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11/20/13 ACL tip: Unfreezing ACL | ITauditSecurity 1/4
BY SKYYLERACL | NOVEMBER 1 5 , 2 01 0 6:00 AM
ACL tip: Unfreezing ACL
Occasionally when using ACL, the application appears to freeze when I open a dialog box. So I restart ACL and it
works fine until I repeat the action that froze it in the first place. For me, it alway s happens when I open the
Edit Lay out dialog box to create a computed field. Nev er any other window.
Or in ACL terms, also known as What happened to the Edit Layout screen?
Note to non-ACL users: This problem isnt particular to ACL, so you might want to read the Finding the
Cause topic below before you blow off this post entirely.
Iv e noticed that this only occurs after I last used ACL on a 2-monitor sy stem. The setup I normally use is my
laptop screen plus an additional monitor. But when Im at home or on the road and only hav e my laptop, fire
up ACL, and go to Edit, Lay out, the problem occurs: apparent ACL freeze with ev ery other application working.
Youll know y oure hav ing this problem when y ou notice the following:
You cant do any thing in ACL.
The main ACL screen is grey ed out (in other words, its not activ e because another screen/dialog box is
activ emore on that later).
Checking Task Manager indicates that ACL is Running instead of Not Responding.
You hav e an urgent ACL project in process thats past deadline already .
We first look at the fix, then the cause
Fixing the Freeze
1 . Click the icon in y our taskbar (bottom of window) to activ e the frozen application (in this case, ACL).
2. From y our key board, hold ALT and press the SPACE BAR.
3. Then press M once.
4. Using y our cursor key s, press the LEFT and UP arrow key s a dozen or so times (alternate between LEFT
and UP). At this point, a portion of the Table Lay out window should show up on y our screen. If it does not,
keep pressing LEFT and UP arrow key s a dozen more times.
5. Once the Table Lay out dialog box appears on screen, press ENTER. You should now be able to use y our
mouse to drag the Table Lay out dialog box back in full v iew so y ou can see it.
6. Close the Table Lay out dialog box and sav e y our project. Then open Edit, Lay out again to ensure the Table
Lay out dialog box stay s v isible.
11/20/13 ACL tip: Unfreezing ACL | ITauditSecurity 2/4
If this doesnt work, in step #2, instead of M, press the X key . You can also try RIGHT and DOWN arrow
key s in step #3.
Finding the Cause
When Im using my 2-monitor sy stem, I keep my laptop screen as the primary monitor, start ACL, and then
drag it to my secondary monitor, which is larger than my laptop screen. So when I click Edit, Lay out, the
Table Lay out dialog box pops open on my primary monitor.
I dont like to split an application between 2 monitors, so I drag the open dialog box from my primary monitor
to my secondary screen. Because my secondary screen is NOT my desktop (again, I could configure that way ,
but I dont for reasons that arent relev ant here), I just created my freeze problem. The next time I use ACL
on my laptop without the secondary monitor, the dialog box pops onto my non-existent secondary monitor and
I cant see it. Because the dialog box is open, ACL appears frozen, because y ou cant do any thing else before y ou
close the dialog box.
This occasionally happens with applications besides ACL, so the fix abov e will work for those application also.
The reason I positioned this issue as an ACL freeze is because I originally thought that this was an ACL-
specific problem and figured all those frustrated ACL auditors and users would google ACL Edit Lay out Freeze
like I did.
I realize that most people arent going to use my strange 2-monitor setup and hav e these issues, but for those
5 or 7 others out there in the blogsphere who hav e a twisted intellect like mine, I found a fix. For all the rest of
y ou, hopefully y ou found this interesting any way or y ou got a good giggle at my expense.
As alway s, if y ouv e experienced this issue with ACL or another application and this fix helped y ou, let us
know. Or take a swipe at me if y ou want.
Leav e a Comment

See also in this blog:

Teach Yourself ACL (Sky y lers most popular post)
ACL tip: Rerun a Join Easily
Other posts that Sky y ler wrote or was mentioned in
All ACL-related posts
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4 Responses to ACL tip: Unfreezing ACL

ACL Error: Working Directory Does Not Have Write Access
ACL: How to Add a Computed Field
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Steve Rummel
April 26, 201 1 at 8:39 am
I thank y ou, my staff thanks y ou, and my clients, whose work is a week past due thanks to this infuriating
issue, thank y ou!



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April 26, 201 1 at 1 0:1 1 pm
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11/20/13 ACL tip: Unfreezing ACL | ITauditSecurity 4/4
Stev e,
Glad to help. I know what this is like and I nearly went insane my self. So when I found the answer, I knew I
had to get the word out. I get a lot of hits on this post, but y oure the first who has been kind enough to take
37 seconds and leav e a comment. So, thank YOU!



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Bernard Yong
April 7 , 201 3 at 6:58 pm
Thank y ou v ery much for thisIv e been try ing to figure out what was wrong. Uninstall and re-install ACL
many times and it didnt work. Youre a LEGEND!



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April 7 , 201 3 at 1 0:1 6 pm
Glad I could help. Its a frustrating problem, but Im no legend.
Thanks for commenting.



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