Newsletter 12.42

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Second Corinthians 9:15 says, “Thanks be to

God for His indescribable gift.” Oh, the love of
God is amazing, isn’t it? God humbled Himself A: YES! We will be having a Christmas party on
and took on human flesh so He might live a sin- Friday, December 18, 2009 from 11:30 - 12:30
less life and then die for our sins! The sacrifice p.m.! In addition to our party, we will have a
Christ made on the cross IS the ultimate gift! gift exchange! Your child needs to bring a new
What a cause for joy! or VERY GENTLY used book to swap ($7
In addition to the excitement of Christmas, spending limit)! Please wrap the book and
we are preparing for an especially exciting week include your child’s name on the gift tag, but
at school! We will begin reading circles this week, do not fill in the “to” part so we can do a big
which means your child will be placed in a group swap with all the kids! There are lots of sales
and will get his or her first blend book! I will right now, so you might want to keep your eyes
send more information home with you as the peeled for a great bargain book which would
week progresses! I believe all of the students are be appropriate for your child to bring for our
ready to learn the last letter of the alphabet and Christmas book exchange! Please see me if you
begin reading books! YEAH! have ANY questions!
We will continue to work on adding, number
families, and telling time to the hour in math
class, and we will be doing a mini unit on states A: No, you do not need to return your child’s
in conjunction with our unit on the United progress report; however, I still have not
States for history. Further information on Bible received all first quarter report cards! I need
can be found in The Living Word Trail section. them AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so I can prepare
Another exciting event this week will be our for the next set of grades coming due in a little
“trip” to the PTF Christmas Store! Information over two weeks! WOW! Time flies! If you have
was sent home this week in your child’ HORSE any questions or concerns about your child’s
folder, so don’t forget to send money if you want progress report, please let me know! I would
your child to do a little shopping! love to sit down and chat!
In closing, I wish you a joy-filled and Christ-
centered Christmas! May God bless you in a
special way this season!
Basking in the joy of the Lord,
Miss Hult
A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Zephaniah 3:17
“The Lord your God has arrived to live
Monday: Due to Sarah’s jealousy, Abraham among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will
sends Hagar and Ishmael away into the desert. rejoice over you with great gladness. With
God hears Ishmael’s prayer and answers it by His love, He will calm all your fears. He will
providing fresh, cool water. He promises to exult over you by singing a happy song.”
make Ishmael a great nation too. We, also, can
pray to God at any time and in any place (Gen.
21:1-21). Learn letter M verse.
Tuesday: Review of previous lesson and verse.
Wednesday: God tests Abraham’s faith by com-
manding Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac,
as a sacrifice. Abraham obeys and tells his
servant that they will go up to worship and
return. God provides a ram just as Abraham is
ready to sacrifice his son (Gen. 22:1-14). Like-
wise, God gave His only Son to die for us.
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers
Thursday: Review of precious lesson and verse.
Friday: Abraham sends his servant to find a
Thank you to the Stuart family for bring-
wife for Isaac, and his servant prays for wis-
ing treats this week! We celebrated Ben’s
dom. Rebekah shows kindness to the servant
birthday with some awesome snacks includ-
and is chosen by God to be Isaac’s bride. The
ing applesauce and yogurt granola bars!
servant thanks God for His guidance, and we
YUM! Thank you for serving!
can too (Gen.24:1-67). Recite letter M verse.
If you would be interesting in taking
another week (or part of a week) for snacks,
I would appreciate it! A box of cereal or a
bag of pretzels does the trick and lasts
quite a long time! Check outside the door
for a sign-up sheet if you are interested!
Thank you in advance for your help!
Also, thank you to those who have
volunteered to help in the PTF Christmas
store! We still need more volunteers,
though! Please consider serving in this way!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Dec. 7 - Friday, Dec. 11 - Intro. to letter Q; begin Reading Circles; Bible verse M
Tuesday, Dec. 8 - Show and Tell; PTF Christmas Store
Wednesday, Dec. 9 - Chapel; PTF Christmas Store
Friday, Dec. 11 - Bible Verse M Quiz

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