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NAME: Jonathan B. Wittenberg

BORN: 1923, New York City

EDUCATION: 1943 - B.S., Cum Laude, Harvard College

1946 - M.A., (Zoology), Columbia University

1950 - Ph.D., (Biochemistry), Columbia University


1947-50 Public Health Service Predoctoral Research Fellow,
Department of Biochemistry, Columbia University
1950-51 Fellow in Bacteriology, Harvard Medical School
1951-52 Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda (Laboratory of Dr. Arthur Kornberg)
1952-53 Senior Instructor in Biochemistry attached to Medicine, Western
Reserve University
1953-55 Assistant Professor of Biochemistry attached to Medicine, Western
Reserve University
1955-56 Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in Medicine, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine
1956-64 Senior Research Fellow of the National Institutes of Health
(redesignated Research Career Awardee in 1961)
1956-59 Assistant Professor of Physiology and Assistant Professor of
Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1959-65 Associate Professor of Physiology, Albert Einstein College of
1964- Research Career Awardee of the National Institutes of Health
1965-81 Professor of Physiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1981- Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, Albert Einstein College of

American Society of Biological Chemists 1957
The Biochemical Society (Great Britain) 1958
Member of the Corporation, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. 1958
Society of the General Physiologists 1960
American Physiological Society 1963
Biophysical Society 1963
Red Cell Club 1967
Harvey Society 1971


1. Wittenberg, J.B. and Shemin, D. 1949. The Utilization of Glycine for the Biosynthesis
of Both Types of Pyrroles in Protoporphyrin. J. Biol. Chem. 178, 47-51.

2. Wittenberg, J.B. and Shemin, D. 1950. The Location in Protoporphyrin of the
Carbon Atoms Derived from the Alpha-Carbon Atom of Glycine. J. Biol.
Chem. 185, 103-116.

3. Shemin, D. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1951. The Mechanism of Porphyrin Formation: The
Role of Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle. J. Biol. Chem. 192, 315-334.

4. Shemin, D. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1951. The Biosynthetic Mechanism of Porphyrin
Formation. in: Isotopes in Biochemistry. Ciba Foundation Conference, Blakiston,

5. Wittenberg, J.B. and Kornberg, A. 1953. Choline Phosphokinase. J. Biol. Chem. 202,

6. Wittenberg, J.B. 1955. The Separation of Sphingosine and Related Compounds by
Reversed Phase Partition Chromatography, in: Advances in Neurochemistry.
S.R. Korey, ed., P. Hoeber, Philadelphia.

7. Wittenberg, J.B. 1955. The Separation of Sphingosine and Related Compounds by
Reversed Phase Partition Chromatography. J. Biol. Chem. 206, 379-390.

8. Wittenberg, J.B., Korey, S.R. and Swenson, F.H. 1956. The Determination of
Higher Fatty Aldehydes in Tissues. J. Biol. Chem. 219, 39-47.

9. Wittenberg, J.B. 1957. The Separation of the C6-C12 Fatty Acids by Reversed
Phase Partition Chromatography. The Biochemical Journal. 65, 42-45.

10. Wittenberg, J.B. 1958. The Secretion of Inert Gas into the Swim-Bladder of Fish.
J. Gen. Physiol. 41, 783-804.

11. Fange, R. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1958. The Swim-Bladder of the Toadfish (Opsanus
tau L.). Biol. Bull. 115, 172-179.

12. Wittenberg, J.B. 1959. The Formation of the Porphyrin Ring. Nature 184, 876-878.

13. Wittenberg, J.B. 1960. The Source of Carbon Monoxide in the Float of the
Portuguese Man-of-War, Physalia physalis L. J. Exp. Biol. 37, 698-705.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

14. Wittenberg, J.B. 1961. The Secretion of Oxygen into the Swim-Bladder of Fish. I.
The Transport of Molecular Oxygen. J. Gen. Physiol. 44, 521-526.

15. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1961. The Secretion of Oxygen into the
Swim-Bladder of Fish. II. The Simultaneous Transport of Carbon Monoxide
and Oxygen. J. Gen. Physiol. 44, 527-542.

16. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1962. Active Secretion of Oxygen into the
Eye of Fish. Nature. 194, 106-107.

17. Wittenberg, J.B., Noronha, J.M. and Silverman, M. 1962. Folic Acid Derivatives
in the Gas Gland of Physalia physalis L. The Biochemical Journal. 85, 9-15.

18. Wittenberg, J.B. 1962. Choline Kinase from Brewer's Yeast. in: Methods in
Enzymology, Vol. V. S.P. Colowick and N.0. Kaplan, eds., New York.

19. Wittenberg, J.B. 1963. Facilitated Diffusion of Oxygen Through Haemerythrin
Solutions. Nature. 199, 816-817.

20. Cicak, A., McLaughlin, J.J.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1963. Oxygen in the Gas
Vacuole of the Rhizopod Protozoan, Arcella. Nature. 199, 983-985.

21. Wittenberg, J.B., Schwend, M.J. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1964. The Secretion of
Oxygen into the Swimbladder of Fish. III. The Role of Carbon Dioxide. J.
Gen. Physiol. 48, 337-355.

22. Wittenberg, J.B. 1965. Myoglobin-Facilitated Diffusion of Oxygen. J. Gen. Physiol.
49, 57-74.

23. Wittenberg, B.A., Briehl, R.W. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1965. Haemoglobins of
Invertebrate Tissues: Nerve Haemoglobins of Aphrodite, Aplysia and
Halosydna. Biochem. J. 96, 363-371.

24. Nagel, R.L., Wittenberg, J.B. and Ranney, H.M. 1965. Oxygen Equilibria of the
Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Complex. Biochim.Biophys. Acta. 100, 286-289.

25. Wittenberg, J.B., Brown, P.K. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1965. A Novel Reaction of
Hemoglobin in Invertebrate Nerves. I. Observations on Annelid and
Molluscan Nerves. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 109, 518-529.

26. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B., Stolzberg, S. and Valenstein, E. 1965. A Novel
Reaction of Hemoglobin in Invertebrate Tissues. II. Observations on
Molluscan Muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 109, 530-535.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

27. Wittenberg, B.A., Brunori, M., Antonini, E., Wittenberg, J.B. and Wyman, J. 1965.
Kinetics of the Reactions of Aplysia Myoglobin with Oxygen and Carbon
Monoxide. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 111, 576-579.

28. Wittenberg, B.A., Okazaki, T. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1965. The Hemoglobin of
Ascaris Perienteric Fluid. I. Purification and Spectra. Biochim. Biophys.
Acta. 111, 485-495.

29. Okazaki, T., Briehl, R.W., Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1965. The
Hemoglobin of Ascaris Perienteric Fluid. II. Molecular Weight and Subunits.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 111, 496-502.

30. Okazaki, T. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1965. The Hemoglobin of Ascaris Perienteric
Fluid. III Equilibria with Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide. Biochim. Biophys.
Acta. 111, 503-511.

31. Wittenberg, J.B. 1966. The Molecular Mechanism of Hemoglobin-Facilitated
Oxygen Diffusion. J. Biol. Chem. 241, 104-114.

32. Wittenberg, J.B., Noble, R.W., Wittenberg, B.A., Antonini, E., Brunori, M. and
Wyman, J. 1966. The Reaction of Ferroperoxidase with Oxygen, in:
International Symposium on Comparative Hemoglobin Structure. A.
Christomano and D. Polychronakos, eds. Thessaloniki, Greece.

33. Chiancone, E., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Antonini, E.and Wyman, J.
1966. The Combination of Haptoglobin 2-2 with the Oxy and Deoxy Forms of
Human Hemoglobin Before and After Digestion by Carboxypeptidase A, and
with Isolated Alpha-Chains. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 117, 379-386.

34. Wittenberg, J.B., Noble, R.W., Wittenberg, B.A., Antonini, E., Brunori, M. and
Wyman, J. 1967. Studies on the Equilibria and Kinetics of the Reactions of
Peroxidase with Ligands. II. The Reaction of Ferroperoxidase with Oxygen.
J. Biol. Chem. 242, 626-634.

35. Okazaki, T., Wittenberg, B.A., Briehl, R.W. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1967. The
Hemoglobin of Ascaris Body Walls. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 140, 258-265.

36. Wittenberg, B.A., Antonini, E., Brunori, M., Noble, R.W., Wittenberg, J.B. and
Wyman, J. 1967. Studies on the Equilibria and Kinetics of the Reactions of
Peroxidases with Ligands. III. The Dissociation of Carbon Monoxide from
Carbon Monoxide Ferro-Horseradish Peroxidase. Biochemistry. 6, 1970-

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

37. Wittenberg, J.B. 1967. Review of Hemes and Hemoproteins, a colloquium of the
Johnson Foundation. B. Chance, R.W., Estabrook and T. Yonetani, eds.
Academic Press, New York (1966). Science. 158, 485.

38. Blumberg, W.E., Peisach, J., Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1968 The
Electronic Structure of Protoheme Proteins.I. An Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance and Optical Study of Horseradish Peroxidase and its Derivatives.
J. Biol. Chem. 243, 1854-1862.

39. Wittenberg, B.A., Kampa, L., Wittenberg, J.B., Blumberg, W.E. and Peisach, J.
1968. The Electronic Structure of Protoheme Proteins. II. An Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance and Optical Study of Cytochrome c Peroxidase
and its Derivatives. J. Biol. Chem. 243, 1863-1870.

40. Peisach, J., Blumberg, W.E., Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1968. The
Electronic Structure of Protoheme Proteins. III. Configurations of the Heme
and its Ligands. J. Biol. Chem. 243, 1871-1880.

41. Peisach, J., Blumberg, W.E., Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Kampa, L.
1969. Hemoglobin A: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of the
Effects of Interchain Contacts on the Heme Symmetry of High-Spin and
Low-Spin Derivatives of Ferric Alpha Chains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 63,

42. Wittenberg, J.B. 1970. Myoglobin Facilitated Oxygen Diffusion and the Role of
Myoglobin in Oxygen Entry into Muscle. Physiol. Rev. 50, 559-636.

43. Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Peisach, J. and Blumberg, W.E. 1970. On the
State of the Iron and the Nature of the Ligand in Oxyhemoglobin. Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. 67, 1846-1853.

44. Wittenberg, J.B. 1971. The Ligand of Oxyhemoglobin. In: Genetical, Functional
and Physical Studies of Hemoglobins, T. Arends, R. Nagel and G. Bemski,
eds. S. Karger, Basel.

45. Wittenberg, J.B., Appleby, C.A. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1972. The Kinetics of the
Reactions of Leghemoglobin with Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide. J. Biol.
Chem. 247, 527-531.

46. Riveros-Moreno, V. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1972. The Self-Diffusion Coefficients of
Myoglobin and Hemoglobin in Concentrated Solutions. J. Biol. Chem. 247,

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

47. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Noble, R.W. 1972. The Reaction of Ferrous
Ascaris Perienteric Fluid Hemoglobin with Hydrogen Peroxide. J. Biol.Chem.
247, 4008-4013.

48. Appleby, C.A., Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1973. Nicotinic Acid as a Ligand
Affecting Leghemoglobin Structure and Oxygen Reactivity. Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. 70, 564-568.

49. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Appleby, C.A. 1973. Leghemoglobin I. Changes
in Conformation and Chemical Reactivity Linked to Reaction with Acetic Acid. J.
Biol. Chem. 248, 3178-3182.

50. Appleby, C.A., Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1973. Leghemoglobin II.
Changes in Conformation and Chemical Reactivity Linked to Reaction with
a Dissociable Low Molecular Weight Ligand, X. J. Biol. Chem. 248,

51. Haedrich, R.L., Wittenberg, J.B., Nelson, G.J. 1973. A Septum in the Eye of
Osteoglossoid Fishes. Copeia. 3, 594-595.

52. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1974. The Choroid Rete Mirabile of the
Fish Eye. I. Oxygen Secretion and Structure: Comparison with the
Swimbladder Rete Mirabile. Biol. Bull. 146, 116-136.

53. Wittenberg, J.B. and Haedrich, R.L. 1974. The Choroid Rete Mirabile of the Fish
Eye. II. Distribution and Relation to the Pseudobranch and to the
Swimbladder Rete Mirabile. Biol. Bull. 146, 137-156.

54. Wittenberg, J.B., Bergersen, F.J., Appleby, C.A., and Turner, G.L. Facilitated O
Oxygen Diffusion. 1974. The role of Leghemoglobin in Nitrogen Fixation by
Bacteroids Isolated from Soybean Root Nodules. J. Biol. Chem., 249,

55. Appleby, C.A., Bergersen, F.J., Macnicol, P.K., Turner, G.L., Wittenberg, B.A.,and
Wittenberg, J.B. 1975. Role of Leghemoglobin in Symbiotic N2 Fixation, pp
274-292 in: Proceedings of The First International Symposium on Nitrogen
Fixation, W.E. Newton and C.J. Nyman, eds., Washington State
University Press, Pullman, Washington.

56. Wittenberg, J.B., and Wittenberg, B.A. 1975. A Hemoprotein Implicated in Oxygen
Transport into the Eye of Fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 51A, 425-429.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

57. Wittenberg, J.B., Appleby, C.A., Bergersen, F.J., and Turner, G.L. Leghemoglobin:
The Role of Hemoglobin in the Nitrogen-Fixing Legume Root Nodule. Ann.
N.Y. Acad. Sci. 244, 28-34.

58. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Caldwell, P.R.B. 1976. Role of Myoglobin in
the Oxygen Supply to Red Skeletal Muscle. J. Biol. Chem., 250, 9038-9043.

58. Appleby, C.A., Blumberg, W.E., Peisach, J., Wittenberg, B.A. , and Wittenberg, J.B.
1976. Leghemoglobin: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Optical
Spectral Study of the Free Protein and its Complexes with Nicotinate and
Acetate. J. Biol. Chem., 251, 6090-6096.

60. Harrington, J.P., Elbaum, D., Bookchin, R.M., Wittenberg, J.B., and Nagel, R.L.
1977. Ligand Kinetics of Hemoglobin S Containing Erythrocytes. Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. 74, 203-206.

61. Wittenberg, J.B., 1976. Facilitation of Oxygen Diffusion by Intracellular
Leghemoglobin and Myoglobin, pp 228-246 in: Oxygen and Physiological
Function, F. Jobsis, ed., Professional Information Library, Dallas, Texas.

62. Aviram, I., Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1978. The Reaction of Ferrous
Leghemoglobin With Hydrogen Peroxide to Form Leghemoglobin(IV). J.
Biol. Chem., 253, 5685-5689.

63. Wittenberg, J.B. 1978. Leghemoglobin: Low Temperature Optical Spectra of
Acid and Alkaline Forms of Leghemoglobin(IV). Configuration of the
Heme. J. Biol. Chem., 253, 5690-5693.

64. Wittenberg, J.B. 1978. Acid and Alkaline Forms of the Higher Oxidation State of
Kangaroo, Horse and Sperm Whale Myoglobin. J. Biol. Chem. 253,

65. Schuder, S., Wittenberg, J.B., Haseltine, B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1979.
Spectrophotometric Determination of Myoglobin in Cardiac and Skeletal
Muscle: Separation From Hemoglobin by Subunit-Exchange
Chromatography. Anal. Biochem. 92, 473-481.

66. Mathews, R.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1979. Cytochrome c Peroxidase.
Interconversion of Chemically and Enzymatically Reactive and Unreactive
Forms of the Ferric Protein. J. Biol. Chem. 254, 5991-5996.

67. Wittenberg, J.B. 1979. Reactivity and Function of Leghemoglobin. pp 53-68.
In: Oxygen: Biochemical and Clinical Aspects, W.S. Caughey, ed.,
Academic Press, New York.
PUBLICATIONS (continued)

68. Burger, R.M., Horwitz, S.B., Peisach, J. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1979.
Oxygenated Iron Bleomycin, A Short-Lived Intermediate In The Reaction
of Ferrous Bleomycin With Oxygen. J. Biol. Chem. 254, 12299-12302.

69. Wittenberg, J.B. 1980. Utilization of Leghemoglobin-Bound Oxygen by
Rhizobium Bacteroids. pp 53-67 In: Nitrogen Fixation, Vol. II, W.H.
Orme-Johnson and W.E. Newton, eds., University Park Press, Baltimore.

70. Wittenberg, J.B., Copeland, D.E., Haedrich, R.L. and Child, J.S. 1980. The
Swimbladder of Deep-Sea Fish: The Swimbladder Wall Is a Lipid-Rich
Barrier To Oxygen Diffusion. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 60, 263-276.

71. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1981. Facilitated Oxygen Diffusion by
Oxygen Carriers. pp. 177-199 In: Oxygen and Living Processes, D.L.
Gilbert ed., Springer-Verlag, New York.

72. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A., 1981. Preparation of Myoglobins.
Chapter 2, pp. 29-42 In: Methods In Enzymology, Vol. 76, Hemoglobins,
E. Antonini, L. Rossi Bernardi and E. Chiancone, eds. Academic Press,
New York.

73. Wittenberg, J.B., Morris, R.J., Gibson, Q.H. and Jones, M.L. 1981. Kinetics of
Hemoglobin of the Galapagos Rift Vent Worm, Rifti pachyptila Jones
(Pogonophora; Vestimentifera). Science 213, 344-346.

74. Wittenberg, J.B., Morris, R.J., Gibson, Q.H. and Jones, M.L. 1981. Oxygen
Binding by Hemoglobin of the Galapagos Rift Vent Worm, Riftia pachyptila
Jones (Pogonophora; Vestimentifera). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 670,

75. Wittenberg, W., Wittenberg, D.K. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1981. Secretion of
Nitrogen into the Swimbladder of Fish. I. Secretion by Fishes Nearly
Lacking Circulating Hemoglobin. Role of the Rete Mirabile. Biol. Bull.
161, 426-439.

76. Wittenberg, D.K., Wittenberg, W., Wittenberg, J.B. and Itada, N. 1981.
Secretion of Nitrogen Into the Swimbladder of Fish. II. Molecula
Mechanism. Secretion of Noble Gases. Biol. Bull. 161, 440-451.

77. Appleby, C.A., Blumberg, W.E., Bradbury, J.H., Fuchsman, W.H., Peisach, J.,
Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Wright, P.E. 1982. The Mobile
Distal Histidine of Leghemoglobin. Does It Control Oxygen Binding
Kinetics? in: pp 435-441 C. Ho ed., Hemoglobin and Oxygen Binding.
Elsevier North Holland, New York.
PUBLICATIONS (continued)

78. Burger, R.M., Peisach, J., Blumberg, W.E., Wittenberg, J.B., Sausville, E.A.
and Horwitz, S.B. 1982. Iron Bleomycin, A Hemelike Complex that
Catalyzes the Cleavage of DNA by Molecular Oxygen. pp 319-322 in: C.
Ho ed., Electron Transport and Oxygen Utilization, Elsevier North Holland,
New York.

79. Cole, R.P., Sukanek, P.C., Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1982.
Mitochondrial Function in the Presence of Myoglobin. J. Appl. Physiol. 53,

80. Appleby, C.A., Bradbury, J.H., Morris, R.J., Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B.
and Wright, P.E. 1983. Leghemoglobin. Kinetic, Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance, and Optical Studies of pH Dependance of Oxygen and
Carbon Monoxide Binding. J. Biol. Chem. 258, 2254-2259.

81. Katz, I.R., Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1984. Monoamine Oxidase An
Intracellular Probe of Oxygen Pressure In Isolated Cardiac Myocytes. J.
Biol. Chem. 259, 7504-7509.

82. Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1985. Oxygen Pressure Gradients in
Isolated Cardiac Myocytes. J. Biol. Chem., 260, 6548-6554.

83. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B., and Katz, I.R. 1985. Oxygen Transport in
Isolated Cardiac Myocytes. Basic Research in Cardiology 80, suppl.
2: 75-78.

84. Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Trinick, M., Gibson, Q.H., Fleming, A.J.,
Bogusz, D., and Appleby, C.A. 1985. Hemoglobins Which Supply Oxygen
to Intracellular Prokaryotic Symbionts. p. 354 in: Nitrogen Fixation
Research Progress, H.J. Evans, P.J. Bottomley and W.E. Newton, eds.,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

85. Wittenberg, J.B. 1985. Oxygen Supply to Intracellular Bacteria Symbionts. In:
Hydrothermal Vents of the Eastern Pacific: An Overview. M.L. Jones
(ed.) Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington 6, 301-310.

86. Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Gibson, Q.H., Trinick, M.J. and Appleby,
C.A. 1986. The Kinetics of the Reactions of Parasponia Hemoglobin with
Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide. J. Biol. Chem. 261,

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

87. Fleming, A.I., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Dudman, W.F. and Appleby,
C.A. 1987. The purification, Characterization and Ligand Binding Kinetics
of Hemoglobin from Root Nodules of the in-Leguminous Casuarina
Glauca-Frankia Symbiosis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 911, 209-220.

88. Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1987. Myoglobin-Mediated Oxygen
Delivery to Mitochondria of Isolated Cardiac Myocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci., USA, 84, 7503-7507.

89. Doeller, J.E., Kraus, D.W., Colacino, J.M. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1988. Gill
Hemoglobin May Deliver Sulfide to Bacterial Symbionts of Solemya
Velum (Bivalvia, Mollusca). Biol. Bull., 175, 388-396.

90. Gibson, Q.H., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg,B.A.,Bogusz, D. and Appleby, C.A.
1989. The kinetics of Ligand Binding to Plant Hemoglobin: Structural
Implications. J. Biol. Chem., 264, 100-107.

91. Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1989. Transport of Oxygen in Muscle.
Ann. Rev. Physiol. 51, 857-878.

92. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. 1990. Mechanisms of Cytoplasmic
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Function. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biophys.
Chem., 19:217-241.

93. Kraus, D.W. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1990. Hemoglobins of the Lucina
pectinata/Bacteria Symbiosis. Molecular Properties, Kinetics and
Equilibria of Reactions with Ligands. J. Biol. Chem. 265:16043-16053.

94. Kraus, D.W., Wittenberg, J.B., Lu, J.F. and Peisach, J. 1990. Hemoglobins of
the Lucina pectinata/Bacteria Symbiosis. II. An Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance and Optical Spectral Study of the Ferric Proteins. J. Biol.
Chem. 265:16054-16059.

95. Hockenhull-Johnson, J., Stern, M.S., Walz, D.A., Kraus, D.W. and Wittenberg,
J.B. 1991. Partial Amino Acid Sequence of Hemoglobin II from Lucina
pectinata. Chapter 35 in: Structure and Function of Invertebrate
Oxygen Carriers, eds. Vinogradov, S.N. and Kapp, O.H. (Springer-
Verlag, New York), pp. 261-264.

96. Wittenberg, J.B. and Kraus, D.W. 1991. Hemoglobins of Eukaryote/Prokaryote
Symbioses. Chapter 43 in: Structure and Function of Invertebrate Oxygen
Carriers, eds. Vinogradov, S.N. and Kapp, O.H. (Springer-Verlag, New
York), pp. 323-330.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

97. Casale, E., Lionetti, C., Coda, A., Merli, A., Ascenzi, P., Wittenberg, J.B. and
Bolognesi, M. 1991. Crystalization and Preliminary Data For The Ferric
Form of Lucina pectinata Hemoglobin I. J. Mol. Biol. 222: 447-449.

98. Kemling, N., Kraus, D.W., Hockenhull-Johnson, J.D., Wittenberg, J.B.,
Vinogradov, S.N., Walz, D.A., Edwards, B.F.P. and Martin, P. 1991.
Crystallization of a Complex of Hemoglobin Components II and III of the
Symbiont-Harboring Clam Lucina pectinata. J. Mol. Biol. 222: 463-464.

99. Hockenhull-Johnson, J., Stern, M.S., Martin, P., Dass, C., Desiderio, D.M.,
Wittenberg, J.B., Vinogradov, S.N. and Walz, D.A. 1991. The Amino Acid
Sequence of Hemoglobin II From The Symbiont-Harboring Clam Lucina
pectinata. J. Protein Chem. 10:609-622.

100. Kraus, D.W., Doeller, J.E. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1992. Hydrogen Sulfide
Reduction of Symbiont Cytochrome c
in Gills of Solemya reidi (
(Mollusca). Biol. Bull. 182: 435-443.

101. Wittenberg, J.B. 1991. Functions of Cytoplasmic Hemoglobins and
Myohemerythrin. in: Advances in Comparative and Environmental
Physiology Vol. 13: Oxygen Carriers in Blood and Tissues. ed. Mangum,
C.P. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York), Chapter 3, pp 59-85.

102. Hockenhull-Johnson, J.D., Stern, M.S., Wittenberg, J.B., Vinogradov, S.N.,
Knapp, O.H. and Walz, D.A. 1993. he Amino Acid Sequence of
Hemoglobin III from the Symbiont-Harboring Clam, Lucina pectinata. J.
Protein Chem., 12:261-277.

103. Lee, H.C., Wittenberg, J.B. and Peisach, J. 1993. Role of hydrogen bonding to
bound dioxygen in soybean leghemoglobin. Biochemistry, 32, 11500-

104. Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1993. Effects of carbon monoxide on
isolated heart muscle cells. Health Effects Institute Research Report 62,
pp. 1-23, Cambridge, Mass., December 1993.

105. Doyle, M.A., Vitali, J., Wittenberg, J.B., Vinogradov, S.N., Walz, D.A., Edwards,
B.F.P. and Martin, P.D. 1994. Crystallization of hemoglobin II and III of the
symbiont-harboring clam Lucina pectinata, Acta Cryst. D50, 757-759.

106. Rizzi, M., Wittenberg, J.B., Coda, A., Fasano, M., Ascenzi, P. and Bolognesi, M.
1994. Structure of the sulfide-reactive hemoglobin from the clam Lucina
pectinata: Crystallographic analysis at 1.5 D resolution. J. Mol. Biol., 244,
PUBLICATIONS (continued)

107. Wittenberg, J.B. and Stein, J.L. 1995. Hemoglobin in the symbiont-harboring gill
of the marine gastropod Alviniconcha hessleri. Biol. Bull., 188, 5-7.

108. Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Day, D.A., Udvardi, M.K. and Appleby, C.A.
1996. Siderophore-bound iron in the peribacteroid space of soybean root
nodules. Plant and Soil, 178, 161-169.

109. Rizzi, M., Wittenberg, J.B., Coda, A., Ascenzi, P. and Bolognesi, M. 1996. Sulfide
recognition in Lucina pectinata hemoglobin I: a crystallographic study. J.
Mol. Biol. 258, 1-5.

110. Winkler, W.C., Gonzalez, G., Wittenberg, J.B., Hille, R., Dakappagari, N., Jacob, A
Gonzalez, L.A. and Gilles-Gonzalez, M.A. 1996. Non-steric factors
dominate binding of nitric oxide, azide, imidazole, cyanide and fluoride to
the rhizobial heme-based oxygen sensor. Chemistry and Biology, 3, 841-

111. Duff, S.M.G., Wittenberg, J.B., and Hill, R.D. 1997. Barley Hemoglobin:
Optical spectra and reactions with gaseous ligands. J. Biol. Chem. 272,

112. Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B. and White, R.L. 1997. Transport of Oxygen in
Myoglobin-Containing Muscle. Chapter 8 in: Hypoxia: Women at Altitude.
eds. Houston, C.S. and Coates, G.; Proceeding of the Tenth International
Hypoxia Symposium at Lake Louise, Canada, February 1997 (Queen City
Printers, Burlington, Vermont) pp. 65-73.

113. Peterson, E.S., Huang, S., Wang, J., Miller, L.M., Vidugiris, G., Kloek, A.P.,
Goldberg, D.E., Chance, M.R., Wittenberg, J.B., and Friedman, J.M. 1997.
A comparison of functional and structural consequences of the tyrosine B10
and glutamine E7 motif in two invertebrate hemoglobins. (Ascaris suum and
Lucina pectinata). Biochemistry 36: 13110-13121.

113A. Boffi, A., Wittenberg, J.B. and Chiancone, E. 1997. Circular dichroism
spectroscopy of Lucina I hemoglobin. FEBS Letters 411: 335-338.

114. Nguyen, B.D., Zhao, X., Vyas, K., LaMar, G.N., Lile, R.A., Brucker, E.A., Phillips,
G.N., Olson, J.S. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1998. Solution and crystal
structures of a sperm whale myoglobin triple-mutant that mimics the sulfide
binding hemoglobin from Lucina pectinata. J. Biol. Chem., 273: 9517-9526.

115. Das, T.K., Lee, H.C., Duff, S.M.G., Hill, R.D., Peisach, J., Rousseau, D.L.,
Wittenberg, B.A. and Wittenberg, J.B. 1999. The heme environment in
barley hemoglobin. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 4207-4212.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

116. Couture, M., Das, T.K., Guertin, M., Rousseau, D.L., Wittenberg, B.A. and
Wittenberg, J.B. 1998. Chlamydomonas chloroplast hemoglobin: Heme
pocket structure and reactions with ligands. J. Biol. Chem., 274: 6898-

117. Bolognesi, M., Rosano, C., Losso, R., Borassi, A., Rizzi, M., Wittenberg, J.B.,
Boffi, A. and Ascenzi 1999. Cyanide binding to Lucina pectinata
monomeric hemoglobin I and to sperm whale (Physeter catodon)
myoglobin: an X-ray crystallographic study. Biophys. J. 77: 1093-1099.

118. Couture, M., Yeh, S-R., Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B., Ouellet, Y., Rousseau,
D.L. and Guertin, M. 1999. A cooperative oxygen-binding hemoglobin from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96: 11223-11228.

119. Das, T.K., Couture, M., Lee, H.C., Peisach, J., Rousseau, D.L., Wittenberg, B.A.,
Wittenberg, J.B., and Guertin, M. 1999. Identification of the ligands to the
ferric heme of Chlamyodomonas chloroplast hemoglobin: Evidence for
ligands to tyrosine 63(B10) to the heme. Biochem., 38: 15360-15368.

120. Das, T.K., Weber, R.E., Dewilde, S., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Yamauchi,
K., Van Hauwaert, M.L., Moens, L. and Rousseau, D.L. 2000. Ligand binding
in the ferric and ferrous states of Paramecium hemoglobin. Biochemistry 39:

121. Couture, M., Das, T.K., Savard, P.Y., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Rousseau,
D.L. and Guertin, M. 2000. Structural investigations of the hemoglobin of the
cyanobacterium, Synechocystis PCC 6803 reveal a unique distal pocket. Eur.
J. Biochem. 267: 4770-4780.

122. Marcinek, D.J., Bonaventura, J. Wittenberg, J.B. and Block, B.A. 2001. Oxygen
affinity and amino acid sequence of myoglobins from endothermic and
ectothermic fish. Am. J. Physiol. Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 280:

123. Wittenberg, J.B., Bolognesi, M., Wittenberg, B.A., and Guertin, M. (2002).
Truncated Hemoglobins: A new family of hemeproteins widely distributed
in bacteria, unicellular eukaryotes and plants. (A mini-review). J. Biol. Chem.
277: 871-874.

PUBLICATIONS (continued)

124. Ouellet, H., Ouellet, Y., Richard, C., Labarre, M., Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B.
and Guertin, M. (2002). Truncated hemoglobin HbN protects Mycobacterium
bovis from nitric oxide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci (USA) 99: 5902-5907.

125. Ouellet, H., Juszcak, L., Dantsker, D., Samuni, U., Ouellet, Y.H., Savard, P.Y.,
Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg, B.A., Friedman, J.M. and Guertin, M. (2003).
Reactions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin O with ligands
reveal a novel ligand-inclusive hydrogen bond network. Biochemistry 42: 5764-

126. Wittenberg, J.B. and Wittenberg, B.A. (2003). Myoglobin Function Reassessed.
J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2011-2020.

127. Samuni, U., Dantsker, D., Ray, A., Wittenberg, J. B., Wittenberg, B. A., Dewilde, S.,
Moens, L., Ouellet, Y., Guertin, M. and Friedman, J. M. (2003). Kinetic modulation
in carbonmonoxy derivatives of truncated hemoglobins: the role of distal heme
pocket residues and extended apolar tunnel. J. Bio. Chem. 278: 27241- 27250.

128. Dantsker, D., Samuni, U., Ouellet, Y., Wittenberg, B.A., Wittenberg, J.B.,
Milani, M., Bolognesi, M., Guertin, M. and Friedman, J.M.
(2004). viscosity- uepenuent ielaxation significantly mouulates the
kinetics of C0 iecombination in the tiuncateu hemoglobin TiBbN fiom !"#$%&#'()*+,
'+%()#+.$/*/0 }. Biol. Chem. 279: 38844 - 38853.

129. Milani, M., Pesce, A., Nardini, M., Oellet, H., Ouellet, Y., Dewilde, S., Bocedi, A.,
Ascenzi, P., Guertin, M., Moens, L., Friedman, J. M., Wittenberg, J. B. and
Bolognesi, M. (2005). Stiuctuial bases foi heme binuing anu
uiatomic liganu iecognition in tiuncateu hemoglobins. J. Inorg.
Biochem. 99: 97-109.

129A. Jonathan B. Wittenberg. Navajo Nation 1950. Traditional Life In Photographs .pp.
127. ISBN 0-977531-9-0. Glitterati Incorporated, New York. 2006.

130. Ouellet, H., Ranguelova, K., LaBarre, M., Wittenberg, J.B., Wittenberg,
B.A., Magliozzo, R.S. and Guertin, M. (2007). Reaction of
Nycobacteiium tubeiculosis tiuncateu hemoglobin 0 with
hyuiogen peioxiue: eviuence foi peioxiuatic activity anu
foimation of piotein-baseu iauicals. }. Biol. Chem. 282, 7491-

1S1. Wittenbeig, }.B. anu Wittenbeig, B.A. (2uu7). Nyoglobin-
enhanceu oxygen ueliveiy to isolateu caiuiac mitochonuiia. }.
Exp. Biol. 21u, 2u82-2u9u.

1S2. Wittenbeig, }.B. (2uu7). 0n optima: The case of myoglobin-
facilitateu oxygen uiffusion. uene S98, 1S6-161.

1SS. uios, u., Wittenbeig, B.A, }ue, T., (2u1u) Nyoglobin's olu anu
new clothes: fiom moleculai stiuctuie to function in living
cells. }. Exp. Biol.21S,271S-272S.

1S4. Pesce, A., Naiuini, N., Labaiie, N., Richaiu, C., Wittenbeig, }.B.,
Wittenbeig, B.A, uueitin, N., anu Bolognesi, N. (2u11).
Stiuctuial chaiacteiization of a gioup II 22 hemoglobin fiom
the plant pathogen Agiobacteiium tumifaciens. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta 1841, 8u6-81u

1SS. Wittenbeig, B. A. anu Wittenbeig, }. B. (2u12). Euitoiial Focus:
!"$1.$%*2345 &2 &6&7'&'*$2 8$) .*8( &' .$9 $:"1(2 7)(//+)(0
Focus on: "Functional uiffeientiation of myoglobin isofoims in
the hypoxia-toleiant caip." Am } Physiol Regul Integi Comp
Physiol. Su2, R691-R692.

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