Hatlen Outline #2 (DBQ On Checks and Balances)

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Frank Auletti June 9th, 2014

Prd. 9 Hatlen

The Constitution and checks and balances

Good for intro: The United States Constitution divides the US government into three
different branches; Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

Thesis statement:

These branches of governments were made so that no person in the government
had too much power and so that public satisfaction amongst citizens of the Country
could be accomplished. An example through history of these checks and balances
would be the Congress disapproval of packing the Supreme Court and the Senates
disapproval of the Treaty of Versailles.

Tips for Thesis: Address the bullet points. Probably easiest if you answer the bullet
points with a sentence each.

- Explain the rights of each branch of government:

- Legislative: Ratify treaties, override Presidential veto. House of Representatives have
the right to impeach the President, the Senate has the right to appoint the President to a
fair trial.

- Executive: Veto laws passed through him for approval

- Judicial: Judicial review and a check to see if new laws that are being made are
constitutional or unconstitutional.

Body Paragraph one:

Thesis statement: The Legislative branch of government uses their system of Checks
and Balances quite frequently because their checks correspond directly to laws being
made and the approval of these laws based on the peoples opinion. This system of
checks and balances has been used in history when President FDR wanted to pack
the Supreme Court with justices who would support his policies in the New Deal

- Doc. 2 [The President] shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,[and] judges of
the Supreme Court

- Historical event to support that Document would be when President FDR wanted to
pack the Supreme Court with justices that would approve of the laws he wanted to
make and make him look successful.

- Doc. 6

- This was checked by the Congress because the Congress had to allow for the
acceptance of new Supreme Court Justices.

Body Paragraph two:

Thesis statement: The Legislative branch of government also has the ability to veto
treaties before the President is allowed to ratify them. This system of a check was used
in the case of the perspective ratification of the Treaty of Versailles.

Main ideas:

- Treaty of Versailles after World War II

- It was not allowed because the Senate did not like the idea of a U.N. (They thought it
would influence war.

- Doc. 4

- Doc. 2 [The President] shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur.

- Outside information:


These branches of governments were made so that no person in the government
had too much power and so that public satisfaction amongst citizens of the Country
could be accomplished. An example through history of these checks and balances
would be the Congresses disapproval of packing the Supreme Court and the Senates
disapproval of the Treaty of Versailles.

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