Villar v. NLRC (2000)

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 130935 May 11, 2000
CORPORATION, respondents.

VI!!R!&O, !'ONSO PIPINO, NOE! N$% and E(E)#IE! MNIM"IM, in this
petition for certiorari, assail for havin* been rendered +ith *rave abuse of discretion the
,- Ma. /001 Decision of the National !abor Relations Co22ission 3N!RC4 vacatin*
and settin* aside the Decision of the !abor rbiter, as +ell as its ,/ 5ul. /001
6I7"EC6 MN#'C"#RIN$ CORPOR"ION 36I7"EC64, a corporation dul. or*ani8ed
and e9istin* under Philippine la+s, is en*a*ed in the business of 2anufacturin* cartons
for co22ercial purposes. On different dates, 6I7"EC6 hired petitioners to perfor2
various :obs for the co2pan. such as slitter 2achine operator, in;2an, sil; screen
printer, truc; helper, rubber d.e setter, for;lift operator and stitchin* 2achine operator.
So2eti2e in March /00< petitioners, +ho +ere 2e2bers of the 'ederation of 'ree
=or;ers #nion, filed before the Depart2ent of !abor a petition for certification election
a2on* the ran;7and7file e2plo.ees of 6I7"EC6. "he petition +as *ranted and a
certification election +as conducted inside the co2pan. pre2ises on ,/ 5ul. /00<.
6o+ever, petitioners lost in the election as the 6I7"EC6 e2plo.ees voted for >No
On / u*ust /00< and the succeedin* da.s thereafter, petitioners failed to report for
+or;. "he. alle*ed that the. +ere barred fro2 enterin* the pre2ises of 6I7"EC6?
hence, the. i22ediatel. filed before the !abor rbiter separate co2plaints for ille*al
dis2issal and labor standards clai2s a*ainst 6I7"EC6, 6er2an ". $o, o+ner, and
Car2en &elano, *eneral 2ana*er.
Petitioners clai2ed that the. +ere su22aril. dis2issed fro2 e2plo.2ent b. the
2ana*e2ent of 6I7"EC6 in retaliation for or*ani8in* a labor union in the +or; pre2ises
as +ell as in filin* the petition for certification election before the Depart2ent of !abor.
"he. further averred that the. +ere paid dail. +a*es ran*in* fro2 P@/.-- to P/<A.--
+hich +ere belo+ the 2ini2u2 fi9ed b. la+ and that the. +ere reBuired to +or; si9 3C4
da.s a +ee; fro2 @ oDcloc; in the 2ornin* to 1 oDcloc; in the evenin* +ithout bein* paid
for the overti2e. Neither +ere the. paid their service incentive leave pa. and /,th
2onth pa..
Petitioners ori*inall. nu2bered t+ent.7three 3E,4 but fifteen 3/A4 of the2 desisted in the
course of the proceedin*s thus leavin* onl. the ei*ht 3@4 petitioners +ho pursued their
cause to the end.
On the other hand, 6I7"EC6 denied havin* dis2issed petitioners. It contended that
petitioners +ere probabl. stun* b. their defeat in the certification election such that the.
refused to +or; thereafter? that the 6I7"EC6 2ana*e2ent called their attention
concernin* their unauthori8ed absences +ithout leave but petitioners continued +ith
their leave en masse +ith the sole intention of cripplin* the co2pan. operations? and,
that petitioners could return to their :obs at 6I7"EC6 an. ti2e at their discretion. In
support of these alle*ations, private respondent presented in evidence the affidavits
e2plo.ees +ho initiall. :oined petitioners in filin* their co2plaints but later desisted fro2
pursuin* their clai2s. "he pertinent portions of the affidavits unifor2l. read F
E. "hat I hereb. state that I +as not dis2issed b. the co2pan. or its
officials, the truth of the 2atter bein* that I did not report for +or;
an.2ore after the certification election on 5ul. ,/, /00<, +hen our
#nion lost in the said election? that I +anted to resi*n fro2 the
co2pan., as I a2 hereb. resi*nin* voluntaril. fro2 2. :ob +ith 6I7
,. "hat it is not li;e+ise true that I +as underpaid, or that I +as paid
salar. belo+ the 2ini2u2 fi9ed b. la+? that I +as receivin* 2. dail.
salar. in accordance +ith la+? and that I received all the benefits due
2e as li;e holida. pa., service incentive leave and /,th
2onth pa. for /00< that I have no clai2s +hatsoever a*ainst the
co2pan. or its officials in connection +ith or arisin* fro2 2.
e2plo.2ent +ith the co2pan., and that the co2plaint I filed a*ainst
the co2pan. +as due to 2isunderstandin* and 2isconception of
+hat I perceived I a2 entitled to? that no+ I reali8e that I have nothin*
or I do not have an. valid co2plaint or clai2 a*ainst the 6I7"EC6
MN#'C"#RIN$ . . . .
"he. further sub2itted the hand+ritten notes of petitioners rturo Mani2ti2 and
E9eBuiel Mani2ti2 addressed to the 2ana*e2ent of 6I7"EC6. "he letter of rturo
Mani2ti2, the contents of +hich +ere substantiall. the sa2e as those of E9eBuiel
Mani2ti2, read F
;o po si Mr. rturo Mani2ti2 a. ;usan* loob na pu2unta at lu2apit
sa pa2unuan upan* hu2in*i nan* anu2an* financial assistance o
tulon* na in.on* 2aibibi*a. sa a;in lalun*7lalo na po para sa a;in*
pa2il.a, at ;abilan* na rin po an* a;in* tu+iran* pa*7a2in sa
;asalanan* a2in* *ina+a laban sa 2ana*e2ent na ;a2i po an*
na*dulot n* 2ala;in* ;asiraan at per+is.o sa in.on* ;u2pan.a
noon* na;araan dahil sa a2in* *ina+an* pa*ti*il sa a2in* trabaho
n* saba.7saba. n* +alan* paala2 o pahintulot sa 2ana*e2ent at
na*in* sanhi n* 2ala;in* pa*;alu*i n* ;u2pan.a.
;o po a. ;usan* loob na hu2ihin*i n* in.on* ;apata+aran sa
pa*;a;ataon* ito bilan* in.on* datin* 2an**a*a+a at sa ta*al po rin
n* a;in* serbis.o sa in.on* ;u2pan.a na sanaD. 2alu*od po
nin.on* pa*bi*.an an* a;in* ;ahilin*an.
;o po a. hu2ihin*i n* ;apata+aran sa 2ana*e2ent sa a2in*
2alin* pa2a2araan o pa*turin* sa 2ana*e2ent.
n* in.on* lin*;od,
3S*d.4 rturo Mani2ti2
On /A u*ust /00C a consolidated decision +as rendered b. !abor rbiter E2erson C.
"u2anon in favor of petitioners orderin* 6I7"EC6 to reinstate petitioners to their for2er
positions +ithout loss of seniorit. ri*hts and +ith full bac; +a*es, and to pa. their
2andated 2onetar. benefits co2puted as follo+s F
NME &G=$ES #GP%MEN" /,"6 MP SI!P
.VI!!R P/--,-CE.-A PE<,-EC.-- PE,--E./- P/,@AA.--
D. INDI" /--,-CE.-A /E,0/,.-- /,-1C.-A C1A.--
$. D"!IO /--,-CE.-A /-,1,<.-- @0A.-- C1A.--
$. VI!!R!&O /--,-CE.-- /C,/C,.-- /,,<1.,A /,@AA.--
. PIPINO /--,-CE.-A AE-.-- <,-.-- E,/<A.--
. MNIM"IM /--,-CE.-A A,0,-.0- <0A.0- /,@AA.--
N. N$% //A,<AC.EA 0<<.-- 1@.CA /,@AA.--
E. MNIM"IM /EE,-0/.CA A,0,@.-- <0<.0- /,@AA.--
On appeal b. 6I7"EC6, the N!RC in its Decision of ,- Ma. /001 vacated and set aside
the !abor rbiterDs Decision and ordered petitioners to report bac; to +or;, or if no
lon*er feasible, directed 6I7"EC6 to pa. petitioners their separation benefits. "he
N!RC ruled F
=e have pored 3over4 the records and +e find no proof to support the
Hlabor arbiterDsI contention that soon after the union to +hich
co2plainants belon* lost in the certification election, said
co2plainants +ere su22aril. dis2issed +ithout even the benefit of
due process. "here +as no record that the co2plainants +ere
ter2inated fro2 their e2plo.2ent. =hat is ver. revealin* is that the
da. after the. lost in the certification election, the. refused to report to
+or; for no :ustifiable reason +hich 2a;es us believe that the.
voluntaril. resi*ned . . . . the findin* of the !abor rbiter that the 2ere
fact that the. 3co2plainants4 filed the co2plaint for ille*al dis2issal
ne*ates a notion of abandon2ent is so speculative and con:ectural to
be sustained. "he filin* of their co2plaint for ille*al dis2issal
indicates that it +as nothin* but an atte2pt on their part to *ive
verisi2ilitude to their desire to *et even +ith respondents.
In vie+ of all the fore*oin*, the findin* of the !abor rbiter for ille*al
dis2issal a*ainst respondents, the a+ard of bac;+a*es in favor of
co2plainants is +ithout an. factual or le*al basis. 6o+ever,
co2plainants in their o+n free +ill and volition 2a. return to +or; +ith
respondents +ho are directed to accept the2 +ithout loss of seniorit.
ri*hts and benefits but +ithout bac;+a*es based on the principle of a
fair da.Ds +or; for a fair da.Ds pa. . . . . the alle*ation of co2plainants
that the. +ere underpaid +ithout statin* their respective specific basic
pa. and the basis of their clai2 that the. +ere underpaid cannot be
*iven credence. Mere alle*ations +ithout supportin* proofs are not
evidence in the2selves.
"heir 2otion for reconsideration havin* been denied b. the N!RC in its Resolution
dated ,/ 5ul. /001, petitioners are no+ before us i2putin* *rave abuse of discretion to
the N!RCJ 3a4 in rulin* that petitioners voluntaril. resi*ned fro2 their :obs and +ere not
ille*all. dis2issed? 3b4 in refusin* to correctl. appl. the la+ and :urisprudence relative to
burden of proof in ter2ination cases and 2one. clai2s of +or;ers, abandon2ent of
+or; and offers 2ade b. a part. in the course of liti*ation? and, 3c4 in rulin* that
petitioners did not state their respective specific basic pa. and the basis of their clai2
that the. +ere underpaid.
"he pivotal issues to be resolved areJ first, +hether petitioners deliberatel. and
un:ustifiabl. abandoned their e2plo.2ent, or +ere ille*all. dis2issed b. the
2ana*e2ent of 6I7"EC6? and second, +hether petitioners are entitled to bac; +a*es
and other 2onetar. benefits.
"he first issue involves a Buestion of fact. It is +ell7settled that factual findin*s of quasi-
judicial a*encies such as the N!RC are *enerall. accorded not onl. respect but, at
ti2es, even finalit.. 6o+ever, the rule is not absolute and ad2its of certain +ell7
reco*ni8ed e9ceptions. "hus, +hen the findin*s of fact of the N!RC are not supported
b. substantial evidence,
capricious or arbitrar., and directl. at variance +ith those of
the !abor rbiter,
this Court 2a. 2a;e an independent evaluation of the facts of the
=e find sufficient cause to deviate fro2 the findin*s of the N!RC. It is clear fro2 the
records that so2eti2e in u*ust /00<, i22ediatel. after petitioners supposedl.
>refused to +or;> havin* lost earlier in the certification election, several co2plaints for
ille*al dis2issal a*ainst 6I7"EC6 +ere filed b. petitioners. "hese are sufficient proofs
that the. +ere never *uilt. of leavin* their :obs. "he concept of abandon2ent of +or; is
inconsistent +ith the i22ediate filin* of co2plaints for ille*al dis2issal. n
+ho too; steps to protest his could not b. an. lo*ic be said to have abandoned
his +or;.
bandon2ent is a 2atter of intention and cannot li*htl. be presu2ed fro2 certain
eBuivocal acts. "o constitute abandon2ent, there 2ust be clear proof of deliberate and
un:ustified intent to sever the relationship.
Mere absence of the is not sufficient. "he burden of proof to sho+ a deliberate and un:ustified
refusal of an to resu2e his e2plo.2ent +ithout an. intention of returnin*
rests on the
6I7"EC6 failed to dischar*e its burden. =e find its evidence F consistin* 2ainl. of the
affidavit of e2plo.ees and the hand+ritten notes of rturo Mani2ti2 and E9eBuiel
Mani2ti2 F not enou*h to establish that petitioners indeed deliberatel. and
un:ustifiabl. abandoned their :obs. "he state2ents of the e2plo.ees in these
docu2ents, readil. ac;no+led*in* their *uilt and absolutel. e9oneratin* their
fro2 an. liabilit., +ere ri*idl. and unifor2l. stated, and appeared too *ood to be true.
=e are not una+are of the sche2es e2plo.ed b. 2ana*e2ent to e9tract favorable
state2ents fro2 their e2plo.ees and entice the2 to desist fro2 pursuin* their clai2s in
e9chan*e for so2e financial considerations or pro2ise of i22ediate e2plo.2ent or at
so2e future ti2e.
"he hand+ritten letters of rturo Mani2ti2 and E9eBuiel Mani2ti2 spo;e of their
financial pli*ht. =ithout +or; the. found it difficult to ;no+ ho+ their basic needs could
be 2et. "he. are li;el. to be fa2il. 2en, horrified b. the thou*ht that the. could not
even provide sufficientl. for their .oun* ones. It is precisel. this situation that 2ust have
co2pelled the2 to surrender to 6I7"EC6 and see; financial assistance.
Neither do +e subscribe to 6I7"EC6Ds ar*u2ent that petitioners +ere hi*hl. s;illed
+or;ers, and that to abruptl. ter2inate their services +ould have a debilitatin* effect on
the co2pan.. In this countr., labor suppl. far e9ceeds the de2and. Sooner or later,
eBuall. s;illed +or;ers +ould be linin* up to fill the :ob vacancies. 6I7"EC6 apparentl.
adopted a rather unsound business polic. in ter2inatin* petitionersD e2plo.2ent,
preferrin* to bear the i22ediate and inconseBuential losses in profit +hich, it hoped,
+ould prove to be te2porar. and 2ini2al in the lon* run, as co2pared to the lon*7ter2
co2pan. losses that +ould result if the. co2plied +ith union de2ands. #nfortunatel.,
the. 2iscalculated its repercussions.
6I7"EC6 ne9t avers that it had e9pressed +illin*ness to reinstate petitioners to their
for2er positions in the co2pan., but the latter ada2antl. refused. Suffice it to sa. that
such refusal is understandable and should not be ta;en a*ainst petitioners. %ieldin* to
the co2pan. offer +ould deprive the2 of bac; +a*es to +hich the. are entitled thus
effectivel. ne*atin* their cause.
=e conclude that petitioners did not abandon their :obs but +ere ille*all. dis2issed
therefro2 b. private respondent. s a conseBuence, the. are entitled to reinstate2ent
+ith full bac; +a*es, undi2inished b. earnin*s else+here, to be co2puted fro2 their
ille*al dis2issal to their actual reinstate2ent.
On the second issue, the N!RC held that petitionersD clai2s for underpa.2ent of
+a*es, /,th 2onth pa. and service incentive leave pa. are +ithout basis.
=e disa*ree. First, petitioners e9ecuted a JOINT AFFIDAVIT
/-* their dail.
+a*es, positions and periods of e2plo.2ent, +hich +as 2ade the basis of the !abor
rbiterDs co2putation of the 2onetar. a+ards. Second, all that the N!RC needed to do
+as to refer to the prevailin* 2ini2u2 +a*e to ascertain the correctness of petitionersD
clai2s. Third, and 2ost i2portantl., the burden of provin* pa.2ent of 2onetar. clai2s
rests on the
In Jimenez v. National a!or "elations #ommission
+e held
s a *eneral rule, one +ho pleads pa.2ent has the burden of provin*
it. Even +here the plaintiff 2ust alle*e non7pa.2ent, the *eneral rule
is that the burden rests on the defendant to prove pa.2ent, rather
than on the plaintiff to prove non7pa.2ent. "he debtor has the burden
of sho+in* +ith le*al certaint. that the obli*ation has been
dischar*ed +ith pa.2ent.
"he reason for the rule is that the pertinent personnel files, pa.rolls, records,
re2ittances and other si2ilar docu2ents F +hich +ill sho+ that overti2e, differentials,
service incentive leave and other clai2s of +or;ers have been paid F are not in the
possession of the +or;er but in the custod. and absolute control of the "hus,
in choosin* not to present evidence to prove that it had paid all the 2onetar. clai2s of
petitioners, 6I7"EC6 failed once a*ain to dischar*e the onus $ro!andi. ConseBuentl.,
+e have no choice but to a+ard those clai2s to petitioners.
'inall., +e note that the hand+ritten letters and affidavits e9ecuted b. rturo Mani2ti2
and E9eBuiel Mani2ti2 parta;e of the nature of Buitclai2s. Nevertheless, a deed of
release or Buitclai2 cannot bar e2plo.ees fro2 de2andin* benefits to +hich the. are
le*all. entitled, or stop the2 fro2 contestin* the le*alit. of their dis2issal. "he
acceptance of these benefits does not a2ount to an estoppel.
6o+ever, it is but :ust
that the a2ounts received b. rturo and E9eBuiel Mani2ti2 as consideration for the
Buitclai2s be deducted fro2 their respective 2onetar. a+ards.
=6ERE'ORE, the petition is $RN"ED. "he assailed Decision dated ,- Ma. /001
and Resolution dated ,/ 5ul. /001 of the National !abor Relations Co22ission are
SE" SIDE, and the !abor rbiterDs Decision of /A u*ust /00C is REINS""ED.
Private respondent is directed to reinstate petitioners to their for2er positions +ithout
loss of seniorit. ri*hts and +ith full bac; +a*es, as +ell as to pa. their 2onetar.
benefits in accordance +ith the co2putation 2ade b. !abor rbiter E2erson C.
"u2anon in his Decision of /A u*ust /00C. 6o+ever, insofar as rturo Mani2ti2 and
E9eBuiel Mani2ti2 are concerned, this case is re2anded to the !abor rbiter for
purposes of deter2inin* the a2ounts the. received as consideration for their Buitclai2s
and thereafter deductin* these a2ounts fro2 their 2onetar. a+ards. No costs.

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