, 8C

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