ECWANDC Public Land Use & Beautification Committee Meeting - August 25, 2014

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Your Neighborhood Council

Governing Board Members:

Executive Board
Danielle Lafayette, Chair
Yvonne Ellett, Co-Chair
Diane Robertson, Rec. Secretary
Edmond Warren, Treasurer
Board Members
Wilson Washensy, !rea " Re#.
$ary %ones-Dars, !rea " Re#.
Carl $or&an, !rea ' Re#.
%acie Ryan, !rea ' Re#.
Robin (illiam, !rea ) Re#.
!shley *. Thomas, !rea ) Re#.
$isty Wils, !t-Lar&e Re#.
%ohnnie Raines +++, !t-Lar&e Re#.
,ic -ill , !t-Lar&e Re#.
%ason Lombard, !t-Lar&e Re#.
Erma $icens, Corr. Secretary
A Certifed City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
Serving the communities of: Arlington Park, Baldwin Hills,
Baldwin Village, Baldwin Vista, Cameo Woods,
Crenshaw Manor, eimert Park ! Village "reen
All Meetings are #$en to the Pu%lic
Empowerment Congress West
Contact Information
3701 Stocker Street 106
Los Angeles, California
&ele$hone'(a): *+,+- ,./0/122
Email: ofceec!an"c#org
We%site: www3ecwandc3org
congress west
Stake$ol"ers %o!n &all
Saturda5 of the Month
Crenshaw 6nited Methodist
+178 9on (eli$e 9rive
.:+8 : 44:+8 am
(oar" 'eetings
Monda5 of the Month
9WP Crenshaw Communit5
78+8 Crenshaw Blvd
2:+8 : <:+8 $m
)LA**I*+, LA*, -SE . (EA-%I/ICA%I0* C0''I%%EE
'on"a1, A2g2st 34, 3015 at 6:30 )'
3731 Stocker Street S2ite 6301 3
/loor Conference 7oom Los Angeles CA
Welcome & Call to Order (5 mins)
Holiday Decorations for our Neighborhood Council public right of way areas (! minutes)" decide on
locations for plantings, select drought tolerant sustainable plants and ground covers, select reusable
holiday decorations
#enants rights when apartment buildings are con$erted to condos forum (! minutes)" confirmation of
speaker panel, location, date and time confirmation, marketing and outreach to stakeholders,
translation services, audio and visual requirements, handouts, designs and distribution of handouts.
%e&icano 'estaurant ()*+!,-*,.,*C/0 (,5 minutes)" (Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaa, sale of full line
of alcoholic beverages for onsite consumption only!. Brett "ngstrom #$#.#%&.'(((
1ublic Comment2 )nnouncements & Concerns (,5 minutes)" for items not on the agenda
Department of City 1lanning * 1lanning and 3and /se ,!, 4ou#ube 5ideo lin6"
Oicial !ublic Notice or ECW"N#C $tanding Committees:
Committee Meeting #ate % &ocation Chair
.lannin&, Land /se 0
Last $onday of the $onth at 23)4 #m
C-C )5)" Stocer St Ste 6'4"
Carl $or&an
9inance )
$onday of the $onth at :3)4 ; 23)4 #m !S ,EEDED
DW. Crensha7 Community Room3 <4)4 Crensha7 1lvd
$ary %ones-Dars
Wednesday of the $onth at 5344 #m !S ,EEDED
1ald7in -ills Crensha7 .la>a ; )2:4 Crensha7 1lvd
Diane Robertson
Safety "
Saturday of the $onth at "'344 #m !S ,EEDED
%ohnnie Raines +++
Education and Youth
Saturday of the $onth at "344 #m !S ,EEDED
Wilson Washensy
South L! !lliance of ,ei&hborhood Councils @SL!!,CA B
Los !n&eles 1ud&et Committee
Lar (allo7ay-(illiam B
Danielle Lafayette
$embers of the #ublic are reCuested to fill out a DS#eaer CardE to address the 1oard on any item on
the a&enda #rior to the 1oard tain& action. Comments are limited to ' minutes #er s#eaer, unless
modified by the #residin& officer of the 1oard.
In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a
maorit! or all o" the board in advance o" a meeting, ma! be viewed at our website b! clic#ing on the
"ollowing lin# or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, i" !ou would li#e a
cop! o" an! record related to an item on the agenda, please contact ECWANDC Chair, Danielle
Lafayette at
$s a covered entit! under %itle II o" the $mericans with &isabilities $ct, the Cit! o" 'os $ngeles does
not discriminate on the basis o" disabilit! and upon re(uest, will provide reasonable accommodation
to ensure e(ual access to its programs, services, and activities. )ign language interpreters, assistive
listening devices, or other auxiliar! aids and*or services ma! be provided upon re(uest. %o ensure
availabilit! o" services, please ma#e !our re(uest at least + business da!s prior to the meeting !ou
wish to attend b! contacting Danielle Lafayette, '()(* )+,-,.// or e-ail
)I ,-./I-,- )-,0ICI1) &- %,$&/CCI12, 3$01, &- 21%I3IC$, $ '$ 13ICI2$ + dias de
trabao 475 horas6 $2%-) &-' -0-2%1. )I 2-C-)I%$ $7/&$ C12 -)%$ $G-2&$, 81, 3$01,
''$9- $ 2/-)%,$ 13ICI2$ $' @)')A 'F:-:522.
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