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Powell Gifted & Talented

Magnet Elementary

St udent / Parent
1130 Marlborough Road, Raleigh, NC 27610
(919) 856-7737 Fax (919) 856-7749

Websi t e - ht t p: / / www. powel l es. net /
Twi t t er - @powel l gt t weet s

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In case of snow oi othei uangeious weathei oi emeigency situations, a uecision may be maue to close oi
uelay school. These uecisions aie maue aftei the National Weathei Seivice anu local weathei buieaus have
been consulteu. As soon as a uecision is maue, local iauio anu television stations aie notifieu anu a notice is
posteu on the school system's web page at

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Pei 34567 849:;< =>>>?@A: An absence is excuseu foi ieligious obseivance, as suggesteu by the ieligion of
the stuuent oi the stuuent's paients.
Parent/Student Handbook Preface

All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the
WCPSS Code of Conduct and school board policies governing student behavior and conduct.
All Code of Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is
distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment
in the Wake County Public School System. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in
this handbook and the Code of Student Conduct polices, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct
policies shall take precedence.

Todos los estudiantes son responsables por el cumplimiento y el conocimiento del Codigo de
Conducta Estudiantil y de todas las polticas de la Junta Escolar que gobiernan el
comportamiento y la conducta estudiantil. Todas las polticas del Codigo de Conducta
Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a
todos los padres y estudiantes al principio de cada ano escolar o al marticularse en el WCPSS.
Si hay un conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual de Estudiantes/Padres ye el
manual de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en este manual deben tomar prioridad.

VISITORS: Wake County Public Schools has a policy requiring parents/visitors to notify the
school before arriving on campus. All visitors must sign-in at the check-in station located in the
office upon arrival and display a visitors badge while on campus. Staff members have been
instructed to send parents without visitor badges back to the office. Parents must schedule
conferences in advance. Please do not make unannounced visits to the school expecting to
conference with teachers or an administrator. We do permit parents to walk their children to class
in the morning but require that parents quickly depart so the students may get to work. Parents
may remain in the room only if they are scheduled to volunteer at that time. The staff desires
open communication but please remember that their first priority is supervising students.
Conferences are most beneficial when teachers have sufficient time to prepare.

SCHOOL WEBSITE: The Powell GT Magnet website will be of great use
to parents. It will provide important information to parents and showcase the amazing learning
that occurs in Powell classrooms. If you have any questions about our website, please contact
Ms. Laurens at

TWITTER/REMIND101: It is highly encouraged that families join our Twitter feed
@powellgttweets and our Remind101 text messaging service (standard text rates apply if you
dont have an unlimited texting plan on your phone). These forms of communication allow you
to get information regarding important events/emergencies instantly. See our school website for
more information.

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We are protective of our instructional day and urge you to have your children here on time and to keep
them here the entire day. Students who arrive late or checkout early miss vital instructional time, which
will disrupt their learning.

The school day begins at 9:15am. Students are tardy if they arrive after 9:15am. Please do not drop-off
or allow students to arrive on campus prior to 8:45am. The school is not responsible for supervision
of children prior to the 8:45am bell. If you would like to drop off your student at school prior to 8:45am,
you can pay to enroll your child in the Before School Program at Powell. Please call the front office 856-
7737 for more information on the Before School Program. The school day ends at 3:45pm. If you are
picking up your student via carpool, your child needs to be picked up promptly. It is understandable
that parents may run a few minutes late at times, but it is our expectation that you will pick up your child
no later than 4:00pm (which is the approximate time carpool ends each day). Parents who arrive late to
pick-up their child will need to sign out their child from the office. Please note: The sign-out sheet will
be used as documentation for excessive late pick-up of your child. If you need after school care for
your child because you cannot pick them up between 3:45-4:00pm, you can inquire in the office about our
paid after school care program.

Children are more successful learners when they attend school regularly and are on time. Unnecessary
absences and excessive tardies will increase your childs risk of falling behind and struggling
academically. North Carolina State Law (General Statute 115C-378) requires compulsory school
attendance up to age 16. Please read the Wake County policy on school attendance located in the
Student/Parent Wake County Handbook carefully. The following activities are wonderful experiences for
children but are not valid conditions for excused absences: beach trips, ski trips, and other types of
vacations (trips to Disney World) planned for relaxation and enjoyment. Please refer to the school
calendar in this handbook to plan vacations. Please have Educational Trips and Religious Holidays
approved in advance. Parents may obtain forms in the office. North Carolina law requires that each
student submit a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence within two days
after the child returns to school. Teachers will record absences as unexcused if the parent does not
provide a note.

Students arriving after 9:15am must be signed-in by a parent and get a tardy slip before going to class.
This will ensure that our attendance records are accurate and that your child is not mistakenly counted
absent. Magnet and transfer students, per WCPSS Policy, may lose their seats at Powell if they are
habitually tardy.

Students are checked-out through the office. Do not go straight to the classroom to get your child.
Teachers have been instructed not to dismiss a child unless the office has called. Parents/guardians may
not check students out after 3:30pm except in the case of an emergency. This policy may be a slight
inconvenience but is designed to keep dismissal flowing efficiently.

Students may not leave the school grounds between arrival and dismissal times without a parent or
guardian checking them out. If someone other than the parent/guardian is checking out a student, please
send a note with the proper date, the person who will be checking out the student and the parent's
Please refer to the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook regarding the County dress code policy. The
following clothing items are violations of the dress code policy: exposed undergarments; sagging pants;
excessively short or tight garments; bare midriff shirts; strapless shirts; attire with messages or
illustrations that are lewd, indecent or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law
to minors; head coverings of any kind (not associated with a students religious beliefs/practice); see-
through clothing, any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with disrespectful language,
intimidation, violence or violent groups. If a students dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a
threat to the health or safety of others, distracts other students or staff from their work, or otherwise
violates this dress code, an administrator may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance.
A second or repeated violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Safety is our number one priority in dealing with transportation issues. Your cooperation is vital to the
safety of the children. Students may not ride home with neighbors or friends without parent permission. If
someone other than a parent is going to transport your child, you must notify the teacher of the name of
that person in writing. Notify the office as soon as possible if there is a change in a students mode of
transportation. Last minute changes at the end of the day create confusion and allow little time for the
message to be communicated properly. A student without a note will be sent home by their normal
means. This policy is necessary to ensure security and protection for all of our students.

If your child is leaving campus for dismissal via a car, they are considered a carpool student and should
always follow carpool protocol. Please follow the carpool signs, wait in line and be patient. Our
carpool dismissal is extremely efficient and only takes an average of 12 minutes to get all Powell students
dismissed. Parking and getting your child is prohibited during dismissal time 3:30-4:00pm unless it
is an emergency situation. Parking and then retrieving your child during dismissal creates unnecessary
congestion and increases the safety risks. Children are not permitted to cross the parking lot, or cross the
street to parked cars on Marlborough Road, to meet parents for pick up. Parents are highly discouraged
from parking on Marlborough Road and then crossing the street with their children to be picked
up. These actions put you and your child at risk of being hit by street/campus traffic. Carpool
operates in opposing directions in the morning and afternoons. Morning: Parents should use the
Marlborough Road entrance and continue out the other side of the parking lot. Afternoon: Parents should
follow King Charles Rd (past Marlborough Rd.) and turn right onto Valiant Rd. and then right again into
the school parking lot. Parents may begin dropping children off at AM carpool at 8:45 am and must pick
up their children by 3:45pm. Do not park and leave your car in the carpool lane as this creates
unnecessary back-ups and frustration for other drivers. The circular drive in front of the gym area is for
buses only. Parent traffic in this lane will compromise the safety of students.

Students will be dismissed as a class to each of their dismissal areas at 3:45pm. In order to ensure the
safety of the students, a Teacher or Teacher Assistant will walk students to carpool, buses, or the walkers
waiting area. We will not call students from the classrooms after 3:30pm unless it is an emergency.
Please do not go to your childs classroom to retrieve your child during dismissal time (3:30-3:45pm).

Riding a school bus is a privilege. Any student compromising the safety of the other riders with
inappropriate behavior will lose this privilege. Students are to board and depart the bus at the stop nearest
to their homes. If you feel that your child's bus stop is unsafe, please contact Transportation at 919-805-
3030. Students should never cross a street before the school bus arrives or cross in front of a bus until the
driver signals that it is safe to do so. NOTE: Per WCPSS Board Policy, students may only be picked
up and dropped off at assigned bus stops. Nobody will be allowed to ride home with friends and get
off at different stops for any reason.

All students must maintain acceptable conduct on the school bus. We expect riders to meet the following
expectations to maintain the privilege to ride on a bus:
Respect and obey the bus driver. Keep your body inside the bus.
Stay in your seat. Keep your hands/feet to yourself.
Use inside voices on the bus. Stand back from the curb.
Do not play at the bus stop. Walk to and from the bus.
Be at your stop on time. Wait for the bus to stop before standing

If a student fails to meet these expectations and endangers the safety of others they may lose their bus
privileges for a period of time. Fighting, or any other extremely dangerous behavior may result in a
lengthy suspension from riding the bus.

Students who walk to school should arrive on campus no earlier than 8:45 am. Staff members are not on
duty before that time and your child will be unsupervised. Students who arrive early are not granted
access to the building prior to 8:45am. Older children not attending Powell who are chosen by parents to
accompany younger children home from school should meet them outside under the breezeway. Please
note: It is a privilege for older siblings (in particular, Middle School/High School students) to come onto
campus and pick up a younger sibling. Older siblings are not allowed inside the building during student
dismissal time unless they have the permission of the Principal. If an older sibling of a walker student
verbally disrespects a Powell staff member/student, or is aggressive in any manner toward
adults/students, they will be immediately escorted off of campus by school administration. This
protocol is in place to prevent disruptions at the end of the school day and keep a safe environment for our
young students.

Positive Behavior Intervention Support - Respect Others, Yourself, Property & Learning
Philosophy: Warm, welcoming classrooms and engaging instruction are a vital part of preventing
discipline problems. We want all students to be successful learners and all classrooms free from
disruption. Parental support of this goal is essential. Parents can foster this kind of atmosphere by
encouraging their children to be respectful and cooperative. We believe that all children need positive
reinforcement and recognition for making good decisions and being a positive school citizen. Respect is
the cornerstone of any relationship and a school culture based on mutual respect is a productive learning
environment. We at Powell believe that respect is the most important character trait a child must develop
in order to be successful in life. Children must first learn to respect themselves and appreciate their worth.
A child that respects him or her self will work to achieve better things and live life with dignity. A child
that learns to respect him or her self can appreciate and respect the rights and value of others their
space, their opinions and their property. We simply expect students to be respectful and responsive to all
staff members and their fellow students. This means they will follow instructions, use appropriate
words and tone of voice and keep their hands and feet to themselves. We will not tolerate bullying
in any form. We commit to treating kids with respect and teaching them how to treat themselves and
others in the same way. Powell is currently implementing PBIS in every classroom.

Bullying is considered the repeated, systematic harassment/attacks on a vulnerable, submissive, or younger
person. Every staff member at Powell Elementary is committed to making our school a safe and caring place for all
students. We will treat each other with respect, and will not tolerate bullying at our school.

Powell Elementary is committed to academic excellence and having parent partners in education. We
urge every parent to become involved in their childs education. A parents primary role is to be active
and involved at home. We believe these three parent involvement activities are essential for kids to reach
their potential:
1. Talk to your kids every morning about the importance of learning and being respectful.
2. Provide structured time and space for homework and hold them accountable for doing it
3. Attend parent conferences and contact teachers when you have questions or concerns.
We welcome parents into our classrooms to assist students and prepare materials as long as they are a
registered and approved volunteer.

The Elective Program is the core of the Gifted and Talented Magnet Program and what sets us apart from
traditional schools. The premise of a Gifted and Talented focus is that every child has a gift and talent
so we offer students a wide variety of academic and other specialty area courses to tap into their abilities.
See our school website for much more information on our elective offerings and
course descriptions.

Homework reinforces skills taught in the classroom and enhances a students knowledge base. It also
provides parents with the opportunity to become familiar with the curriculum taught in school and to help
children develop a sense of responsibility. Students who consistently complete homework will not only
be more successful learners but will receive higher marks in the Student Habits section of the report card.
Student recognition will take into consideration this aspect of student work. Students absent fewer than
three consecutive days should request missed homework. Teachers will ensure that students understand
homework assignments and provide time for students to ask questions about the assignments.

Please read the full promotion policy in the Wake County Student/Parent Handbook.

Teachers and parents must work together for students to achieve maximum academic growth. Our staff is
committed to communicating with parents in a timely and consistent manner. Parents must commit to
paying attention to and responding appropriately to information on classroom progress and school
activities. In addition to this handbook, parents will receive a copy of the Wake County Public School
Systems Student/Parent Handbook. By taking time to read these documents, parents will get an excellent
overview of the school systems operational procedures and the instructional program. Also, these
publications will answer many questions and assist parents with conducting business with Powell and the
school system. It is highly encouraged for parents to sign up for both Twitter and Remind101 in
order to get the most up-to-date information from the school. You can sign up for both
communication tools via the Powell website

All students will be provided a folder that will contain papers, communication, and work products for the
week that the teacher wants to share with parents such as class newsletters, comments on student
performances, and conduct reports. We also use the Weekly Folder to send home information from the
PTA, specials teachers, and from the principals office. The Weekly Folder is an essential
communication tool. Please take time each week to review this information with your child.

Parent-teacher conferences are an essential means of communicating your childs educational progress.
Classroom teachers will ask to meet with parents at least two times during the year. These are excellent
times to discuss strategies for working together for the benefit of your child.

Please read the WCPSS Wellness Policy regarding healthy snacks found in the Wake County Public
School Systems Student/Parent Handbook. Please do not send soft drinks with your students. The
students will be instructed to take the item home if they do bring one to school.

Wake County School Board Policy prohibits student parties during the school day. In addition, any
learning experience having a focus on holidays should be an outgrowth of previous activities and
classroom learning. A parent who wishes to send a special snack for a childs birthday should plan with
the classroom teacher in advance. NOTE: Party invitations are prohibited from being sent home
through the school. If parents would like to invite students from school to a party, they must utilize
the PTA parent directory.

WCPSS operates a school food service program that offers a nutritious and delicious breakfast and lunch.
Qualifying students are eligible for reduced or free meals. Applications for this service are available at the
school office. Please see for the most updated prices on school lunches. The cafeteria
serves breakfast between 8:45am and 9:00am. Breakfast will not be available to those students arriving
after 9:00 unless they are on a late bus.

The cafeteria does not serve breakfast when the school system is on a one or two hour delay.

Parents may purchase meals in advance in the cafeteria or on the WCPSS internet site. Checks should be
made payable to Powell Cafeteria. Please write the child's name on the bottom of the check. Students
will use their WCPSS student identification number as their lunch number. Please assist your child in
remembering this number. The number will not change, even if you change schools. Extra food is
available for an additional charge. Staff will use their discretion to monitor the sugar intake of the
children. Children are not permitted to purchase dessert items in place of a lunch and are allowed to
purchase only one dessert a day. This will teach them about good nutrition and healthy eating habits. If
your child brings a lunch, please send only plastic bottles or containers. Glass presents a safety hazard for
young children. No soda, please. Also, your child should be able to open the food containers and they
should not require heating. Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch on any school day.
Please sign in with the office when you arrive.

We discourage children from bringing cell phones to school unless it is absolutely necessary. Cell phones
are to be turned off and kept in student book bags at all times unless otherwise authorized by a staff
member. We will collect any phones that interrupt instructional time and hold it for the parent to pick up
from the office. If there are repeated violations of this policy, the student will not be allowed to bring the
cell phone to school.

Please put name labels on your students' personal belongings. These markings will help school personnel
locate and return lost items. We will clean out the lost and found box monthly and donate items to local
charities. Students should leave extra money, cell phones , and other valuable items at home. The school
is not responsible for lost items.

We will call parents when their child becomes sick or hurt in an accident during the school day. We
must have accurate phone numbers, at all times, so that you can be contacted in a timely manner,
especially in the event of an emergency. Please keep your child's teacher and the school office informed
of any change of address, phone numbers (work and home and cell), or emergency contact persons.
It is the parent's responsibility to provide the school written documentation if your child has a special
health problem or a concern that the school needs to be aware of. We will send a Health Concern form
home for you to complete at the beginning of the school year. Our staff will be alerted of special medical
needs when necessary. The school follows the county policy procedures regarding medication. If your
child requires medication during the school day on an occasional or regular basis, be sure to read the
paragraph entitled ADMINISTERING MEDICATION found in the Wake County Handbook. We keep all
medicines administered at school in the school office. School personnel may not administer prescription
or over-the-counter drugs without a medical form completed by a physician and signed by the legal

Powell Elementary offers two care programs for students. The Early Arrival, and After School Care,
programs are an option for Powell students. Please inquire at the front office for pricing on the

We urge all parents to join the PTA and to become participants by volunteering to help in the school or
working on one of the PTA committees. These committees work to enrich the instructional program and
to enrich the schools tradition of excellence and community spirit. The Powell PTA is a strong and
active organization that influences many different areas of the school. The PTA has a large number of
committees working to support the educational programs at Powell and to provide a positive support
system for the GT Magnet model. We encourage all parents to join the State and local PTA and to
become active in the work of the organization. The PTA President for 2014-15 is Benjy Capps and he
can be reached at Look for news from the PTA in your Weekly
Folder, and be sure to read the PTA newsletters. See the PTA website for announcements and great parent resources.

I am loveable and capable,
I am super as can be!
Theres no one else on Earth.
Exactly just like me!
I have my special talents,
My gifts my special ways,
That bring a lot of sunshine,
To brighten others days.
So, I will just accept myself,
And be so proud to be,
That special little person,
My friends all know as me!

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