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Agbong, Cherish Anne

Pabalan, Maria Cariza

Mahinay, Krizza Janica
Lobino, Zybel
Century Treaties
Patent Law Treaty
is a patent law multilateral treaty concluded on 1 June 2000 in Geneva, Switzerland, by
53 States and the European Patent Organisation (an intergovernmental organization). Its
aim is to harmonize formal procedures such as the requirements to obtain a filing date
for a patent application, the form and content of a patent application, and representation.
Cybercrime Convention
also known as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime or just the Budapest
Convention, is the first international treaty seeking to address Computer
crime and Internet crimes by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative
techniques and increasing cooperation among nations.
ASEAN free trade 2003
is a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting local
manufacturing in all ASEAN countries. It seeks to increase ASEAN's competitive edge as
a production base in the world market through the elimination, within ASEAN,
of tariffs and non-tariff barriers; and attract more foreign direct investment to ASEAN.
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
it is treaty that established the International Criminal Court. It established four core
international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crimes of
aggression). It can investigate and persecute the core international crimes in situations
where states are unable to do so themselves.
ASEAN Charter
New constitution making the Association of Southeast Asian Nations a legal entity. It
gives more purpose to the regional identity. It creates a solid block where member states
recognize common standards of conduct and basic principles to adhere to as well as
develop a common sense of identity.
is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States of America and the Russian
Federation with the formal name of Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms. Under terms of the treaty, the number of strategic nuclear
missile launchers will be reduced by half. A new inspection and verification regime will be
established, replacing the SORT mechanism.

UNASUR Constitutive Treaty
It officially established the Union of South American Nations, a supranational continental
union of twelve South American nations. The treaty declares the establishment and
objects of the Union, its organs juridical foundation, and financial foundation ( 16). It
regulates the acceptance of new associate or full members and the right of cessation
from the union and the rules for adopting amendments to the treaty. Finally it declares
the intent to employ dialogue among the member states, with its citizens, with third
parties, and as the means for conflict resolution.
United Nations Mercenary Convention
Known as the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing
and Training of Mercenaries. It entered into force on 20 October 2001. Its purpose is
to fight against the use mercenarism throughout the world.
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and
Supplements the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. Its purposes
are: to prevent the trafficking of persons, especially women and children; assist the
victims; and, promote cooperation among state parties in order to achieve those
United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrants and their
is an international agreement governing the protection of migrant workers and families.
Signed on 18 December 1990, it entered into force on 1 July 2003 after the threshold of
20 ratifying States was reached in March 2003. It emphasizes the connection between
migration and human rights, which is increasingly becoming a crucial policy topic
worldwide. The Convention aims at protecting migrant workers and members of their
families; its existence sets a moral standard, and serves as a guide and stimulus for the
promotion of migrant rights in each country.

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