DESIGN ASSIGNMENT: B. Arch VI Semester: 2014 (A) Preamble

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Arch VI Semester: 2014

(A) Preamble
With India becoming an important economic power globally, the business and
commercial potential is growing at an unprecedented pace. As per available statistics,
there is a shortfall of approximately ------- Sq.. of commercial space in the !ountry.
"uc#now is now one of the fast growing tier -$ cities and has enormous potential for
commercial and business activities. any new mix use developments are coming up in
the town. %rindavan sub- city is one such development which has now become an
important address in "uc#now. &his scheme of 'ttar (radesh )ousing * +evelopment
,oard is located on -)- near S.(.I. )aving a spread of over /000 hectares the sub city
will have a catchments population of around ten lac# persons. An elevated railway line
and a running canal passes through this scheme and an important rail head- 'tratia
railway station abuts it. It has all infrastructural facilities and amenities li#e piped water
supply, grid power, well designed sewerage and drainage system etc.
&he existing water bodies attract lot of migratory birds during winter season.
(B)The Ste
&he proposed !ommercial Site 1(lan attached2 is located along Sharda !anal and is
serviced by a $0 . arterial road. An already functional office complex of '. (. )ousing
,oard exists in close vicinity of the Site.
( ! )Des"# $e%&reme#ts:
/. odular 3ffice Spaces suitable for I& and I&4S
5. Small Shopping Arcade
$. Serviced Apartments 1upto /02
6. !onference )alls 7 /00 seater Auditorium
8. 4xhibition )all9s
:. e- "ibrary
;. edia !entre
<. ,an# 7 A&
=. .ymnasium
/0. !afeteria 7 >ood !ourts
'&t ()**r Pr*+s*#s
/. (roduct "aunching Space
5. &ennis !ourt
$. Swimming (ool
6. Solar9 4co (ar#
(D) De+el*,me#t !*#tr*l Parameters
/. ax. >A? /.;8
5. ax. .round !overage 60@
$. ax. )eight $0
6. in. (ar#ing A/.8 4!S per /00 Sq.. of floor space 1At
least /0@ to be surface par#ing2
8. ,asements ax. 5 only for par#ing and services
14xempted from >A?2
(E) Tme -#e
:. Assignment Introduction 0$90/950/6
;. "iterature and !ase Study /;90/950/6
<. !oncept S#etch 5<90/950/6
=. .rid 7 Service !ore +esign 06905950/6
/0. (reliminary +esign /<905950/6
//. (re-final +esign alongwith preliminary
Site (lan and ,loc# odel9 $-+ S#etches 0690$950/6
/5. >inal +esign alongwith Site (lan and odal 5890$950/6
a. 3nly )ard copies 1A-$ siBe and above2 will be accepted and will have to be properly
displaced before the Cury
b. 4very Stage will be Dudged and mar#ed by a Cury
c. Incorporation of E.reenF features and Structural details will be suitably rewarded

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