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1.1 Introduction
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a group of two or more devices or nodes or
terminals with a capability of wireless communications and networking which makes
them able to communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized system. This
is an autonomous system in which nodes are connected by wireless links and send data to
each other. As we know that there is no any centralized system so routing is done by node
itself. Due to its mobility and self routing capability nature, there are many weaknesses in
its security. To solve the security issues we need an Intrusion detection system, which can
be categorized into two models: Signature-based intrusion detection and anomaly-based
intrusion detection. In Signature-based intrusion detection there are some previously
detected patron or signature are stored into the data base of the IDS if any disturbance is
found in the network by IDS it matches it with the previously saved signature and if it is
matched than IDS found attack. But if there is an attack and its signature is not in IDS
database then IDS cannot be able to detect attack. For this periodically updating of
database is compulsory. To solve this problem anomaly based IDS is invented, in which
firstly the IDS makes the normal profile of the network and put this normal profile as a
base profile compare it with the monitored network profile. The benefit of this IDS
technique is that it can be able to detect attack without prior knowledge of attack.
Intrusion attack is very easy in wireless network as compare to wired network. One of the
serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc network is DDoS attack. A DDoS attack is a
large scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services at a victim system or
network resource. The DDoS attack is launched by sending huge amount of packets to
the target node through the co-ordination of large amount of hosts which are distributed
all over in the network. At the victim side this large traffic consumes the bandwidth and
not allows any other important packet reached to the victim.


1.2 Motivation
Mobile ad-hoc networks devices or nodes or terminals with a capability of
wireless communications and networking which makes them able to communicate
with each other without the aid of any centralized system. This is an autonomous
system in which nodes are connected by wireless links and send data to each other As
we know that there is no any centralized system so routing is done by node itself.
Due to its mobility and self routing capability nature, there are many weaknesses in its
security. The benefits of this IDS technique are that it can be able to detect attack
without prior knowledge of attack. Intrusion attack is very easy in wireless network as
compare to wired network. One of the serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc
network is DDoS attack.
1.3 Aim of the Project
Intrusion attack is very easy in wireless network as compare to wired network. One
of the serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc network is DDoS attack. A DDoS attack
is a large scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services at a victim system or
network resource.
1.4 Technical Approach
There are many security attacks in MANET and DDoS (distributed denial of
service) is one of them. Our main aim is seeing the effect of DDoS attack, Black mail
attack, Location disclosure attack, Routing table poisoning attack, i.e. maximizing due to
attack on network.
1.5 Significance of the Project
The DDoS attack is launched by sending huge amount of packets to the target node
through the co-ordination of large amount of hosts which are distributed all over in the
network. At the victim side this large traffic consumes the bandwidth and not allows any
other important packet reached to the victim.


1.6 Organization of the Project
Chapter one introduces the background information about our project, aim of
project and approach to the problem in the existing system.
Chapter two deals with presentation of the problem, methodology used, and general
outline on which the solution to the problem is arrived. It mentions about the previous
works related to the project, describes a problem and suggests the solution to the
Chapter three describes the background work we carried to analyze the feasibility of
the system and design so as to provide solution to the problem. It explains our approach,
i.e., the reasoning behind how our system works. This describes the system architecture
Chapter four describes about the technologies we have used to implement this
project efficiently.
Chapter five describes our implementation i.e., what are all the key modules
involved in the project.
Chapter six describes the results obtained to the problems proposed in the system.
Chapter seven deals with testing. Various forms of testing is performed on the
project is discussed.
The final chapter is our conclusion section which describes how the system has
extended the state of art and about the future enhancements on the project.


2.1 Introduction
Literature survey is the most important step in software development process.
Before developing the tool it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy n
company strength. Once these things r satisfied, ten next steps are to determine which
operating system and language can be used for developing the tool. Once the
programmers start building the tool the programmers need lot of external support. This
support can be obtained from senior programmers, from book or from websites. Before
building the system the above consideration are taken into account for developing the
proposed system.
2.2 Methodology
The new DOS attack, called Ad Hoc Flooding Attack(AHFA), can result in denial of
service when used against on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks, such
as AODV & DSR. Wei-Shen Lai et al [3] have proposed a scheme to monitor the traffic
pattern in order to alleviate distributed denial of service attacks. Shabana Mehfuz1 et al
[4] have proposed a new secure power-aware ant routing algorithm (SPA-ARA) for
mobile ad hoc networks that is inspired from ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms
such as swarm intelligent technique. Giriraj Chauhan and Sukumar Nandi [5] proposed a
QoS aware on demand routing protocol that uses signal stability as the routing criteria
along with other QoS metrics. Xiapu Luo et al [6] have presented the important problem
of detecting pulsing denial of service (PDoS) attacks which send a sequence of attack
pulses to reduce TCP throughput. Xiaoxin Wu et al [7] proposed a DoS mitigation
technique that uses digital signatures to verify legitimate packets, and drop packets that
do not pass the verification Ping. S.A.Arunmozhi and Y.Venkataramani [8] proposed a
defense scheme for DDoS attack in which they use MAC layer information like
frequency of RTD/CTS packet, sensing a busy channel and number of RTS/DATA
retransmission. Jae-Hyun Jun, Hyunju Oh, and Sung-Ho Kim [9] proposed DDoS
flooding attack detection through a step-by-step investigation scheme in which they use

entropy-based detection mechanism against DDoS attacks in order to guarantee the
transmission of normal traffic and prevent the flood of abnormal traffic. Qi Chen,
Wenmin Lin, Wanchun Dou, Shui Yu [10] proposed a Confidence-Based Filtering
method (CBF) to detect DDoS attack in cloud computing environment. In which anomaly
detection is used and normal profile of network is formed at non attack period and CBF is
used to detect the attacker at attack period.
2.3 Solution to problem
One of the serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc network is DDoS attack. A
DDoS attack is a large scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services at a victim
system or network resource. The DDoS attack is launched by sending huge amount of
packets to the target node through the co-ordination of large amount of hosts which are
distributed all over in the network. At the victim side this large traffic consumes the
bandwidth and not allows any other important packet reached to the victim.
Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS) Attack
Blackmail Attack
Location Disclosure Attack
Routing Table Poisoning Attack
From the above attacks, we will be solved the solution to problem.


3.1 Introduction
The first and foremost strategy for development of a project starts from the
thought of designing a mail enabled platform for a small firm in which it is easy and
convenient of sending and receiving messages, there is a search engine ,address book and
also including some entertaining games. When it is approved by the organization and our
project guide the first activity, ie. Preliminary investigation begins. The activity has three
Request Clarification
Feasibility Study
Request Approval
After the approval of the request to the organization and project guide, with an
investigation being considered, the project request must be examined to determine
precisely what the system requires.
Here our project is basically meant for users within the company whose systems
can be interconnected by the Local Area Network(LAN). In todays busy schedule man
need everything should be provided in a readymade manner. So taking into consideration
of the vastly use of the net in day to day life, the corresponding development of the portal
came into existence.
An important outcome of preliminary investigation is the determination that the
system request is feasible. This is possible only if it is feasible within limited resource
and time. The different feasibilities that have to be analyzed are
Operational Feasibility
Economic Feasibility

Technical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility deals with the study of prospects of the system to be
developed. This system operationally eliminates all the tensions of the Admin and helps
him in effectively tracking the project progress. This kind of automation will surely
reduce the time and energy, which previously consumed in manual work. Based on the
study, the system is proved to be operationally feasible.
Economic Feasibility or Cost-benefit is an assessment of the economic
justification for a computer based project. As hardware was installed from the beginning
& for lots of purposes thus the cost on project of hardware is low. Since the system is a
network based, any number of employees connected to the LAN within that organization
can use this tool from at anytime. The Virtual Private Network is to be developed using
the existing resources of the organization. So the project is economically feasible.
According to Roger S. Pressman, Technical Feasibility is the assessment of the
technical resources of the organization. The organization needs IBM compatible
machines with a graphical web browser connected to the Internet and Intranet. The
system is developed for platform Independent environment. Java Server Pages,
JavaScript, HTML, SQL server and WebLogic Server are used to develop the system.
The technical feasibility has been carried out. The system is technically feasible for
development and can be developed with the existing facility.
Not all request projects are desirable or feasible. Some organization receives so
many project requests from client users that only few of them are pursued. However,
those projects that are both feasible and desirable should be put into schedule. After a
project request is approved, it cost, priority, completion time and personnel requirement
is estimated and used to determine where to add it to any project list. Truly speaking, the
approval of those above factors, development works can be launched.

3.2 Feasibility Study
The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is put
forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system
analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure
that the proposed system is not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some
understanding of the major requirements for the system is essential.
Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are:

3.2.1 Economic Feasibility
This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on
the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the
developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the
technologies used are freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased.
3.2.2 Technical Feasibility
This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical
requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the
available technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available technical
resources. This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed
system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes are required for
implementing this system.
3.2.3 Social Feasibility
The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user.
This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must
not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of
acceptance by the users solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate the

user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of confidence must be
raised so that he is also able to make some constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as
he is the final user of the system.
3.3 System Analysis
3.3.1 Existing System
To solve the security issues we need an Intrusion detection system, which can be
categorized into two models: Signature-based intrusion detection and anomaly-based
intrusion detection. In Signature-based intrusion detection there are some previously
detected patron or signature are stored into the data base of the IDS if any disturbance is
found in the network by IDS it matches it with the previously saved signature and if it is
matched than IDS found attack. But if there is an attack and its signature is not in IDS
database then IDS cannot be able to detect attack. For this periodically updating of
database is compulsory. To solve this problem anomaly based IDS is invented, in which
firstly the IDS makes the normal profile of the network and put this normal profile as a
base profile compare it with the monitored network profile. The benefit of this IDS
technique is that it can be able to detect attack without prior knowledge of attack.
Intrusion attack is very easy in wireless network as compare to wired network.
3.3.2 Limitation of Existing System
There may be a chance of channel DDos attacks due to Compromise of data
transfer in Multiple Nodes simultaneously.
The cluster head may misguide the destination due to the adversary is aware of
the hopping schedules of all nodes within the cluster.
There is no multicasting techniques are used to forward the data simultaneously to
the destinations.
The Routing paths are based on metrics. Sometime if the metrics are used as
energy there may be a chance of flooding of the data packets.
The Routing techniques used based on the metrics


3.3.3 Proposed System
One of the serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc network is DDoS attack. A
DDoS attack is a large scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services at a victim
system or network resource. The DDoS attack is launched by sending huge amount of
packets to the target node through the co-ordination of large amount of hosts which are
distributed all over in the network. At the victim side this large traffic consumes the
bandwidth and not allows any other important packet reached to the victim.
3.3.4 Advantages of the Proposed System
The benefits of this IDS technique are that it can be able to detect attack
without prior knowledge of attack.
Intrusion attack is very easy in wireless network as compare to wired network.
One of the serious attacks to be considered in ad hoc network is DDoS
3.4 Software Requirement Specification
Java Technology A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is basically an
organization's understanding of a customer or potential client's system requirements and
dependencies at a particular point prior to any actual design or development work. The
information gathered during the analysis is translated into a document that defines a set of
requirements. It gives the brief description of the services that the system should provide
and also the constraints under which, the system should operate. Generally, the SRS is a
document that completely describes what the proposed software should do without
describing how the software will do it. It's a two-way insurance policy that assures that
both the client and the organization understand the other's requirements from that
perspective at a given point in time.
The SRS document itself states in precise and explicit language those functions
and capabilities a software system (i.e., a software application, an eCommerce Web site,
and so on) must provide, as well as states any required constraints by which the system
must abide. The SRS also functions as a blueprint for completing a project with as little
cost growth as possible. The SRS is often referred to as the "parent" document because
all subsequent project management documents, such as design specifications, statements

of work, software architecture specifications, testing and validation plans, and
documentation plans, are related to it.
Requirement is a condition or capability to which the system must conform.
Requirement Management is a systematic approach towards eliciting, organizing and
documenting the requirements of the system clearly along with the applicable attributes.
The elusive difficulties of Requirements are not always obvious and can come from any
number of sources.
Table: 3.1 Software Requirements

Functional Requirements
Functional Requirement defines a function of a software system and how the
system must behave when presented with specific inputs or conditions. These may
include calculations, data manipulation and processing and other specific functionality. In
this system following are the functional requirements:-

The Service providers have to apply the appropriate technique to divide the data
into N Number of Packets.
The Data Has to Flow with either Router or Queue with the packets
Functional Hiding the packets from the attackers by applying the above
mentioned types, Splitting the data into N number of packets
and assigning cryptographic keys to each and every packet.
Non- Functional No service is providing by the destination to the other users
LAN , Routers
Performance Finding File sending Information such as
encoding,decoding,interleaving etc , File Sharing efficiency
fairness and avoiding jamming,
Attributes Data splitting and
sending,Router,Queue,Destination,owner,Remote Users,
SHCS,Puzzle Scheme, AONT

The service provider has to encode the data, interleave and send
The destination has to check the method apply same technique to receive the data.
The Receiver has to decoded interleave and receive the data. The results of the
data will also be generated by the destination.
The Attributes are Channel encode, Channel decode, interleave, De interleave,
queue, Router, SHCS, puzzles, AONT.
Non-functional Requirements
Non functional requirements are the requirements which are not directly
concerned with the specific function delivered by the system. They specify the criteria
that can be used to judge the operation of a system rather than specific behaviors. They
may relate to emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and store
occupancy. Non functional requirements arise through the user needs, because of budget
constraints, organizational policies, the need for interoperability with other software and
hardware systems or because of external factors such as:-
Product Requirements
Organizational Requirements
User Requirements
Product Requirements
Portabi l i ty: Since the software is developed in java it can be executed on any platform
for which the JVM is available with minor or no modifications.
Correctness: It followed a well-defined set of procedures and rules to compute and
also rigorous testing is performed to confirm the correctness of the data. The defined rule
has to follow the corresponding technique to encode and decode the data. Once the
service provider uses some technique the same technique has to follow in destination also.
Ease of Use: The front end is designed in such a way that it provides an interface
which allows the user to interact in an easy manner. The Packeting hiding techniques are
easy to use. Because the interfaces designed in such a manner.

Modul ari ty: The complete product is broken up into many modules and well-defined
interfaces are developed to explore the benefit of flexibility of the product.
Robustness: This software is being developed in such a way that the overall
performance is optimized and the user can expect the results within a limited time with
utmost relevancy and correctness. Java itself possesses the feature of robustness, which
implies the failure of the system is negligible.
Non functional requirements are also called the qualities of a system. These
qualities can be divided into execution quality & evolution quality. Execution qualities
are security & usability of the system which are observed during run time, whereas
evolution quality involves testability, maintainability, extensibility or scalability.
Organizational Requirements
Design Methods: Design is one of the important stages in the software engineering
process. This stage is the first step in moving from problem to the solution domain. In
other words, starting with what is needed design takes us to work how to satisfy the
Eclipse: It is a multi-language software development environment comprising an
integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It is written
mostly in Java and can be used to develop applications in Java and, by means of various
plug-ins, other programming languages including Ada, C, C++, COBOL, Perl, PHP,
Python, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Scala, Clojure, and Scheme. The
IDE is often called Eclipse ADT (Ada Development Toolkit) for Ada, Eclipse CDT for
C/C++, Eclipse JDT for Java, and Eclipse PDT for PHP.
The initial codebase originated from Visual Age. In its default form it is meant
for Java developers, consisting of the Java Development Tools (JDT). Users can extend
its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as
development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute
their own plug-in modules.
Released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, Eclipse is free and open
source software. It was one of the first IDEs to run under GNU Class path and it runs
without issues under Iced Tea.

Swing: The Java Foundation Classes (JFC) consists of five major parts:- AWT, Swing,
and Accessibility, Java 2D, and Drag and Drop. Java 2D has become an integral part of
AWT, Swing is built on top of AWT, and Accessibility support is built into Swing. The
five parts of JFC are certainly not mutually exclusive, and Swing is expected to merge
more deeply with AWT in future versions of Java. Swing is a set of classes that provides
more powerful and flexible components than are possible with the AWT. In addition to
the familiar components, Swing supplies tabbed panes, scroll panes, trees, and tables. It
provides a single API capable of supporting multiple look-and feels so that developers
and end-users are not locked into a single platforms look-and-feel. The Swing library
makes heavy use of the MVC software design pattern, which conceptually decouples the
data being viewed from the user interface controls through which it is viewed. Swing
possesses several traits such as
1. Platform-independence
2. Extensibility
3. Component-oriented
4. Customizable
5. Configurable
6. Look and feel
Platform independence both in terms of its expression and its implementation,
extensibility which allows for the "plugging" of various custom implementations of
specified framework interfaces Users can provide their own custom implementation of
these components to override the default implementations. Component-orientation allows
responding to a well-known set of commands specific to the component. Specifically,
Swing components are Java Beans components, compliant with the Java Beans
Component Architecture specifications. Through customizable feature users will
programmatically customize a standard Swing component by assigning specific borders,
colors, backgrounds, opacities, etc, configurable that allows Swing to respond at runtime
to fundamental changes in its settings. Finally look and feel allows one to specialize the
look and feel of widgets, by modifying the default via runtime parameters deriving from
an existing one, by creating one from scratch, or, beginning with J2SE 5.0, by using the
Look and Feel which is configured with an XML property file.

There must be a user interface in both source side and destination side.
There must be an option for the user to select the file to transfer.
An option to view the content of the file.
The system should be user friendly, so that the client application is available at
the system tray and user has to just click to select any options.
3.4.1 Hardware Requirements
3.4.2 Software Requirements


3.5.1 Introduction
The input design is the link between the information system and the user. It comprises the
developing specification and procedures for data preparation and those steps are
necessary to put transaction data in to a usable form for processing can be achieved by
inspecting the computer to read data from a written or printed document or it can occur
by having people keying the data directly into the system. The design of input focuses on
controlling the amount of input required, controlling the errors, avoiding delay, avoiding
extra steps and keeping the process simple. The input is designed in such a way so that it
provides security and ease of use with retaining the privacy. Input Design considered the
following things:
What data should be given as input?
How the data should be arranged or coded?
The dialog to guide the operating personnel in providing input.
Methods for preparing input validations and steps to follow when error occur.

1. Input Design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the input into a
computer-based system. This design is important to avoid errors in the data input process
and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct information from
the computerized system.
2. It is achieved by creating user-friendly screens for the data entry to handle large
volume of data. The goal of designing input is to make data entry easier and to be free
from errors. The data entry screen is designed in such a way that all the data manipulates
can be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.
3. When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be entered with the help
of screens. Appropriate messages are provided as when needed so that the user will not
be in maize of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an input layout that
is easy to follow.


A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the
information clearly. In any system results of processing are communicated to the users
and to other system through outputs. In output design it is determined how the
information is to be displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the
most important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output
design improves the systems relationship to help user decision-making.
1.Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner;
the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so
that people will find the system can use easily and effectively. When analysis design
computer output, they should Identify the specific output that is needed to meet the
2. Select methods for presenting information.
3. Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced by the
The output form of an information system should accomplish one or more of the
following objectives.
Convey information about past activities, current status or projections of the
Signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings.
Trigger an action.
Confirm an action.
3.5.2 Unified Modeling Language
The design phase of project is implemented using Unified Modeling Language
(UML). UML was introduced in 1997, has rapidly been accepted throughout the software
industry as the standard graphical language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and
documenting software-intensive systems. The UML provides anyone involved in the
production, deployment, and maintenance of software with a standard notation for
expressing a system's blueprint. The UML covers conceptual things, such as business

processes and system functions, as well as concrete things, such as programming-
language classes, database schemas, and reusable software components.
The UML is a graphical language for specifying visualizing constructing and
documenting the artifacts of software systems.
3.5.3 UML Diagrams of the Project









Table 3.2 : Default Routing Table
SNode IRouter Dest Attacker
S R1 A No
S R2 B R2
S R2 C No
S R2 D No
S R3 E No
S R3 F No
The table 3.2 shows the database schema of Default Routing Table

Table 3.4 : Reciever
NodeName IPAddress Port Status fsize ipstatus
A 105 Unblock 5000 default
B 105 Unblock 12000 default
C 105 Block 5000 default
D 105 Unblock 12000 default
E 105 Unblock 12000 Changed
F 105 Unblock 10000 default
The table 3.3 shows the database schema of Reciever

Table 3.4 Routing Table
SNode IRouter Dest Attacker
S R1 A No
S R1 B No
S R2 C No
S R2 D No
S R3 E No
S R3 F No
The table 3.4 shows the database schema of Routing Table

4.1 Introduction
This project is developed by software such as JDK 1.6 running in Windows XP
operating system. The system uses Java technology such as RMI (Remote Method
Invocation). Javas SWING API is used to build user interface. The RMI technology lets
nodes to communicate remotely. The simulation has three kinds of nodes namely
centralized server, server and client. The purpose of source is to send the data to the
destination. There sender will be consisting of the Channel Encoder, Inter leaver and the
Modulator. For simulation of communication in WSN, the server node is able to send
messages to client nodes based on the port number and the communication is routed
through one of the centralized servers. Here user is able to select a file by clicking browse
button. The Send button is to be initiated by user in order to send messages to client
based on port number. The message or file selected is broken into packets with length 48
bytes. It selects the required data and sends it to a particular client. The data is sent in the
form of packets with length 48 bytes. The server has to use specific IP address and port
number based on the centralized server through which it is to send the messages to client.

Software Environment has following
4.2 Java Technology
Java technology is both a programming language and a platform.
4.2.1 The Java Programming Language
The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized
by all of the following buzzwords:

Architecture neutral
Object oriented

High performance

With most programming languages, you either compile or interpret a program so
that you can run it on your computer. The Java programming language is unusual in that
a program is both compiled and interpreted. With the compiler, first you translate a
program into an intermediate language called Java byte codes the platform-
independent codes interpreted by the interpreter on the Java platform. The interpreter
parses and runs each Java byte code instruction on the computer. Compilation happens
just once; interpretation occurs each time the program is executed. The following figure
illustrates how this works.

You can think of Java byte codes as the machine code instructions for the Java
Virtual Machine (Java VM). Every Java interpreter, whether its a development tool or a
Web browser that can run applets, is an implementation of the Java VM. Java byte codes
help make write once, run anywhere possible. You can compile your program into byte
codes on any platform that has a Java compiler. The byte codes can then be run on any
implementation of the Java VM. That means that as long as a computer has a Java VM,
the same program written in the Java programming language can run on Windows 2000,
a Solaris workstation, or on an iMac.


4.2.2 The Java Platform
A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs.
Weve already mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000,
Linux, Solaris, and Mac-OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the
operating system and hardware. The Java platform differs from most other platforms in
that its a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.
The Java platform has two components:
The Java Virtual Machine (Java VM)
The Java Application Programming Interface (Java API)
Youve already been introduced to the Java VM. Its the base for the Java platform
and is ported onto various hardware-based platforms.
The Java API is a large collection of ready-made software components that provide
many useful capabilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is
grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as
packages. The next section, What Can Java Technology Do? Highlights what
functionality some of the packages in the Java API provide.
The following figure depicts a program thats running on the Java platform. As the
figure shows, the Java API and the virtual machine insulate the program from the

Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on a
specific hardware platform. As a platform-independent environment, the Java
platform can be a bit slower than native code. However, smart compilers, well-
tuned interpreters, and just-in-time byte code compilers can bring performance
close to that of native code without threatening portability.
What Can Java Technology Do?
The most common types of programs written in the Java programming language are
applets and applications. If youve surfed the Web, youre probably already familiar with
applets. An applet is a program that adheres to certain conventions that allow it to run
within a Java-enabled browser.
However, the Java programming language is not just for writing cute, entertaining applets
for the Web. The general-purpose, high-level Java programming language is also a
powerful software platform. Using the generous API, you can write many types of
An application is a standalone program that runs directly on the Java platform. A special
kind of application known as a server serves and supports clients on a network. Examples
of servers are Web servers, proxy servers, mail servers, and print servers. Another
specialized program is a servlet. A servlet can almost be thought of as an applet that runs
on the server side. Java Servlets are a popular choice for building interactive web
applications, replacing the use of CGI scripts. Servlets are similar to applets in that they
are runtime extensions of applications. Instead of working in browsers, though, servlets
run within Java Web servers, configuring or tailoring the server.
How does the API support all these kinds of programs? It does so with packages of
software components that provides a wide range of functionality. Every full
implementation of the Java platform gives you the following features:
The essentials: Objects, strings, threads, numbers, input and output, data
structures, system properties, date and time, and so on.

Applets: The set of conventions used by applets.
Networking: URLs, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Data gram
Protocol) sockets, and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses.
Internationalization: Help for writing programs that can be localized for users
worldwide. Programs can automatically adapt to specific locales and be displayed
in the appropriate language.
Security: Both low level and high level, including electronic signatures, public
and private key management, access control, and certificates.
Software components: Known as JavaBeans
, can plug into existing
component architectures.
Object serialization: Allows lightweight persistence and communication via
Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC
): Provides uniform access to a wide
range of relational databases.
The Java platform also has APIs for 2D and 3D graphics, accessibility, servers,
collaboration, telephony, speech, animation, and more. The following figure
depicts what is included in the Java 2 SDK.


How Will Java Technology Change My Life?
We cant promise you fame, fortune, or even a job if you learn the Java programming
language. Still, it is likely to make your programs better and requires less effort than
other languages. We believe that Java technology will help you do the following:
Get started quickly: Although the Java programming language is a powerful
object-oriented language, its easy to learn, especially for programmers already
familiar with C or C++.
Write less code: Comparisons of program metrics (class counts, method counts,
and so on) suggest that a program written in the Java programming language can
be four times smaller than the same program in C++.
Write better code: The Java programming language encourages good coding
practices, and its garbage collection helps you avoid memory leaks. Its object
orientation, its JavaBeans component architecture, and its wide-ranging, easily
extendible API let you reuse other peoples tested code and introduce fewer bugs.
Develop programs more quickly: Your development time may be as much as
twice as fast versus writing the same program in C++. Why? You write fewer
lines of code and it is a simpler programming language than C++.
Avoid platform dependencies with 100% Pure Java: You can keep your
program portable by avoiding the use of libraries written in other languages. The
100% Pure Java
Product Certification Program has a repository of historical
process manuals, white papers, brochures, and similar materials online.
Write once, run anywhere: Because 100% Pure Java programs are compiled into
machine-independent byte codes, they run consistently on any Java platform.
Distribute software more easily: You can upgrade applets easily from a central
server. Applets take advantage of the feature of allowing new classes to be loaded
on the fly, without recompiling the entire program.


4.3 ODBC
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard programming
interface for application developers and database systems providers. Before ODBC
became a de facto standard for Windows programs to interface with database systems,
programmers had to use proprietary languages for each database they wanted to connect
to. Now, ODBC has made the choice of the database system almost irrelevant from a
coding perspective, which is as it should be. Application developers have much more
important things to worry about than the syntax that is needed to port their program from
one database to another when business needs suddenly change.
Through the ODBC Administrator in Control Panel, you can specify the particular
database that is associated with a data source that an ODBC application program is
written to use. Think of an ODBC data source as a door with a name on it. Each door will
lead you to a particular database. For example, the data source named Sales Figures
might be a SQL Server database, whereas the Accounts Payable data source could refer
to an Access database. The physical database referred to by a data source can reside
anywhere on the LAN.
The ODBC system files are not installed on your system by Windows 95. Rather,
they are installed when you setup a separate database application, such as SQL Server
Client or Visual Basic 4.0. When the ODBC icon is installed in Control Panel, it uses a
file called ODBCINST.DLL. It is also possible to administer your ODBC data sources
through a stand-alone program called ODBCADM.EXE. There is a 16-bit and a 32-bit
version of this program and each maintains a separate list of ODBC data sources.
From a programming perspective, the beauty of ODBC is that the application can
be written to use the same set of function calls to interface with any data source,
regardless of the database vendor. The source code of the application doesnt change
whether it talks to Oracle or SQL Server. We only mention these two as an example.
There are ODBC drivers available for several dozen popular database systems. Even
Excel spreadsheets and plain text files can be turned into data sources. The operating
system uses the Registry information written by ODBC Administrator to determine
which low-level ODBC drivers are needed to talk to the data source (such as the interface
to Oracle or SQL Server). The loading of the ODBC drivers is transparent to the ODBC

application program. In a client/server environment, the ODBC API even handles many
of the network issues for the application programmer.
The advantages of this scheme are so numerous that you are probably thinking
there must be some catch. The only disadvantage of ODBC is that it isnt as efficient as
talking directly to the native database interface. ODBC has had many detractors make the
charge that it is too slow. Microsoft has always claimed that the critical factor in
performance is the quality of the driver software that is used. In our humble opinion, this
is true. The availability of good ODBC drivers has improved a great deal recently. And
anyway, the criticism about performance is somewhat analogous to those who said that
compilers would never match the speed of pure assembly language. Maybe not, but the
compiler (or ODBC) gives you the opportunity to write cleaner programs, which means
you finish sooner. Meanwhile, computers get faster every year.
4.4 JDBC
In an effort to set an independent database standard API for Java; Sun Microsystems
developed Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC. JDBC offers a generic SQL database
access mechanism that provides a consistent interface to a variety of RDBMSs. This
consistent interface is achieved through the use of plug-in database connectivity
modules, or drivers. If a database vendor wishes to have JDBC support, he or she must
provide the driver for each platform that the database and Java run on.
To gain a wider acceptance of JDBC, Sun based JDBCs framework on ODBC.
As you discovered earlier in this chapter, ODBC has widespread support on a variety of
platforms. Basing JDBC on ODBC will allow vendors to bring JDBC drivers to market
much faster than developing a completely new connectivity solution.
JDBC was announced in March of 1996. It was released for a 90 day public
review that ended June 8, 1996. Because of user input, the final JDBC v1.0 specification
was released soon after.
The remainder of this section will cover enough information about JDBC for you to know
what it is about and how to use it effectively. This is by no means a complete overview of
JDBC. That would fill an entire book.

JDBC Goals
Few software packages are designed without goals in mind. JDBC is one that,
because of its many goals, drove the development of the API. These goals, in conjunction
with early reviewer feedback, have finalized the JDBC class library into a solid
framework for building database applications in Java.
The goals that were set for JDBC are important. They will give you some insight as to
why certain classes and functionalities behave the way they do. The eight design goals
for JDBC are as follows:
1. SQL Level API
The designers felt that their main goal was to define a SQL interface for Java.
Although not the lowest database interface level possible, it is at a low enough level
for higher-level tools and APIs to be created. Conversely, it is at a high enough level
for application programmers to use it confidently. Attaining this goal allows for
future tool vendors to generate JDBC code and to hide many of JDBCs
complexities from the end user.
2. SQL Conformance
SQL syntax varies as you move from database vendor to database vendor. In an
effort to support a wide variety of vendors, JDBC will allow any query statement to
be passed through it to the underlying database driver. This allows the connectivity
module to handle non-standard functionality in a manner that is suitable for its users.
3. J DBC must be implemental on top of common database interfaces
The JDBC SQL API must sit on top of other common SQL level APIs. This
goal allows JDBC to use existing ODBC level drivers by the use of a software
interface. This interface would translate JDBC calls to ODBC and vice versa.
4. Provide a J ava interface that is consistent with the rest of the J ava system
Because of Javas acceptance in the user community thus far, the designers feel
that they should not stray from the current design of the core Java system.
5. Keep it simple
This goal probably appears in all software design goal listings. JDBC is no
exception. Sun felt that the design of JDBC should be very simple, allowing for only

one method of completing a task per mechanism. Allowing duplicate functionality
only serves to confuse the users of the API.
6. Use strong, static typing wherever possible
Strong typing allows for more error checking to be done at compile time; also,
less error appear at runtime.
7. Keep the common cases simple
Because more often than not, the usual SQL calls used by the programmer are
simple SELECTs, INSERTs, DELETEs and UPDATEs, these queries should be
simple to perform with JDBC. However, more complex SQL statements should also
be possible.
Finally we decided to proceed the implementation using Java Networking.
And for dynamically updating the cache table we go for MS Access database.
Java has two things: a programming language and a platform.
Java is a high-level programming language that is all of the following
Simple Architecture-neutral
Object-oriented Portable
Distributed High-performance
Interpreted multithreaded
Robust Dynamic
Java is also unusual in that each Java program is both compiled and
interpreted. With a compile you translate a Java program into an intermediate
language called Java byte codes the platform-independent code instruction is
passed and run on the computer.
Compilation happens just once; interpretation occurs each time the
program is executed. The figure illustrates how this works.

You can think of Java byte codes as the machine code instructions for the
Java Virtual Machine (Java VM). Every Java interpreter, whether its a Java
development tool or a Web browser that can run Java applets, is an
implementation of the Java VM. The Java VM can also be implemented in
Java byte codes help make write once, run anywhere possible. You can
compile your Java program into byte codes on my platform that has a Java
compiler. The byte codes can then be run any implementation of the Java VM.
For example, the same Java program can run Windows NT, Solaris, and

My Program

4.5 Networking
TCP/IP stack
The TCP/IP stack is shorter than the OSI one:

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol; UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a
connectionless protocol.
IP datagrams
The IP layer provides a connectionless and unreliable delivery system. It considers
each datagram independently of the others. Any association between datagram must be
supplied by the higher layers. The IP layer supplies a checksum that includes its own
header. The header includes the source and destination addresses. The IP layer handles
routing through an Internet. It is also responsible for breaking up large datagram into
smaller ones for transmission and reassembling them at the other end.
UDP is also connectionless and unreliable. What it adds to IP is a checksum for the
contents of the datagram and port numbers. These are used to give a client/server model -
see later.


TCP supplies logic to give a reliable connection - oriented protocol above IP. It
provides a virtual circuit that two processes can use to communicate.
Internet addresses
In order to use a service, you must be able to find it. The Internet uses an address
scheme for machines so that they can be located. The address is a 32 bit integer which
gives the IP address. This encodes a network ID and more addressing. The network ID
falls into various classes according to the size of the network address.
Network address
Class A uses 8 bits for the network address with 24 bits left over for other addressing.
Class B uses 16 bit network addressing. Class C uses 24 bit network addressing and class
D uses all 32.
Subnet address
Internally, the UNIX network is divided into sub networks. Building 11 is currently on
one sub network and uses 10-bit addressing, allowing 1024 different hosts.
Host address
8 bits are finally used for host addresses within our subnet. This places a limit of 256
machines that can be on the subnet.
Total address

The 32 bit address is usually written as 4 integers separated by dots.
Port addresses
A service exists on a host, and is identified by its port. This is a 16 bit number. To
send a message to a server, you send it to the port for that service of the host that it is
running on. This is not location transparency! Certain of these ports are "well known".

A socket is a data structure maintained by the system to handle network connections.
A socket is created using the call socket. It returns an integer that is like a file descriptor.
In fact, under Windows, this handle can be used with Read File and Write File functions.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int socket(int family, int type, int protocol);
Here "family" will be AF_INET for IP communications, protocol will be zero, and type
will depend on whether TCP or UDP is used. Two processes wishing to communicate
over a network create a socket each. These are similar to two ends of a pipe - but the
actual pipe does not yet exist.
JFree Chart
JFreeChart is a free 100% Java chart library that makes it easy for developers to
display professional quality charts in their applications. JFreeChart's extensive feature set
A consistent and well-documented API, supporting a wide range of chart types;
A flexible design that is easy to extend, and targets both server-side and client-side
Support for many output types, including Swing components, image files (including PNG
and JPEG), and vector graphics file formats (including PDF, EPS and SVG);
JFreeChart is "open source" or, more specifically, free software. It is distributed
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL), which permits use in
proprietary applications.
1. Map Visualizations
Charts showing values that relate to geographical areas. Some examples include: (a)
population density in each state of the United States, (b) income per capita for each
country in Europe, (c) life expectancy in each country of the world. The tasks in this
project include:
Sourcing freely redistributable vector outlines for the countries of the world,
states/provinces in particular countries (USA in particular, but also other areas);

Creating an appropriate dataset interface (plus default implementation), a
rendered, and integrating this with the existing XYPlot class in JFreeChart;
Testing, documenting, testing some more, documenting some more.
2. Time Series Chart Interactivity
Implement a new (to JFreeChart) feature for interactive time series charts --- to
display a separate control that shows a small version of ALL the time series data, with a
sliding "view" rectangle that allows you to select the subset of the time series data to
display in the main chart.
3. Dashboards
There is currently a lot of interest in dashboard displays. Create a flexible dashboard
mechanism that supports a subset of JFreeChart chart types ( dials, pies, thermometers,
bars, and lines/time series) that can be delivered easily via both Java Web Start and an
4. Property Editors
The property editor mechanism in JFreeChart only handles a small subset of the
properties that can be set for charts. Extend (or reimplement) this mechanism to provide
greater end-user control over the appearance of the charts.


5.1 Introduction
In this chapter the attacks in wireless mobile ad-hoc network is being explained in
brief and the modules description.
5.2 Implementation
Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned out
into a working system. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving
a successful new system and in giving the user, confidence that the new system will work
and be effective.
The implementation stage involves careful planning, investigation of the existing
system and its constraints on implementation, designing of methods to achieve
changeover and evaluation of changeover methods.
5.3 Modules
Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS) Attack
Blackmail Attack
Location Disclosure Attack
Routing Table Poisoning Attack
5.3.1 Distributed Denial OF Service (DDOS) Attack
A DDoS attack is a form of DoS attack but difference is that DoS attack is performed
by only one node and DDoS is performed by the combination of many nodes. All nodes
simultaneously attack on the victim node or network by sending them huge packets, this
will totally consume the victim bandwidth and this will not allow victim to receive the
important data from the network.
5.3.2 Blackmail Attack
This attack is relevant against routing protocols that use mechanisms for the
identification of malicious nodes and propagate messages that try to blacklist the offender

An attacker may fabricate such reporting messages and try to isolate legitimate nodes
from the network. The security property of non - repudiation can prove to be useful in
such cases since it binds a node to the messages it generated .
5.3.3 Location Disclosure Attack
Location disclosure is an attack that targets the privacy requirements of an ad - hoc
network. Through the use of traffic analysis techniques or with simpler probing and
monitoring approaches, an attacker is able to discover the location of a node, or even the
structure of the entire network.
5.3.4 Routing Table Poisoning
Routing protocols maintain tables that hold information regarding routes of the
network. In poisoning attacks the malicious nodes generate and send fabricated signaling
traffic, or modify legitimate messages from other nodes, in order to create false entries in
the tables of the participating nodes . For example, an attacker can send routing updates
that do not correspond to actual changes in the topology of the ad hoc network. Routing
table poisoning attacks can result in the selection of non optimal routes, the creation of
routing loops, bottlenecks, and even portioning certain parts of the network
5.4 Algorithm
Create node =ids;
Set routing = AODV;
If ((node in radio range) && (next hop! =Null)
Capture load (all_node)
Create normal_profile (rreq, rrep, tsend, trecv, tdrop)
{pkt_type; // AODV, TCP, CBR, UDP
Tsend, trecv, tdrop, rrep, rreq
Threshold_parameter ()
If ((load<=max_limit) && (new_profile<=max_threshold) &&

No any attack;
Else {
Attack in network;
Find_attack_info ();
Else {
Node out of range or destination unreachable
Find_attack_info ()
Compare normal_profile into each trace value
If (normal_profile! = new trace_value)
Check pkt_type;
Count unknown pkt_type;
Arrival time;
Block_Sender_node(); //sender node as attacker

In our algorithm firstly we create an IDS node in which we set AODV as a routing
protocol. Then after the creation, our IDS node check the network configuration and
capture lode by finding that if any node is in its radio range and also the next hop is not
null, then capture all the information of nodes. Else nodes are out of range or destination
unreachable. With the help of this information IDS node creates a normal profile which
contains information like type of packet, in our case (protocol is AODV, pkt type TCP,
UDP, CBR), time of packet send and receive and threshold. After creating normal profile
and threshold checking is done in the network i.e. if network load is smaller than or equal

to maximum limit and new profile is smaller than or equal to maximum threshold and
new profile is greater than or equal to minimum threshold then there is no any kind of
attack present. Else there is an attack in the network and find the attack. For doing it
compare normal profile with each new trace value i.e. check packet type, count unknown
packet type, arrival time of packet, sender of packet, receiver of packet. And after
detection of any anomaly in that parameters then block that packet sender node (attacker


6.1 Introduction:
This Chapter describes the find attacks and resolve that attacks. Four types of attacks
shown as following.
1.Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS) attack,
2.Black mail attack,
3.Location Disclosure attack,
4.Routing Table Poisoning attack.
6.2 Results
Activation of Router, IDS Master in Ad-hoc Network, DestinationA, DestinationB,
DestinationC, DestinationD, DestinationE, DestinationF, Source.

Fig 6.1 Router

ii)IDS Master in Ad-hoc Network

Fig 6.2 IDS Master in Ad-hoc Network


iii)Destination A

Fig 6.3 Connection of Destination A

iv)Destination A is connected to Router

Fig 6.4 Destination A is connected to Router

v)Destination B

Fig 6.5 Connection of Destination B

vi)Destination B is connected to Router

Fig 6.6 Destination B is connected to Router

vii)Destination C

Fig 6.7 Connection of Destination C

viii) Destination C is connected to Router

Fig 6.8 Destination C is connected to Router

ix) Destination D

Fig 6.9 Connection of Destination D

x) Destination D is connected to Router

Fig 6.10 Destination D is connected to Router

xi) Destination E

Fig 6.11 Connection of Destination E

xii) Destination E is connected to Router

Fig 6.12 Destination E is connected to Router

xiii) Destination F

Fig 6.13 Connection of Destination F

xiv)Destination F is connected to Router

Fig 6.14 Destination F is connected to Router


Fig 6.15 Source

The figures from 6.1 to 6.15 shows all the Activation of Router, IDS Master in Ad-hoc
Network, DestinationA, DestinationB, DestinationC, DestinationD, DestinationE,
DestinationF, Source.


DDOS Attack
i)Browse File

Fig 6.16 Browse File

ii)Select Router

Fig 6.17 Select Router1

iii)Select Destination

Fig 6.18 Select Destination A
iv)Find DDOS Attack

Fig 6.19 Find DDOS Attack

v)Find DDOS Attack at Destination A

Fig 6.20 Find DDOS Attack at Destination A

vi)Status of nodes

Fig 6.21 Status of node A and node B

vii)Select Destination B

Fig 6.22 Select Destination B

viii)Data is transfer from Source to Destination

Fig 6.23 Data is transfer from Source to Destination B

ix) Destination B received Data but not Destination A because of DDOS Attack
found at destination A

Fig 6.24 Destination Received Data

The figures from 6.16 to 6.24 shows all the DDOS Attack.


Blackmail Attack
i)Browse File

Fig 6.25 Browse File

ii)Select Router

Fig 6.26 Select Router2

iii)Select Destination

Fig 6.27 Select Destination C

iv)Find Blackmail Attack

Fig 6.28 Find Blackmail Attack

v)Find Blackmail Attack at Destination C

Fig 6.29 Find Blackmail Attack at Destination C

vi)Status of nodes

Fig 6.30 Status of node C and node D

vii)Select Destination D

Fig 6.31 Select Destination D

viii)Data is transfer from Source to Destination

Fig 6.32 Data is transfer from Source to Destination D

ix)Destination D received Data but not Destination C because of Blackmail Attack
found at destination C

Fig 6.33 Destination Received Data

The figures from 6.25 to 6.33 shows all the Blackmail Attack.


Location Disclosure Attack
i)Browse File

Fig 6.34 Browse File

ii)Select Router

Fig 6.35 Select Router3

iii)Select Destination

Fig 6.36 Select Destination E

iv)Find Location Disclosure Attack

Fig 6.37 Find Location Disclosure Attack

v)Find Location Disclosure Attack at Destination E

Fig 6.38 Find Blackmail Attack at Destination E

vi)Status of nodes

Fig 6.39 Status of node E and node F

vii)Select Destination F

Fig 6.40 Select Destination F

viii)Data is transfer from Source to Destination

Fig 6.41 Data is transfer from Source to Destination

ix) Destination F received Data but not Destination E because of Location Disclosure
Attack found at destination E

Fig 6.42 Destination Received Data

The figures from 6.34 to 6.42 shows all the Location Disclosure Attack.


Routing Table Poisoning Attack
i)Default Routing Path

Fig 6.43 Default Routing Path

ii)Change Routing Path

Fig 6.44 Change Routing Path Source S to Destination B

iii)Browse File

Fig 6.45 Browse File

iv)Select Router

Fig 6.46 Select Router1

v)Select Destination B

Fig 6.47 Select Destination B

vi)Routing Table Poisoning Attack

Fig 6.48 Routing Table Poisoning Attack at Router 2

The figures from 6.43 to 6.48 shows all the Routing Table Poisoning Attack.

7.1 Introduction
The purpose of testing is to discover errors. Testing is the process of trying to
discover every conceivable fault or weakness in a work product. It provides a way to
check the functionality of components, sub-assemblies, assemblies and/or a finished
product It is the process of exercising software with the intent of ensuring that the
Software system meets its requirements and user expectations and does not fail in an
unacceptable manner. There are various types of test. Each test type addresses a specific
testing requirement.
7.2Types of Tests
7.2.1Unit testing
Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal program
logic is functioning properly, and that program input produces valid outputs. All decision
branches and internal code flow should be validated. It is the testing of individual
software units of the application .it is done after the completion of an individual unit
before integration. This is a structural testing, that relies on knowledge of its construction
and is invasive. Unit tests perform basic tests at component level and test a specific
business process, application, and/or system configuration. Unit tests ensure that each
unique path of a business process performs accurately to the documented specifications
and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results.
Unit testing is usually conducted as part of a combined code and unit test phase of
the software lifecycle, although it is not uncommon for coding and unit testing to be
conducted as two distinct phases.
Test strategy and approach
Field testing will be performed manually and functional tests will be written in


Test objectives
All field entries must work properly.
Pages must be activated from the identified link.
The entry screen, messages and responses must not be delayed.
Features to be tested
Verify that the entries are of the correct format
No duplicate entries should be allowed
All links should take the user to the correct page.
7.2.2Functional test
Functional tests provide systematic demonstrations that functions tested are
available as specified by the business and technical requirements, system documentation,
and user manuals.
Functional testing is centered on the following items:
Valid Input : identified classes of valid input must be accepted.
Invalid Input : identified classes of invalid input must be rejected.
Functions : identified functions must be exercised.
Output : identified classes of application outputs must be exercised.
Systems/Procedures: interfacing systems or procedures must be invoked.
Organization and preparation of functional tests is focused on requirements, key
functions, or special test cases. In addition, systematic coverage pertaining to identify
Business process flows; data fields, predefined processes, and successive processes must
be considered for testing. Before functional testing is complete, additional tests are
identified and the effective value of current tests is determined
7.2.3Integration Testing
Integration tests are designed to test integrated software components to determine if
they actually run as one program. Testing is event driven and is more concerned with
the basic outcome of screens or fields. Integration tests demonstrate that although the
components were individually satisfaction, as shown by successfully unit testing, the
combination of components is correct and consistent. Integration testing is specifically
aimed at exposing the problems that arise from the combination of components.

Software integration testing is the incremental integration testing of two or more
integrated software components on a single platform to produce failures caused by
interface defects.
The task of the integration test is to check that components or software applications,
e.g. components in a software system or one step up software applications at the
company level interact without error.
Test Results: All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. No defects
7.2.4 Acceptance Testing
User Acceptance Testing is a critical phase of any project and requires significant
participation by the end user. It is also ensures that the system meets the functional
Test Results: All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. No defects
7.3 Test Cases
Test Cases checks are performed on the following fields.
The text field can contain only the number of characters lesser than or equal to its
size. The text fields are alphanumeric in some tables and alphabetic in other tables.
Incorrect entry always flashes and error message.
The numeric field can contain only numbers from 0 to 9. An entry of any
character flashes an error messages. The individual modules are checked for accuracy
and what it has to perform. Each module is subjected to test run along with sample data.
The individually tested modules are integrated into a single system. Testing involves
executing the real data information is used in the program the existence of any program
defect is inferred from the output. The testing should be planned so that all the
requirements are individually tested.


Taking various kinds of test data does the above testing. Preparation of test data
plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data the system under
study is tested using that test data. While testing the system by using test data errors are
again uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps and corrections are also noted
for future use.
Live test data are those that are actually extracted from organization files. After a
system is partially constructed, programmers or analysts often ask users to key in a set of
data from their normal activities. Then, the systems person uses this data as a way to
partially test the system. In other instances, programmers or analysts extract a set of live
data from the files and have them entered themselves.
It is difficult to obtain live data in sufficient amounts to conduct extensive testing.
And, although it is realistic data that will show how the system will perform for the
typical processing requirement, assuming that the live data entered are in fact typical,
such data generally will not test all combinations or formats that can enter the system.
This bias toward typical values then does not provide a true systems test and in fact
ignores the cases most likely to cause system failure.
Artificial test data are created solely for test purposes, since they can be generated
to test all combinations of formats and values. In other words, the artificial data, which
can quickly be prepared by a data generating utility program in the information systems
department, make possible the testing of all login and control paths through the program.
The most effective test programs use artificial test data generated by persons other
than those who wrote the programs. Often, an independent team of testers formulates a
testing plan, using the systems specifications.
The package Virtual Private Network has satisfied all the requirements
specified as per software requirement specification and was accepted.


8.1 Summary
The proposed mechanism eliminates the need for a centralized trusted authority
which is not practical in ADHOC network due to their self organizing nature. The results
demonstrate that the presence of a DDOS increases the packet loss in the network
considerably. The proposed mechanism protects the network through a self organized,
fully distributed and localized procedure. The additional certificate publishing happens
only for a short duration of time during which almost all nodes in the network get
certified by their neighbors.
After a period of time each node has a directory of certificates and hence the routing
load incurred in this process is reasonable with a good network performance in terms of
security as compare with attack case. We believe that this is an acceptable performance,
given that the attack prevented has a much larger impact on the performance of the
protocol. The proposed mechanism can also be applied for securing the network from
other routing attacks by changing the security parameters in accordance with the nature
of the attacks.
8.2 Future Enhancements
There are many security attacks in MANET and DDoS (Distributed denial of
service) is one of them. Our main aim is seeing the effect of DDoS in routing load, packet
drop rate, end to end delay, i.e. maximizing due to attack on network. And with these
parameters and many more also we build secure IDS to detect this kind of attack and
block it.


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Sample code

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.sql.Connection;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
public class RecieverA {
public JLabel T1a = new JLabel("");
public JLabel T1b = new JLabel(" ");
public Font f = new Font("Times new roman", Font.BOLD, 22);
public Font f1 = new Font("Times new roman", Font.BOLD, 15);
public Font f2 = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 17);
public Font f3 = new Font("Times new roman", Font.BOLD, 18);
public JLabel T0 = new JLabel(" Receiver A");
public JLabel T1 = new JLabel("File Receiving Path:");
public JLabel T2 = new JLabel("Server Status :");
public JLabel T3 = new JLabel("File receive path ");
public JLabel T4 = new JLabel("running and waiting");
public JLabel T5 = new JLabel("Answer :");
public JCheckBox chk1 = new JCheckBox("");
public JComboBox TAreu = new JComboBox();
public JButton btn = new JButton("Send");
public JTextArea tf = new JTextArea();
public JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane();
public JButton btn2 = new JButton("Send");
public JTextField txt = new JTextField();
public JTextField txt1 = new JTextField();
public JTextField txt2 = new JTextField();
JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel();
JLabel receive = new JLabel();
JLabel image = new JLabel();
JLabel imageLabel1 = new JLabel();

JLabel image1 = new JLabel();
JLabel imageLabel2 = new JLabel();
JLabel image12 = new JLabel();
public JLabel tfld = new JLabel();
JPanel jp = new JPanel();
JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();
public JLabel leftButton;
public JLabel proxyques;
String accesspoint;
public JLabel line;
public JLabel line1;
public JLabel imagelabel = new JLabel();
public JFrame jf;
public Container c;
RecieverA() {
String[] r = { "Router" };
String r1 = (String)
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Which Router Do You Want To Connect?",
"Router",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, r, r[0]);
jf = new JFrame("ReceiverA");
c = jf.getContentPane();
jf.setSize(650, 800);
c.setBackground(new Color(100, 100, 100));
T1a.setBounds(50, 5, 650, 45);
T1b.setBounds(155, 40, 450, 45);

Border lineBorder = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new Color(211, 217,184));
line = new JLabel();
line.setBounds(70, 140, 500, 280);
TitledBorder leftBorder = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("File Transmit");
leftButton = new JLabel();
leftButton.setBounds(70, 200, 500, 300);
TitledBorder leftBorder1 = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Received File");
proxyques = new JLabel();
proxyques.setBounds(70, 430, 500, 280);
T0.setBounds(200, 80, 350, 45);
T2.setBounds(105, 660, 250, 45);
T2.setForeground(new Color(211, 217, 184));
T1.setForeground(new Color(211, 217, 184));
T1.setBounds(105, 570, 300, 150);
txt1.setBounds(105, 280, 300, 25);
T3.setBounds(265, 625, 250, 45);
T4.setBounds(255, 660, 350, 45);

T5.setBounds(125, 590, 250, 45);
T5.setForeground(new Color(211, 217, 184));
txt2.setBounds(220, 595, 250, 30);
btn.setBounds(420, 420, 120, 30);
btn.setForeground(new Color(120, 0, 0));
btn2.setBounds(420, 650, 120, 30);
btn2.setForeground(new Color(120, 0, 0));
jp.setBounds(85, 110, 850, 550);
jp.setBackground(new Color(211, 217, 184));
jp1.setBounds(80, 105, 860, 560);
receive.setBounds(445, 720, 250, 45);
txt.setBounds(260, 150, 180, 25);
TAreu.setBounds(650, 550, 200, 35);
TAreu.addItem("Mesh Route");
TAreu.addItem(" Node ");
pane.setBounds(115, 470, 400, 200);

// tf.setName("tf");
tfld.setBounds(410, 160, 200, 30);
tfld.setForeground(new Color(120, 0, 0));
c.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
jf.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent win) {
int[] ports = new int[] { 20001, 105,40000 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Thread t = new Thread(new PortListener(ports[i]));
t.setName("Listener-" + ports[i]);
try {
Socket soc1 = new Socket("localhost", 100);

String port = "105";
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(soc1.getOutputStream());
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
String ip = ia.getHostAddress();
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RecieverA rc = new RecieverA();
class PortListener implements Runnable {
BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
ServerSocket server;
Socket connection;
BufferedReader br = null;
int port;
public PortListener(int port) {
this.port = port;
public void run() {
if (this.port == 40000) {
try {
Socket con1;
ServerSocket server1 = new ServerSocket(40000);
while (true) {

con1 = server1.accept();
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(con1.getInputStream());
String router = din.readUTF();
String rname = din.readUTF();
String rip = din.readUTF();
String d = din.readUTF();
System.out.println(d+"Recieved file at A");
} catch (Exception e) {

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