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Mansi Shah

The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
The Emperors Club
Q1. Do you think Professor William Hundert did the right thing? What are the
ethical and moral dilemmas would he have experienced? Did his choice help or
hinder Sedgewick?
A. I believe Professor William Hundert did not do the right thing. Selecting
Sedgewick Bell over Martin Blythe, not on the bases of merit, was not only unfair to
Blythe but can also be perceived as favouritism. It is true that he wished to see
Sedgewick Bell succeed and wished to motivate him to work harder. However, the
means to that end were wrong.
Motivating a person is very important. It helps increase confidence and builds up self-
esteem. Professor Hundert did his very best to encourage Sedgewick to apply himself
more in class and at the school. He was quite successful as well. However, just when
it seemed he had finally realised his potential and was on track to make to the final of
the Julius Caesar competition, it turned out that he would lose out to Martin Blythe by
1 mark. Professor Hundert thought that this would de-motivate him and further
hamper his development. In order to keep him focused towards his goal, Professor
Hundert decided to grade him higher than what he deserved. He thought about what
would happen if he didnt select Sedgewick Bell. He, however, did not think of the
repercussions of his actions on selecting Sedgewick. The implications of his actions
on Martin Blythe were not perceived by him at all.
The ethical dilemmas are quite clear. Was selecting Sedgewick Bell over Martin
Blythe, by changing his grade, the right thing? Did he deserve to be in the final?
Selection by any other way other than merit, was it acceptable? When realising that
Sedgewick was cheating, expose his lie or adhere to the headmaster and keep mum
about it? The moral areas are a little bit more than black and white. What would be the
effect on Sedgewick if he wasnt selected? Given his relation with his father, would he
be able to recover after that? Would he give up trying all together post failure? And
what about himself? Was he doing the right thing by keeping quiet about the cheating
The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
just because Sedgewicks father was the Senator? And had he failed as a professor, a
Professor William Hundert believed his decision would help Sedgewick Bell, to grow,
build up his esteem and most importantly, help him have belief in himself. On the
contrary, as we could see, it did not aid him in any way. By increasing Sedgewicks
grade, though with the view of motivating him, was unfair as he did not deserve it.
During the competition, on realising that Sedgewick was cheating, Professor Hundert,
on instructions from the headmaster, kept quiet about it. This was his second mistake.
This was the second time Sedgewick was given a free pass without any repercussions.
This led him to believe that he could get through life, doing what he wanted, in any
manner desirable without facing the consequences for his actions. He had no respects
for rules, regulations or authority. He continued that throughout his life with absolute
disregard to principles. And this holds true, as we see, that even after 25 years, he
cheats in the competition. After being caught, he doesnt have even the slightest
concern about exposure or, for that matter, any remorse.

The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
Q2. What would you do as a teacher? What would you do as a student?
A. Contrary to what Sedgewick Bells father mentioned in the movie, I believe it is
the job of the teacher to mould the student and create structure in their life.
Coming to St. Benedict School for Boys, which is an organisation of sorts, Sedgewick
was an outsider. Professor William Hundert did his very best to welcome him into the
organisation. After considerable effort and time, Sedgewick was motivated to work
hard towards his education. As a teacher, everything Professor Hundert did till then
was absolutely correct, not unlike what I would have done. In my opinion, motivating
students to apply themselves, giving them guidance, encouraging them to work harder,
basically, mentor them are some of the very essential qualities of an excellent educator
and Professor Hundert, definitely, was one.
However, when it came to the Julius Caesar Competition, I would not have done any
of the things that the professor did. He seemed to be a very ethical man most of them
times. However, when it came to Sedgewick, his ethics seemed to be on a shaky
To start off, I would not have changed his grade. It would not only be unfair to Martin
Blythe, who rightfully belonged to the final, but to Sedgewick as well. It was true that
he tried very hard, his progress was tremendous and he had a difficult relationship
with his father. However, none of these factors change the fact that he did not deserve
to be in the final on the very grounds of merit.
Also, when realising that Sedgewick was cheating, Professor Hundert immediately
told the headmaster. The headmaster refused to let Professor Hundert expose
Sedgewick only on the grounds that Sedgewick was the Senators son. If I were in
Professor Hunderts shoes at that time, I would first try and convince the headmaster
that covering up Sedgewicks deceit was wrong and that he must be exposed. If even
then the headmaster were to refuse to comply, I would have to call Sedgewick out on
his dishonesty. The implications of such an action on my job would surely hinder me,
but I would expose him, just because it was the right thing to do. If not then, in front
The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
of the whole school, then surely later. I would make sure Sedgewicks deception did
not go unpunished.
As a student, my only real job is to try and absorb everything around me, the lessons;
the knowledge gained from them, in and outside the classrooms and evolve. Basically,
all one needs to be is a sponge. Some of the things that help a student evolve are his
peers, his friends. Sedgewick did not think much about them when his mind was set
on something, be it disrupting someones studies or just having fun, even if it gets
them into trouble. I would never take advantage of my friends. I would treat them
exactly the way I would want to be treated by them. Most importantly, I would try to
learn from them.
Temptation is a strong emotion which deters everyones path sometime or another.
However, if ones principles are sound, one does not need to worry about straying
from the right path. Cheating, whatever be the circumstances is wrong. It is not only
unethical but it also goes against my beliefs of just. The guilt of taking somebody
elses position especially when I did not deserve it would be very strong.
I would also not be as callous about my education as Sedgewick. A famous and
powerful father may get me in any prestigious universities but my learning would be
compromised. Most importantly, the guilt of cheating and getting away with it would
surely keep me up at night. There has to be a sense of justice. The repercussions of my
actions must be known to me.
Rules and regulations are the building blocks for the development of individual
structure. As a teacher, I would work towards helping students realise their potential
but within the framework of what is ethically correct. As a student, I would try and
embrace the principles, learn and evolve.

The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
Q3. How would behaviour like Sedgewick impact organization behaviour? How
would Sedgewicks like attitude and behaviour impact his life?
A. Sedgewick Bell had a very strong assertive personality. He had absolute disregard
for rules, regulations, principles and authority. In any organisational setting, such
behaviour would be very disruptive. His lack of respect for authority would make
working in a hierarchical environment very difficult. Carrying out assigned tasks and
duties received from the directly above echelon would not be done effectively or
otherwise if there is no reverence from whosoever it has been delegated. He was also
very self righteous. Such behavioural individualist traits would make it hard to work
efficiently within the organisational framework. There would be lack of
communication, vertically as well as horizontally.
Sedgewick failed to think about others as he did not have much concern for others.
Such behaviour in an organisation would not help him function well with his
colleagues. Interaction with people will help one gain knowledge and grow. Lack of
concern for others feelings will not only restrict his development, it will make him a
pariah within the organisation. All in all, it will affect his functioning capabilities.
Within an organisation, one functions with a set of goals, short term as well as long
term. Sedgewick did not have any planned objectives. He did not know, nor did he
wish to gain from his time at St. Benedicts. Such behaviour can lead to stagnancy
within any organisation. There will be no scope for growth.
Sedgewick, however, when motivated was ready to apply himself and work. Such a
quality would be very useful in an organisation setting. When motivated enough, an
individual would be much more productive. The individual and company goals would
be met more quickly and efficiently.
What one learns in his early life are some lessons which will shape him for the rest of
his life. Sedgewick Bell learned that he could always get ahead without really
applying himself and without facing any repercussions for his actions. His disregard
for anyone other than himself will make it very difficult for him to lead a happy and
successful life. To an outsider he would seem happy and satisfied, but without the
The Emperors Club
Mansi Shah FSB2013003605
respect of others, especially his own family, he will not really have accomplished
The first time he cheated in the Julius Caesar competition, he did that as he lacked the
confidence to believe that he could actually win. That doesnt take away from the fact
that was wrong. However, his attitude that even on being caught he wouldnt be
exposed due to the clout his father had is even more troublesome. Such a laid back
attitude to rules and a belief that he could get out of any situation will not help him in
his life at all. Would he pass on these values to his children, the same way he received
them from his own father? In his professional life, he might become very successful,
which he does, but at what expense? We see it yet again, that even after 25 years he
cheats in the competition. He does so with no remorse and completely discounts the
repercussions. The only time he feels any guilt over what he has done is when his son
finds out. For a second we are lead to believe, that maybe, there is some hope. Alas,
that isnt true. There are ways to get ahead in life, but having an indifferent attitude
towards rules and regulations is not one of them.
He might become a Senator, but to really make a difference, he needs to understand
people, follow the rules and mostly importantly, learn to value principles.

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