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Modules Studied Throughout the Year:-

MDS 2020: Integrated Biomedical Sciences

1. The Scientific Method and an Introduction to the History of Science- GG
2. Hypothesis and Prediction Making- RM
3. Testing Hypotheses and their Predictions- PSW
4. Primary and Other Sources of Scientific Information- RC
5. Reading a Scientific Paper GDG
6. Reading a Clinical Paper IS
7. Reviews and the Uses of Secondary Information- MC
8. Writing a Scientific paper NV
9. Writing a Scientific Review JCA
10. Ethics and Professionalism in Research PM
11. Methodology of Dissection - PSW
MDS 2009: Pharmacology
1. Fundamental Concept of Pharmacology- JM (week 8)
2. Aspects of Drugs Disposition- JM
3. Drugs Development and Clinical Trials- CS
4. What is LADME?- JM
5. Drug Dosage Regimens- JM

First Semester:-
MDS 2004: Microbiology
1. An Introduction to Microbial Genetics- PVC
2. Proper Use of the Microbiology Laboratory- PFC
3. Transmission of Infectious Diseases- MAB
4. Sterilization and Disinfection- ?
5. Community Vaccines 1+2- PVC
6. CTS: Urinary Tract Infection- PVC
7. Prevention and Control of Heath care-Associated Infections- MAB
8. CTS: Device-Associated Infections- MAB
9. CTS: Vaccines PVC
10. CTS: Sampling Techniques for Microbiological Investigations- PFC
11. CTS: Hand Hygiene- ?

1. Bacterial Morphology- PVC
2. Visualizing Bacteria, Bacterial Taxonomy- PVC
3. Gram Negative Bacteria 1: Enterobacteriaceae- PFC
4. Gram-negative Bacteria 2: Leptospira, Brucella, Bordetella, Haemophilus, Neisseria and
Legionella- MAB
5. Gram-positive Bacteria 1: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus- MAB
6. Gram-positive Bacteria 2: Listeria, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium and Nocardia-
7. Atypical Bacteria: Chlamydia, Rickettsia and Mycoplasma- PFC
8. Anaerobic Bacteria- PFC
9. CTS: Tuberculosis- PFC

1. General Properties of Viruses- CB
2. Important DNA Viruses and Associated Infections 1+2- CB
3. Important RNA Viruses and Associated Infection 1+2- CB
4. CTS: Virology- CB
5. CTS: Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections CB
MDS 2021: Gastrointestinal System
1. Introductory Lecture

1. Embryology of GIT- JCA
2. CTS: Congenital Anomalies of the GIT- JCA
3. Histology of the GI System- CP
4. CTS: Histology of the GI Tract- KBT
5. Microscopic Anatomy of Normal Liver and Histological Evaluation in Fatty Change
Experimental Models- Prof. Capello
6. Oesophagus and Stomach Structure- IS
7. Peritoneal Reflections and Surface Anatomy of the GIT- IS
8. Duodenum and Pancreas- IS
9. Dissection: Stomach, Duodenum and Pancreas- MTC
10. Liver and Biliary System- IS
11. CS: Surface Projections of the GI Tract- IS
12. CTS: Peptic Ulcer- AM
13. Small and Large Intestine- IS
14. Imaging of Upper and Lower GIT- IS
15. CTS: Pancreatitis - Acute/Chronic- AM
16. Dissection: Liver and Biliary System- MTC
17. CTS: Appendicitis and Peritonitis, Diverticulitis and Colorectal Cancer- IS
18. Drug Metabolism, P450 Enzymes and Metabolism- JM
19. Rectum and Anal Canal- IS
20. Patterns of Blood Supply- IS
21. Dissection: Small intestine and Colon- MTC
22. Patterns of Nerve Supply- IS
23. CS: Imaging of the Upper GIT- IS
24. CTS: Jaundice=> Obstructive and Non-Obstructive Cases- JB
25. CS: Clinical Examination of the GI Tract (Including Rectal Exam)- IS
26. CTS: Case History=> Alcohol and the Digestive Tract- J Bonello
27. CS: Imaging of the Lower GIT- MTC
28. Seminar: Presentation and Discussion of Clinical Cases- TA/PE
29. Dissection: Transverse Sections-?
30. Quiz: Imaging- IS

1. Overview of General Function of the GIT- SC
2. Chewing Function of the Tongue, Saliva, Swallowing, Vomiting- SC
3. Oesophagus and Stomach Motility- SC
4. Gastric Secretion- SC
5. Bile, Pancreatic Secretions- SC
6. Digestion and Absorption- SC
7. Water and Electrolyte Absorption and Secretion- SC
8. Liver Function- SC
9. Gastrointestinal Motility, Including Defecation- SC
10. Neurohumeral Regulation- SC
11. Intestinal Mucosal Immunology and Ecology- SC
12. CTS: Motility disorders and IBS- JB
13. An Overview of Pathology of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract- BE
14. Quiz: Physiology- SC
MDS 2022: Introduction to Clinical Practice:
1. Patients Rights 1+2- PM
2. The Biopsychosocial Model- DC
3. Truth Telling- PM
4. CTS: Beginning of Life- RZ
5. Anthropological Issues in Bioethics- RZ
6. Confidentiality- PM
7. Reproductive Issues- PM
8. Human Reproduction- PM
9. Adolescence , Adulthood, Middle Age and Elderly- RZDD
10. Life, Death, Dying and Killing- PM
11. CTS: End of Life- PM
12. Equality- PS
13. Changing Patterns and Measurement of Health- FA
14. Emotions and Sexuality- Marija Axiak
15. Children- PM
16. Social Class, Gender and Ethnicity- FA
17. Concepts of Health- PS
18. Ethical Reasoning- PM
19. Quality of Life- FA
20. Risk Taking- PS
21. Cultural Issues in Ethics- PM
22. Learning, Perception, Development of Thinking- CS
23. Giving News- PS
24. Smoking, Food, Alcohol, Drugs- MS
25. Health Beliefs- FA
MDS 2023 + 2027: Nervous System
1. Overview of the CNS and Cranial Nerves- CZ
2. The Skull 1+2- MTC
3. Radiology of the Skull and Vertebral Column- RP
4. Dissection: The Skull- MTC
5. The Meninges and CSF Pathways- CZ
6. CTS: Head Injury- CZ
7. Nose and Paranasal Sinuses- MTC
8. CTS: Nose and Paranasal Sinuses- IS
9. Dissection: Nose, Sinuses and Pharynx- MTC
10. The Scalp, Face, Parotid Gland, Mandible and Temporomandibular Joint- MTC
11. Temporal and Infratemporal Fossa and Pterygopalatine Fossa 1+2- IS
12. Dissection: Temporal fossa, Infratemporal fossa and Pterygopalatine fossa- MTC
13. Dissection: Facial Muscles, Parotid Gland, Facial Nerve, TMJ and Muscles of Mastication-
14. Oral Cavity, Tongue and Submandibular Region- MTC
15. The Palate and Pharynx- MTC
16. The Larynx- MTC
17. Dissection: Larynx and Neck Vessels- MTC
18. Deep Cervical Fascia, Triangles of the Neck and Cervical Plexus- MTC
19. Viscera and Vasculature of the Neck- MTC
20. Dissection: Triangles of the neck- MTC
21. CTS: Lumps in the Neck- IS
22. Cerebrum I: External Appearance and Cellular Organisation CZ
23. Cerebrum II: Cortical Localization of Function CZ
24. CS: Examination of Nose, Sinuses, Mouth, Pharynx and Neck- JCA
25. The Orbit and the Eyeball- CZ
26. Muscles of the Eye and Eye Movements- CZ
27. CS: Examination of the Eye- CZ
28. CTS: Problems Affecting Visual Pathways- CZ
29. Dissection: Orbit and the Eyeball- MTC
30. CS: Head (Including Skull and Soft Tissues) and Vertebral Column Imaging- JCA
31. CTS: Problems Regarding Sensation in the Face and Facial Palsy- IS
32. External and Middle Ear- MTC
33. Inner Ear- MTC
34. CTS: The Ear- IS
35. Dissection: The ear
36. CS: Examination of the Ear- JCA

1. Taste and Olfaction GDG
2. Receptors and Modalities of Sensation RM
3. Cognition and Cortex GDG
4. Central Visual Pathways CZ
5. Neural Function of the Retina RM
6. Central Neurophysiology of Vision RM
7. Central Auditory Pathways CZ
8. Physiology of Hearing- NV
MDS 2025: Intrapersonal Communication Skills
Behavioural Sciences Seminar
MDS 2026: Integrated Metabolism and Endocrinology
1. Nutrition and Energy Expenditure- TH
2. Aerobic Glycolysis 1+2+3- TH
3. TCA Cycle- TH
4. Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation- TH
5. Glycogen metabolism- TH
6. Gluconeogenesis- TH
7. Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Sugar Metabolism- TH
8. Regulation of Glucose Metabolism- TH
9. Lipids as a Source of Fuel- TH
10. Ketone Bodies- TH
11. Fatty Acid Synthesis and Fat Storage- TH
12. Regulation of Fat Metabolism- TH
13. CTS: Metabolic Switching- TH
14. Alcohol Metabolism- TH
15. Oxygen Toxicity- GJH
16. Transamination and Urea Metabolism- TH
17. Amino Acid Carbon Skeleton- TH
18. CTS: Energy Boost- TH
19. Deficiencies of Water-Soluble Vitamins- GJH
20. CTS: Deficiencies of Water-Soluble Vitamins- GJH
21. Specialized Amino Acid Derivatives- TH
22. CTS: Inborn Errors of Metabolism- TH
23. Integration of Metabolism 1- TH

1. Molecular Mechanism of Hormone Action- JV
2. Endocrine Pancreas- JV
3. Maintenance of Blood Glucose- JV
4. CTS: Aberrant Glucose Metabolism and Metabolic Acidosis- JV
5. Adipose as an Endocrine Organ- JV
6. Hypothalamus- JV
7. The Anterior and Posterior Pituitary Gland- JV
8. The Thyroid Gland- JV
9. The Parathyroid Glands- JV
10. The Adrenal Glands- JV
11. Seminar: Metabolic Syndrome- JV
12. Seminar: Multihormonal Response During Stress- JV

Second Semester:-
MDS 2008: Pathology

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