The Principal Thing

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The Principal Thing

Creflo Dollar
Whats the difference between two people who stand on the same scripture, when one
gets results and the other one doesnt? The difference is this: the person who didnt
get any results was simply reading the written Word. The person who got results read
the written Word and heard a rhemaa voiceWord behind the written Word. Let me

Remember when Jesus asked His disciples, Whom do men say that I the Son of man
am? (Matthew 16:13). Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living
God (Matthew 16:16). Jesus told Peter, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and
blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven (Matthew

What Jesus essentially said was that Peter did not pull that knowledge from his own
mind; it came straight from the Father to him. What Peter heard from God was revealed
knowledge. Thats called revelation!

Revelation knowledge is wisdom. It doesnt come through the acrobats of your mind or
through all of the degrees youve earned from schooling. It comes from God!
Revelation knowledge is the key to breakthrough and success. When you have a
revelation about something, you cannot be defeated! And there is a way to position
yourself to receive revelation knowledge, or wisdom.

First of all, you must have a hearing heart. You cant stop at simply reading the Word.
You have to approach God with an open Bible and a prayerful spirit. Ladies and
gentlemen, where do you think you would be today if you had a heart that could hear
from God? Ill tell you! Youd be ruling and reigning as a king in life through Gods
abundance of grace! (Romans 5:17).

Most of the time our frustration toward God is the result of not understanding
something, or not knowing how to proceed in a particular situation. But wisdom is
knowing what to do, when you dont know what to do! God has made wisdom available
to you. If youre born again, the Holy Spirit resides in you as your unseen Partner Who
guides you into all truth. (John 16:13). So, no matter whats going on in your life right
now, youre walking around with the answer already on the inside of youin your
born-again spirit. The question then becomes How is the Holy Spirit going to get
wisdom and answers to you?

The Holy Spirit guides and speaks to you through your inner man, your born-again
spirit. The voice of your spirit is your conscience. You can now trust your conscience
because it has a new root; its a new creation. So when your conscience mind speaks,
dont ignore it! When you get a hunch to do this or that, dont ignore that! Thats the
voice of your spirit.

If you lack wisdom in any area, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask for wisdom to
live this life under the covenant of grace. I ask for wisdom to recover everything that
the devil has stolen from me. I ask for wisdom to walk in health and to walk in wealth. I
ask for wisdom to live the life of love, even with my enemies. I ask for wisdom to
fellowship with You. I have all wisdom and spiritual understanding. The spirit of might
resides in me. Not only do I know how to do everything, but I have the ability to bring
it all to pass through Jesus Christ. I receive it now, in Jesus name. Amen.Wisdom is
the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get
understanding (Proverbs 4:7).

Nothing is more important in the life of a Believer than seeking God for His wisdom,
guidance, and direction for your life. My powerful teaching series The Treasure of
Wisdom highlights how to develop a hearing heart in order to live a spirit-led life.
Learn to pursue Gods wisdom for every situation, every day, and enjoy peace,
prosperity, and victory in every area of your life!

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