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This is a compulsory section. A maximum of 200 words.
This is a compulsory section. Note that there is a space
between Key and Words.
1. I!"#$%&'"($!
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may type directly onto this document. $ou may also press
ctrl%& 'or ctrl%shift%() to see the formattin* mar+s on this
). B*+(' P*,e# L*-$&"
).1 P*,e# S(.e *!% P*/e L*-$&"
,lease use letter si-e (..x// '2/.0x21.2cm) paper. The
top mar*in of the first pa*e should be /.2. '3.2cm)#
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number your pa*es.
The body of the paper should be set to two columns.
5f you follow the abo6e mar*in si-es# each column should
be 3.2. '(.3cm) wide.
ootnotes are permitted for notes pertainin* to the
text only. or bio*raphies and fundin*
ac+nowled*ements# please refer to "ection 2.3./.
).) F$!" *!% P*#*/#*,0+ 1"0(+ (+ *! e2*3,4e $5 *
0*!/(!/ (!%e!"6
,lease use Times New 7oman throu*hout your document.
The body text should be fully 8ustified. 5f you wish to
indent the start of para*raphs# please lea6e para*raphs that
directly follow a section headin* without indents 'use this
template as an example).
).7 C$3,&4+$#- Se'"($!+
The followin* are compulsory sections9
Abstract 'not numbered)
Key Words 'not numbered)
/. 5ntroduction 'numbered)
:. ;onclusion 'numbered)
7eferences 'not numbered)
The 5ntroduction and ;onclusion may be
modified< for example# 5ntroduction9 A ,rimer on= or
;onclusion and uture Wor+. The important thin* is that
the words ;onclusion and 5ntroduction are clear in
their respecti6e section headin*s.
).4 B($/#*,0(e+ *!% A'8!$94e%/e3e!"+
,lease do N>T insert bio*raphies into your paper. ?rant
information and other ac+nowled*ements may be placed
in the Ac+nowled*ement's) section 'see next pa*e).
Table /
Table titles and fi*ure captions should ha6e the same
ont si-e !inimum (pt
ont type Times New 7oman 'same as rest of
).: He*%(!/+
All headin*s should be in Times New 7oman and bolded.
Aeadin*s may be fully or leftB8ustified< please choose one
style and use it throu*hout your paper. Also# ensure that
the spacin* between headin*s and text are consistent.
5f the headin* *oes o6er one line# ensure that you use
a han*in* indent 'see Aeadin* 2.2). 5f a headin* is at the
bottom of a pa*e with no followin* text 'see Aeadin*
2.../)# mo6e it o6er to the next column or pa*e.
).:.1 P#(3*#- 0e*%(!/+
$ou ha6e two formattin* options< please pic+ one and use
it throu*hout your paper9
/. /2pt font# and not fully capitali-ed 'this is the
option used in this template)
2. /0pt font and fully capitali-ed 'e.*. /.
).:.) S&;<0e*%(!/+
All subBheadin*s are /0pt# and not fully capitali-ed. Note
that there is no period after the last decimal number in the
headin*9 e.*. 2...2. is not correct# but 2...2 is.
7. F(/&#e+ *!% T*;4e+
,lease see Table / for formattin* details. Cse the same
formattin* for tables and fi*ures throu*hout the paper.
i*ure captions should always be below the fi*ure.
Tables and fi*ures should always be centred on the
column 'see Table /). or o6ersi-ed fi*ures and tables#
centre them on the pa*e 'see i*ure /). They should be
placed in numerical order< for example# i*ure 2 should
not appear before i*ure /.
,lease chec+ that the fi*ures and tables loo+ clear
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preferred# but if they are clear and the caption is not
scanned# then they can be accepted. ;4 proceedin*s will
show ima*es in colour# but proceedin*s printed in boo+
form will only show blac+ and white.
4. C$!'4&+($!
This is a compulsory section. The *olden rule to
remember when formattin* your paper is to +eep it neat
and consistent. or example# if you use i*. / as the
caption of a fi*ure# then please do not chan*e the next
caption to i*ure 2.
5f you are concerned that these formattin*
reDuirements add an additional pa*e onto your
submission# you may widen your columns and reduce the
si-e of the *ap between them. Aowe6er# please do not
ma+e the mar*ins any smaller.
4.1 F(!*4 S&;3(++($!
4eadline for final submissions is on the
conference website. Eate papers will not be
,lease submit your paper in ,4 form by
clic+in* "ubmit inal ,aper under AuthorFs
Kit on the leftBhand menu of the conference
,apers will only be published if they ha6e been fully paid
for and re*istered by the re*istration deadline 'see
conference website)# and if they are presented by an
author at the conference.
This section is optional. 5t should not be numbered and
should be between the ;onclusion and 7eferences. ,lease
plurali-e Ac+nowled*ement only if you are mentionin*
more than one entity.
This template was updated in !ay /# 20/2. 5f you
ha6e any Duestions# please email pdfportalGiasted.or*.
H/I ;hec+ that references are fully 8ustified# not leftB
H2I They must use the HnumberI format# i.e. the reference
number should be in sDuare brac+ets.
H3I ,lease use either 2 or /0pt font. 2pt is the absolute
HJI or more specific references instructions# the
followin* examples9
Oversized fgures and tables must be centred on the
page like this.
Please ensure that the surrounding text fows in this
order: 1. Top let column! ". #ottom let column! $. Top
right column! %. #ottom right column.
& 'ou cannot make the text fow like this! consider
moving 'our oversized fgure(table to the top or bottom
o the page.
i*ure /. Kxample of an o6ersi-ed fi*ure '?reen brac+ets is optional)
E2*3,4e F$#3*""(!/ 5$# Re5e#e!'e+
1F$#3*" 5$# P#$'ee%(!/+ P*,e#+6
H/I W.L. Moo+# !odellin* desi*n and control of flexible
manipulator arms. A tutorial re6iew# Proc. 29
Conf. on Decision and Control# "an rancisco# ;A# /220#
1F$#3*" 5$# =$&#!*4 P*,e#+6
H2I !. >-a+i# $. Adachi# $. 5wahori# N N. 5shii#
Application of fu--y theory to writer reco*nition of
;hinese characters# International Journal of Modelling
and Simulation, 18'2)# /22(# //2B//0.
ote that the !ournal title and "olume num#er $#ut not
issue num#er% are set in italics.
1F$#3*" 5$# B$$8+6
H3I 7.K. !oore# Inter"al anal&sis 'Kn*lewood ;liffs# NL9
,renticeBAall# /200).
ote that the title of the #oo' is in lo(er case letters and
italici)ed. *here is no comma follo(ing the title. Place
of +u#lication and +u#lisher are gi"en.

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