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Complete the definitions with words for people:

A ............................. cures people in



A ................................ is a woman who rules

A .............................. writes novels, poems,

a country.


A ................................ governs a territory.

An ............................ travels to new places

An ............................... creates new things.

for the first time.

A ................................ is a man who rules a

A ............................... plays musical



A ............................... teaches students

A .............................. composes songs and


musical works.

An ............................ paints great paintings.

An ............................. plays in films or theatre

Complete the sentences with words for people:
Nicolo Paganini was a famous ............................ He played the violin beautifully.
Mister Watson, Sherlock's friend, was a .............................. He studied Medicine in Scotland.
Arthur Conan Doyle was a fantastic ....................... His most famous novels were Sherlock
Holmes's ones.
Bela Lugosi was the ................................... who played Frankenstein in most horror movies in
the 30's and 40's.
Cleopatra was the ............................... of Egypt when Julius Caesar met her.
Edison was an amazing ..................................... He created many new things.
Mr. Smith was my granny's .......................... at school. He was a very patient man.
Magallanes was the first ........................... in sailing around the world.
Van Gogh was an ..................................... He painted Starry Night.
Isabella and Ferdinad the catholic were the .......................... and ........................... of
Spain in 1492.
Complete these descriptions using these words:
/ average / slim / red / dark / a beard /
glasses / green /
Queen Elisabeth I had ................ hair and ................ eyes. She was tall and
....................... She didn't have ................. or ....................!
/moustache / straight / weight / quite /
fair / green/
Elisabeth I 's father was King Henry VIII. He was ............ tall and strong. He wasn't fat when
he was young. In fact, he was average ............................. Henry had ................. hair and
his eyes ............... green, like his daughter's eyes. He didn't have curly hair or a
................................ It was quite ............................. .

Complete the sentences with the correct form of There was or There were:
................................a football stadium.
................................any supermakets there?
................................a beautiful park.
................................any tablets in the past.
...............................any concert halls in your
..............................a famous queen in

................................any castles in Soto.
................. a big tower.
..................................antibiotics before
Penicillin existed.
..................................a lot of British pop
bands in the 60's

Choose the right verb and write it in the correct past form.
The hairdresser ............................. (explore / change) her hair colour. Now she looks younger.
...................Vikings .......................................... (travel / play ) to Terranova in the 11th
Joe Di Maggio ................................(play / visit ) baseball in the USA.
In the year 711 Muslims ........................... (invade / invite) the Iberian Peninsula.
We ................................. (stay / invade) at a modern hotel in Benidorm last summer.
Jonathan Swift ................................ (name / live) in Dublin, Ireland.
Edison ................................. (talk / invent) the telephone.
King Edward VIII ................................ (like / listen) hunting.
Queen Victoria .................................... (use / rule) the UK in the Victorian times.
Columbus ............................................( not invade /not name) the new land America.
Rewrite these sentences into the past form:
I'm not into music

He buys some sweets

We're scientists
They become famous
Am I your friend?

People love rock music

Is she the ruler of Germany?
They are famous in France

Anna lives in Japan

There isn't a tree opposite our school


I ................. into music.

He ......................... some sweets yesterday.

We.................... scientists.

They ......................... famous two years ago

............ I your friend?

People ...................... rock music.

.............. she the ruler of Germany?

They ................... famous in France.
Anna ............................. in Japan.

There ..................... a tree opposite our

Look at Sue's plans for last week and write sentences in the past simple
Monday: revise for English test
Tuesday: football with friends
Wednesday: stay at Linda's
Thursday: shopping centre
Friday: buy new trainers
Saturday: lunch at Luigi's

Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs or with one of these expresions.
Be / Stay / Invent / Live / Be / Make / Have / Not Speak / Be /
Build / Rule / Be/ Live/
For / Ago / Then /
More than two thousand years ....................., there ................... two big tribes in the Iberian
Peninsula. They ................. the Iberians and the Celts. Iberians ........................... in the
South and the East of Spain. They ............................ rectangular houses with stone, mud and
straw. Celts .............................. in the North and West of the Iberian Peninsula. Their houses
....................... circular and made of mud, straw and stone, too. Iberians and Celts
................... Spanish. ..................., Romans .............................. the Iberian Peninsula and
they ....................... the Iberians and the Celts. Romans ...................................... many
useful things, like aqueducts or roads. Their language ................ Latin and they
....................... many different gods and goddesses. They ................ in Spain ...............
five centuries.

Complete the questions with the past simple and match them with the answers.
Where ........................... (they / go) last
1. Three! It was amazing!
2. They went to the caf.
....................................(she / become) famous
3. At quarter to seven.
ten years ago?
What time .......................... (you / catch) the
4. Because we were very tired.
train yesterday?
5. No, you didn't.
Who ................................ (we / invite) last
6. Luke and Sarah.
......................................... (I / hide) in the
7. No, he went to America.
How many goals ....................... (he / score) ?
8. Yes, she did.
............................................ (Columbus/
travel) to Japan?
Why ................................... (your team / lose)
the match?

Write about the place where you live. Think about:

What's its name?

Where is it?
How many inhabitants has it got?
What are they called?
How was it in the past?
Did anything special happen in the past? What was it?
Were there any famous people? What did they do?
How is it now?
What's your favourite place? Why?

Write a description of one of your friends. Think about:


How is he / She?
How old is he / she?
What does he / she look like?
What is he / she like?
What are his / her hobbies?
What did he / she do last week?

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