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Truncations, what's possible

Single, base truncated Single, top truncated

Pgina 1 de 5 Truncations, what's possible
15/05/2012 mk:!"#T"tore:$:%Program&20'iles&20()*+,%"chlumberger%Petrel&202010%-elp%Pet...
Truncations, what's not possible
As a general rule, a fault cannot be truncated by a fault which is itself truncated in a similar way (i.e. both by the base).
Multi, base truncated Multi, top truncated
Top and base truncated Multi, top and base truncated
Truncated base, truncating top
Pgina 2 de 5 Truncations, what's possible
15/05/2012 mk:!"#T"tore:$:%Program&20'iles&20()*+,%"chlumberger%Petrel&202010%-elp%Pet...
Before truncating
Each truncation will make the gridding process more comple and should not be done unless the user is sure that it is the correct solution in each case. !efore deciding to truncate two faults, check that
the lowest"highest hori#on in the grid will be below"abo$e the truncated points. %f not, a truncation might not be the appropriate way to go.
As with connecting faults, it is important to prepare truncations properly. &se the editing functions in 'etrel to mo$e the truncating pairs of (ey 'illars as closely into position as possible ) that way you
a$oid surprises in the truncating process.
Truncated base, truncating base Truncated top, truncating top
Truncated base, truncating base
Pgina 3 de 5 Truncations, what's possible
15/05/2012 mk!"#$T#tore%&Program'20(iles'20)*+,-&#chlumberger&Petrel'202010&.elp&Pet///
Example* %n this figure there are a few problems, the largest being that the number of truncating (ey 'illars does not match between the first and the last one+
,ot $ery well prepared for truncating.
The other problem is that se$eral of the (ey 'illars pairs are not close enough for the user to be sure what will happen when the (ey 'illars are truncated.
This other figure shows how well the (ey 'illar pairs that are to be truncated should be matched up before the actual truncation+
-eady for truncation+
,ote how little space there is for any surprise mo$ements of the (ey 'illars when they are truncated.
Conclusion* &se the input data a$ailable to model how the truncation should be before actually eecuting the truncation. %n this way, you will a$oid surprises and can spend minimal time on editing the
truncating (ey 'illar pairs afterwards.
More information on dealing with truncated faults can be found under Truncations (!ackground).
Truncating Faults
.. Make the truncating fault acti$e (bold) (click on it in the 'etrel Eplorer). %n the figure in the main window, this corresponds to the blue colored (ey 'illar.
/. Select the two (ey 'illars that you want to truncate against each other and click on the Truncate Top Pillars or Truncate Base Pillars icon. The (ey 'illar from the non)acti$e fault will
now be truncated against the (ey 'illar in the acti$e fault
0. Select the net two (ey 'illars to truncate and repeat the process. 1ontinue until satisfied. &se the Remove truncation icon if needed.
2. At least two (ey 'illar pairs must be truncated in 'etrel for the truncation to be handled correctly. A truncation must by definition ha$e a beginning and an end, hence two pairs of truncating (ey
1reate the faults first and position them in the correct relation to one another before starting with the truncation process.
The truncating (ey 'illars will now ha$e an etra Shape 'oint, see the figure in the main window. The new Shape 'oint may be edited in the same way as any other Shape 'oint, the only difference
being that it cannot be mo$ed away from the truncating (ey 'illar.
There are two reasons for only being able to truncate one (ey 'illar at the time*
3ery often you will ha$e two faults that are only partly truncated towards each other
Truncation is an interpretati$e geological feature and should not be automatic.
4hen doing the 'illar 5ridding (see 'illar 5ridding) later on, you will need to make the faults that you ha$e truncated another fault towards as one main direction. This is to assist the gridding
algorithms in the best possible way. See Trends for more details.
More information on truncated faults can be found under Truncations (!ackground) this includes an eplanation on how to deal with ending truncated faults.
How to truncate rotate faults
'etrel will not only allow single truncation but also multiple truncations. 6or instance, if you are working with a field of a series of rotated faults you may ha$e one fault truncating two ad7acent faults.
The procedure for truncation is the same as described pre$iously in this section.
Pgina 4 de 5 Truncations, what's possible
15/05/2012 mk!"#$T#tore%&Program'20(iles'20)*+,-&#chlumberger&Petrel'202010&.elp&Pet///
How to ma!e several truncations on the same sie of a "e# Pillar
%n a case where you ha$e two parallel faults being cut by a common fault, 7ust build the faults in the normal procedure and position them as you would want them to be. Then truncate them one by
one as described pre$iously in this section. The figure below shows how these types of faults will look.
How to truncate a fault offset b# another fault
To create this kind of multiple truncation, build the faults as you would normally first, and position them correctly relati$e to each other. Then truncate them one by one as described pre$iously in this
chapter. The figure below shows how these types of faults will look.
Pgina 5 de 5 Truncations, what's possible
15/05/2012 mk!"#$T#tore%&Program'20(iles'20)*+,-&#chlumberger&Petrel'202010&.elp&Pet///

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