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The SUMMIT Conference Series

age | 2
Pre-Conference Workshops
*Open to ALL Level of Responders*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:00 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon MarrloLL PoLel
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
Alrway lnLervenLlons & 8esources ScoLL 8olleLer
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
LMS lncldenL Command - Crganlzlng CPACS ken 8ouvler
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
Advanced Moulage 2.0 "#$%&'( &) )* $ +,- ./0/12 uon Warner
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
12-Lead lnLerpreLaLlon "3$4/ ,$562 uana ?osL
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Llve llre" 1ralnlng SalL Lake ClLy llre
ueparLmenL, 1ralnlng
1:00 M
-3:00 M
Alrway lnLervenLlons & 8esources ScoLL 8olleLer
1:00 M
-3:00 M
LMS lncldenL Command - Crganlzlng CPACS ken 8ouvler
1:00 M
- 3:00 M
Advanced Moulage 2.0 "#$%&'( &) )* $ +,- ./0/12 uon Warner
1:00 M
-3:00 M
12-Lead lnLerpreLaLlon "3$4/ ,$562 uana ?osL
7:00 M
-9:00 M
CperaLlon klds - Chlld vehlcle 8esLralnL Course !aneL 8rooks
112/33 4,5'(%11
7:00 M
-9:00 M
k9 Lmergency Care for LLC and LMS uavld C Dick
Chuck Palcome
7:00 M
-9:00 M
lC - know ?our 8one" ScoLL 8olleLer
Pre-Conference Workshop Save A Cop
*Open for ALL LEO, EMS, and Military Personnel*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:30 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon MarrloLL PoLel
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Save A Cop" - 78)&0/ 9:**)/; 1ralnlng
Medlcal lnLervenLlon, Pands-Cn Skllls Course
!"#$% '( )** +$", $-. )/0 -1*1')234
(7-hour class, llmlL 30)
8lll !usLlce
Llle MarLln, eL al.
PllLon PoLel
age | 3
Pre-Conference - Nurses Workshop
*Open for Nurses and Hospital Personnel*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:30 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon 8lck Poward
!lm PlaLL
1heresa 8owden eL al.
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Lmerglng 1rends ln nurslng
age | 4
age | 3
age | 6
age | 7
age | 8
5$67.85987"% "#$%.
SepLember 13
0800hrs (S1) aL
age | 9
2014 Conference Faculty
6*%7% 899'%: LM1-, LLC Crem, u1
6*%7% ;%''< n8LM1- Woodland ark, CC
6.,** ;,99%*%' 8S, LM1- San AnLonlo, 1x
=%) ;,57#%' n8LM1- New Orleans, LA
&>#99#- 4+'%< LM1, resldenL, 8escue LssenLlals Sallda, CC
8$?%' 4,9%$+) 8n, nlCu Spanlsh lork, u1
@#.0# A+''#)B*,) LM1-8, 8n, C8-Cln Spanlsh lork, u1
8'$+:%5( A+7#:(,) ll, LM1- Clg Parbor, WA
;'+:< C%,'B% 8aLLallon Chlef, LM1- SalL Lake ClLy, u1
A+7#: C Dick n8LM1-, CCLM1-, 1acsar k9 Pandler CnLarlo, Canada
4>5.0 D+9.,$% uSAl, MSgL uSAl (reL), n8LM1-, 1LMS Severn, Mu
/#.0< D+':$+) LM1-8, ll, Lnglneer Crem, u1
E#0% D%9?,.0 M.l.C.., n8LM1-, SLl SeaLLle, WA
F#$ D#+** 8n, Cln ayson, u1
/#.0 D,G+': 8aLLallon Chlef, 8n, 8S, LM1-A Lehl, u1
;#99 F5(*#.% ll, n8LM1-, 1LMS Cklahoma ClLy, Ck
@#.0 H%G#( ll, LM1-8 SeaLLle, WA
6.,** H+#9 LM1-, l-C Clen 8ose, 1x
399% E+'*#) LM1-l, SgL., LLC Crem, u1
A,5B E5':,.0 Mu, lACL, LM1-l, 8Sn Peber ClLy, u1
=%7#) E.4+'*>< LM1-, CapLaln, unlfled llre uepL. Lagle MounLaln, u1
F,>) E.4,$?( LM1-, LLC, lllghL aramedlc Crem, u1
AG#B>* 8I &,90 LCSW-C. n8 8alLlmore, Mu
/,(( /5*(.>$+) 8A, LM1- newberg, C8
39#J+?%*> 6$+'* lounder, LllzabeLh SmarL loundaLlon SalL Lake ClLy, u1
F59#% 6*'#)B%' LleuLenanL (8eL) Murray, u1
4>'#( K+< Chlef, kooLenal CounLy LMS SysLem Coeur d'Alene, lu
A,) K+')%' ll, M.l.C.., CapLaln Ldmonds, WA
&+59 K%'L%9 M.S., n8LM1- orL !efferson SLaLlon, n?
A+7% M%# ll, LM1-, Army Medlc rovo, u1
A+)+ M,(* M.l.C.., 8edmond llre/Medlc Cne 8edmond, WA
Twitter: @emsassociates

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