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Information System Context Diagram

Users: Anyone who has access to the Personal

Information System and Internet
Legal environment: issues with copyright,
security and accuracy
Physical environment: Place where the website
is accessed from
Economic environment: Accessible to those
who can afford to have Internet

Information System: Natashas Personal Information System
Purpose: To provide the user with information about Natasha Tam.

Information processes
Collecting: information was collected to be put into the information system I.e. notes,
Organising: Organising information by headings i.e. personal, school work, creation etc.
Analysing: Data was analysed to produce information i.e producing the study notes,
Storing and Retrieving: Information about the person e.g. record of achievements, etc.
Transmitting and Receiving: Transmitting and receiving information from one system to
another i.e scanning in documents, etc.
Processing: Changing the format of the data e.g. changing file formats, etc.
Displaying: Displaying the information i.e presentation of the website, layout etc.

User/s on the
Creator of the
Owner of the
website developer
Information displayed
Images, Video and
Audio clips included in
the system and
Information Technology
Wireless technology
for access (Internet)
Software/s and
hardware to make the
Hardware to display
Non computer tools
that were involved
(handwritten notes)
Information Processes Explanation

The Information process which data is entered or captured by a computer system.
Relevance to the system
The collecting process was one of the key information processes in relation to this
assignment. Information that was needed in each section was collected in different
forms to produce the information system. The information was mostly collected by
retrieving old files and transferred onto the computer, using hardware i.e keyboard,
mouse, scanner and software i.e Microsoft word to input data. This included text
data, numerical data, audio data, image data and video data.
One example is collecting all the previous notes I have written to be scanned, so it
can be in an electronic form and can be used in the information system. Another
example is using the information collected from various resources, and using a
keyboard to enter the data onto the information system (Weebly)
Computer and non-computer tools
Computer tools for data collection include hardware and software. Hardware
includes using the keyboard, mouse, and scanner, so basically anything physical that
can enter data into the system. Software includes applications like Microsoft Word,
Google Chrome (to use Weebly), etc. to display the data collected.
Non-computer tools include collecting the hand written study notes on paper, using
a pen to write down data, but also non-electronic certificates has information on it
as evidence of my school achievements.
Social and ethical issues
Social and ethical issues involved with the collection of data primarily include
copyright, data quality, and data accuracy. Copyright is a major issue as the data
collected is not original or acknowledged (if not original) then legal actions would be
taken. As for data quality and accuracy, the data collected has to be unbiased and
correct, otherwise the information system would be providing incorrect data.

Information process which data is structured into a form appropriate for the use of
other information processes.
Relevance to the system
Organising information is a crucial process relative to the information system, as the
information system has to have an easy navigational structure. The organising
process does not change the data. Information was organised into headings and
subheadings, which helps guide the user around the website, so the users can easily
direct themselves to the information needed.
One example can be using Weebly, as it organises the data entered into a structured,
designable website. Another example includes the structured rows and columns of
data in Microsoft Excel for the Gantt chart, as the information can be easily referred
Computer and non-computer tools
Softwares are mainly used to organise data Computer tools, but hardware would
also be needed in order to use the software. Microsoft word, would be used to
mainly organise text and numerical data, while Adobe Photoshop, was used to
organise image data, and Audacity to organise audio data.
Non-computer tools used for organising includes having a system to arrange the
information i.e the system of an address book, but in relation to the information
system, it was the system of how the handwritten notes were stored, which was in a
filing cabinet and structured.
Social and ethical issues
Social and ethical issues involved with data organisation include appropriate use of
information, and data security and quality. Appropriate information use for
organising includes structuring the information in a suitable manner, while data
security and quality involves the misplacement of information (if occurred), which
can be lost, and having no repetition or bias of organised information.

The Information process which data is interpreted, and transformed into
Relevance to the system
The analysing process was necessary to produce the information that is seen on the
website. The data was understood, and then it was altered to be information, but no
data was modified. This includes sorting out all the information collected to be
appropriately categorised, and producing study notes.
One example would be the information analysed to produce the study notes that are
provided on the website. Another example would be the analysing what information
was needed to produce the information system, and hence understanding what data
would need to be collected to be transformed into the information needed.
Computer and non-computer tools
Computer tools used to analyse data includes using software and hardware. The
hardware involved would be the hard disk (secondary storage), Random Access
Memory and the Central Processing Unit. This is because the CPU analyses the data
retrieved from the RAM, which was retrieved from the secondary storage. While the
software involved would be using applications to sort, search, model, and stimulate
data, as well as file comparisons, charts and graphs.
Non-computer tools would require a manual searching filing system, a non-
computer model or stimulator. The filing system for the notes from previous years
would be an example of a non-computer filing system.
Social and ethical issues
Socially and ethically, appropriate information use, data accuracy and security of
data would be the main issues. Inappropriate information use would include
analysing the data for its unintended purpose, and without authorisation, while data
accuracy makes sure that the data transformation is still correct, and if not, the user
would be reading incorrect information. Also the security of data would make sure
that the data analysed is not misplaced or inappropriately used.

Storing and Retrieving
Information process which data and information is saved and accessed later.
Relevance to the system
Storing and retrieving was mostly important for the notes section of the website.
This is because the information had to be stored from previous years and retrieved
so it can be included in the information system and having a filing system was
helpful to find the information. But storing and retrieving also occurs on Weebly as
the website is saved automatically, and therefore information has to be saved and
recovered by using a data store to hold the information.
One example would be again the processes of storing and retrieving the handwritten
notes or certificates, because the information would have been stored for a period
of time, and retrieved for this information system. Another example would be using
a USB to transfer data from one computer system to another, which involves non-
volatile flash memory, which can store and retrieve information from the USB stick
when needed.
Computer and non-computer tools
Hardware for storing and retrieving data would include storage devices, magnetic
hard disks, optical storage, flash memory and network storage. Software that is
relevant to storing and retrieving would involve using the hardware to retrieving the
stored data, but also a file management software to allow the user to see the same
type of file formats, as well as Internet or web browsers.
Non-computer tools include a paper based storage system, microfiches (small sheet
of photographic film) and libraries, where information can be physically stored and
Social and ethical issues
A major social and ethical issue concerned with storing and retrieving is data
security, as personal data may be stored. Password and encryption and decryption
can help reduce the risk of unauthorised access of the data. But also the privacy of
an individual and appropriate information use would be included, as an authorised
person would only retrieve the information stored for authorised purposes.

Transmitting and Receiving
The information process that transfers data and information within and between
information systems.
Relevance to the system
Transmitting and receiving data was used in the information system to upload files
onto Weebly, as well as scanning paper notes. Transmitting and receiving involves a
sender, medium and a receiver. The main form of data was in numerical and text
data and it was transmitted and received though full duplex transfers. Also, the
system would have required the Internet to upload files, and to use Weebly.
One example of transmitting and receiving data is the scanning of notes using a
scanner as the data is transferred from a paper-based system into an electronic
version using the scanner. Another example is a using Weebly to upload documents
onto the website, as this requires the information to be transmitted from the sender
to be uploaded using the Internet to be received by Weebly.
Computer and non-computer tools
Computer tools involve using hardware such as modems for Internet access,
scanners, networks and buses (inside CPU), so the transmitting and receiving of
information can take place. But a software would be needed for this to occur, such
as an Internet browser, or the application to receive the scanned document.
Non-computer based tools include mail, phone, fax, radio and television as these
systems do not directly use computers to transmit and receive data.
Social and ethical issues
Social and ethical issues to do with the transmitting and receiving information are
data quality, security of data and the changing nature of work. Data quality must be
checked as the information received from the Internet can be inaccurate and
unauthorised. Data security is a concern with the process of the information
transferred as individuals can possibly interject the transmission which can lead to
eaves dropping, identity theft and message modifications. While the changing nature
of work mainly concerns the participants working from home or telecommuting as
the Internet and technology is evolving and the trend for transmitting and receiving
information is changing.

The information process which data can be manipulated in different ways to
produce a new value or result.
Relevance to the system
The processing process involves the CPU to manipulate the data. This includes using
the Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), main memory (RAM),
input/output and secondary storage. The fasting the clock speed and bus capacity,
the faster the CPU can process the data. For the information processes, text,
numerical, audio, image and video data were processed.
One example of processing data would be adding pictures or documents of the
website, via Weebly. This includes changing the size, and file format to make it
suitable for the website.. Another example is using Adobe Photoshop to manipulate
a picture (Year 9 IST project), hence altering individual pixels.
Computer and non-computer tools
Computer tools for processing includes hardware such as the CPU, CU, ALU, Ram,
input/output and secondary storage to execute data processing as the data is
entered through the input, then processes using the CPU (CU and ALU) which stores
the information in the secondary storage or RAM, and then the information is
displayed (output). Software applications used for processing include paint and
draw software for image data, mixing software for audio data, animation and video
editing software for video data, word processors for text data and spread sheets for
numerical data.
Non computer tools includes documenting procedures, so when a process needs to
take place, a serious of steps can be followed for a successful process and diagram
representation of the process, which includes data flow diagrams (DFDs).
Social and ethical issues
Social and ethical issues arise with data accuracy, and data security. With data
accuracy, there might be bias in the way data is processed, which can influence the
outcome of the data. As for data security, the rights of the data can vary, increasing
the change for the data to be insecure, as ownership of the processed can be hard to

The Information process which information is output from the system to meet a
purpose. It controls the format of the information presented to the participant or
Relevance of the system
The displaying process includes how the information is going to be shown to the
user. For the information system, a monitor will be used to display the information,
as well as the website Weebly, to help layout and design the information system.
Speakers would be needed as well to display the audio data.
One example of displaying is the monitor the website is being displayed on. Another
example is the changing the layout or design of the website via Weebly, i.e changing
font, colour, spacing.
Computer and non-computer tools
Computer tools include different types of monitors, printers and audio displays (for
audio data) as hardware. The hardware allows the user to see the information
output, depending on the type of data. The software for displaying includes the
display features within the application i.e formatting within applications, designing
simple web pages.
Non-computer tools for displaying would include storyboards, using paper, but also
paper posters, paintings, can also be used for displaying information.
Social and ethical issues
Social and ethical issues include an appropriate method of displaying the data for
visually impaired individuals, health and safety, as well as the changing nature of
work. It would be unethical to display information on a screen, if the individual is
blind, there fore needing a braille screen, embosser or speech synthesis to help aid
the display of information. The health and safety issue can include the ergonomics
involved with using a computer to format the display. Using a computer incorrectly
for a long period of time can lead to pain in the wrist and back. Also the changing
nature of work and effect how information is displayed, as new technology are being
produced i.e 3D printer to display technology, hence training would need to be
required to use this new method of displaying information.

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