Fear of Music

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Fear of Music

Pg.4 no-one contemplating described symbolism/theme of Shibboleth (despite perhaps visible eisting connection! because i.! not
enough info to convey effectively" ii.! symbolism/description has been latched onto as a means of #ustification to satisfy actual or said
need for #ustification for an art$or%. Frees them up to en#oy the $or%.
Pg.&4 Schoenberg/'andins%y/Piccasso art displayed $ith ()*s #a++ ($rong period music! for mar%eting. Southban% sho$ sho$ing
only mainstream ,modern* composers.
Pg.&- Poor (or no! communication to audience $hat act/composer/music actually is. .esults in marginalising/alienating/misleading
Pg.&/ - 0ada born out of disgust for carnage of 11&. 2lso Schoenberg 3 4ubism born out of brea%do$n of o$n art forms under
o$n rules of progression (same as Miles out of 4oltrane for that matter!. Picasso embraced non-figurative art in parallel $ith rise of
photography $hich promised to do that. 5his put art under a pressure (of non-figuration! to $hich music $as not sub#ected (but 6
guess other things li%e electronics $ould do that to music later!. Schoenberg motivated by idealism vs 7liot (5he 1aste 8and! $hich
tried to move art to ,high* Schoenberg in reaction to Mahler/1agner" used 9rahms as motivic development (to avoid regression!.
Pg.:) 6n ;armonielehre" advanced Scriabin*s (4olour <rgan! use of colour. 4olour 3 6ntensity had not been measured hitherto.
0issonance #ust a more remote consonance. Scriabin had Synaesthesia. 'andins%y= ,$hen eternal supports threaten to collapse"
man*s ga+e turns to$ards himself* (use as a means to seeing $hat*s net>!
Pg. a
?.Senada (5he .esidents! 5heory of Phonetic <rganisation (put sounds &
3 then structure composition" rather than structure
composition 3 then $or% do$n to the sounds. 2 means of form based on sound rather than notes/phrases etc.
.aymond Scott Manhattan .esearch 6nc.
0ere% 9ailey Mira%le
Spontaneous Music 7nsemble
Musica 7lectronica @iva (M7@!
4ecil 5aylor
;an 9ennin%
4abaret @oltaire
4aptain 9eefheart (0on @an @liet! 5rout Mas% .eplica
5his ;eat
1ire &/BB Pin% Flag (&:CD!" Map .eference (off &(4!" &/B/ 0ocument 3 7ye$itness" ,Piano 5uner*
Pi8 Metal 9o" 4areering" 5heme
5hrobbing Eristle 0iscipline (noise!
Front :4:
7instur+ende ?eubauten
1olf 7yes (noise!
Sightings (noise!
5hree Silver Mt Fion
Psychadelic ;orseshit
'ei#i ;aino
2lvin 8ucier
@elvet Dnderground
8ou .eed Metal Machine Music
My 9loody @alentine
8iving 4olour
Sonic Aouth
5he Piies
5he Aoung Eods
5he .apture
840 Soundsystem
5he 1edding Present
9utthole Surfers
0inosaur Gr
Massive 2ttac%
Sugar 4ubes
;us%er 0u
4an (Stoc%hausen! Future 0ays
Faust Meado$ Meal
'raft$er% 5he Man Machine &/BH
Pere Dbu
Sun .a
9rian 7no
Goseph 9euys
0uane ;anson
0an 8ander
Eilles 0eleu+e
Phill ?ibloc%

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