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The SUMMIT Conference Series

age | 2
Pre-Conference Workshops
*Open to ALL Level of Responders*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:00 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon MarrloLL PoLel
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
Alrway lnLervenLlons & 8esources ScoLL 8olleLer
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
LMS lncldenL Command - Crganlzlng CPACS ken 8ouvler
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
Advanced Moulage 2.0 "#$%&'( &) )* $ +,- ./0/12 uon Warner
8:00 AM
-12:00 M
12-Lead lnLerpreLaLlon "3$4/ ,$562 uana ?osL
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Llve llre" 1ralnlng SalL Lake ClLy llre
ueparLmenL, 1ralnlng
1:00 M
-3:00 M
Alrway lnLervenLlons & 8esources ScoLL 8olleLer
1:00 M
-3:00 M
LMS lncldenL Command - Crganlzlng CPACS ken 8ouvler
1:00 M
- 3:00 M
Advanced Moulage 2.0 "#$%&'( &) )* $ +,- ./0/12 uon Warner
1:00 M
-3:00 M
12-Lead lnLerpreLaLlon "3$4/ ,$562 uana ?osL
7:00 M
-9:00 M
CperaLlon klds - Chlld vehlcle 8esLralnL Course !aneL 8rooks
112/33 4,5'(%11
7:00 M
-9:00 M
k9 Lmergency Care for LLC and LMS uavld C Dick
Chuck Palcome
7:00 M
-9:00 M
lC - know ?our 8one" ScoLL 8olleLer
Pre-Conference Workshop Save A Cop
*Open for ALL LEO, EMS, and Military Personnel*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:30 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon MarrloLL PoLel
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Save A Cop" - 78)&0/ 9:**)/; 1ralnlng
Medlcal lnLervenLlon, Pands-Cn Skllls Course
!"#$% '( )** +$", $-. )/0 -1*1')234
(7-hour class, llmlL 30)
8lll !usLlce
Llle MarLln, eL al.
PllLon PoLel
age | 3
Pre-Conference - Nurses Workshop
*Open for Nurses and Hospital Personnel*
WednesdayNovember 19, 2014
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. &'%(%)*%' /,,$ "'+.0
7:30 AM re-Conference 8eglsLraLlon 8lck Poward
!lm PlaLL
1heresa 8owden eL al.
8:00 AM
-3:00 M
Lmerglng 1rends ln nurslng
6+#) 4,)7%'%).%
567 .)*' #)*)87 9(/:7/'1(/ 97/'72
%(:7;<72 =>

"85'(9+:;<,=%$>%' ?@A ?@BC
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. /,,$ "'+.0
7:30 AM lnLroducLlons
SalL Lake ScoLs lpe 8and
Ponor Cuard
LMS AssoclaLes
8:00 AM
-9:00 AM
CrlLlcal lncldenL SLress ManagemenL -
SomeLhlng AbouL Lhls !ob l Love ls kllllng Me
!ulle SLrlnger
9:00 AM
-10:00 AM
A volce for Chlldren LllzabeLh SmarL
10:00 AM
-10:30 AM
8reak - vlslL LxhlblL Pall C
"85'(9+: D B@EF@ G6DBBECH G6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
10:30 AM
-11:43 AM
Pome lmprovemenL 1rauma - ConsLrucLlon
SLeve 8erry
Crlsls ln Lhe lleld: Managlng 8ehavlor
uwlghL olk
aLlenL AssessmenL - A 1ouchy leely Sesslon" ken 8ouvler
8unaway uump 1ruck - A Wlld 8lde Lo Mass
Armadeus uavldson
8aslc 12 Lead LCC Made Lasy uana ?osL
WaLer and ressure Lmergencles aul Werfel
MC8L" 1wlsLed Case SLudles uon Warner
age | 4
8leedlng - lL all Pas Lo SLop .. LvenLually Chuck Palcome
11:43 AM
-1:00 M
L5).8 D M) N,5' MO)
"85'(9+: D BE@@ &6D?E@@ &6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
1:00 M
-2:00 M
Aglng Cracefully ln LMS SLeve 8erry
ComforLably numb ScoLL 8olleLer
ulabeLlc Lmergency Care ken 8ouvler
Managlng Lmergency 8emoLe LvacuaLlons Armadeus uavldson
1he Many laces of Alcohol.?our Llfe, ?our
uwlghL olk
Cardlac ArresL osL LvenL uaLa Analysls uana ?osL
Surge CapaclLy 8lll !usLlce
Lxplorlng 8orlng - lun wlLh Lndocrlne
ulsorders 2.0
ScoLL Lall
"85'(9+: D ?EBH &6DFEF@ &6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
2:13 M
-3:30 M
normal vs. Speclal needs aLlenLs - LeL's
8edeflne normal"
ScoLL Lall
!usL AnoLher uay ln aradlse ScoLL 8olleLer
8rlnglng 8aLLlefleld Medlclne Lo our SLreeLs 8lll !usLlce
PumanlLarlan Servlce for LMS Armadeus uavldson
ChesL Wounds uavld C Dick
Crosslng Lhe 1oll 8rldge Lo luLure PealLh Care
- uo ?ou Pave Lhe 8lghL Change
SLeve 8erry
When ?our Colden ?ears 8egln Lo 1arnlsh -
CerlaLrlc Lmergencles
aul Werfel
llndlng Pumor ln Case SLudles of Lhe asL uon Warner
3:30 M
-4:00 M
8reak - vlslL LxhlblL Pall C
"85'(9+: D CE@@DHEBH &6 D 4P,(#)Q R%)%'+P J%((#,)
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
4:00 M
-3:13 M
k-9 Companlon Care or LMS uavld C Dick
Chuck Palcome
age | 3
2'#9+:;<,=%$>%' ?BA ?@BC
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
8:00 AM
-9:00 AM
Pow Lo CeL llred on lacebook! 8oss 8uLschman
9:00 AM
-10:00 AM
Callows Pumor - Welcome Lo Lhe uark Slde SLeve 8erry
10:00 AM
-10:30 AM
8reak - vlslL LxhlblL Pall C
2'#9+: D B@EF@ G6DBBECH G6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
10:30 AM
-11:43 AM
Pome lmprovemenL 1rauma - ConsLrucLlon
SLeve 8erry
lcklng up Lhe leces ScoLLy 8olleLer
More Lhan !usL an Ambulance 8lde ken 8ouvler
8urn and 8lasL ln[urles uavld C Dick
uLLlng Lhe M" 8ack ln LMS Chrls Way
uown ln Lhe uumps - 1he uepressed aLlenL uwlghL olk
lv racLlcal Skllls nlckl uarrlngLon
Amber Coleman
!usL a CuL leellng - Abdomlnal Lmergencles ln
aul Werfel
11:43 AM
-1:00 M
L5).8 D M) N,5' MO)
2'#9+: D BE@@ &6D?E@@ &6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
1:00 M
-2:00 M
Shocklng 8eallLy - Advanced Cardlac Skllls for
Lhe lundamenLal LM1
ScoLLy 8olleLer
aLlenL AssessmenL - A 1ouchy leely Sesslon" ken 8ouvler
8leedlng ConLrol - PemosLasls uavld C Dick
8eLween a 8one and a Pard lace Chuck Palcome
8apld Zap 8lll !usLlce
ulfflculL and lnLeresLlng Case SLudles from
Medlcal ulspaLch - arL 1
8oss 8uLschman
Aneurysms for LM1's and Medlcs aul Werfel
Lxplorlng 8orlng - lun wlLh Lndocrlne
ulsorders 2.0
ScoLL Lall
age | 6
2'#9+: D ?EBH &6DFEF@ &6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
2:13 M
-3:30 M
Survlvlng ln Lhe Crosshalr - 8esponse Lo AcLlve
8lll !usLlce
MoLorcycle Manla ScoLL Lall
Less Lhan LeLhal Weapons .. 8aLed 8 (no
Chlldren under 18 admlLLed)
Chuck Palcome
Plv and AluS - Why uon'L We 1alk AbouL lL
uwlghL olk
Lvery LlLLle 8reaLh ScoLLy 8olleLer
Case SLudles ln SporLs ln[urles nlck Lewls
lv racLlcal Skllls nlckl uarrlngLon
Amber Coleman
3:30 M
-4:00 M
8reak - vlslL LxhlblL Pall 1
2'#9+: D CE@@ &6DHEBH &6 D 4P,(#)Q R%)%'+P J%((#,)
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
4:00 M
-3:13 M
1he !oplln ulsasLer Chrls Way
J+*5'9+:;<,=%$>%' ??A ?@BC
&,O%' R%)%'+P(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
8:00 AM
-9:20 AM
LMS and Lmergency Servlces 8oundLable
ModeraLor: Mlke Pelbock
Chrls Way
ScoLL Lall
uoug Murdock
ScoLL 8olleLer
8lll !usLlce
AlrMed, 8ep
Llfe lllghL, 8ep
9:20 AM
-10:00 AM
lf ?ou See SomeLhlng, 1hen uo SomeLhlng
uocumenLaLlon lnvolvlng uomesLlc vlolence
Llle MarLln
10:00 AM
-10:30 AM
8reak - vlslL LxhlblL Pall 1
J+*5'9+: D B@EF@ G6DBBECH G6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
CbsLeLrlcs for Lhe lleld Medlc aul Werfel
age | 7
1he MenLal PealLh AspecLs of Lhe Aglng Mlnd uwlghL olk
8urn and 8lasL ln[urles uavld C Dick
8leedlng - lL all Pas Lo SLop . LvenLually Chuck Palcome
8ed, 8aLh and Way 8eyond 8lck Poward
Pow ?ou Say lL MaLLers - 1he ArL of verbal
8oss 8uLschman
unseLLllng SeLLlemenL - A LeLhal MlsadvenLure
ln Lmergency Medlclne and Pow Lo Avold ?our
ScoLLy 8olleLer
11:43 M
-1:00 M
L5).8 D M) N,5' MO)
age | 8
J+*5'9+: D BE@@ &6D?E@@ &6 D 4,).5''%)* I'%+0,5* J%((#,)(
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
1:00 M
-2:00 M
ChesL Wounds uavld C Dick
Surge CapaclLy 8lll !usLlce
ulfflculL and lnLeresLlng Case SLudles from
Medlcal ulspaLch - arL 2
8oss 8uLschman
Leadershlp ls noL !usL for WhlLe ShlrLs Chrls Way
1o Lhe nLh uegree - A new Look aL 8urns ScoLL Lall
lL Cnly 1akes LlghL Seconds 8lck Poward
sychosls and Schlzophrenla - noL ?our 1yplcal
uay aL Lhe Cfflce
uwlghL olk
8eLween a 8one and a Pard lace Chuck Palcome
J+*5'9+: D ?EBH &6DFEF@ &6 D 2#)+P 4P,(#)Q J%((#,)
"#$% &'%(%)*+*#,) ",-#. K)(*'5.*,' /,,$ "'+.0
2:13 M
-3:30 M
Are Cur aLlenLs Lhe Same as 1hey Were 20
?ears Ago? 1he Changlng uemographlcs:
lmpllcaLlons for LMS
aul Werfel
3:30 M
-4:00 M
3<S M2 4M<23/3<43 T 4,$-P%*#,) ,7 3=+P5+*#,)(
#2(@2); .A<B78' '( 96)/@7 C1'6(A' %('187
age | 9
2014 Conference Faculty
J*%=% GPP'%9 LM1-, LLC Crem, u1
J*%=% I%'': n8LM1- Woodland ark, CC
J.,** I,PP%*%' 8S, LM1- San AnLonlo, 1x
U%) I,5=#%' n8LM1- New Orleans, LA
&8#PP#- 4+'%: LM1, resldenL, 8escue LssenLlals Sallda, CC
G$>%' 4,P%$+) 8n, nlCu Spanlsh lork, u1
<#.0# S+''#)Q*,) LM1-8, 8n, C8-Cln Spanlsh lork, u1
G'$+9%5( S+=#9(,) ll, LM1- Clg Parbor, WA
I'+9: R%,'Q% 8aLLallon Chlef, LM1- SalL Lake ClLy, u1
S+=#9 R Dick n8LM1-, CCLM1-, 1acsar k9 Pandler CnLarlo, Canada
485.0 V+P.,$% uSAl, MSgL uSAl (reL), n8LM1-, 1LMS Severn, Mu
/#.0: V+'9$+) LM1-8, ll, Lnglneer Crem, u1
6#0% V%P>,.0 M.l.C.., n8LM1-, SLl SeaLLle, WA
W#$ V#+** 8n, Cln ayson, u1
/#.0 V,O+'9 8aLLallon Chlef, 8n, 8S, LM1-A Lehl, u1
I#PP W5(*#.% ll, n8LM1-, 1LMS Cklahoma ClLy, Ck
<#.0 L%O#( ll, LM1-8 SeaLLle, WA
J.,** L+#P LM1-, l-C Clen 8ose, 1x
3PP% 6+'*#) LM1-l, SgL., LLC Crem, u1
S,5Q 65'9,.0 Mu, lACL, LM1-l, 8Sn Peber ClLy, u1
U%=#) 6.4+'*8: LM1-, CapLaln, unlfled llre uepL. Lagle MounLaln, u1
W,8) 6.4,$>( LM1-, LLC, lllghL aramedlc Crem, u1
SO#Q8* GX &,P0 LCSW-C. n8 8alLlmore, Mu
/,(( /5*(.8$+) 8A, LM1- newberg, C8
3P#Y+>%*8 J$+'* lounder, LllzabeLh SmarL loundaLlon SalL Lake ClLy, u1
W5P#% J*'#)Q%' LleuLenanL (8eL) Murray, u1
48'#( Z+: Chlef, kooLenal CounLy LMS SysLem Coeur d'Alene, lu
S,) Z+')%' ll, M.l.C.., CapLaln Ldmonds, WA
&+5P Z%'7%P M.S., n8LM1- orL !efferson SLaLlon, n?
S+=% N%# ll, LM1-, Army Medlc rovo, u1
S+)+ N,(* M.l.C.., 8edmond llre/Medlc Cne 8edmond, WA
Twitter: @emsassociates

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